
elkravoI can't find any info on creating (preferably temporary, but this is optional) GUEST login accounts that dont require a pw, for when i let my friends borrow my laptop to look something up or put music or whatever03:32
elkravoUsing 19.04 (which is pretty dang sweet btw)03:33
elkravoFrom the support site I found this:03:38
elkravo"To change the users permission click account type and enter your password and select desktop user to not give permission to change the system or admin to change system settings."   But I cannot find this "account type" anywhere03:38
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest32873
bqhow to join freenode network?09:35
kc2bezYou are on the freenode network :)09:36
kc2bezYou've joined the Lubuntu support channel bq09:37
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.09:42
=== md_ is now known as Guest58630
=== marcos is now known as Guest24521
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest31545
Guest31545Hi, I have a problem with the installation of lubuntu, can anyone help me?21:26
lubotsaniGamerYT was added by: saniGamerYT21:28
tomreyn3 minutes aint enough21:36
tomreynsaniGamerYT: were you looking for help there maybe?21:36
Guest_64Am wondering if i download an iso image to my phone an iso of lubuntu and place the extract on a sd card boot my computer in grub rescue is there a way i cam boot that sd carc from grub rescue just wondering22:41
tomreynGuest_64: theoretically yes, but a lot can go wrong in the process22:44
tomreynGuest_64: do you lack removable storage to boot from?22:44
Guest_64tomreyn : I don't have another computer I have a non rooted phone but I do have a SD Card I just don't Know Will I know how to extract the ISO File to the SD Card I just don't know how to use the command in grub rescue install from the SD Reader because I can't do a simple boot to SD Card like pushing f12 it does not boot but I do no it possbile to22:49
Guest_64 manage with grub rescue but I dont now any commands22:49
tomreynGuest_64: you have an sd card reader on the computer, though, or only via the phone?22:52
Guest_64tomreyn: Yes Both SD Card Will Micro SD on Phone I have a adapter for the micro sd fo SD Card reader for my laptop22:53
tomreynwhich connectis via usb, i assume?22:54
Guest_64tomreyn: Yes when i place the sd card on my computer it peeks it up as a usb place it out it does not show up so it works but cant mamage to boot with the files i dont now how to make it bootable22:56
tomreynhmm it seems like you'd need a rooted android phone to write an iso to the sd card.22:56
Guest_64tomreyn : Could it be possible without rooting22:57
Guest_64With Grub Rescue22:57
Guest_64Would you help me22:59
Guest_64With this strugle22:59
tomreyni'm not really keen to try. i really recommend you acquire a removable and bootable storage instead.23:00
tomreynand maybe ask a friend to prepare it for you.23:00

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