[03:54] kelvinliu: babbageclunk: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10446 I think it's finally ready for review. [03:55] ended up trimming a lot that I was doing out that was not needed. [03:56] 90% sure that I've re-enabled resource constraints (root-risk, num cpus) on vsphere === timClicks_ is now known as timClicks [03:56] hpidcock: I've got a call at 4 but I'll look after that [03:57] no rush :) [04:01] hpidcock: yep looking [04:45] babbageclunk: hey we have dozens of models on vsphere/braixen - should I clean them up? [04:46] timClicks: can you see who created them in the UI? [04:46] definitely clean them up unless they were created by k8s-test [04:47] no I don't think it's possible to see the creator [04:47] perhaps I'll try to find the age [04:47] I think that we have a CI job that's not cleaning up after itself [04:47] that's really weird - there's no concept of an owner? [04:47] no, think it's just accretion of testing [04:48] (rather than anything automated) [04:49] there probably is, but I can't find it [04:50] I'll delete anything that's older than 3 months [04:53] I couldn't find it either - I think that's very likely fine [08:36] jam, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10453#discussion_r306690098 responded [08:37] stickupkid: works for me [08:41] manadart: fwiw, I talked with tim a bit today about the issues with the cache, I don't think he realized the extent of coherency issues. We'll likely talk the most next week [08:41] jam: Yep, just had 1:1 with him. [08:42] gotcha [09:14] Can I get a CR on https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10460? It is changing stuff in the deploy code so please take your time and try to break it ;-) [09:25] also, I seem to be getting lots of intermittent test failures (unrelated tests)... [10:05] turns out pylibjuju doesn't remove the sodding LXD profile when it's done with it's tests and I've ended up with 1000 profiles :| [10:16] stickupkid: try this: lxc profile list | grep juju | cut -d' ' -f2 | xargs -L 1 lxc profile delete [10:17] achilleasa, yeah did that :D [10:17] achilleasa, i need to fix pylibjuju tbh :D [10:17] add another task to my never ending list [10:57] why pylibjuju goes mental and creates lots of models [10:57] "juju models --format=json | jq '.models | .[] | .name' | xargs -I % echo % | grep -v -E "controller|default" | xargs -I % juju destroy-model -y --force %" [11:35] embedded stucts don't work in python :| [11:51] gr8 the schema gen has a bug where it doesn't get all params/methods from structs that have embedded values in them [11:51] sigh [12:02] stickupkid: You can't just nest dicts? [12:03] Need a review - just dead code removal: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10462 [12:04] manadart, turns out it got dumped into kwargs, even though it should be mapped to the field in the object in python [12:04] manadart, that was rather painful to work out [12:04] manadart, in otherwords the typed objects just don't work with nested objects [12:25] manadart: approved [12:26] hml: Ta. [12:28] can someone please verify for me if running the following command in 'juju/apiserver' on the 2.6 branch fails? go test -check.v -check.f TestToolsUploadedSecurely [12:31] achilleasa: Pass here. [12:32] manadart: this is what I get: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/DmJWcFzjP2/ (with go 1.12.6) [12:33] actually there are lots of tests in that package that fail with the same error... [12:33] HEAD is ebae7c6df409ff82ccdcf385ac91ca4334df1106 [12:36] On the current HEAD (58d60964ab) I got 1 failure for model not found in cache (intermittent). 1.12.5. [12:38] manadart: with rebased to develop, it became too easy to resolve the todos in the pr, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10443 . could you pls take a quick look at the last commit for sanity check. [12:38] I got the error on CI for my PR but it seems unrelated so I also tried against 2.6 and still get it... odd [12:39] manadart: did you make dep before running the test? [12:39] achilleasa: Yes. [12:39] achilleasa: that bug was a pita yesterday trying to merge [12:39] hml: Stand by. [12:44] achilleasa: interesting, it’s passing for me with 1.12.7 [12:44] running on my laptop now to double-check [12:50] ok, so it passes on my laptop... weird... [12:53] hml: Left one comment. [12:53] manadart: rgr [15:31] manadart: ping [15:31] hml: pong [15:32] manadart: have time for a quick ho? on spacename vs spaceid in subnets? [15:32] hml: Yep. [16:54] i'm going to spend tomorrow breaking my CMR PR into smaller ones, so they're easier to land