
dekergotcha, coming right up00:00
dekergrub-efi-amd64-signed/bionic-updates,now 1.93.14+2.02-2ubuntu8.13 amd64 [installed]00:00
dekershim-signed/bionic-updates,now 1.37~18.04.3+15+1533136590.3beb971-0ubuntu1 amd64 [installed]00:00
dekeralthough.....this was from ubuntu00:00
dekeri'll need to boot into backbox and check there00:00
TJ-deker: or you can chroot into it :)00:01
dekerbut chances are, it probably is exactly it00:01
dekerTJ-: sure, guide me on that one please:00:01
TJ-deker: if Backbox has those same packages then the problem is the hardcoded paths00:01
dekersudo chroot /dev/sdaX which is backbox's root?00:02
TJ-deker: which partition is backbox installed in?00:02
dekerdev/sda10 as /boot and /dev/sda11 as root00:02
TJ-deker: "sudo mkdir /backbox; sudo mount /dev/sda11 /backbox; sudo chroot /backbox apt list --installed 'grub*signed' 'shim*signed' "00:03
dekergrub-efi-amd64-signed/bionic-updates,now 1.93.14+2.02-2ubuntu8.13 amd64 [installed]00:03
dekershim-signed/bionic-updates,now 1.37~18.04.3+15+1533136590.3beb971-0ubuntu1 amd64 [installed]00:03
dekerlooks like that confirms it    =/00:04
dekerso, can i uninstall these signed versions?00:04
TJ-deker: yes00:04
TJ-deker: if you add the kernel file-systems to the backbox mount you work from within it and even run grub-install inside the chroot00:05
dekersudo apt-get remove 'grub*signed' 'shim*signed' ?00:05
TJ-deker: "for n in proc sys dev etc/resolve.conf; do sudo mount --rbind /$n /backbox/$n; done "00:06
TJ-deker: then "sudo chroot /backbox" ... at this point you're fully inside Backbox and can run commands as normal00:06
TJ-deker: to return to Ubuntu "exit"00:06
TJ-deker: hang on, I typoeda gain"00:06
TJ-deker: "for n in proc sys dev etc/resolv.conf; do sudo mount --rbind /$n /backbox/$n; done "00:07
TJ-(removed 'e' from resolv.conf !00:07
dekerok done00:07
dekerso now this is in backbox00:08
dekerafter running those last two commands00:08
dekerand now just run my apt-get remove ?00:08
TJ-deker: so you can uninstall those signed packages, and then "apt install grub-efi-amd64"00:08
TJ-deker: make sure you're inside the backbox chroot else you'll remove them from Ubuntu :)00:08
dekeryup, i chrooted into /backbox   :)00:09
dekerRemoving shim-signed (1.37~18.04.3+15+1533136590.3beb971-0ubuntu1) ...00:09
dekerRemoving grub-efi-amd64-signed (1.93.14+2.02-2ubuntu8.13) ...00:09
dekerPreconfiguring packages ...00:09
deker(Reading database ... 260246 files and directories currently installed.)00:09
dekerRemoving grub-gfxpayload-lists (0.7) ...00:09
dekerRemoving grub-pc (2.02-2ubuntu8.13) ...00:09
dekerSelecting previously unselected package grub-efi-amd64.00:09
deker(Reading database ... 260227 files and directories currently installed.)00:09
TJ-when you install grub-efi-amd64 that should re-run grub-install which'll use /EFI/backbox/grubx64.efi" not "shimx64.efi"00:09
TJ-deker: weird; grub-pc was installed? that's for BIOS mode boots00:10
dekertoo much text00:10
dekerbackbox may be a bit too aggressive when installing stuff00:11
dekerTJ- : brb, rebooting to test00:12
dekergot it, thanks00:18
dekernickserv that is00:18
dekerok, now i'm in backbox00:18
dekerfwupdate-amd64-signed/bionic-updates 1.19bionic2+12-3bionic2 amd6400:19
dekerfwupdate-i386-signed/bionic-updates 1.19bionic2+12-3bionic2 i38600:19
dekerfwupdate-signed/bionic-updates,now 1.19bionic2+12-3bionic2 amd64 [installed]00:19
dekergrub-efi-amd64-signed/bionic-updates 1.93.14+2.02-2ubuntu8.13 amd6400:19
dekershim-signed/bionic-updates,now 1.37~18.04.3+15+1533136590.3beb971-0ubuntu1 amd64 [residual-config]00:19
dekerhmm.....what else could it be?00:21
dekervery odd00:22
TJ-deker: what's the problem?00:22
dekerstill going to ubuntu00:22
TJ-deker: check "efibootmgr -v" again00:23
TJ-deker: the backbox entry should be pointing to /EFI/backbox/grubx64.efi now00:23
dekerit isn't sadly00:23
dekerstill stuck on /File(\EFI\BACKBOX\SHIMX64.EFI)00:23
dekerso is ubuntu apparently /File(\EFI\UBUNTU\SHIMX64.EFI)00:24
TJ-deker: ok, try to force it, within the backbox chroot (I assume you rebuilt that)  with "grub-install /dev/sda"00:24
dekerso this time around, i actually booted into backbox00:24
dekerjust so i can natively run commands in case it makes a difference00:25
TJ-deker: ok :)00:25
dekerok running that now00:25
dekerInstalling for x86_64-efi platform.00:25
dekerInstallation finished. No error reported.00:25
deker-rwx------ 1 root root 120K Jul 20 20:25 grubx64.efi00:25
TJ-what does "efibootmgr -v" report now?00:26
dekerlooking better /File(\EFI\backbox\grubx64.efi)00:26
TJ-deker: that's what we want to see :)00:26
dekerexcellent, let me reboot now and see what happens   :)00:26
dekeri'm back00:33
dekerworks like a charm!00:33
dekeryou are truly a genius TJ_00:33
dekerthank you so much for sticking through with me and helping sort it out00:33
dekeri really appreciate it00:33
OerHeks!cookie | TJ-00:34
ubottuTJ-: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!00:34
deker!trout | Sigyn00:35
dekerthat didn't work, awww, wanted to smack that guy around a bit for threatening "automated actions"00:36
deker!cookie | TJ-00:36
ubottuTJ-: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!00:36
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
johnjaydoes the ubuntu installer let me install everything from the dvd?00:42
johnjaythe deb one doesn't and my internet may be down for awhile00:42
OerHeksjohnjay, limited to the standard selection software, yes00:46
invalidpartitionHi I've got a Dell Venue Pro 11 running xubuntu and it has suddenly come up with the error "Invalid Partition Table" whenever I turn it on. I've gone into the bios and everything seems fine there. How do I make the laptop boot normally again? The partition has been encrypted and I'm able to successfully decrypt and mount it but I couldn't get the s01:26
invalidpartitionyntax for fsck correct to run that on it01:26
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invalidpartitionSorry for the disconnect01:44
Bashing-ominvalidpartition: Not missed a reply :) Wait some more.01:45
ryuoBashing-om: no, you fool! you gave us away.01:45
* ryuo hides.01:45
invalidpartitionCheers Bashing-om, saves me checking the logs01:46
Bashing-omryuo: Sometimes I peek out from under my rock :P01:46
BlasterboyHey guys. When I use Xorg graphics, all my monitors work. But when I switch to Nvidia from software & updates only one monitor works. Any help?02:21
kinghatis it possible to cast to chromecast from firefox?02:26
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pragmaticenigmakinghat: If there is, you could find it searching on Mozilla's add-ons site. https://addons.mozilla.org02:40
kinghatya I saw something with a locally installed bridge. just wondered if native.02:50
djapoIs there anything special about ubuntu server?03:07
djapoI mean, isn't it just a linux server, so skills from managing playn ol linux servers applicable?03:07
pragmaticenigmadjapo: Ubuntu server doesn't install a GUI by default. Both Ubuntu Desktop and Server have the same core, the difference is how a user/admin interacts with the system.03:15
djapoi saw an ncurses interface for installing bundled packages03:27
sappheirosis it possible to make a USB drive to boot into ubuntu OS and store all files and settings there?03:42
sappheirosso the entire OS+files+settings are self-contained on that USB?03:43
MrCrackPotBuildesaphireos not sure what your asking. I use a boot partition on a usb and this is used to start my computer. Once the computer is started and the boot sector runs my main HDD will get decrypted by a key stored on the same USB. once im at the log in screen the usb can be removed03:47
peqsappheiros: yes you can even use the normal installer to install to another USB disk.  The disk might die quickly if you use SWAP, but the PC might crash if you don't03:48
sappheirosi mean: i want to use a windows laptop, not partition its hard drive, but instead use a USB drive to both boot into ubuntu and contain all the files and settings03:48
MrCrackPotBuildetheoretically if your bios is configured correctly and your fstab table is accurate you can use a combination of usb sticks to run linux. Each USB being a separate partition like tmp home usr etc03:48
MrCrackPotBuildesappheiros, that is a persistant usb live stick03:49
sappheirospeq: so it's really wear-and-tear on a USB drive to use it as a 'hard drive' (storing files, etc)?03:49
MrCrackPotBuildehow ever your usb sticks if rubbish can burn out03:49
sappheirosdo people generally not do it because it generally destroys USB drives?03:49
MrCrackPotBuildeonce they are gone its very difficult if not imposibble to retreive any data03:49
MrCrackPotBuildeits more performance issues03:49
MrCrackPotBuildeusb sticks now are cheap as anything03:50
sappheirosit's just better to partition the hard drive?03:50
MrCrackPotBuildeyes faster more stable03:50
MrCrackPotBuildebut if you are just using it for a few hours nothing to computationally heavy or disk resource heavy you can use for a while03:50
sappheirosis ubuntu working now with touchscreens?03:50
MrCrackPotBuildeA raspberry pi runs off a micro usb03:51
peqYou could in theory use MD to raid-1 between two sticks, and that would even get you double the read speeds03:51
MrCrackPotBuildeand mine has been going for years03:51
sappheirosyou use raspberry pi MrCrackPotBuilde ?03:51
MrCrackPotBuildeand beagle boards03:51
MrCrackPotBuildeand a few others03:51
MrCrackPotBuildei have a raspberry pi with LFS as a media server this runs on a micro usb and has been going for a year but will probaably die within the next year. then i have a beagle board with uses 5 usb sticks03:53
MrCrackPotBuildeyou can configure ubuntu to do a lot but the question should be why03:53
MrCrackPotBuildefor myself it was more is it possible could i use it to enhance my security and i learnt more about Linux03:53
MrCrackPotBuildeother than that its pointless03:54
MrCrackPotBuildejust partition and dual boot. if you really dont want to VM03:54
MrCrackPotBuildepeq do you know of a package manager or similar that just allows you to search for and download source code ??03:56
zdorovohey, so I can't figure out how to hibernate04:13
zdorovoI'm running ubuntu 18.0404:14
zdorovoI've confirmed my swap is bigger than my RAM and I've tried adding a resume= parameter to my GRUB configuration04:14
zdorovoany ideas?04:14
zdorovoi have a 2017 thinkpad if that helps04:14
zdorovowhen I run systemctl hibernate, the screen goes black and the computer takes a couple of seconds to shut off. but when I boot back up there's no indication that I hibernated04:15
MrCrackPotBuildezdorovo, sudo systemctl hibernate04:16
MrCrackPotBuildeah you did that04:16
MrCrackPotBuildeleave a few programs open and try again04:16
johnjayhow bigger does swap have to be than ram to hibernate?04:17
MrCrackPotBuildeit needs to be at least 100mb more04:18
MrCrackPotBuildeif you have 8gb ram then 8.1gb04:18
johnjayi'm going to install ubuntu onto an SSD04:18
MrCrackPotBuildeswap space typically is double that of your ram04:19
johnjaybut i'm going to have lots of partitions for other OS as well04:19
johnjaycan I share the same /home partition with ubuntu and other linuxen you think?04:19
johnjayor is that a bad idea04:19
MrCrackPotBuildebut as long as no programs are installed there04:20
johnjaythe thign is there's so many things in /home. like it makes folders and temp files and stuff04:20
MrCrackPotBuildeso you could have a partition that contains only your documents04:20
MrCrackPotBuildeyou would normally have a partition to hold your personal files this partition could then be mounted by all/most os's04:22
MrCrackPotBuildelike i said make sure no programs are installed in this directory it should just be data storage04:22
MrCrackPotBuildeyou could just install Qubes04:23
MrCrackPotBuilderun ubuntu debian fedora arch windows meh all in one04:23
peqMrCrackPotBuilde: The only thing I know to do is apt-get source or searching github.04:30
zdorovoMrCrackPotBuilde: omg i didn't see this 100mg requirement anywhere04:36
zdorovomine's only 85mb larger04:36
zdorovoi'll try resizing my swap in the morning and see how it goes. Thanks for your help!!04:38
maxcell_I'm experiencing screen tearing on ubuntu 19.0404:52
maxcell_nvidia prop. drivers on04:53
maxcell_gnome interface04:53
MrCrackPotBuildezdorovo for things to work well id use double your ram just to be on the safe side. testing just now confirms you can get it working with 100+05:26
invalidpartitionHi, I've got a Dell Venue Pro 11 running xubuntu and it has suddenly come up with the error "Invalid Partition Table" whenever I turn it on. I've gone into the bios and everything seems fine there. How do I make the laptop boot normally again? The partition has been encrypted and I'm able to successfully decrypt and mount it but I couldn't get the05:48
invalidpartitionsyntax for fsck correct to run that on it05:48
MrCrackPotBuildeis your fstab uptodate ??05:52
MrCrackPotBuildethe problem with fsck and repairing drives is the drive shouldnt be mounted05:53
MrCrackPotBuildeinvalidpartition, are you able to boot a live usb?? can you then mount decrypt and then unmount05:54
MrCrackPotBuildeif you can then run fsck /dev/XXXX05:54
invalidpartitionSorry I should have mentioned, I'm already on a live usb!05:54
MrCrackPotBuildei kinda figured that after i typed it hahaha i was being a bit blur sorry05:54
invalidpartitionOk I've currently decrypted the partition and then unmounted it (since it mounts automatically after decrypting)05:57
invalidpartitionBut if I do fsck /dev/sda5 it tells me I must have r/w access05:57
MrCrackPotBuildeyou could also use parted or fdisk to check the partition tables05:57
MrCrackPotBuildeyou might need to give your live stick user r/w access to the file system05:58
invalidpartitionWill I try creating a new partition table via gparted then? And for giving r/w access would it be "chmod 777 /dev/sda5"?06:01
EriC^^invalidpartition: no, can you pastebin "sudo parted -ls" ?06:16
jml2invalidpartition, nice name lol06:16
invalidpartitionEriC^^: https://pastebin.com/xiZU2Rq106:18
invalidpartition(currently dismounted and decrypted)06:18
invalidpartition*encrypted sorry not decrypted06:21
EriC^^invalidpartition: where does it say "invalid partition" ?06:21
invalidpartitionWhen I boot06:22
EriC^^invalidpartition: hmm, so it's a bios message? and ubuntu doesnt actually boot, no grub i mean ?06:23
EriC^^invalidpartition: just to be clear, invalid partition table has nothing to do with filesystems06:23
EriC^^(or fsck)06:24
invalidpartitionYeah it seems to be a bios message, and you're right, it just gets to the Dell bios screen then the error pops up06:24
invalidpartitionAh ok, someone recommended trying fsck which is why I was trying it06:24
EriC^^yeah i know06:24
EriC^^invalidpartition: i wonder what it doesnt like about the partition table, it seems fine and parted doesnt whine about anything either06:25
invalidpartitionYeah it's very strange, it was booting fine before and nothing was changed before this error started coming up06:25
EriC^^invalidpartition: let's maybe take a closer look, try "sudo parted /dev/sda unit s print"06:25
invalidpartitionIt happened before and I just did a fresh install of ubuntu06:25
EriC^^invalidpartition: ah i see the problem06:26
EriC^^(i think)06:26
EriC^^invalidpartition: the /boot partition (/dev/sda1) doesn't have a boot flag06:26
za1b1tsuapt installed firefox does not load pages, but all other browsers do, I had to install firefox with snap and snap loads slower. I tried everything from https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-cant-load-websites-other-browsers-can but no results. Any advice?06:26
EriC^^some bios require that06:26
invalidpartitionAh, and it can somehow lose its boot flag?06:27
EriC^^invalidpartition: it shouldn't06:27
EriC^^unless something modified the partition table06:28
EriC^^invalidpartition: anyhow, type "sudo fdisk /dev/sda"06:28
invalidpartitionCool I'm into fdisk06:29
EriC^^press "m" for help06:29
EriC^^is there a "toggle boot flag" option at the top?06:29
EriC^^cool, press the letter before it (i think it should be "a")06:30
invalidpartitionAnd partition number 1?06:30
invalidpartitionOk it's enabled now06:30
EriC^^finally press "w" to write the new table06:30
invalidpartitionThen shall I reboot and retry?06:31
EriC^^yeah give it a shot06:31
invalidpartitionCool, brb!06:31
za1b1tsusomething is wrong with the ro repos 0% [Connecting to ro.archive.ubuntu.com (]06:46
invalidpartitionEriC^^: I no longer get the error message, instead now I just get a white ticking underscore06:47
EriC^^invalidpartition: aha, that's a good thing, i think06:52
invalidpartitionDefinitely an improvement!06:52
invalidpartitionIt doesn't actually boot after the white ticking underscore though06:53
EriC^^invalidpartition: are you able to get grub if you hold shift right after you turn the pc on??06:53
invalidpartitionBrb while I try!06:54
InvalidpartitionNope! Holding shift doesn't do anything06:56
MrCrackPotBuildeSeems you might need to reinstall grub ??06:56
EriC^^Invalidpartition: yup06:56
MrCrackPotBuildethat should find the yes ??06:56
EriC^^i mean MrCrackPotBuilde06:56
MrCrackPotBuildeit should find the os itself.06:57
InvalidpartitionHow do I reinstall grub?06:57
EriC^^Invalidpartition: ok, decrypt the os partition06:57
MrCrackPotBuildeuse live usb to grab grub sudo grub-install /dev/XXX06:57
EriC^^Invalidpartition: actually nevermind, type 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt'07:00
EriC^^i forgot you have a separate /boot07:00
InvalidpartitionGrand, I'll try that07:01
InvalidpartitionBooting into the live usb now07:01
InvalidpartitionOK I've done the mount sda1 /mnt07:03
InvalidpartitionMrCrackPotBuilde do I do that with sda or sda5?07:04
EriC^^Invalidpartition: type 'sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt /dev/sda'07:05
InvalidpartitionDone, it says installation finished07:06
InvalidpartitionAnd it also says no errors reported!07:06
InvalidpartitionLooking good07:06
EriC^^alright, try booting again'07:06
InvalidpartitionIt worked!07:09
InvalidpartitionThank you so much07:09
EriC^^Invalidpartition: great! no problem07:11
=== Xard_ is now known as Xard
MrCrackPotBuildeyou could create a back up image of your partition now and if the error happens again just push the image then alter the flags07:17
InvalidpartitionYeah I'll definitely do that!07:18
InvalidpartitionThanks again07:18
codecuttersudo find /opt/tomcat/logs/ -mtime +7 -print0 | xargs -r -0 rm -rf (permission denied)07:22
codecutterrm: cannot remove '/opt/tomcat/logs/localhost_access_log.2018-08-17.txt': Permission denied07:22
codecutterdrwxr-x---  2 tomcat tomcat 90112 Jul 21 07:20 logs07:23
Mathisenput sudo again befire xargs07:48
maxcell_Hi, after i install budgie-desktop to test and then uninstall i'm getting errors on my default gnome when trying to use nvidia-settings.07:56
maxcell_i can't save any config file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, it tell me i don't have permissions. But i'm root07:57
Mathisenwayland ?07:59
maxcell_Mathisen, xorg08:00
maxcell_now my audio doesn't work on google chrome08:01
maxcell_Mathisen, what can i do to like, remove purge gnome and reinstall it can work?08:01
maxcell_i really don't want to format my current system because i have a lot of job making it ok08:02
maxcell_setting everything up08:02
Mathiseni cant say, i dont use ubuntu myself as desktop. im just wondering why does it say " No package 'xorg-server' found " i mean how can X be running at all with that08:02
maxcell_how can i see if it's xorg?08:02
maxcell_something get massed up with gdm and i reinstall it08:02
maxcell_after uninstalling budgie08:03
maxcell_because i couldn't dpkg-reconfigure gdm3 to make it default again instead of lightdm08:03
maxcell_then i tried systemctl enable gdm.service but it didn't work (idk why)08:03
maxcell_then i reinstall it with apt and it worked.08:03
maxcell_Mathisen, denis@Linux:~$ echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE08:04
Mathisen... confusing. im sure someone in here can help. i dont want to be guessing atleast08:05
maxcell_know, people say about windows and that it has to be formated twice a year but...08:06
maxcell_linux enter to some real troubles out of nowhere08:06
maxcell_and you have to format it even more08:06
maxcell_that very annoying08:06
maxcell_both can suck i gess08:07
Mathisendepends on what you do. also a rolling relase distro has fewer issues with upgrades.. ofc sometimes things breaks but it is better for a desktop disto for me atleast...08:07
maxcell_i used to like arch08:07
maxcell_it's a good distro08:08
maxcell_also rolling release, maybe what you are using right now?08:08
maxcell_i like to install a lot of new DE's to test it out08:09
Mathisenyou can do exactly same thing on ubuntu08:09
maxcell_but i gess i can only do it in Debian08:09
maxcell_without broking everything08:09
Mathisenonly "real" diffrence would be package versions08:10
maxcell_ubuntu rolling release?08:10
Mathisenjust dont put 3.rd party repos in and you should not break things08:10
Mathisennope it is not08:10
maxcell_yeah i miss understand you08:10
maxcell_you said i can do exactly same thing on ubuntu? what are you reffering to08:11
Mathisen<maxcell_> i like to install a lot of new DE's to test it out08:11
maxcell_oh yeah08:11
maxcell_look what happend08:11
maxcell_everything is massed up because i apt install budgie-desktop08:11
maxcell_...i don't know what went wrong08:12
maxcell_budgie is in ubuntu repos08:12
maxcell_not 3rd08:12
Mathisenok so now when you boot does gdm or lightdm start for you ?08:12
maxcell_none, then i tried systemctl enable gdm (because lightdm is gone after apt remove budgie)08:12
maxcell_systemctl give an sort of error message so i apt install --reinstall gdm08:13
Mathisenmaxcell_, can you pastebin output from this please >> systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled08:13
maxcell_and ok, gdm became the default again and it is starting with init 508:13
maxcell_Mathisen, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Grp3bzgDyV/08:14
Mathisenmaxcell_, i dont see lightdm or gdm there08:16
Mathisenyou have them both now installed or none ?08:16
maxcell_only gdm08:17
Mathisenand " sudo systemctl start gdm " does what ?08:17
maxcell_when i systemctl enable gdm(tab) it doesn't complete to anything08:17
maxcell_as it doesn't exist08:17
maxcell_if it*08:17
maxcell_maybe that is what's wrong08:18
maxcell_and giving those xorg-server errors08:18
maxcell_those you saw on nvidia-settings08:19
Mathisencan you just say error you get " sudo systemctl start gdm "08:19
maxcell_but i'm on gnome08:19
Mathisendoes not mather08:19
maxcell_nothing happend08:20
maxcell_i type enter and it jumps to the other line08:20
maxcell_without any errors or messages08:20
maxcell_denis@Linux:~$ sudo systemctl start gdm08:20
Mathisensudo purge gdm && sudo apt install lightdm && sudo systemctl enable lightdm08:20
Mathisenthat then08:20
Mathisenim off for 10 min.. brb08:20
SysGhosttry replacing start with status, to see how it's operating or not. "sudo systemctl status gdm"08:21
maxcell_SysGhost, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5gMnWQ4s79/08:22
SysGhost4th line tells it's up and running.08:22
maxcell_those errors are normal?08:22
maxcell_child process -841 was already dead08:23
maxcell_gkr-pam unable to locate08:23
maxcell_those things08:23
maxcell_yours is like that?08:23
SysGhostsome messages are cut off. your terminal app seems to be too small.08:23
maxcell_SysGhost, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dzqM9zcFj2/08:24
SysGhostCould be your user config files are corrupt, thus unable to log in. Try creating a new user, or reset your configuration. (take backup on what you need to save before resetting your user profile)08:26
maxcell_i realize that budgie changes .bashrc file (it adds something on the end of the file that was giving erros when i open i new bash)08:27
maxcell_maybe it screwed up other things08:27
maxcell_seems like it08:28
maxcell_how do i reset my user profile? and what it will do to my current user, what i need to save exactly?08:28
SysGhostSee if this helps: mv ~/.config/dconf/user ~/.config/dconf/user.bak08:28
maxcell_now i relog?08:29
SysGhostpersonally when I have troubles with my user profiles, I delete the whole .config and starts all user configuration over again. Keep in mind that many application store their settings and data in there, so think twice before removing it. you could just rename the .config folder and relog.08:29
maxcell_SysGhost, i think i need to reinstall budgie08:32
maxcell_and then remove it with purge08:32
maxcell_so all config files will go away08:32
maxcell_shit i did it the first time08:33
maxcell_gonna relog..08:33
maxcell_SysGhost, the errors were drastically decreased, the only error still going is on the line 20: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/r5jNkrwYgh/08:37
jacklisphi ! I have transfer my ubuntu18.04 to new hard disk,the drive car looks differ form what is does08:38
SysGhostHow else is the system working, or not working?08:39
jacklispbefore transfer,it look like this:08:39
maxcell_SysGhost, i erase .config folder, gonna restart now08:39
jacklispafter transfer, it became this:08:40
jacklispIt seems that the graphics driver has changed.08:42
jacklispAnd I found out somthing error message in /var/log/Xorg.0.log08:43
jacklisp[ 25.168] (EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory08:43
jacklisp[ 25.169] (EE) Screen 0 deleted because of no matching config section.08:43
jacklisp[ 25.201] (EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering08:44
SysGhostjacklisp: whit what method did you clone/transfer to the new drive?08:44
jacklispI use tar method copy /boot  /    and /home  to my new hard disk08:45
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jacklispAnd changed the UUID in the /boot/grub/grub.cfg08:46
SysGhosttried the update-initramfs command (as root) ?08:48
SysGhost(I suspect some kernel modules went missing in the process, thus "changing" your graphical experience)08:49
jacklispwhat's the command update-initramfs do ?08:51
SysGhostprepares kernel modules so they load properly upon boot, among other boot related stuff.08:52
SysGhostthe initram fs is an image file system container that kicks in before the "real" boot takes over.08:52
jacklispok,I will try that command later,thanks a lot!08:54
SysGhost*hmm* I do wonder, did you make sure the new /boot is registered/updated in /etc/fstab accordingly ? if not, the fault could be the boot partition not mounting, thus getting the wrong modules/initramfs when the system updates.08:55
SysGhost...and thus gives you the wrong kernel gpu drivers versus x.org gpu drivers. (if the versions don't match, it'll kick back to a fallback software driver)08:56
b1hi, is there a way to script google earth on ubuntu08:59
b1I have around 50 destinations that I want the kml files from09:00
b1is there a w way to do this through the terminal09:00
jacklispI have remember that,after transfer the system,I can't boot in the new driver system,so I had used live-cd reinstall the grub in to /boot patition.09:00
jacklispI have change the UUID in /etc/fstab,09:02
SysGhosttest it with a simple "sudo mount /boot"09:03
SysGhostif it finds and mounts it. All green light.09:03
SysGhostonce done, update both grub and initramfs. Likely they'd be outdated as it has been unmounted last time09:04
jacklispthanks a lot! I'll try it later.09:08
CoolerXso i installed ubuntu 18 recently (full install) but it doesn't contain most development tools like gcc, g++, make, git, etc10:04
CoolerXi have been manually sudo apt-get installing these individually10:04
CoolerXbut this article suggests installing a package called build-essential https://tecadmin.net/install-development-tools-on-ubuntu/10:04
CoolerXhow does that work? and is it a good idea?10:05
CoolerXthis suggests the same https://askubuntu.com/questions/1037611/development-tools10:05
tomreyn!YY.MM | CoolerX10:08
ubottuCoolerX: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle10:08
tomreynbuild-essential is a meta package, it depends on other packages commonly used in software development.10:09
tomreynapt show build-essential10:09
CoolerXtomreyn, so itself it contains nothing? it only has a bunch of dependencies?10:10
AlexP11223Is there any good way to use caps lock + hjkl as arrow keys everywhere? On Windows AutoHotkey worked perfectly10:12
AlexP11223I tried https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/434143/360458 (xmodmap keysym) but it breaks non-English layouts: when I switch (Win + Space) e.g. to Russian I cannot type letters on these keys and caps + hjkl also doesn't work until I switch back to English.10:12
AlexP11223also shift + caps + hjkl (text selection) doesn't seem to work at least in IntelliJ IDE.10:12
tomreynapt-file list build-essential    shows that it does actually contain some files, but no binaries or libs, just informational files.10:12
tomreynCoolerX: ^10:12
Adam-fixed that part10:17
tomreynhello Adam-, and welcome to the Ubuntu support channel.10:22
Adam-thank you10:22
parak0vskyanyone know how to disable that screen lock with swipe arrows after screen got dark and than wake ups?10:41
lotuspsychjeparak0vsky: dconf-editor has values to tweak on the lock screen10:47
BluesKajHi folks10:57
CoolerXi am trying to install firefox developer edition using ubuntu-make11:16
CoolerXbut i got this error11:16
CoolerXERROR: One default was already registered, can't register a second one in that choices set: ['en-US', 'en-US', 'ach', 'af', 'sq', 'ar', 'an', 'hy-AM', 'ast', 'az', 'eu', 'be', 'bn', 'bs', 'br', 'bg', 'my', 'ca', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'hr', 'cs', 'da', 'nl', 'en-GB', 'en-CA', 'en-US', 'eo', 'et', 'fi', 'fr', 'fy-NL', 'ff', 'gd', 'gl', 'ka', 'de', 'el', 'gn', 'gu-IN', 'he', 'hi-IN', 'hu', 'is', 'id', 'ia', 'ga-IE', 'it', 'ja', 'kab', 'kn', 'cak', 'kk', 'km',11:16
CoolerX'ko', 'lv', 'lij', 'lt', 'dsb', 'mk', 'ms', 'mr', 'ne-NP', 'nb-NO', 'nn-NO', 'oc', 'fa', 'pl', 'pt-BR', 'pt-PT', 'pa-IN', 'ro', 'rm', 'ru', 'sr', 'si', 'sk', 'sl', 'son', 'es-AR', 'es-CL', 'es-MX', 'es-ES', 'sv-SE', 'ta', 'te', 'th', 'tr', 'uk', 'hsb', 'ur', 'uz', 'vi', 'cy', 'xh']11:16
CoolerXthere seems to be 2 'en-US' in that list11:16
parak0vskywhat is swap data in system monitor, I don't think I have swap enabled11:17
CoolerXwhy is my ubuntu-make still giving the error if it is fixed?11:19
CoolerXi just install ubuntu-make it should be the latest version11:19
CoolerXubuntu-make is already the newest version (16.11.1ubuntu1).11:19
CarogaHi all! Would it be possible for nouveau driver to give HDMI / DP output ?11:19
cjokeIs there a funny way to find out what package python module QWebView are inside?11:19
tomreynparak0vsky: this tells you whether you have swap enabled    cat /proc/swaps11:23
tomreyncjoke: not too funny, but gives good enough results:  apt-file search QWebView11:24
cjoketomreyn: thanks :)11:28
tomreynCoolerX: this is not a development oriented channel. it's the ubuntu support channel. mozilla runs their own IRC channels.11:34
BluesKajCaroga, yes11:35
ubottunouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default since Ubuntu 10.04. Currently, 3D rendering is only partially supported. More information can be found at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ | See !nvidia for the closed-source Nvidia driver.11:38
CoolerYso i had a couple of ungraceful shutdowns when the power went out11:45
CoolerYmy desktop was not connected to a ups earlier11:45
CoolerYhow do i check and make sure everything is ok?11:45
BluesKajCoolerY, does it boot, does it run?11:46
CarogaBluesKaj: I've done 2 fresh installs with ubuntu 18.04.02 and 19.04. Both of them do not recognize external monitors on nouveau driver. I've installed nvidia-driver (which I actually don't want) and the external monitor turns on. How could I have this without nvidia driver?11:49
BluesKajany errors?11:49
CoolerYnothing obvious11:49
CoolerYi haven't run any checks tho11:49
parak0vskytomreyn: thanks, it is just that swapoff -a didn't work before11:50
tomreynCoolerY: usually, file system checks on system critical file systems run automatically on boot. you can boot from a live system and carry out a full file system check from there.11:51
BluesKajCaroga, why don't you want the nvidia driver if it works for you?11:51
tomreynparak0vsky: there's the   -v    option to swapoff if you'd like it verbose. or you could print its return / status code:  sudo swapoff -a && echo $?11:52
tomreynparak0vsky: actually this:  sudo swapoff -a; echo $?11:53
CarogaBluesKaj: It's a laptop and it runs very hot when using nvidia drivers (also puts the fans on 80% ~ 100%). It eats battery life and therefore makes it really unusable for me. If those things could be solved, it be interested in how. Otherwise, I think I should try and have no nvidia.11:53
BluesKajCaroga, and the nouveau doesn't make the laptop run hot ?11:56
CarogaBluesKaj: correct.11:56
kk4ewtCaroga; lsusb |grep VGA please11:59
Carogakk4ewt: where should I paste this into ?11:59
Carogaas in, the output of the command :)11:59
CoolerYtomreyn, how long will that take?11:59
Carogaoke hold on11:59
tomreynCoolerY: depends on too many factors to predict. on ext4 file systems, it's usually between a few seconds and a few minutes.12:01
BluesKajCaroga, https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/display-dual-monitors.html.en12:02
tomreynbut it can be hours if there are many errors.12:02
CoolerYtomreyn, so just create the ubuntu boot usb?12:03
CoolerYand boot from that?12:03
tomreynCoolerY: you should always keep a ready-made bootable media for the same ubuntu version you have installed around, just in case.12:04
BluesKajkk4ewt, he;s trying to connect an outboard monitor via HDMI12:04
carogakk4ewt: I am now on my laptop, what was the command again ?12:05
carogaI was on my pc before so I couldn't easily paste the output from here.12:05
kk4ewtBluesKaj; but yet nvidia drivers makes him run out so lets verify the card so we can verify the correct driver to use12:05
CoolerYtomreyn, and after booting then what?12:06
BluesKajkk4ewt, read above12:06
kk4ewtlspci |grep VGA12:06
caroga00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Device 3e9b12:06
caroga01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GP106M [GeForce GTX 1060 Mobile] (rev a1)12:06
kk4ewtso optimus12:07
carogaI've now installed the NVIDIA drivers, but selected intel with prime-select intel12:07
carogaYes, optimus. :)12:07
kk4ewtusually for external uses the nvidia12:08
carogaMeaning I should switch everytime I want to use a external monitor?12:08
kk4ewtcaroga;  whatever works for you12:08
carogapreferable I don't want that. I would like to have HDMI/DP output working without my laptop running hot / making noise and depleting my battery within 30 minutes :)12:09
BluesKaj!optimus | caroga12:09
ubottucaroga: Ubuntu uses nvidia-prime to support optimus videocards.12:09
tomreynCoolerY: use    lsblk    to identify the partitions (or other backing devices, such as previously activated LVM LVs) your standard installations' file systems are on, and the file systemsthey are formatted to. then run the file system specific fsck utilities against them with suitable options (as can be found on their man pages)12:10
BluesKajcaroga, https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/external-displays-with-nvidia-optimus-4175587145/12:11
CoolerYtomreyn, ok12:13
CoolerYi am trying to install virtualbox right now and failing12:13
BluesKajoptimus is so hit and miss one has to manually switch gpus in many case, caroga12:14
carogaBluesKaj: yeah, I'm reading it all over the web..  :(12:14
carogaI've learned that 18.10 might have a better support to it12:15
VixtronCoolerY: disable secure boot in your bios12:15
CoolerYVixtron, why?12:17
CoolerYVixtron, i managed to install virtualbox in my ubuntu 18.04 laptop without disabling secure boot but i forgot how i did it12:18
VixtronVirtualBox + Secure Boot + Ubuntu = fail12:18
Vixtronbooting into the BIOS and going > advanced (f7) > boot > scroll down to "secure boot" > change "Windows EUFI mode" to "other OS"12:19
Vixtron> My virtualbox works perfectly now.12:19
VixtronYhe vbox kernel modules aren't signed so secure boot prevents them from installing12:19
tomreynVixtron: you can sign them yourself, though, and install your signing key to the mainboard.12:20
CoolerYyeah isn't that better?12:21
adroit_machineMy nephew did rm -rf * in my root directory not realizing that my other partitions were mounted there. Now my hard disk is blank. Is there any data recovery option avilble for linux?12:21
VixtronIsn't secure boot = other just a simple and permanent solution?12:22
tomreynadroit_machine: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery12:23
tomreynVixtron: i guess that's a misleading presentation of "secure boot verification = disabled"12:24
tomreynVixtron: but that's a simple and permanent solution if the problem is having to deal with secure boot signing and it's not considered neccessary, yes.12:25
VixtronSure whatever you say lol12:25
CoolerYi will try signing first12:26
tomreynwhether you want secureboot depends on your personal risk assessment: are evil maid attacks an issue for you or not?12:27
lovecathi everyone12:27
lovecatI'm looking for some help with icecast and shoutirc bot12:27
lotuspsychje!alis | lovecat12:28
ubottulovecat: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"12:28
lotuspsychjelovecat: we usually focus on the ubuntu support part here12:29
CoolerXwhat happened here?12:30
CoolerXit said error and still created the key files12:31
CoolerXhelp please12:35
lotuspsychje!patience | CoolerX12:35
ubottuCoolerX: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/12:35
tomreynCoolerX: please try running a web search before you ask questions. most quesdtions have been asked by others before, and it may save both your and our time to take this approach you're always welcome to ask again here after you did and had difficulties making sense of the results.12:35
CoolerX# ls /root/.rnd12:36
CoolerXls: cannot access '/root/.rnd': No such file or directory12:36
tomreynCoolerX: currently you're asking questions which a web search could answer in a frequency which makes me think you didn't try to investigate it yourself beforehand. but you always should.12:37
CoolerXthis suggests using -writerand12:41
CoolerXtomreyn, i can't find writerand in man openssl12:42
tomreynCoolerX: openssl(1ssl) is just the main man page for the openssl command. the openssl subcommands have their own man pages. in this case   man rew    would give you that12:43
tomreyn* man req12:43
CoolerXi think i need to change the conf12:45
CoolerXi found it in openssl/ssl12:48
CoolerXi mean in /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf12:48
CoolerXRANDFILE= $ENV::HOME/.rnd12:48
CoolerXshould i remove that line?12:48
tomreyndon't you like your PRNG to be seeded then?12:49
tomreynin the past, openssl would automatically create a missing random number seed file so it will be available on consecutive runs. apparently yours does not. this may be a bug in your openssl or libssl version.12:49
tomreynprobably openssl12:49
CoolerXtomreyn, update openssl?12:50
tomreynwhich ubuntu version are you on, is it full yupdated?12:50
CoolerXtomreyn, which is the latest version?12:50
lotuspsychje!uptodate | CoolerX12:51
ubottuCoolerX: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.12:51
CoolerXOpenSSL 1.1.1  11 Sep 201812:51
CoolerXOpenSSL 1.1.1c is now available, including bug and security fixes12:51
CoolerXso i am up to date12:52
CoolerXtomreyn, i don't know if i can trust the keys it generated if it shows an error message during the generation process12:52
CoolerXi am trying to fix the error12:52
tomreynCoolerX: apparently you can create the seed using    echo -e '^D' | openssl req -writerand ~/.rnd    but i'm still trying to understand whater that's a sane and safe way.12:55
tomreynCoolerX: the openssl version in bionic doesn't seem to generate a missing ~/.rnd file automatically, so either there is a bug (in my opinion) or there is some other initalization mechanism which creates this file when a new user account is generated or first used.12:57
tomreynprobably the latter or this would have been reported already12:59
CoolerXtomreyn, so it is safe to ignore the error?13:02
tomreynCoolerX: i suggest you ask in #openssl how to see the RNG properly. the non-ubuntu, non debian non openssl project developed workaround discussed at https://github.com/node-opcua/node-opcua-pki/pull/8 may help (or make things worse - this is beyond my understanding).13:07
tomreynnormally, you want a RNG to be seeded, and this is what these files are for.13:08
CoolerXThis system doesn't support Secure Boot13:11
CoolerXit does support secure boot, i have EUFI enabled13:11
CoolerXin the bios13:11
CoolerXI got that error doing this              # mokutil --import mok.der13:11
CoolerXThis system doesn't support Secure Boot13:11
CoolerXalso this entire problem started with VirtualBox not being compatible with secure boot on Ubuntu13:12
Carogakk4ewt, BluesKaj, would bumblebee still be recommended to use even though it's discontinued?13:14
CoolerXis this a bug?13:14
CoolerXIt's hard to tell what is a bug and what is user error13:14
BluesKajCaroga, it's no longer supported so it's no longer recommended13:15
CarogaCool, thanks!13:17
tomreynCoolerX: again, which ubuntu version are you running, is it !uptodate ?13:17
CoolerX18.04 i said this before13:19
CoolerXtomreyn, yes uptodate13:19
tomreynmaybe your firmware doesn't properly or fully imeplemtn secure boot.13:20
tomreynthere are not few firmwares which have this issue13:20
CoolerXAmerican Megatrends13:20
CoolerXanyway i will try switching UEFI to custom mode in the bios13:21
tomreyncustom *may* also mean that it still does secure boot validation but also allows you to import additional keys into the key store.13:22
tomreynyou'd notice during boot whether or not secure boot is active and being validated13:22
tomreyn(search dmesg / journalctl -kb)13:22
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic13:31
CoolerXok now everything is working13:33
CoolerXi didn't have to change to a custom boot mode, the boot order had something else before UEFI13:33
CoolerXjust changed that and everything else worked13:33
=== Yvies is now known as Evie^2
Wayward_VagabondTips for trying to troubleshoot why the xubuntu 18.04.2lts live dvd keeps crashing when installing on a machine?14:07
Wayward_Vagabondit seems to always either lockup, or sometimes just reboot when selecting partitions14:07
tomreynWayward_Vagabond: that's usually for at leats one of these two reasons: the iso image got corrupted while downloading (or was downloaded from a bad source), the iso image didn't get properly written to the installer medium (or reading it back fails)14:11
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:11
tomreynideally use a utility which verifies your iso was properly written to the installer media (by reading it back and confirming the data matches).14:12
Wayward_VagabondI used xfburn to make it, and it did work another machine14:14
tomreynWayward_Vagabond: personally i prefer flash storage (and ssds or hdds over that) when i care about data consistency. i've had too many optical media which returned different data when read in one vs another reader.14:18
lotuspsychjeWayward_Vagabond: you could try to install from a liveusb, and see what kind of errors showup at partitioning14:39
cfhowlettWayward_Vagabond, still good practice to do an actual hash sum verification14:39
Wayward_Vagabondhmm, I don't think xfburn will let me make a liveusb14:40
tomreynthere's no need to make the liveusb using xfburn ;)14:41
tomreynuse dd, cp, usb-creator{-gtk,-qt}, mkusb, balena etcher or whichever tool you prefer.14:42
Wayward_VagabondNever gotten a live usb to work before actually, so been literally years since I've tried14:43
Wayward_Vagabondbut this macine does not seem to like optical media14:43
Wayward_Vagabondzi think the drives are just full of crud14:44
Sven_vBhi! where do I report bugs in wipefs (package util-linux)? the man page has no bugs section => email the author?14:44
cfhowlett!bug | Sven_vB14:44
ubottuSven_vB: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:44
lotuspsychjeSven_vB: before filing bugs we also reccomend to ask your issue here, maybe volunteers already know an existing bug or solution14:45
Wayward_Vagabondmkusb wasn't in synaptic?14:45
Wayward_Vagabondusb creator was, gonna try it14:46
ubottumkusb is a frontend to !dd, the bit-by-bit command line utility. For more information see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mkusb14:46
Wayward_VagabondShould I have the flash drive in any certain format, or will it do that for me14:46
tomreynusb-creator-* is the standard ubuntu GUII utility for creating liveusbs14:47
tomreynusually you just need to provide the iso file and target drive (and be sure to really pick the correct target)14:47
Wayward_Vagabondright now the drive I has isn't formatted to anything14:47
Sven_vBUbuntu 18.04.1 LTS bionic, wipefs from util-linux 2.31.1 reports an "iso9660" signature on a disk that lacks a valid PVD, same as this gparted bug (bottom comment): https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=771244#c1814:48
ubottuGnome bug 771244 in livecd "gparted does not recognize the iso9660 file system in cloned Ubuntu USB boot drives" [Major,Resolved: fixed]14:48
Sven_vBlotuspsychje, ^14:48
tomreynWayward_Vagabond: that's ok14:49
lotuspsychjeSven_vB: you experience the same, and want to create a new bug now?14:49
Sven_vBlotuspsychje, yes14:50
=== xerox123_ is now known as xerox123
lotuspsychjeSven_vB: wich version of util-linux are you using now please?14:50
Sven_vBsee above ;)14:51
lotuspsychje!info util-linux bionic14:51
ubottuutil-linux (source: util-linux): miscellaneous system utilities. In component main, is required. Version 2.31.1-0.4ubuntu3.3 (bionic), package size 907 kB, installed size 3397 kB14:51
Sven_vBthe gparted bug is about gparted, I think wipefs should have its own bug14:51
Sven_vBactually maybe it's a bug in a library that both use14:53
lotuspsychjeSven_vB: before filing the bug, see if there showsup a duplicate perhaps, if not you can also link the bugzilla to your bug14:58
lotuspsychjeSven_vB: is your system up to date?14:58
www2Hi i wand to know where can i find advands account setings for cloud drivers (google drive) in ubuntu 19.1015:06
cfhowlett19.10 is not supported here.  try #ubuntu+115:07
Wayward_Vagabondk, have a live usb, really hope this motherboad will boot from usb15:07
leftyfbwww2: Ubuntu 19.10 is not released yet and therefore no supported here15:07
www2sorry i mean 19.0415:07
Wayward_VagabondNo, I don't think it will boot from usb..15:09
Wayward_Vagabondor it doesn't consider a fash drive a valid 'USB Device'15:10
Wayward_Vagabondnope, it doesn't seem to support booting from a flash drive15:13
=== MrCrackPotBuilde is now known as MrCrackPot
Sven_vBlotuspsychje, not sure. I'll upgrade and retry.15:13
www2This is the correct question: Hi i wand to know where can i find advands account setings for cloud drivers (google drive) in ubuntu 19.0415:13
tomreynWayward_Vagabond: which hardware is it? this should tell:  journalctl -b | grep 'DMI:'15:13
www2i wand to access my share folders on my google drive15:14
EoflaOEViceCityWayward_Vagabond: Is it an old system? Or is it a UEFI system with secure boot enabled?15:14
Wayward_VagabondEoflaOEViceCity: It's an optiplex 74515:14
EoflaOEViceCityWayward_Vagabond: OK. Did you set the boot order so that USB comes first? Or it won't show up at all in BIOS?15:16
Wayward_Vagabond[USB Device] is listed as a option in the bios, but I think it's looking for a diskette/disc drive instead of mass storage15:18
uRockwww2, https://linoxide.com/tools/how-use-google-drive-ubuntu-linux/15:19
uRockwww2, It looks pretty straightforward.15:19
Sven_vBWayward_Vagabond, in case it just needs an ISO image because it can't understand your USB drive's partition table, try the SuperGrub2 image15:20
www2I know that one and my its more where are the settings located in ubuntu15:20
Sven_vBWayward_Vagabond, it's just 16 MB so you can use the remainder of the drive for Ubuntu live partitions15:21
tomreynWayward_Vagabond: see pdf pages 11 and 12 of https://downloads.dell.com/manuals/all-products/esuprt_desktop/esuprt_optiplex_desktop/optiplex-745_user%27s%20guide_en-us.pdf15:21
Wayward_VagabondSven_vB: Ah, just boot from grub live, and chainload the usb?15:21
Sven_vBWayward_Vagabond, yes. it has an advanced option to enable scanning its own drive so you can chainload it from the same disk15:22
Wayward_Vagabondah, not exactly wat you suggested, but I have a supergrub2 disc right here anyways15:22
uRockwww2, Under Settings > Online Accounts15:22
www2@uRock i earch for the config files15:23
Wayward_Vagabondtomreyn: Yes, te bios just doesn't seem to recognize the drive as bootable15:25
Wayward_Vagabondnor does supergrub booted from a cd-r15:26
Sven_vBWayward_Vagabond, have you loaded additional drivers?15:26
Sven_vBWayward_Vagabond, better question: does the drive show up in the list of partitions?15:27
Wayward_VagabondSven_vB: negative, just plugged the drive in, and asked startup disk creator to make it15:27
Wayward_Vagabondit doesn't in supergrub15:27
Sven_vBthat's bad.15:27
Sven_vBoh I meant whether you loaded the extra drivers in SuperGrub15:28
Sven_vBmaybe you can update the BIOS?15:29
Wayward_Vagabondplugged it back in to here, gparted sees the drive as "119.24gb iso9660"15:29
Wayward_Vagabondbios is current version15:29
uRockwww2, what are you trying to accomplish? The setup seemed pretty easy.15:34
Wayward_Vagabondokay, rebooted and messed with it for a bit, now it seems to see the flash drive15:35
Wayward_Vagabondbloody glitchy desktop15:35
www2uRock I wand to access the folders that are in my google account share list15:35
uRockwww2, I shared a howto on setting that up with you. Are you trying to do it via command line or something?15:36
Wayward_VagabondAnd now it directly boots the usb *Throws hands uo*15:36
www2uRock yep command line or config file15:37
uRockwww2, https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-mount-your-google-drive-on-linux-with-google-drive-ocamlfuse/15:38
www2I was affrate that i need to use google-drive-ocaml-fuse15:39
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
MWMtrying to set up a docker container that wants port 67, but claims that dnsmasq has it.  1st I didnt install dnsmasq and apt wont remove it. 2nd, I can kill it, but not with persistence15:56
MWMseems that dnsmasq is built in to 19.10?15:57
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | MWM15:59
ubottuMWM: Eoan Ermine is the codename for Ubuntu 19.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+115:59
MWMmy apologies. lsb_release -a give 19.04.16:01
MWMcodename: disco :D16:02
MWMbest I can come up with is a bash script to kill the base dnsmasq at startup but it seems like there might be a better way16:12
tomreynudp port 67 is the dhcp server port. it shouldn't be in use for the very ip address and interface of your docker guest, but then i'm not sure how it networking stack works.16:13
MWMit makes sense wtih the container, cant say Im real familar with network either though.  Is there a way to get rid of this base dnsmasq?16:16
MWMif not I will make do with a script as a workaround.16:18
MWMbloody hell.  I kept reading about "base dnsmasq" and "dnsmasq base" and assumed it was being used as a reference for something cooked into the os.  turns out "dnsmasq-base" is a package that can be removed,16:25
kwispelHiya! I'm on 18.04. Is there a way to see which external server DNS systemd-resolved used to resolve the host? `nslookup xyz` just shows the end result.16:26
ppfI have a problem with the print margins settings in okular16:27
ppftop and bottom margins are half an inch and can't be decreased16:28
ppfhow do i decrease that?16:28
ppfnot sure if its an okular issue; i don't find that setting in the printer config16:30
noudlei have one ubuntu 16 server which for some reason has a completely full /boot partition. its full of different initrd images, how do i get rid of them? apt-get will always regenerate them16:30
ppfworks fine if i print in chrome, wtf16:31
noudlei mean i guess i only need one of those16:31
ppfso its  an okular issue.16:32
tomreyn!YY.MM | noudle16:32
ubottunoudle: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle16:32
tomreyn!server | noudle16:32
ubottunoudle: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server16:32
noudletomreyn: 16.04.616:33
uRocknoudle, I tend to only keep the current and the previous kernel.16:33
noudleuRock: ye, i also just rm'ed the others but doing apt-get autoremove or upgrade will regenrate most of them16:34
tomreynnoudle: make sure you have the kernel meta package installed, i think that's already enough for ubuntu to stage removal of all but the two latest kernel images via apt --purge autoremove.16:34
uRockYou can't just toss them. They have to be uninstalled properly.16:34
noudletomreyn: what do you mean with kernel meta packet?16:35
ppf!info linux-image-generic16:35
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB16:35
noudleyou mean the initrd-img-*-generic one?16:36
ppfis okular's printer options dialog actually provided by okular?16:36
ppfor is it a kde thing?16:36
tomreynnoudle: when you run    dpkg -l linux-\* | grep ^i     to list installed packages whose name starts with 'linux' yoiu should see at least one of linux-generic linux-generic-hwe-16.04  installed16:37
noudletomreyn: there is one named 'linux-generic' and a bunch of which end with 'generic'16:39
tomreynnoudle: do you also have linux-image-generic there?16:43
tomreyni.e. exactly this16:44
noudletomreyn: yes16:44
noudlei do have16:44
tomreynthen my theory was wrong about it managing itself, sorry16:44
noudlehmm no problem16:44
tomreyni'll see how it's setup in a vm16:44
noudlebut how do i get rid of all those unneeded versions then? with that purge command?16:44
noudleah okay16:44
noudleif its okay for you, dont want to bother you that much16:45
tomreyndoes   sudo apt update && sudo apt-get -s --purge autoremove    seem to remove anything?16:46
noudlei can run the latter, sec16:46
tomreyncan you not run the former then?16:46
noudlei already did some minutes ago16:46
tomreynok, but it doesn't throw warnings or errors?16:47
noudledid run both again, no warnigns or errors.16:47
tomreynokay, i got the VM up, let me check16:47
noudlesure, thanks16:48
tomreynso there is a file /etc/kernel/postinst.d/apt-auto-removal  which should get run automatically by apt whenever packages are installed (or updated)16:50
=== hggdh changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 16.04, 18.04, 19.04 | Unofficial derivatives: use your distro's support channel, not here. | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl
noudlei see that file16:50
tomreynit should create a file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernels  which tracks which kernels should have been automatically installed (as a dependency of linux-image-generic) and should get removed when they are neither (a) the currently active kernel nor (b) one of the two latest kernels16:51
tomreyncan you show the output of    apt-mark showmanual | grep linux | nc termbin.com 999916:52
tomreynthis produces a list of manually (so explicitly requested, on the apt command line, not installed to satisfy other packages dependencies) packages whose name contains 'linux'16:53
tomreynon my system that's https://termbin.com/yemd16:54
noudletomreyn: https://termbin.com/y4fn16:54
Toad437can someone tell me what the period denotes when using ./16:54
Toad437i forgot16:54
kalokagathiacurrent directory16:55
Toad437ok thx :)16:55
tomreynnoudle: okay so the issue there is that these image and header packages are tracked as being manually installed, i.e. at some point it was explicitly requested that these very packages should be installed.16:55
tomreyndoing so breaks this automatic removal, which depends on these packages to be marked as automatically installed16:55
noudlewas not me16:55
noudlecan i unmark them somehow?16:55
tomreyni don't mean to blame you there ;) this may have been some misconfiguration in earlier 16.04 versions.16:56
tomreynyes, you can makr those as automatically installed16:56
noudletomreyn: its not my server, its a server i should have an eye on and update, thats how i got it :P16:56
tomreynapt-mark auto <package1> <package2> <...>16:56
noudlepackage is the name from that list right?16:56
tomreynnoudle: right16:57
noudlethansk a bunch :)16:58
tomreynyou also need to    apt-mark manual linux-image-generic16:59
tomreynhmm, maybe you don't actually need to, but that's what i have there, and i don't think i modified it.17:01
alivebaconim new17:04
alivebaconSo, wat needs doing to install ubuntu on vmware17:04
alivebaconAnything special?17:05
tomreynalivebacon: we only support ubuntu here, not vmware.17:07
alivebaconi know.17:07
tomreynalivebacon: so ubuntu works fine in virtualizations in general17:07
tomreynsometimes you need to update your virtualization software or the guest system drivers they provide to make them work well with newer guest systems.17:09
alivebaconCan I use things like the Xbox Live Vision on ubuntu?17:09
alivebaconCuz it can be used on windows17:09
tomreyni don't know what this is really. there are a lot of features ubuntu offers which you cannot use on windows. i guess this may also be the other way around.17:11
tomreynbut about this very feature, i could not tell - would need to search the web, but then you can try doing that, too. ;)17:11
alivebaconI don't know if it needs drivers.17:12
alivebaconthat are hard to find17:12
kwispelI have several connections listed in `/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/`, is there a way to declare a certain connection as the default one in the terminal/via cli?17:12
alivebaconalso, ubuntu caused vmware to disable sound17:12
alivebaconre-enables vmware audio17:13
alivebaconthe installer crashed17:14
alivebaconi gave it 2 gigs17:14
tomreynhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/165210/how-do-i-get-an-xbox-360-controller-working/180044 may be what you were looking for17:14
tomreynsee the minimum requirements on the download page17:14
tomreynabout audio: if any guest system is able to change configurations on the host system, the host system and its configuration is to blame.17:15
Toad437is anyone aware of a program that allows you to make flash cards for studying?17:15
alivebaconJust... use a printer.17:15
Toad437that's so old school17:16
alivebaconword processor?17:16
Toad437i have index cards, but i'd rather type them in a program.17:16
tomreynkwispel: i assume you can do so using either nmcli or nmtui, do not know the exact way, though17:17
tomreynkwispel: basicalyl you should set a single profile to auto-connect17:18
tomreyna single connection profile per network interface you want to bring up, that is.17:18
Toad437in case anyone is interested, I found a great flash card linux program for studying.  It's called Anki: https://apps.ankiweb.net17:33
Toad437kalokagathia> wat17:38
kalokagathiaToad437, yes, this is a great program, but this chat isnt a good place for such an ad17:39
Toad437i was looking for something like this to study for LPIC-117:40
kalokagathiabtw, i use anki to study languages, it's really grat17:41
Sven_vBdo we have a LVM GUI that's not KDE-based? would ruin my lightweight openbox setup. or something textbased that still gives me a visual overview of my volumes?18:04
Sven_vB+for ubuntu bionic18:05
kalokagathiayou could use standard command/line utils18:05
Sven_vByeah that's what I was doing until a moment ago when I lost overview. :)18:06
kalokagathiatry this https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/40702/how-to-manage-and-use-lvm-logical-volume-management-in-ubuntu/18:06
tomreynjust start with pvs, vgs, lvs18:08
Sven_vBguess that will have to do then18:09
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oceanquakeHi all.  I'm on 18.04 with hwe kernel, running mainline repositories (e.g., no padoka or oibaf ppa) .  System locks up, but thankfully does respond to Magic SysRq.  When I look at kern.log after reboot, the lockup stems from amdgpu .  What is the recommended course of action here?  These lockups are frequent enough to be very disruptive.  Should I try to run a newer kernel?  Where should I report the issue?  Is there any other useful18:49
oceanquakedebugging info I can get since Magic SysRq works?18:49
tomreynoceanquake: can you show the very error message? did you search launchpad for it, yet?18:51
tomreynoceanquake: if the system still responds to Magic SysRq then it didn't lock up fully, maybe it's 'just' the graphics locking up then. you could try ctrl-alt-f3 to swithc to a tty, then ctrl-alt-del and watch the hdd light (see if it flashes more regularly as the system prepares to reboot, in case that's the only indicator available should the reboot may not recover graphics)18:54
tomreynif you prefer to debug this yourself rather then you can just read up on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Debugging and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures18:56
tomreyn!bug | and file a bug against amdgpu and tag it 'radeon'18:58
ubottuand file a bug against amdgpu and tag it 'radeon': If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:58
oceanquaketomreyn: relevant kern.log section: https://pastebin.com/RiENkS8J18:59
oceanquaketomreyn: I've tried switching to another VT and once this happens, and it does not respond.19:00
tomreynoceanquake: that's some days of uptime, did you susprend in the mentime?19:00
oceanquaketomreyn: no, not suspended, connected to a dock.19:00
tomreynoceanquake: the reason i suggested switching to another VT (where it would continue not to show output if the graphics card needed a hardware reset) was that it enables you to reboot using ctrl-alt-del19:02
tomreynoceanquake: did you have it happen soon after boot sometime recently?19:03
oceanquaketomreyn: OK, looks like I didn't follow what you originally meant with the VT switch.  So try to switch VTs and then use Ctrl+Alt+Del rather than Magic SysRq?19:04
tomreyni'm asking because you could then look up the boot / session when that was exactly and we could get this (then shorter) complete log using journalctl. what you posted now is good but it lacks context.19:05
tomreynoceanquake: yes what you just described is what i'd suggest you try next time it happens. by sure to switch to the right tty though, one which is actually a text one.19:05
tomreyn!tty | oceanquake19:06
ubottuoceanquake: To get to the TTY terminals 3-6, use the keystroke Ctrl + Alt + F3-F6 respectively. Ctrl-Alt-F2 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 will get you back to your graphical login (Ctrl-Alt-F7 on 16.04). To change TTY resolution, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution19:06
tomreyn(you could test now which ones are textual)19:06
oceanquaketomreyn: it usually happens after the system has been up for a while, though not necessarily as long as this most lockup.  It was happening way more frequently before the 18..04 hwe kernel line was made available.19:06
tomreyndid you also install xorg-hwe then?19:07
tomreynxserver-xorg-hwe-18.04 is the proper package name19:08
tomreynoceanquake: ^ you should do so if you use the hwe kernel19:08
tomreyn(note there is also a linux-generic-hwe-18.04-edge kernel)19:09
jkf1buona sera a tutti19:09
oceanquaketomreyn: yes, for example xserver-xorg-video-radeon-hwe-18.0419:09
tomreyn!it | jkf119:09
ubottujkf1: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:09
tomreynoceanquake: ok very well19:10
oceanquaketomreyn: looks like similar bugs have been reported to Ubuntu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/178271619:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1782716 in linux (Ubuntu) "[drm:amdgpu_job_timedout [amdgpu]] *ERROR* ring gfx timeout" [Medium,Confirmed]19:10
tomreynoceanquake: also bug 181054619:11
ubottubug 1810546 in Linux "AMDGPU VMC page fault with Athlon 200GE APU" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181054619:11
tomreynand some more. but i don't know which hardware you have there19:12
tomreynoceanquake: look for a mainboard firmware upgrade, too.19:13
oceanquaketomreyn: it looks like not necessarily much action to resolve this being driven by Ubuntu/Canonical (observation, not criticism).  Does this imply I should try to engage with upstream somehow?19:13
oceanquaketomreyn: it's a laptop, running latest available firmware19:14
tomreynoceanquake: as you can see on bug 1810546 it is possible to file bugs against ubuntu and make those track bug reports againstupstream projects, such as kernel.org or freedesktop.org - that's the preferred way, if you can spent this much time.19:14
ubottubug 1810546 in Linux "AMDGPU VMC page fault with Athlon 200GE APU" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181054619:14
tomreynmost likely you won't be the first one to report this iossue upstream, maybe not against ubuntu either.19:15
ioriaoceanquake, if you have a Vega card, i suggest the 5.0.0-20 kernel19:15
tomreyn^ that'd be the hwe-edge kernel19:16
oceanquakeis switching to hwe-edge as simple as installing that kernel via apt, or is there a specific sequence of steps to be followed?19:20
tomreynit's just that19:20
ioria!info linux-generic-hwe-18.04-edge | oceanquake19:20
tomreyn!hwe for general HWE instructions19:20
ubottuoceanquake: linux-generic-hwe-18.04-edge (source: linux-meta-hwe-edge): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; s390x)19:20
ubottutomreyn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:20
tomreyn!hwe | for general HWE instructions19:20
ubottufor general HWE instructions: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack19:20
tomreynoceanquake: so don't install that very kernel version, but the tracking package ioria listed19:21
tomreynoceanquake: (just) in case you're looking for more assistence with this, sharing a full kernel log, ideally from a run where it failed, would be useful.    journalctl --list-boots     and     journalctl -b n    with n being 0 or a negative integer counting down previous boots (example:   journalctl -b -3), could help.19:22
hortiel_!(04*).mp3 what does this pattern mean19:32
ubottuhortiel_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:32
ioriahortiel_, exclude19:34
tomreynhortiel_: lacks context, what kind of pattern is it.19:36
hortiel_pattern matching in bash tomreyn ??19:40
hortiel_but I know it is *.mp3 and not 04*19:41
oceanquaketomreyn: I was able to look back at the journalctl output for the previous boot, where the lockup happened.  The snip I pulled from kern.log appears to be everything in that same temporal region associated with the lockup.  There's a ton of noise from systemd-resolved, total output is 151k lines!19:48
tomreynoceanquake: it could have been useful to look at the full log, which also gives away whether the system encounters other more generic issues such as acpi or pci issues, complies with mnimum requirements, which graphics chipset it is exactly, which kernel version, which exact kernel version / build is in use, and much more. but i need to leave now. good luck.20:00
oceanquaketomreyn: thanks for your help!20:01
tomreyn;) you're welcome.20:01
parak0vskyhey guys what to do when ubuntu start freezes on low memory besides adding more memory to machine?20:11
kalokagathiaadd more swap?20:11
kalokagathiahow much memory do you have, parak0vsky,?20:12
Bashing-omparak0vsky: ' free -m ' says what about the memory usage ?20:14
parak0vskykalokagathia: 8gb it started happening when i get heavy on tabs in the browser for several minutes than resumes20:15
kalokagathiaparak0vsky, how much swap do you have20:15
parak0vskykalokagathia: I disabled it20:15
kalokagathiaenable itr20:15
kalokagathia8gb ram isn't usable wout swap20:16
parak0vskywhen I had it it wasn't better20:16
parak0vskyok so I just double it thanks20:16
CrazyLikeAFoxSo, it wasn't the optical media that was my problem earlier. It wasn't the live usb either burned from the same iso20:26
CrazyLikeAFoxit works fine in this laptop, and I'm booted from it right now20:26
CrazyLikeAFoxthat machine is either having hardware errors, as it's acted strange and not-consistent20:27
parak0vskykalokagathia: enabled the swap, thanks.20:27
CrazyLikeAFoxor the right drivers just aren't in the xubuntu 18.04.2lts media20:27
Sven_vBso I installed grub-efi and ran update-grub, it says "Adding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration¶ done" but there are no .efi files in /boot. should there be?20:37
Sven_vBusing xenial chrooted into a bionic live USB session20:38
jeremy31Sven_vB: I think it is /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu where efi files are20:39
Sven_vBI'll make that directory then20:39
jeremy31Sven_vB: the directory should exist20:40
Sven_vBwait why a double /EFI? shouldn't my ESP be mounted at /boot?20:40
Sven_vBthat xenial system used grub-pc originally20:40
jeremy31Sven_vB: is it partitioned using GPT?20:41
calamariDoes anyone know of a 100% fixed-width version of Ubuntu Mono, where ALL characters are the same width, including non-ASCII characters?20:41
Sven_vBI'm migrating it to LVM so yes the new disk has a GPT and I created a FAT32 partition with esp and boot flag20:41
Sven_vBcalamari, good luck with U+1F69B articulated lorry, on my fonts it's usually 2.5 chars wide20:43
jeremy31Sven_vB: If the grub-efi install was successful  you might have to reboot, but check /etc/fstab to see if the EFI system partition is in there20:44
Sven_vBoh good idea, maybe once I add it grub will write the EFI files20:44
CrazyLikeAFoxhuh, according to the live I'm running off of, I have bluetooth in here?20:44
CrazyLikeAFoxI didn't know I had that, and I've owned this laptop 3 years20:45
CrazyLikeAFoxhot keys/function keys are working too now that never have20:45
jeremy31CrazyLikeAFox: don't get too worked up over bluetooth20:45
ekarlsoIs there a way to lock apps to a desktop workspace ?20:48
oceanquakeparak0vsky: I was using a machine with 4 GB on Kubuntu 16.04, and it would rapidly become unusable with ffox tabs; this wasn't even with a large number of tabs or windows, maybe like 10 tabs?  it kept going into swap.20:48
CrazyLikeAFoxneat, it linked with my earbuds no issues20:48
CrazyLikeAFoxoceanquake: in 16.04 xubuntu, I always had an issue with a swap leak20:49
CrazyLikeAFoxit'd use more and more swap- but the part that confounded me, killing or even restarting after did not release it again.20:50
oceanquakeI just bit the bullet and went to 32 GB on current system.20:50
oceanquakeCrazyLikeAFox: you mean killing and restarting ffox?20:50
oceanquakeCrazyLikeAFox: I think there were definitely other memory leaks as well, I had problems with long-lived sessions too, even with ffox restarts like you.20:51
Sven_vBdoes update-grub2 run update-initramfs or do I have to do that manually?20:52
parak0vskyoceanquake: we'll see how it goes20:52
CrazyLikeAFoxbased on how the liveUSB is working, I'd be better off doing a clean install, and just migrating my data over20:53
CrazyLikeAFoxlike srs, hot keys have never worked on here before20:53
ekarlsoanyone ? :p20:54
Sven_vBjeremy31, I added it to the chroot's fstab and ran update-grub2 again, still no EFI files20:55
jeremy31Sven_vB: Did you also install grub-efi-amd64-signed?20:55
Sven_vBjeremy31, nope, not explicitly. it might have been auto-installed. I'll install it.20:56
jeremy31Sven_vB: do a> sudo mount -a20:58
jeremy31see if the /boot/efi folder shows20:58
Sven_vBjeremy31, should I mount my ESP into /boot or /boot/efi?20:59
MathisenSven_vB, /boot/efi21:00
jeremy31Sven_vB: /boot/efi21:00
Sven_vBoh then maybe that's the problem21:00
Sven_vBso for encrypted LVM boot I need an ESP *and* a boot partition next to my LVM container?21:00
jeremy31Sven_vB: my /etc/fstab shows this for the EFI  # /boot/efi was on /dev/sda1 during installation21:00
jeremy31UUID=8342-16B0  /boot/efi       vfat    umask=0077      0       121:00
jeremy31Sven_vB: For encrypted LVM, I do not know21:01
MathisenSven_vB, yes21:02
Mathisenim pretty sure /boot/ and boot/efi can share partition doh. have not done it myself so cant speak for how to21:03
Sven_vBas expected, without the EFI files, it can't boot. so I'll boot the live USB again and chroot again21:05
jeremy31The EFI System Partition is a separate partition but gets mounted under /boot,  Sven_vB  are you also mounting the esp in the chroot?21:07
Sven_vBoh no. seems like I totally broke something. now the USB live session no longer autologins and when I select the ubuntu user, I'm asked for a password.21:07
Sven_vBjeremy31, the ESP was mounted in /media/ubuntu/ESP, and bind-mounted from there into /target/boot21:08
Sven_vBnice, the empty password was accepted for ubuntu21:08
jeremy31Sven_vB: usually I do something like in https://gist.github.com/jeremyb31/07217d786dfd0afead022befd84b499921:11
sappheirosplease do not display your "tip: use livepatch" for users whose distro's/architectures aren't applicable for it21:12
sappheirosi clicked the settings & livepatch button and went to it and it said "livepatch not available for this system" -- it's poor business to contradict yourself21:12
sappheiroshmm, looks like it's a subscription service, checking the learn more webpage ...21:13
pragmaticenigmasappheiros: What are you talking about and to whom are you speaking to?21:21
Sven_vBjeremy31, ok now the chroot shows a mount entry "/dev/sda6 on /boot type vfat (rw,…"21:22
=== stwalkerster is now known as Oresrian
Sven_vBI'll install the packages you said earlier21:22
sappheirospragmaticenigma: i installed lubuntu 18.04 updates, and got that message. i was hoping some code contributor here would revise that message after installs to first check to see if the system could apply livepatch21:23
pragmaticenigmasappheiros: This is a support channel operated by volunteers. While there may be active Canonical and Ubuntu project developers here, this is not the forum for making those requests. Please report a !bug21:24
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:25
hggdhsappheiros: so this seems to be bug. The *obly* way to get it fixed is by opening a bug as pragmaticenigma points above21:27
Sven_vBI do have /usr/share/locale/en_US in the chroot but "grub-install: error: cannot find locale `en_US'.", what's wrong?21:29
Sven_vBoh ok it wants "en@quot"21:30
sappheirosokay, thanks. however, i don't think it's a bug so much as poor design.21:31
Sven_vBso that seems to have worked. I deleted all files from the ESP, mounted it as /boot, ran grub-install --locales en@quot --efi-directory /boot … now fingers crossed for reboot.21:31
sappheirosis it okay to file bugs over poor design?21:31
sappheirosi thought a bug was only a malfunction, i.e. software not functioning as advertised or intended21:32
jeremy31sappheiros: You could but someone might label as wishlist, not the end of the world21:32
pragmaticenigmasappheiros: Let's say that the term bug represents a scenario where expected behavior when perform an action doesn't result in that behavior or a poor user experience. You expected the Livepatch to provide you with an option to turn on a feature. The feature is not available or wasn't descriptive enough before click on the button.21:34
Sven_vBthe reboot yielded a grub rescue shell. how do I check whether I'm in EFI mode and which partition was used as ESP?21:35
pragmaticenigmaTherefore the out come of your action failed, therefor I believe you would perceive that as being a bug. No?21:35
EriC^^Sven_vB: efi directory should be /boot/fi not /boot21:35
Sven_vBEriC^^, but I mounted my ESP on /boot21:37
Sven_vBoh maybe I need vfat drivers in my initrd21:38
EriC^^Sven_vB: hmm no21:38
EriC^^if grub gives a rescue shell, that means it can't find the stuff $prefix points to (pre-initrd stage)21:39
Sven_vBmaybe I specified the luks LVM target wrong21:39
EriC^^Sven_vB: do you have a separate /boot?21:40
Sven_vBEriC^^, I try to use the ESP for that21:40
EriC^^Sven_vB: what about /boot though? the kernels and /boot/grub ?21:40
Sven_vBI have the ESP next to my luks container21:40
Sven_vBI'll check once the live session is ready again21:41
sappheirospragmaticenigma: exactly. hm. i guess i could file a bug. ... but now i can't justify the time. like, i gave it the 'one shot' i had time for (discussing it here)21:41
MathisenSven_vB, if there is nothing to boot from nothing can decrypted.. so /boot needs to be outside the container21:41
EriC^^Sven_vB: alright, once the live usb is up, try to run "ls -l /mnt/boot" after mounting the efi dir there21:42
Sven_vByou meant mount the ESP there?21:43
EriC^^Sven_vB: the partition table only has efi + luks, no other ext* ones?21:43
Sven_vBoh yeah there are no kernels and initrds, that's strange21:44
Sven_vBoooh I think I forgot to update-grub2 after install-grub21:44
EriC^^Sven_vB: nah, that wouldnt install any kernels21:44
Sven_vBok well in /mnt/boot I have EFI/ and grub/21:45
Sven_vBMathisen, verified, I see those w/o having opened luks21:45
EriC^^Sven_vB: alright, so no other ext* partitions in "sudo parted -ls" output yeah?21:46
pragmaticenigmasappheiros: Do or do not file the bug, that is entirely up to you. It will be to the benefit of the entire community to raise the issue.21:47
Sven_vByes there are some ext3 and ext4 partitions on the internal SSD (where also my luks and ESP are) and on thumb drives21:47
EriC^^Sven_vB: oh, interesting21:47
EriC^^Sven_vB: can you run "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" and paste the link it gives you here?21:47
Sven_vBnope but I can make you a censored report :)21:47
sappheirospragmaticenigma: i thought it was because i'm on a 32-bit machine, 1% of the population, i.e. not worth the time pursuing it ...21:48
jeremy31classified? Sven_vB21:48
Sven_vBjeremy31, yeah some parts are company secrets21:48
Sven_vBEriC^^, do you need posisitions and sizes?21:48
Sven_vBthe sectors I mean21:49
EriC^^Sven_vB: censor out what you want and paste the rest21:49
Mathisenwhat possible information could be sensitive looking at partition info :)21:50
pragmaticenigmaMathisen: It's what happens when you have non-technical people write up legal documents for employment agreements to hire employees21:53
Sven_vBEriC^^, http://paste.debian.net/plainh/a67ab47a21:54
Sven_vBoh I forgot to copy some lines, the top is the SSD with a GPT21:55
EriC^^Sven_vB: alright, try mounting the luks root partition under "/cdrom"21:56
chietahow to restrict the apps to the net is it possible using iptables?21:56
Sven_vBalso for anyone wondering, when I talked about the ESP I meant the one that has the esp flag, not the remains of supergrub.21:57
EriC^^Sven_vB: then pastebin the contents of "ls -l /cdrom/boot" and "cat /cdrom/etc/fstab"21:57
Mathisenchieta, confusing question, you can block ports using iptables and restrict the "app" that way but that may break the "app" if it is made to use only that port21:57
pragmaticenigmachieta: No, it is not possible to block specific applications from making network connections via firewalls21:57
Sven_vBEriC^^, in a chroot? because in the live session, /cdrom is aready used for /dev/sdb3 on /cdrom type vfat21:58
Sven_vBEriC^^, I could mount it at /target as the installer probably would21:58
EriC^^chieta: maybe apparmor can get you what you want, no idea about it though21:58
EriC^^Sven_vB: sure why not21:59
pragmaticenigmachieta: applications themselves make outgoing connections on random ports, destined to a remote port on a remote server (typically remote port 80 or 443) which would mean you would disable all web applications from working.21:59
EriC^^Sven_vB: it's kinda odd why there are supergrub partitions, i wonder if it's some way your company uses to boot that's not standard ubuntu stuff?22:00
Sven_vBEriC^^, those are remains of the previous boot setup which was really DIY22:01
EriC^^Sven_vB: oh i see22:01
Sven_vB /target/boot is empty. shall I bind-mount the ESP there?22:02
EriC^^Sven_vB: well, it's up to you, usually /boot can be a part of the main linux root filesystem (that's luks encrypted, and a grub option is set so it knows about that), and the efi partition is mounted under /boot/efi22:04
EriC^^/boot holds the kernel, initrd, and grub's files (not the efi partition stuff, the modules, and config file that gives the nice menu)22:05
chietaactually, i don't know the which port used... how to check it out?22:06
EriC^^Sven_vB: you could use a fat32 /boot i guess, with /boot being the efi partition + holding the kernels, but first how big is the fat32? if it's less than 600mb or so you'd run out of space pretty quickly when kernels stack up22:06
chietapragmaticenigma no i don't want it22:07
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
EriC^^Sven_vB: also if it's a company pc and stuff, you probably want /boot to be part of the luks main root fs for added security i guess? there is another downfall to using a fat32 /boot but i dont remember and nothing is coming to my mind about any disadvantages right now22:07
pragmaticenigmachieta: Don't want what?22:08
Sven_vBhere's the fstab you requested http://paste.debian.net/plainh/d514a22c . the boot partition is 512 MB atm, I can grow it if I really need more than 3 or 4 kernels.22:08
Mathisenchieta, running this will list ports for you and name service/whatever using it sudo netstat -ltnp22:08
Mathisenchieta, that will need net-tools installed >> sudo apt update && sudo apt install net-tools22:09
EriC^^Sven_vB: ok, no worries then22:10
EriC^^Sven_vB: ok, so we have to prepare a chroot now to install stuff from there22:10
EriC^^Sven_vB: type "for i in /dev /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -R $i /target$i; done"22:11
Sven_vBI had for B in /proc /sys /run /dev /dev/pts; do sudo mount --bind $B /target$B; done for that :)22:11
EriC^^Sven_vB: ok, great :)22:12
Sven_vBshall I mount the ESP from inside or bind-mount it as well?22:12
EriC^^Sven_vB: nope, mount it as usual, if it's still at /mnt/boot you could do mount --move /mnt/boot /target/boot22:12
Mathisenwhy is there no script as standard yet for ubuntu for chroot like arch-chroot so mutch work to do all that :)22:12
Sven_vB"sudo mount --move /mnt/boot/ /target/boot" -> "mount: /target/boot: bad option; moving a mount residing under a shared mount is unsupported."22:13
Sven_vBI'll just umount it and mount it from inside22:14
EriC^^Sven_vB: alright sounds good22:14
Sven_vBok I'm in the chroot22:14
EriC^^once you've chrooted, type "ls -l /target/boot" and just confirm there are no vmlinuz or initrd there already22:15
EriC^^i mean "ls -l /boot"22:15
Sven_vBexactly, there's just EFI/ and grub/ even with additional -A22:15
EriC^^(after you mounted the efi)22:15
EriC^^Sven_vB: let's first prepare grub so it knows what to do, type "nano /etc/default/grub"22:16
EriC^^Sven_vB: add the line "GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y" to the file, then save and exit22:17
Sven_vBoh. I missed that one before.22:17
EriC^^ah crap, my bad please remove it22:18
Sven_vBmy tutorial said I'd just need GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="cryptopts=target=vg_luks,source=UUID=*****_******,lvm=vg_luks"22:18
EriC^^that's just so that grub knows /boot is a part of the main root fs and not separate but in your case it is separate22:18
MathisenEriC^^, sorru i dont want to confuse anybody here but is it not the  GRUB_CMDLINE that should have the cryptdevice in the grub.cfg ?22:19
Sven_vBok removed it22:19
Mathisenyeah for the way he did22:20
Mathisenbut im maybe wrong here... maybe there is diffrent ways22:20
Sven_vBhowever the double VG name there looks suspicious22:20
EriC^^Sven_vB: alright, type "apt-get install linux-generic"22:20
Sven_vB[…] linux-generic is already the newest version ( […]22:21
Sven_vB(the chroot is xenial)22:21
EriC^^Sven_vB: aha, type "apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic"22:21
Sven_vBseems to have worked22:21
EriC^^ok, /boot should have the kernel and initrd now hopefully22:22
Sven_vBnope, still as before22:22
Sven_vBmaybe that's where the FAT32 downfalls come in? but in that case I'd expect an error message,.22:22
chietahow abt limiting all internet outgoing traffic to the specific group EriC^^22:22
chietawhere is the pragma*22:22
EriC^^that's odd, yeah22:22
EriC^^Sven_vB: hmm it doesn't make sense to me22:23
Sven_vBI even re-ran update-grub2 , doesn't add those files either22:23
Sven_vBmaybe I should ask dpkg do remove the generic image first22:24
jeremy31Sven_vB: sudo update-grub  should do the same22:24
MathisenSven_vB, sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg22:24
Mathisensame thing.. but still double check :)22:24
salamanderrakeIs there an app to move files from an android device to your computer via usb?22:24
EriC^^Sven_vB: you could try 'apt-get remove linux-image-generic' then 'apt-get install linux-image-generic' i guess22:25
Sven_vBoh I see update-grub found no linux partitions22:25
EriC^^Sven_vB: try "dpkg -l | grep linux-image"22:25
EriC^^does it show a kernel installed, with "ii" at the start?22:26
Sven_vBMathisen, same with your command22:26
Sven_vB"dpkg -l | grep linux-image | grep -Pe '^ii'" finds "ii  linux-image-generic   […]" and "ii  linux-image-unsigned-4.4.0-156-generic     […]"22:27
Sven_vBoh I think I remember the version-less package is just an alias22:27
Sven_vBI'll reinstall the explicit one22:28
Sven_vBnow initrds are generated :)22:28
Sven_vBthe ESP now has initrd.img-4.4.0-156-generic and vmlinuz-4.4.0-156-generic22:29
EriC^^Sven_vB: alright, try running "update-grub" it should pick some stuff up this time hopefully22:29
Sven_vBlet's check the grub CMDLINE before I reboot. should it really mention the vg name as target=?22:30
Sven_vBEriC^^, I think the apt hooks did that, but can't hurt to do it again22:31
EriC^^Sven_vB: it looks like it should mention the name of the luks stuff, like sda5_crypt for instance22:31
EriC^^Sven_vB: yeah, you're right22:31
Sven_vBand sda5_crypt in that example is the volume group name for the container in /dev/sda5?22:32
Sven_vBbecause it also appears as lvm=22:32
EriC^^i dont think so, i think it's the name used when luks is decrypted, not too familiar with luks, but i think that name should be in /etc/crypttab22:33
Mathisenwhat line are you 2 talking about now22:33
EriC^^Sven_vB: might as well run "grub-install" as well for the efi stuff22:33
Sven_vBEriC^^, with the parameters from before?22:34
EriC^^Mathisen: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="cryptopts=target=vg_luks,source=UUID=*****_******,lvm=vg_luks"22:34
EriC^^Sven_vB: nope, just "grub-install"22:35
tomreynsalamanderrake: the standard file browser (nautilus) can do it if you have allowed it on the android device.22:35
salamanderrakeSorry, I'm on XUbuntu.22:35
EriC^^Sven_vB: what's the first word in /etc/crypttab ? i think this tutorial confirms stuff in step 3, have a look https://www.oxygenimpaired.com/ubuntu-with-grub2-luks-encrypted-lvm-root-hidden-usb-keyfile22:35
Sven_vBwithout them it says "grub-install: error: cannot find EFI directory." but with them, "Installing for x86_64-efi platform.¶ Installation finished. No error reported."22:35
tomreynsalamanderrake: i guess it also works with thunar, you'll just need a way to mount mtp devices22:35
Sven_vBEriC^^, it's the VG name. maybe the device mapper name and VG name just coincide.22:36
MathisenSven_vB, it should be enough to to change your line like this >> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cryptdevice=/dev/sd????:luks:allow-discards"22:36
salamanderraketomreyn: It keeps giving me access violation messages22:36
EriC^^Sven_vB: hmm, i think it's cause there's no /boot/efi in fstab, it usually works, anyways all good as long as the files are there and there's an entry in "efibootmgr -v"22:36
Sven_vByes it has an "ubuntu" entry as Boot000322:37
EriC^^Sven_vB: oh ok22:37
tomreynsalamanderrake: worst case install adb on ubuntu, use it to connect to the device and to copy files22:37
Sven_vBMathisen, with your style, can it still use UUID=… instead of /dev/sd?22:38
MathisenSven_vB, i cant say sorry, i have not use UUID myself just the location22:38
Sven_vBis the discards option about TRIM? I think I read that earlier22:39
EriC^^Sven_vB: alright, exit the chroot and try rebooting, if you want we could have a quick peak at "cat /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grub.cfg" that's where $prefix is set that is responsible for pointing to the grub menu file (it's usually what's bad when a grub rescue shell appears)22:39
MathisenSven_vB, correct22:39
MathisenSven_vB, it is a SSD thing.. im not 100% sure how it works i just know it needs to be there :)22:39
EriC^^there was a bug a while ago where ubuntu was mixing up efi\ubuntu and efi\grub and grub.cfg there wasnt being found and people ended up at rescue shells22:39
Sven_vBMathisen, I read it's a security risk because it reveals behaviour info about your file system22:40
Mathisenthat is over my head so you can be right22:40
EriC^^Sven_vB: typo, /boot/efi/ubuntu/grub.cfg22:40
Sven_vBI'm feeling lucky so I'll just reboot and maybe check if it fails22:41
EriC^^alright :)22:42
Sven_vBlooking good. systemd gave up waiting for the root device and I'm in an initramfs shell. now I'll plug in the token disk and quit that shell. :))22:44
Sven_vBor maybe reboot with the token disk in22:44
Sven_vBI should make that grub menu font larger later22:45
EriC^^ah great22:46
Sven_vBthanks for helping me with EFI! I'll now have to debug the token file spec, I'll read about that first.22:46
Sven_vBthat tutorial on oxygenimpaired.com has lvm=vg-your-root but I can't find "your-root" mentioned there anywhere else22:48
EriC^^Sven_vB: no problem22:48
Sven_vBI'll try Mathisen's style22:49
Mathiseni think your way is more fancy with more specifics included thats all22:49
Sven_vByeah it doesn't work though. =)22:50
Sven_vBI'll also try /dev/disk/by-uuid/ instead of UUID=22:50
EriC^^Sven_vB: maybe lvm=vg-your-root translates for you to /dev/vg_luks/fnord_ubuntu22:52
EriC^^i think that's lvm=vg_luks-fnord_ubuntu ? or something similar?22:52
Sven_vBoh that might be22:52
Sven_vBhowever, when I "ls /dev/mapper" in the initramfs shell, it just has "control"22:54
Sven_vBalso the token disk partition has not been mounted yet22:56
Sven_vBI'll add a systemd unit for that22:56
EriC^^Sven_vB: yeah, i think there has to be something pointing to the keyfile or something in that GRUB_CMDLINE that's missing maybe22:59
Sven_vBit's specified in the crypttab22:59
EriC^^but how does it open crypttab?22:59
EriC^^i mean crypttab is in the encrypted luks23:00
EriC^^i'm not sure how it works, i'm fairly certain the lvm= part should be lvm=vg_luks-fnord-ubuntu or similar, maybe it'll work after editing that in, somehow?23:03
Mathisenit should not be needed really23:03
Sven_vBsome tutorials say I'd need ",keyscript=/lib/cryptsetup/scripts/passdev" as a luks option, I'll try that.23:03
EriC^^Sven_vB: or do you mean that it's in crypttab and the initrd would have it as well in that case?23:03
Mathiseni cant speak for ubuntu but adding encrypt and lvm2 to the mkinitcpio modules is enough + grub.23:04
Sven_vBEriC^^, even if I had a wrong option for which of the inner partitions to use as root, I'd expect luks to be open and the key partition to be mounted23:04
CrazyLikeAFoxneat, swapping a drive with xubuntu 18.04lts into a 2yr older laptop of a different make, with different cpu and gpu brand didn't cause any errors or break anything23:35
uRockCrazyLikeAFox, That's why I love Linux.23:39
CrazyLikeAFoxuRock: firefox is saying 'feed me semour' about the reduced ram, but that's it's own thing :P23:40
uRockCrazyLikeAFox, Yeah, it is a ram hog.23:43

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