
wgrantrbasak: 10-15 minutes00:29
Fudgewgrant:  g'day how r things07:50
=== zbr|out is now known as zbr
RikMillsPPA build finished 3hrs ago, but still not published. is the publisher just very backlogged, or poorly again?12:37
wgrantRikMills: fixed12:48
RikMillsis the PPA publisher catching up very very slowly, or still broken?15:37
pgndI've been trying to get logged-in to launchpad to join/use a ML for a couple of days with no luck.16:17
pgndFinally just deleted the account, and created a new one.16:17
pgndNOW, after verifying the address, on attempt to login =>  "Oops!16:17
pgnd Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad.16:17
pgnd We’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience.16:17
pgnd (Error ID: OOPS-5fc7803d8796110c77c2e18d6996bfee)"16:17
pgndCan ML's be joined old-school, via a subscribe mailto?16:17

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