
rbalintsanta_, do you observe the systemd issue on eoan or disco?10:24
rbalintsanta_, if on disco, please open a bug as a regression and subscribe me10:24
rbalintsanta_, if on eoan my plan is merging new upstream thus it may be solved and the bug would not be needed10:25
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rbasakDo I need an orig tarball for an upload for which no current publication exists, but the orig tarball does exist from a previous deleted publication?13:28
rbasakI'll assume not, and see what happens I guess.13:28
rbasakThis will be mysql-8.0 8.0.14-0ubuntu213:28
ograwaveform, ogra@pi4:~$ free14:19
ogra              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available14:19
ograMem:        3986180      237348     2835232       23880      913600     368267614:19
ogra8in case you want to use it in your patchset: https://github.com/ogra1/pi4-experimental-gadget/commit/08547a89107f0ec1efc3b3e388987415e5f0737c )14:21
waveformogra, excellent! will take a look when github stops having issues :)15:41
santa_rbalint: regarding the systemd issue I'm seeing it in eoan. I have also re-checked and it's not completely reproducible, sometimes it hangs, most times it doesn't16:52
santa_the reason why I detected it's because I have a custom wannabuild/buildd setup in a couple of servers meant to do test rebuilds. I have configured the thing to execute autopkgtests @ the end of the build, and sometimes the autopkgtest runs hang on "systemctl start network-online.target"16:59
santa_this happens ~ 10 times in 100 builds, and it only happens with the version from -proposed, the one from plain eoan works perfectly fine afaics17:01
santa_I whish I could test with disco, but I'm afraid I have no time to re-configure the wannabuild thing to work also with disco (it's not a trivial thing)17:02
santa_in any case I would bet it doesn't happen in disco17:03
rbalintsanta_, there are several fixes related to bumping gcc like fixing invalid code that did not crash with gcc 8, a rebuilt version of eoan's systemd in release would fail i bet19:46
rbalintsanta_, please wait for the new upstream release that has the gcc9 fixes19:47
rbalintsanta_, thanks for clarifying the problem19:47
santa_rbalint: allright, right now I have systemd and systemd-sysv on hold on my build servers so I will unblock them once we get the new upstream release in eoan. thank you very much for your work19:49
ddstreetrbalint have you looked into the systemd eoan FTBFS in test-json?23:59

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