
Sven_vBany ideas how to fix on xenial, "Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1': timed out" and "systemd-logind.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'."? the graphical session doesn't start anymore00:06
Sven_vBoh I see a permissions error00:07
Sven_vB~/.cache/dconf was owned by root for unknown reasons. I removed it, so hopefully dbus can recreate it00:10
Viking667I'm puzzled. Upgraded 18.10 to 19.04, turned the desktop icons back on via gnome-tweaks. Right-clicking on a desktop icon that's a .desktop file, brings up the menu fine.00:26
Viking667 When I select "Properties" that window comes up. If I select "Permissions" tab, those get shown to me, then the window closes 3 seconds later without me doing anything. What gives?00:27
Sven_vBhow do I even get logs for "systemd-logind.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'."? "journalctl --unit systemd-logind.service" has no more details either00:28
fleabeardHello, I'm trying to add this ppa > sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wine/wine-builds but I'm getting this error > https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/5ZWYBJN6dZ/ any ideas what's going on here?01:05
=== SinaCutie is now known as siina
fleabeardFWIW, I'm trying to get wine setup so I can install SketchUp Make 201601:07
Mr-Potterseriously fuck the police!!01:10
Mr-Pottercan I go off topic now i'm banned from -offtopic01:10
SpiritHorseMr-Potter: no01:13
Mr-Potterfuck the police!01:13
Mr-PotterI'll carry on exercising free speech anyway01:13
dax#ubuntu is for support with Ubuntu Linux. We don't care about whether you're banned from -offtopic or not (i.e. the banlists aren't synced, but making non-support noise in here will get you kicked out of here too.01:13
SpiritHorsedid you get a speeding ticket or something?  this is not the place for tangent01:13
daxSpiritHorse: it's a long story. probably best leave it at that.01:14
Mr-PotterSpiritHorse: I'll take dax's advice and leave it at that then. Thank you.01:14
* Mr-Potter goes back to ##chat01:14
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ayekatZaZaGX: what's broken?05:51
ZaZaGXnothing is brokenlol06:17
prophecy04have a look06:22
lotuspsychjeno spam here please prophecy0406:23
p0aHello is jupyter broken? I did `apt-get install sagemath' which installed `sagemath-jupyter' and then I tried to run `$ jupyter notebook' but it gives me an error. Online they say to purge `ipython' and install jupyter from `pip'06:33
EoflaOEViceCityp0a: What was the error message? If it is on a console, paste in the output, or if it is on a dialog box, tell me.06:35
p0aEoflaOEViceCity: Error executing Jupyter command 'notebook': [Errno 2] No such file or directory.06:38
p0aI'm using `pip' and `pip3' to reinstall some stuff (per recommendations found online) and I'll see what happens06:38
p0anope, still doesnt wrok06:39
p0aI'm trying `apt-get install jupyter-notebook' now06:40
p0aokay -- that fixed it. is this a dependency issue? Why isn't jupyter-notebook installed?06:40
dsafis ufw rules persistent07:27
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ec0dsaf, should be, yes07:28
dsafand how about ip tables?07:29
dsafis it persistent after a reboot?07:29
dsafec0 ^07:29
ec0nope, not unless you use iptables-persistent package and follow the instructions to get /etc/iptables/rules.v4 and rules.v6 populated07:30
ec0I typically use iptables-persistent over ufw07:30
dsafso ufw remains persistent after reboot?07:30
ec0then you can do iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 and ip6tables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v607:30
ec0yep, ufw is persistent by default07:31
coaxialHi, I'm using 18.04 with an Intel 7260 bluetooth and wifi card. When I run `service bluetooth status`, it says `condition failed` (https://dpaste.de/bvVo). Where do I start?07:38
V7Hey all09:04
V7Is it possible to enable DHT in transmission daemon?09:04
vdvrHello can someone help me with this problem? I have an dell xps 15 (9570). I always get dummy audio (and thus no sound). only HDMI audio Is working. Does someone also had this issue?09:09
vdvrI have no sound from speakers or audio jack (only trough hdmi)09:09
vdvrHello can someone help me with this problem? I have an dell xps 15 (9570). I always get dummy audio (and thus no sound). only HDMI audio Is working. Does someone also had this issue?09:35
i1IHii, what might be the reason for IKEv2 not *fully* working on Ubuntu? I have several virtualbox vms and Ubuntu is the only one that can connect but... not much else after: what I actually have is connected IKEv2 tunnel/SA with working ICMP, UDP and... parts of TCP. Like I can open http site without any issue but not any https site. cURL, firefox andr openssl s_client hangs and timeouts, too. What might be09:48
i1Ithe reason for this behavior? Virtualbox has the interface 'bridged' not 'natted' and I'm thinking maybe MTU might be the reason but other OSs connected to the very same IKEv2 host have no issues connecting.09:48
EliteGodhello everyone. so, I'm trying to figure out a way to make a specific program/application to bind to a specific IPv4 and IPv6 address.. the program itself doesn't have a way to make it bind to the particular IPS.. any ideas are welcome10:17
ayekatis this about programming or about using a program (if the latter, which one?)10:18
EliteGodit would be good if I could use some kind of routing or other "native" way, because the only solution that crossed is to run a VM inside my VPS10:18
EliteGodayekat: in this case, the latter.. and the program is Quassel10:19
i1IEliteGod: If it can be proxied, proxy it with nginx listening on v610:21
EliteGodQuassel does have a way to specify the listening addresses (for incoming connections) but not the outgoing connections. I'm trying to figure out a way, because I also provide ZNC. in ZNC I can specify the IPv6 address for each user. so, as example,  I'd bind Quassel to 2000:2001:2002:2003::1 (every Quassel user would appear connecting from the same IP, with oidentd in place for easier management of bans and such) and ZNC users would appear from10:26
EliteGod 2000:2001:2002:2003::2 and on..10:26
EliteGodi1I: I don't want it to listen; I want to force the outgoing connections through a specific IP10:29
BluesKajHowdy folks10:54
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manitaggarwalBluesKaj Howdy..!!11:03
BluesKajhi manitaggarwal11:03
ace_mecat /srv/var/logs/* | grep 755 outputs11:25
ace_meBinary file (standard input) matches11:25
ace_meAny hint please ?11:25
woenxHi. maybe someone could lend me a hand. I am trying to run a software written in java, which complains that needs JavaFX to run.11:28
woenxI installed OpenJFX from the repository (ubuntu 18.04)11:29
woenxbut it seems it does not detect it11:29
woenxWhen launched from the console, I get the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javafx/embed/swing/JFXPanel11:30
woenxand I am not sure how to proceed11:30
EoflaOEwoenx: Is it OpenJDK or Oracle Java?11:32
woenxhow can I check?11:32
awilkins`java --version` (may have to omit first dash)11:32
woenxopenjdk 11.0.3 2019-04-1611:33
woenxOk, I think I need to run openjdk 8 instead of 1111:33
awilkinsProbably a classpath problem (as in the JavaFX jars are not on the classpath)11:33
awilkinsI see some posts to the effect that the OpenJDK 8 package does pick it up properly as you say11:33
woenxif I run update-java-alternatives --list, it lists java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64 and java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd6411:34
woenxbut I don't know how to select one by default11:34
parak0vskyis anyone using something that give the computer some kind of notification when phone rings?11:34
awilkinsIf you have openjdk 11 on 18.04 you installed it via a PPA (unless they finally upgraded the openjdk 11 package to actually be 11 and not 10 as it has been for a while)11:34
awilkinswoenx, you want `update-alternatives`11:35
tomreynopenjdk-11-jre in bionic is version 1111:35
woenxaha. I think I tried that earlier this morning, but I didn't know exactly what to do11:35
tomreynupdate-alternatives --config java11:35
awilkinstomreyn, That's changed since the last time I checked then, it's been 10 every time I've installed it11:35
woenxso I run sudo update-alternatives --config java and I get 3 options11:35
woenxsorry, 2 options (one of them is the default one, and appears twice)11:36
EoflaOEwhat are they?11:36
woenxcan I paste here?11:36
awilkinsPick the one that isn't the duplicated one11:36
awilkinsThat'll be the one you're not using now11:37
awilkinsYou want option 211:37
woenxok, so I picked number 211:37
woenx"using .. in manual mode"11:37
tomreynawilkins: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/o/openjdk-lts/openjdk-lts_11.0.3+7-1ubuntu2~18.04.1/changelog but i think it was in -proposed for a long time, until ~ 2 months ago11:37
awilkinsYeah, usually it's "automatic" and you get whatever has the highest priority11:37
woenxok, so now:11:38
awilkinsTry a single dash11:39
awilkinsTakes a different arg style (I mean, it is three whole major versions behind..)11:39
woenxoh, ok, sorry: openjdk version "1.8.0_212"11:39
awilkinsRight, so now try your JavaFX program11:39
woenxyep, it still complains11:40
awilkinsProbably a classpath problem then11:40
woenx(I already tried switching the java version earlier this morning, but I wasn't sure it was the right move)11:40
woenxok, another thing. I can star the program in two different ways11:40
woenxeither directly running the ./program.jar, or running a script that launches the program11:40
woenx(the program is FileBot, a file renamer)11:41
woenxbut it's an old version I had (the author made it a paid app in the last version)11:41
tomreynace_me: what were you trying to do there?11:41
woenxThis is what happens when I run the program from the .jar file: https://pastebin.com/XWU3QTx2 (the GUI appears and I can use it, but it eventually fails at some point)11:42
tomreynwoenx: making this application work is beyond the scope of this channel, i'd say. try #java if you have source code.11:44
woenxok, thanks anyway11:44
ioriawoenx, you know that FileBot is available via snap ?11:44
woenxioria: yes, but it's no longer free11:44
ioriai see11:44
awilkinsThis is probably a good port of call. : https://askubuntu.com/questions/1091157/javafx-missing-ubuntu-18-0411:44
woenxand I had a previous version that was free, and at some point stopped working11:45
woenx(but I used it not long ago)11:45
awilkinsThe error you're getting is a "classpath" problem : the class it's looking for is not somewhere the runtime is looking for it11:45
awilkinsIt may be that the shell script you've got helps find that, but something has changed11:45
woenxif you are curious, this is the launch script: https://pastebin.com/NnsYP3Wk11:47
awilkinswoenx, It's not doing anything to rectify that classpath ; I installed openfx and it looks like it puts things where they ought to be, but it is the 11 version of the package ; did you switch to openjdk 8 and *then* install it?12:01
woenxprobably not. I will uninstall, purge and reinstall it again12:02
woenxUbuntu installs openjfx (11.0.2+1-1~18.04.2) regardless of the java version12:05
shibbolethwill there be a kernel bump today? https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2019-1327212:07
lotuspsychjeshibboleth: for the security part of ubuntu contact the #ubuntu-hardened channel12:08
woenxI read somewhere that I should add this when invoking the java program: --module-path /usr/share/openjfx/lib --add-modules=javafx.base,javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.graphics,javafx.media,javafx.swing,javafx.web12:10
woenxbut I don't know where12:10
woenxOh yeah, I made it!12:11
woenxI first switched back to java 11, and then added that line at the launch command of the .sh12:11
woenxnow it finds openjfx :)12:11
woenxyep, confirmed, it works12:13
kek_hi so I'm on a small server from HP with ubuntu on it and somehow I can't get into the Bios. Guess the keyboard just doesn't work then? (but there is only usb's on it and not that old plug) What other possibilities are there?13:00
SwedeMikekek_: what have you tried to get into the bios?13:01
BluesKajkek,think F2 at boot for HP's Bios13:02
pragmaticenigmakek_: Does the server have a PS2 keyboard port on it? It would also help to know what the model of the server is, as you may not be pressing the correct key to enter bios on boot13:02
SwedeMikeHP have F2, F6 or F10, but I'm sure there are some that have others.13:03
kek_SwedeMike, if I'm on HP ProLiant I should be able to get to the boot menu with F11, doesn't work. Any other F* for other actions also doesn't work.13:03
kek_pragmaticenigma, nope, just USB, Model give me a second13:03
kek_SwedeMike, basically tried the usual ones but it looks like the keyboard doesn't work since I can't do anything at all.13:04
kek_pragmaticenigma, ProLiant MicroServer Gen8 or you want a more specific model description?13:06
tomreyntry a different keyboard, or connect via ILO13:06
tomreynalso try a different usb connector13:06
BluesKajkek, https://community.hpe.com/t5/ProLiant-Servers-ML-DL-SL/Can-not-access-HP-Proliant-BIOS/td-p/604254913:07
tomreynmaintenance and service guide for MS Gen8 is https://h20628.www2.hp.com/km-ext/kmcsdirect/emr_na-c03783380-6.pdf13:10
kek_tomreyn, tried that ofc but let me get another one :) also didn't know about ilo gonna research a bit - thanks everyone13:10
kek_tomreyn, thanks :)13:10
tomreynso (according to page 76) to delete cmos + nvram, you need to set jumper S6 to ON, power on, wait for POST to complete, power off, set S6 to off.13:16
hans_what kernel is 18.04 on? (normal kernel, non-hwe)13:18
tomreyn!info linux-image-generic bionic13:19
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB13:19
hans_4.15.x, thanks13:23
josmalaI'm stuck with 1280x800 resolution after I upgraded my GPU. The GPU, monitor, and DP-port-dual link dvi adapter, all support atleast 2560x1600 resolution.13:26
josmalaIt has happened before either with some driver update or previous GPU upgrade, and got the correct solution from IRC but cannot remember the details.13:29
josmalaI'm using ubuntu 19.04 and propetiary drivers since I'M doing some CUDA programming.13:30
=== erichlf_ is now known as erichlf
erichlfThis is super frustrating everything tells me the same thing about getting video codecs to work. I have even restarted the computer, yet I am still sitting here with no videos.13:32
erichlfThings play fine in vlc, but I kinda would like things to work with the default player.13:33
cfhowlett-1erichlf, as I understand it, vlc includes all the non-free codecs in the package.  the standard vid player requires the restricted-extras.  sounds like you did not install those yet13:34
erichlfcfhowlett-1, but I have.13:36
erichlf> ubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version (66).13:37
cfhowlett-1what exact issue are you seeing and what version of ubuntu?13:37
erichlfYou must have missed that message, no big deal. here you go.13:38
erichlfEven after install restricted extras I am still unable to play pretty much any videos using totem. Can someone help me figure this out? I am on Ubuntu 18.0413:38
tomreynerichlf: no such message was posted on this channel13:39
tomreynno big deal13:39
erichlfIt was under the nick erichlf_ and it was posted at 9:21:1313:40
erichlfbut whatever13:40
erichlfSo the question is, why is it that installing ubuntu-restricted-extras and then restarting still gives me the message "Unable to play the file" "<codec> decoder is required to play the file, but is not installed."13:43
pragmaticenigmaerichlf: to begin, it would help the volunteers here to know what media player you would like to have working, and as detailed as you can set of steps you have done so far to try and get your preferred media application to work.13:43
cfhowlett-1erichlf, try this: launch the video from the command line and note the error messages13:43
cfhowlett-1totem VideoName.mp413:44
erichlf** Message: 09:44:08.818: Missing plugin: gstreamer|1.0|totem|H.264 (High Profile) decoder|decoder-video/x-h264, level=(string)4, profile=(string)high, interlace-mode=(string)progressive, chroma-format=(string)4:2:0, bit-depth-luma=(uint)8, bit-depth-chroma=(uint)8 (H.264 (High Profile) decoder)13:44
tomreynwhat's the output of running the    file    command against the video file?13:45
cfhowlett-1so it is reading the file and identifying all the pieces - but claims streamer plugin if missing.  freaky.  But this is exactly why I have VLC installed for emergencies13:45
erichlfISO Media, MP4 Base Media v1 [IS0 14496-12:2003]13:46
pragmaticenigmait's why I just use VLC all the time. I appear to avoid the issues with codecs being out of sorts. And in this case, depending on the file, it could be whom ever authored it made a mistake13:47
erichlfThe weird part is that all of these videos worked at some point.13:47
erichlfI have no idea what happened in the mean time.13:47
erichlfpragmaticenigma, it isn't the video. All videos have this issue. Also, I authored the video.13:48
hans_what is the defualt compression level for compress=zstd ?13:49
hans_sorry wrong channel13:49
pragmaticenigmaerichlf: Do you have any extra PPAs enabled on your machine?13:51
tomreynerichlf: then maybe you can produce a short smaple file in this same format which has the same issue and upload this so that others can help you understand why it doesn't play back with totem on your ubuntu version.13:51
cfhowlett-1and the vids work in VLC.  Gotta be in totem, but darned if I can sort it13:51
erichlfI tried to uninstall and reinstall totem and I get "`apt-get check` failed, you may have broken packages. Aborting..."13:53
erichlfSo I think I have a clue.13:53
erichlfthat is for libdvd-pkg13:53
tomreynhere's how you can provide some information on the state of apt on your system:   sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -qqy update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog; rm /tmp/aptlog13:54
tomreynalso show the very command which results in an error message, as well as the output it generates, on a !pastebin13:55
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:55
erichlfI did a sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg to fix the check error13:56
erichlftomreyn, I have over 2000 videos and not a single one will play. It is definitely not the particular video.14:01
tomreynerichlf: i assume it's probably a configuration or package on your system that's causing issues. you have many packages pending installation. but i have not yet seen the error message in context so i don't think i can help.14:02
tomreynerichlf: i suggest you     sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade    and post the full output of running these commands only if there are any error messages.14:05
tomreyn...or warnings14:05
hortielwhere does LO store cache files, and history and everything else , if possible14:05
hortieland also recently opened files14:05
tomreynerichlf: i got to go for now, but should be back in ~ an hour. if you can provide more information, others may be around to assist as well.14:07
tomreyn(or we can continue lateR)14:07
erichlftomreyn, no errors, but also doesn't fix anything. Things for trying to help.14:08
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erichlfaudio codecs work, just not video codecs.14:16
BluesKajerichlf, restricting yourself to one player is painting yourself into corner, vlc, mpv and smplayer are other options youreally should consider14:17
BluesKajfor both video and audio14:18
ioriaerichlf, are gstreamer1.0-packagekit  gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly  installed ?14:18
erichlfioria, yes14:19
erichlfBluesKaj, I have vlc installed, but that doesn't mean I should fix whatever is wrong.14:20
BluesKajthink totem is getting long in the tooth :-)14:21
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erichlfioria, in fact, all this stuff worked until I install libgstreamer1.0-dev14:23
erichlfBut I absolutely have to have that.14:23
* BluesKaj shrugs and moves on14:24
muhahaIs there a kickstart file for cloud-init ubuntu image?14:28
ioriaerichlf, i'am not aware of any conflict with libgstreamer1.0-dev ; you can install --reinstall gstreamer1.0-libav and rm  /.cache/gstreamer-1.0/  and test again14:32
erichlfioria, perfect. Thanks!14:34
erichlfseems to work now.14:34
Cheezhere's a fun ssh one. i've rebuilt a server from scratch, and originally a script running on another box would ssh in and run a command once a day. i created the user and added the public key and now i'm trying to get it to run, and it's failing. it connects, says "Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal." then exits. now i know i can fix this by passing -t -t in to the ssh15:40
Cheezcommand but this job has been running successfully without that for 2 years. is there some sshd option i am missing on the new server's side? I don't recall anything like that but it was originally set up over 2 years ago.15:40
aneonUbuntu becomes unresponsive after 8-9 hours of use and crashes15:42
aneonwtf moment15:42
Cheezahaa, fixed it, the psudo-terminal one is a red herring, i'd not added the user to the sshusers group so sshd was just disconnecting them without a message15:43
aneonI think I will need to write a script for restarting applications when they start consuming over 1G memory15:48
uRockWhat application is eating that much memory? Firefox?15:49
aneonclamd, machine learning, ossec15:59
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lordcirthaneon, how much RAM do you have? How much swap? Are you sure it's memory usage that causes the problems?15:59
leeijawWhat is the future of Unity? I see it still included in 18.04. After trying the desktop environment for more than six months, I decided that currently Unity suits me better. It would be sad that Unity would go away in future LTS.15:59
lotuspsychje!discuss | leeijaw16:00
ubottuleeijaw: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!16:00
leeijawOkay, got it.16:00
sentimentI have a simple question.16:04
sentimentHow can I get the official closed source AMD gpu drivers?16:04
sentimentI'm sick of jerky video playback and the hot gpu temp16:04
lotuspsychjesentiment: its reccomended you use amdgpu loaded from stock ubuntu, if something doesnt work well, consider filing a new !bug16:05
sentimenthow to fill a bug?16:05
aneonlordcirth: 16GB16:05
lotuspsychjesentiment: before filing a bug, please share your story in this channel, volunteers might know a solution16:06
aneonlordcirth: memory & cpu both16:06
sentimentwell it's an old story, it hasn't been solved so far16:06
aneonthe exact setup on SUSE doesn't consume even half the memory16:06
sentimentsome mkv videos make the gpu temp jump to 60c and causes system reset16:07
aneoncputime stats are better too16:07
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lotuspsychje!details | sentiment all in one line please16:07
ubottusentiment all in one line please: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.16:07
sentimentalso almost the same problem happens while using openshot to preview a project16:07
sentimentwell I'm using Ubuntu 18.10, latest update16:07
lotuspsychjesentiment: 18.10 is end of life16:08
cfhowlettsentiment, time to upgrade.  I suggest you adopt 18.04 LTS unless you really, truly need to use the latest OS16:08
sentimentI try to play an HD mkv video and it plays jerky and caues the gpu temp to jump to 60c and makes the system reboot.16:08
aneonsome programs like aide are notorious, I will investigate this tonight16:09
cfhowlettonly HD mkv?16:09
sentimentdoesn't matter. that's besides the point. Please please don't tell me to upgrade16:09
sentimentit's an old issue16:09
sentimentcfhowlett: it seems so16:09
lotuspsychjesentiment: we cannot support eol versions, please consider installing a supported version from the topic16:09
sentimentlotuspsychje: this version was supported until a week ago or so and the problem has been lingering for a few months16:10
sentimentI don't see the logic16:10
lotuspsychjesentiment: keep in mind on non-lts versions not everything is stable, so also amdgpu could have issues16:10
lordcirthsentiment, the logic is that we don't support unsupported versions.16:11
lordcirthTry 19.04 or 18.0416:11
sentimentin case I may nott be clear, let me try : I'm certain that after the upgrade the issue remains16:11
lotuspsychjesentiment: lets find out..16:11
sentimentbecause I have installed all the latest updates and doesn't the next lts version include those updates too?16:12
lordcirthsentiment, if releases were identical to updates, Ubuntu wouldn't have releases.16:13
sentimentwell what's the kernel version for 19.04؟16:13
naccsentiment: 5.0 based, iirc16:13
elias_asentiment: No, the sw environment is not the same.16:14
lordcirth!info linux-generic disco16:14
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (disco), package size 1 kB, installed size 15 kB16:14
elias_asentiment: I am not saying that that would absolutely solve your problem but it might.16:14
elias_asentiment: Laptop or desktop?16:15
sentimenthmm I hadn't had the best upgrade experience from 16.04 to 18.0416:16
sentimentI'm afraid of upgrading16:16
sentimentelias_a: desktop16:16
sentimentI'm running the 4.18.0-25-generic  kernel16:17
sentimentisn't it the same kernel as the 18.04?16:17
lotuspsychjesentiment: please leave the channel free for support questions16:17
lotuspsychjesentiment: if you want to discuss you can join #ubuntu-discuss if you like16:18
lotuspsychjewe can discuss eol all night there16:18
sentimentI should have lied about the version16:18
immuhi lotuspsychje16:25
immuhow many are on ubuntu LTS? i mean using it latest lts release?16:25
lotuspsychjeimmu: come join to #ubuntu-discuss please16:26
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netcrashHello, How can I with smartctl view the logs of the nvme disk?17:17
tomreynnetcrash: if smartmontools are sufficiently new and the nvme is in its 'disk db', then it works just like for any other storage: smartctl -x /dev/...17:20
tomreynnetcrash: basic smart data is also available via    nvme smart-log /dev/...17:20
netcrashI have this error log entries -> num_err_log_entries                 : 10617:21
netcrashno other infon17:21
tomreynthis is returned by which application in which version on which ubuntu release?17:22
tomreyn...using which command?17:22
tomreyn...against which hardware?17:22
netcrashsudo nvme smart-log /dev/nvme017:22
netcrashSAMSUNG MZVLW256HEHP-000L717:22
tomreyn<tomreyn> this is returned by which application in which version on which ubuntu release?17:25
netcrashUbuntu 18.04 LTS17:25
netcrashnvme version 1.517:25
lotuspsychjenetcrash: and what are you hoping to find, whats wrong with your ssd?17:25
netcrashTrying to understand what the increase of log error messages are17:26
lotuspsychjenetcrash: can you pastebin us what you see please?17:26
lotuspsychjenetcrash: https://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=137635317:30
tomreynnetcrash: did you try with smartctl?17:32
n-iCeI think I'm going for Ubuntu.17:37
netcrashtomreyn: smartctl gives no usefull output17:37
sarnoldhello dr0id17:51
tomreynnetcrash: maybe see if you can find a !PPA providing a newer smartmontools version17:57
ekarlsoIs there no way to pin apps toa desktop workspace ?17:58
lotuspsychjeekarlso: ubuntu focuses on no icons on desktop these days18:00
ekarlsolotuspsychje: more like if I open apps on workspace 1 and then some on workspace 2, plug my laptop to a docking station with 2 screens it moves them around18:01
lotuspsychjeekarlso: but you could try dconf-editor and see if there are tweaks18:01
tomreynnetcrash: this descrivbes how to dump the error log using the 'nvme' command: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linux-nvme/nvme-cli/master/Documentation/nvme-error-log.txt18:04
tomreynor use     nvme --help error-log18:05
OerHeksWhy, if i run 18.04 with HWE, kernel 4.18.x .. i get an update 4.15.x ?18:05
tomreynnetcrash: note that previously you ran "nvme smart-log" (so not 'error-log')18:06
tomreynOerHeks: because you didn't uninstall linux-image-generic18:07
lotuspsychjeekarlso: see also the keyword workspaces in dconf-editor, there are some tweak values also there18:08
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: <tomreyn> OerHeks: because you didn't uninstall linux-image-generic18:08
tomreynOerHeks: more precisely, because you (installed and) didn't uninstall linux-generic and linux-image-generic18:09
OerHekslinux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 and linux-generic-hwe-18.04 are installed18:09
tomreynso neither of those i listed?18:10
OerHeksjups, i am baffled too18:10
tomreynmaybe apt-rdepends -r linux-image-4.15.0-... can tell18:12
OerHekshmm apt autoremove does not want to do what i order it...18:13
OerHeksmy: dpkg --list | grep linux-18:13
tomreynlinux-image-generic is installed18:14
tomreynlinux-generic as well18:14
OerHeksjups, boot is filling with 4.18 and 4.15 kernels18:15
tomreynwell uninstall those two packages if you prefer not to have 4.15 kernels18:15
OerHeksoh, should i see that as a reserved rollback?18:15
deadmundI don't know my password.  I am logged in.  How can I change the password to something I don't know?18:16
OerHeksdeadmund, reboot in recovery, and follow the password wiki18:16
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords18:16
tomreynOerHeks: how do you mean "reserved rollback"? those packages track / depend on the GA kernels. if you don't want GA kernels, don't install those packages.18:17
sarnolddeadmund: if the goal is to *not* know a password, (a) why (b) itmight be better to lock the account or disable password auth in sshd or something, depending upon what you're trying to do18:17
deadmundOerHeks: Thanks18:19
deadmundThe KDE dialog for users / passwords is awful and confusing!18:19
lotuspsychjeim getting gnome-boxes errors on dconf-editor about translations, wich package should i bug to? https://hastebin.com/yeqehoweni.rb18:19
tomreynOerHeks: apt-cache show linux-generic | grep ^Depends ; echo; apt-cache show linux-image-generic | grep ^Depends18:19
tomreynlotuspsychje: if that's a translation which came with gnome-boxes then i'd file it against gnome-boxes (also in debian if this is a synced package)18:23
lotuspsychjetomreyn: ok, normally when i launch dconf, i dont get much errors, happened after the gnome-boxes install18:24
activedecayI'm having trouble with the uvcvideo module (I think). My webcam keeps showing up and then going away, over and over.18:25
kota111activedecay : Try - sudo modprobe -r uvcvideo18:25
activedecaysure, i can try removing it. do you think my webcam will work without that module?18:26
kota111activedecay: After htat try: sudo modprobe uvcvideo18:26
activedecayok, sure. rebooting and when it comes back i'll see what it says. thanks18:26
kota111activedecay : I had the same problem a month ago18:26
tomreynlotuspsychje: it could also be a shortcoming of dconf-editor. maybe see if 'dconf' returns the same error when you try to read this key.18:26
lotuspsychjelets see18:27
lotuspsychjetomreyn: yes, it produces new errors on clicking every value under /org/gnome/boxes/collections18:30
lotuspsychje./org/gnome/boxes that is18:30
lotuspsychjetomreyn: maybe better file against dconf-editor then right?18:32
tomreynlotuspsychje: so file it against gnome-boxes in ubuntu (and debian if they have the same version). the error message you showed contains typographic single quotes. maybe this is the cause, or maybe a 3 value array within a string was unexpected.18:32
lotuspsychjetomreyn: allrighty18:33
tomreynlotuspsychje: i think the gnome-boxes translation file must be the cause, not dconf or dconf-editor18:33
lotuspsychjeok , on it18:33
lotuspsychjetomreyn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-boxes/+bug/183744518:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1837445 in gnome-boxes (Ubuntu) "Failed to parse translated string on dconf-editor launch" [Undecided,New]18:37
fradI renamed several files and now systemd-journald is using 100% of my ram memory. Why? and how long is it gong to last?18:42
fradall files are in an external hdd18:42
fradeach file is 800 MiB in size18:43
sarnoldfrad: I suspect the file renames are unrelated to journald18:43
sarnoldfrad: did you just rename files or did you move files? if you ust renamed them within one filesystem, filesize is irrelevant, it's just a quick directory update18:44
fradsarnold, this behavior is only seen after renamig several large files... journald spins to 100% and the fan starts getting loud18:44
sarnoldfrad: if you've *moved* files between filesystems, then the file size is relevant18:44
sarnoldfrad: to figure out what systemd-journald is doing, perf top is probably the easiest tool18:44
fradsarnold, no different directory, just renamed18:44
tomreyndid you rename files in /var/log/ by chance ?18:45
fradtomreyn, no, external hdd18:45
fradmedia files18:46
tomreynfrad: maybe you have error messages stacking up in   dmesg -w   as well?18:48
tomreyn(you can cancel this using ctrl-c)18:48
fradI am now trying to install perf with sudo apt install linux-tools-common18:48
leonardusHow do I download a package, and all of its dependencies, for offline installation?18:59
iorialeonardus, https://www.ostechnix.com/download-packages-dependencies-locally-ubuntu/19:02
leonardusioria: I tried that but it's not putting the files in /var/cache/apt/archives because I already have them installed on my system normally.19:04
iorialeonardus, then cp the .debs on an external device19:05
sarnoldleonardus: if you're going to be doing it a lot, try the apt-offline package. It's packaged and in the archive, here's a webpage with some information on it https://github.com/rickysarraf/apt-offline19:05
leonardusioria: The .debs are not there, that's what I'm saying19:06
iorialeonardus, well, you can remove it anf then reinstall it after the download19:16
tomreynyou can also     apt download package1 package2 ...     and they'll end up in your current working directory. no need for sudo19:21
tomreynapt download package1=1.2.3    to download version 1.2.319:21
iorialeonardus, ok, this should work (despite the errors): mkdir foo; cd foo; for i in $(apt-cache depends <mypackage> | awk '{print $2}'); do sudo apt download "$i"; done19:24
tomreynioria: it may not be this easy (depends on the package): compare     apt-cache depends bash     to    apt-cache depends bash | awk '{print $2}'19:28
iorialeonardus, sy, that's better: for i in $(apt-cache depends gparted | grep Depends | awk '{print $2}') ; do sudo apt download "$i"; done19:28
ioriatomreyn, yeah19:28
catbadgerhi. i have a 55GB database dump i need to move. I'm aware that compressing it might not be an option. should I just rsync it to the other server?19:35
sarnoldrsync's -z flag may help19:36
catbadgerthat's what i was thinking, but wasn't really sure with a file this size.19:37
Ben64big files aren't any different really19:37
Ben64except that you'd want to use something that can resume if something messes up19:38
sarnoldhmmm. I can't find it now, but one of the compression utilities or pipeline utilities has a commandline switch that will adaptively adjust compression level for the bandwdith19:40
other_rickHi, I have some problems with the openssh-server19:40
other_rickAlways respond: Connection reset by ::1 port 22219:40
EoflaOEViceCityother_rick: Are you connecting in IPV4 or IPV6? And is your server IPV4 or IPV6?19:42
other_rickI try to connect in the self machine using the localhost19:43
peqI can't think of a good reason to SSH to localhost, but you might try using instead of localhost19:45
other_rickOh I purge the package and them reinstalled the openssh-server, after that begin to work19:45
EoflaOEViceCityother_rick: Glad you got it working. Can you connect?19:46
sarnoldI've used ssh to localhost before as an easy way to avoid learning how to set up X authority cookies -- ssh -X testuser@localhost xterm   etc19:50
thebishophi, can someone recommend a quick way to temporarily proxy internet traffic over ssh so i can do and apt update/install on a server without internet access?20:09
tomreynthebishop: run this in a tty or terminal window and keep it running:   ssh -vvND jumphost    then pass this option to any apt command:  -o 'Acquire::socks::proxy "socks://";'20:19
tomreynwhen done, press ctrl-c on the ssh command to close the conneciton and temporary socks proxy.20:20
thebishoptomreyn, thanks, i've been trying stuff along those lines, but not this exact syntax.  i'll try it20:22
tomreynand make sure socks proxying stuff around is acceptable in your operational environment. ;)20:23
thebishoptomreyn, thanks, it didn't work.  i'm wondering if apt proxy actually supports socks20:27
thebishopi'm seeing a lot more examples with http proxying20:27
Sven_vBEriC^^, your target bind mounts should have included /tmp. I didn't know either, until a moment ago. not having it made my apt fail, because the idle mountpoint directory had un-tmp-y permissions.20:28
Sven_vBEriC^^, I'm now a bit further, debugging why update-initramfs won't pack /sbin/cryptsetup into the initrd20:29
EriC^^Sven_vB: oh, good to know, that's new to me20:29
EriC^^Sven_vB: maybe some some in the initramfstools file is missing?20:30
Sven_vBI suspected that as well, and reinstalled it. I'm running a full upgrade in case it might help, then I'll investigate further-20:31
tomreynthebishop: hmm, i'm not certain really. on bionic (18.04), apt-transport-http(1) mentions 'Acquire::http::Proxy "socks5h://apt:pass@localhost:9050";' - apparently for tor, so maybe give socks5h a try.20:32
tomreynit is possible that this will require package    apt-transport-tor   to be installe,d though20:32
thebishoptomreyn, thanks, yeah i tried that too.  i get "Proxy CONNECT aborted"20:32
thebishopah yeah i wonder if i'm missing a package to support this20:33
EriC^^thebishop: you could do ssh -D 1234 user@host from the no-internet-pc to the internet-pc and then use localhost:1234 as a proxy20:34
thebishopEriC^^, yeah that's what i'm trying to get working20:34
thebishopthe ssh proxy seems to be open/connected, but i haven't found an apt configuration that works to use it20:35
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EriC^^thebishop: you could set HTTP_PROXY in the shell if you want20:35
EriC^^export http_proxy='http://localhost:1234'20:35
EriC^^and https_proxy maybe20:36
tomreyni guess you'll either need a socks aware apt (which i now assume requires the -tor transport) or a socksifier such as tsocks. either way you'd require additional software, i think-20:36
EriC^^sorry it's lower case not upper20:36
tomreynthe other option is the *_proxy environment variables (which does not work for socks, just http, https, ftp,...) and a http proxy configured on the jump host.20:37
Sven_vBwow, I'd have expected a lot more files in this initrd http://paste.debian.net/plainh/50ccd0d220:41
Sven_vBam I doing it wrong, inspecting that cpio file?20:41
tomreynthebishop: oh yet another option would be     ssh -L 80:archive.ubuntu.com:80 jumphost      combined with a archive.ubuntu.com    record in /etc/hosts20:42
thebishoptomreyn, oh yeah that's a good idea, i'll try it20:42
thebishopEriC^^, i don't have a proxy server setup on the host with internet, that's why i was trying to tunnel through ssh20:43
tomreynthebishop: this would only work if all your apt sources point to http://archive.ubuntu.com though20:43
thebishoptomreyn, can i just add multiple host entries?  i think i need like 2 different apt repo domains20:43
tomreynthebishop: you'd need to place different port numbers in your sources.list and do multiple port forwardings20:44
EriC^^thebishop: you don't need a proxy setup on the host20:44
thebishopEriC^^, ok i'll give that a shot right now20:44
EriC^^alright, sounds good20:45
Sven_vBmost tutorials I can find on how to inspect initrd decompress it, but "gzip: initrd.img-4.4.0-156-generic: not in gzip format"20:46
tomreynEriC^^: to my knowldge, -D only supports SOCKS4 and SOCKS5, not HTTP proxy20:49
Sven_vBthebishop, have you considered installing apt-cacher-ng on your proxy? that way you need less downloads, can re-install even in times of broken uplink, and hide how many (yet to be patched) machines are on your net.20:49
EriC^^i could be wrong, i'm not sure if when i used http_proxy i was running squid on the host20:49
tomreynthebishop:  so if you needed to have multiple hostnames in sources.lists    http://archive.ubuntu.com:80 and http://security.ubuntu.com:81    in sources.list,  archive.ubuntu.com security.ubuntu.com      in /etc/hosts    and   ssh -L 80:archive.ubuntu.com:80 -L 81:security.ubuntu.com:80 jumphost20:50
EriC^^i could try real quick i guess, 1 sec20:50
tomreynEriC^^: i can be wrong also, would be happy to in this case.20:50
thebishopSven_vB, thanks, i only need it for this one-time issue, tho20:51
thebishopi'm wondering if this approach is wrong and i should use a vpn20:51
Sven_vBthebishop, I like to even go one step further and have my own apt mirror, so it downloads the stuff even before I need it. downloading ahead of time gives my updates another speed boost.20:51
Sven_vBhehe ok then20:51
EriC^^tomreyn: thebishop yeah, it's not working, it says proxy connect aborted20:52
tomreynok :-/20:52
Sven_vBmost ISPs have an official HTTP proxy. you could SSH tunnel to that20:52
thebishopyeah i don't think ssh supports http proxy, just socks and tunneling20:52
Sven_vBjust one port, all the hostnames20:52
thebishoptomreyn, i'm getting "gnutls_handshake() failed: Internal error" with this method (figured it was over https, but updating the ssh tunnel options didn't help.  leaning toward a vpn at this point, thanks for your help!20:58
tomreynthebishop: yes this suggests some connection was attempting a httpS transport, could be a server response triggering a redirect in case you don't have httpS configured anywhere?20:59
tomreynok, try the vpn ;) but i guess you may need extra software for this as well.21:00
tomreynwell ssh can operate as an entry point to a vpn tunnel21:02
Sven_vBis this the correct way to see which files are in my initramfs? why are there so few? how get the good stuff in? http://paste.debian.net/plainh/50ccd0d221:05
Sven_vB(it's a bionic live session debugging a chrooted xenial)21:06
tomreyntry /usr/bin/lsinitramfs21:06
tomreynor /usr/bin/unmkinitramfs21:07
tomreyni'm not sure those are on xenial, though21:07
Sven_vBoh it find a lot more files. I wonder why cpio quit that early.21:07
tomreynthe initramfs is multiple joined archives21:08
Sven_vBoh so how do I add cryptsetup and its friends? I read having an /etc/crypttab should trigger packing them, but it seems it doesn't21:08
Sven_vBoh I see @ multiple archives21:09
tomreynor rather the single file in /boot is, it consists of an archive containing the amd microcode, the actual initramfs, and, i'm not sure about this one, maybe also the intel microcode21:09
tomreyni'd expect cryptsetup to go into initramfs if you have any syntactically valid non comment lines in /etc/crypttab, yes21:10
tomreynwhen you run update-initramfs with -c that is, not sure about -u21:11
tomreynon bionic i also have /etc/cryptsetup-initramfs/conf-hook where there is a "CRYPTSETUP: [ y | n ] - Add cryptsetup modules to the initramfs image"21:13
Sven_vBmaybe the package linux-headers-4.15.0-29 was missing. apt suggested I install that21:14
Sven_vBoh, nah, that's the old kernel from the live USB.21:15
tomreynand not a xenial kernel, unless you use HWE21:16
EriC^^Sven_vB: is it installed though? anything in "ls -l/usr/src"21:17
EriC^^i remember you had linux-image installed in dpkg but the files were missing, maybe somehow the header files were removed too? who knows21:17
Sven_vBsomehow I broke apt. "E: Internal Error, No file name for initramfs-tools:amd64"21:18
EriC^^are you sure you ran sudo apt install?21:18
Sven_vBno. my chroot shows I'm root so I didn't sudo.21:20
EriC^^but you did run "apt install" ?21:20
Sven_vByeah, " apt install --reinstall cryptsetup cryptsetup-bin initramfs-tools initramfs-tools linux-image-unsigned-4.4.0-156-generic fdutils linux-headers-4.4.0-156-generic linux-modules-4.4.0-156-generic"21:21
EriC^^Sven_vB: try to remove the package list cache then apt update21:23
EriC^^Sven_vB: rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*21:24
Sven_vBok, it updates. and then run the reinstall again=21:26
Sven_vBwon't hurt if I do21:27
Sven_vBdue to FAT32 /boot, "dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-modules-4.4.0-156-generic_4.4.0-156.183_amd64.deb (--unpack):¶  unable to make backup link of './boot/System.map-4.4.0-156-generic' before installing new version: Operation not permitted" but a vmlinuz and an initrd were created. (I know because I remove them before)21:31
Sven_vBso I guess it doesn't flinch just because the hardlink failed21:32
Sven_vBstill no cryptsetup in initrd though.21:32
Sven_vBdo I have to enable it somewhere? because the original xenial had no crypto LVM.21:33
Sven_vBor maybe should I get another kernel image than -generic?21:35
tomreynif neither / nor /boot mounts of the xenial system are on top of a dmcrypt mapping then you will likely need to explicitly request inclusion of cryptsetup into the initramfs21:36
vltSven_vB: To not lock you out you can force to include the cryptsetup binary by `CRYPTSETUP=y update-initramfs ...`.21:36
tomreynwhy do you have fat32 for /boot by the way?21:37
Sven_vBvlt, is there a way to configure that more permanently?21:37
Sven_vBtomreyn, so I don't need an extra bood partition next to my ESP, and I can fiddle with the grub config easier.21:38
tomreyni see.21:38
Bluekinghmm  munin tells me that diskusage  '/' are at 99.42%  but seemingly there are nothing there except symbolic links and folders ?21:38
tomreynBlueking: you probably have subdirectories on the same file system?21:39
Sven_vBBlueking, which tool did you use to see what files are there? does it show dotfiles?21:39
Sven_vBBlueking, it could also be about files that are deleted but still held open.21:40
Bluekinglog files ?21:40
Bluekinghow to see what folders are connected to root ?21:41
Sven_vBvlt, I found /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d and will try that21:41
Bluekingok looking into it21:42
Sven_vBthat did not change anything, so I'll try as you suggested, CRYPTSETUP=y update-initramfs -uk all21:42
Sven_vBthat did work.21:43
Sven_vBlooks like conf.d is just for initramfs.conf, not for update-initramfs.conf21:44
tomreynBlueking: sudo find / -type d -xdev21:45
Sven_vBadding CRYPTSETUP=y in update-initramfs.conf doesn't work either.21:45
Sven_vBI'll better make a backup of the one that has it.21:46
Sven_vBI guess it's time to reboot then.21:47
owen68Any chance someone has experience with hotswap U.2 disks? I'm trying to get this U.2 disk bay working. System doesn't seem to be notified when I pop the disk out or put it back in21:48
Sven_vBowen68, how did you check for such notifications?21:49
BluekingI'll guess /home/user  by default uses / ?21:50
tomreynBlueking: on a desktop, yes21:51
Sven_vBBlueking, actually you can check where it is21:51
tomreynactually on a server, too, by default21:51
Bluekinghow ?21:51
Sven_vBe.g. df --human-readable /home/sven/21:51
Sven_vBit should show which disk it's on21:52
Sven_vBmy xenial now says "Please unlock the disk cryptroot:" … I guess that means it does not know my real LVM volume group name, nor the keyfile?21:53
Sven_vBhow can I tell it to give me an initramfs shell instead?21:53
owen68I was looking at `udevadm monitor`, nothing is happening. And even when I pop the disk out, it still shows up in files21:54
tomreynSven_vB: try entering three incorrect passwords, but i'm not sure this still worked on xenial. otherwise, reboot passing "break" as a kernel / initrd option.21:55
Sven_vBlooks like I have to reboot then21:58
Sven_vBowen68, instead I'd monitor tail -f /var/log/syslog21:58
tomreynor just    journalctl -f21:59
owen68Sven_vB tomreyn sure I'll try both21:59
mdemoIs there a general theory of operation for how web app packages should work with other parts of the stack?22:00
mdemoLike, are they going to look somewhere to see what web server / DB you have and stick config in sites-enabled?22:00
tomreynare you asking about a specific web server there, or in general?22:01
Sven_vBmdemo, sounds like an apache way of doing things. in #node.js you'd get other strategies.22:01
mdemonginx has sites-enabled also22:01
tomreynthat's why i'm asking ;)22:01
mdemoif it's node, I'd expect npm instead of apt, really22:02
Bluekingok down to 68% now22:02
Sven_vBthen there's also kubernetes with traefik22:02
mdemoI haven't seen traefik in action, my experience with node packages is that they'll listen on some local port and I'll route nginx to them22:03
Sven_vBI seem to have missted that apt part22:03
Sven_vByeah that's one common setup22:03
owen68actually, nothing in `journalctl -f` of `syslog`. The only way to bring it up is to `echo "1" > /sys/bus/pci/rescan`, then both `udevadm` and `journalctl` will show the device is added22:03
mdemoweb apps seem like a weird fit for apt in general, so I was curious if there was some 'here is how we package web apps' document for debian / ubuntu22:04
Sven_vBowen68, wow so they are connected via pci? I had expected USB.22:04
tomreynowen68: this suggests your mainboard firmware isn't configured or able to handle PCI hot plug events.22:04
Sven_vBmdemo, the modern hipster way would probably be snaps.22:04
mdemoI haven't tried any snaps yet22:06
owen68Sven_vB yeah, it's via PCIe.22:06
mdemodoes a web app snap typically listen on some local port that you can stick nginx in front of?22:07
owen68tomreyn actually I got a custom BIOS from ASUS, and that gave me the option to enable hotswap U.2. That still did nothing for me22:07
owen68Do I need a special driver in Ubuntu to handle PCIe hotswap?22:08
Sven_vBmdemo, I heard they're like docker but with menu/icon/catalog metadata attached, so I guess yes22:08
tomreynowen68: i'm not aware of a special driver, but i've also never actually done it. which ubuntu version are you running, which kernel version?22:10
tomreynowen68: also, are acpi warnings or errors logged when you boot?22:10
owen68tomreyn I started with 16.04 with 4.15.0-55, I also tried 18.04 with 4.18 kernel, and 19.04 with 5.0 kernel22:11
owen68tomreyn how do I check those?22:11
tomreynjournalctl -b | grep -i acpi22:11
mdemoI did find a bit of debian policy about web apps, but it's a bit old https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-customized-programs.html#web-servers-and-applications22:12
owen68tomreyn there are a bunch of logs, but doesn't seem to have any errors.22:16
tomreynmdemo: maybe look at how phpmyadmin packaging is done, it's not a great example but it does attempt some 'iontegration', including via dbconfig22:16
mdemoI might take a look22:17
mdemoexcuse my while I get inappropriately nostalgic about cgi-bin22:17
owen68actually, that's an NVMe disk, nothing related to that disk under acpi, but there are information when I do `journalctl -b | grep -i nvme`. But again, doesn't seem to have any errors22:18
tomreynowen68: so it doesn't say    "ACPI: [Firmware Bug]: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored"   for example?22:18
owen68No, nothing like that22:18
tomreynyou must indeed have a very special custom bios22:18
tomreynand if you grep for    PCIeHotplug22:19
tomreynowen6883: did you get disconected then?22:21
owen68tomreyn no, I'm very new to this... I was trying to log in on a different computer. I've been running back and forth between 2 computers to check and ask questions-_-22:23
owen68tomreyn grep for PCIeHotPlug does get me something22:23
owen68`Jul 22 12:17:34 ecu kernel: acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC: OS now controls [PCIeHotplug PME PCIeCapability]Jul 22 12:17:34 ecu kernel: acpi PNP0A08:01: _OSC: OS now controls [PCIeHotplug PME PCIeCapability]Jul 22 12:17:34 ecu kernel: acpi PNP0A08:02: _OSC: OS now controls [PCIeHotplug PME PCIeCapability]Jul 22 12:17:34 ecu kernel: acpi PNP0A08:03: _OSC: O22:23
owen68S now controls [PCIeHotplug PME PCIeCapability]`22:23
tomreynowen68: you should not run back and forth but install an ssh server and connect through the network, that's a LOT easier.22:26
owen68tomreyn ah! you're right...22:27
tomreynowen68: so there is acpi support for pciehotplug on this platform22:27
tomreynowen68: but i have never tested myself, so i don't know how it should be behaving, or what to look for exactly. you could post the first 300 lines of your journalctl -b and i could take a general look for things which may need a workaround, if this helps.22:30
tomreynfor now, as a manual workaround, you could prepare removal of the device by unomunting all file systems, then running    eject /dev/...   against the block device node before you actually remove it.22:31
tomreynowen68: i also suggest you ask in ##linux in case you can't get better assitence here. they may have more suggestions.22:36
harlowjado people here post via pastebin or other ( i'm owen68 co-worker)22:36
harlowjayoung folks getting IRC up and running ;)22:36
tomreyni could quote the /topic22:36
* Mathisen uses http://ix.io/22:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:37
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit22:37
owen68tomreyn yeah, for now, after popping out the disk, I can remove it by `echo "1" > /sys/bus/pci/device/xxxx:xx.xxx/remove` to remove it22:37
owen68and `echo "1" > /sys/bus/pci/rescan` to bring it back22:37
harlowjathx tomreyn22:37
tomreynowen68: you should give the brain in advance notification before you rip out organs from your body, not the other way around.22:38
tomreynowen68: i.e. first unmount, then eject, then /sys/bus/pci/device/xxxx:xx.xxx/remove22:39
owen68tomreyn '=D  I guess you're right22:39
tomreynand then remove it physically22:39
owen68The bigger problem is if the disk is not plugged in when the system boots up, it won't show up even if I do PCIe rescan22:40
tomreyntry ##linux22:41
tomreynyw, harlowja22:41
owen68sure! Thx! tomreyn22:42
tomreynyou, too.22:42
JuJUBeeI have 2 SD Cards, I used dd to make an image of a 16G SD then tried to burn to second 16G SD card.  I got message telling me I need 25MB more space on destination.23:25
JuJUBeeHow do I make an image of an SD card and remove unused space.23:27
tomreynJuJUBee: partition 1% less than the advertised storage (or less if you need less space to cover your data) and create an image from that.23:30
sarnoldJuJUBee: maybe dd the destination drive to a file on disk; that should give you the size that you can write back to it; dd /dev/zero to a new file that exact size; mkfs on that file for whatever filesystem type you want; mount the file; copy the data in23:30
JuJUBeetomreyn, sarnold the original SD card is a Raspbian that I customized and want to create an img for.  There are 2 partitions, so I want to dd the entire SD card so I can burn to new SD cards as needed.23:37
tomreynJuJUBee: ok, none of this seems to contradict the general approach seth and i discussed.23:39
tomreynJuJUBee: with my approach, just resize one of the file systems, then its partition, where you have much unallocated space, shrinking it slightly. and then just dd the data to the end of the last partition, not the entire device.23:41
tomreynso you get a slightly smaller image which will fit any sd card marketed as the same size and larger23:42
JuJUBeetomreyn, should I resize the partition on the SD card or in the image?23:42
tomreyneither works. do it on the sd card if you plan to create more images like this in the future.23:42
JuJUBeeDon't plan on making more images, just creating more SD cards from this image.23:43
tomreynyou need to resize the file system between step 2 and 3 (of the top answer)23:47

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