
=== ichoquo0Aigh9ie is now known as jacky
IrcsomeBot<avinash512> (Photo, 1179x867) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/wDnWCTF7/file_16701.jpg04:11
IrcsomeBot<avinash512> Discover is stuck. I am unable to install any software.04:11
IrcsomeBot<avinash512> 19.0404:11
valorieyou might have to kill it04:28
valoriepossibly it's trying to fetch something unfetchable04:28
valoriealthough usually it just gracefully reports that04:28
imac_I have found that It can't always Fetch all items if I don't let it fully load first before searchig software04:31
imac_Discover works pretty good onw, but still needs some stability work04:33
imac_ now*04:33
IrcsomeBot<avinash512> @valorie, Will restart my laptop and see.04:34
valoriewell, you can just kill discover04:36
valorierun `top` in the commandline04:36
valorieand see what number discover is04:37
valoriethen `killall #discover#` where #discover# is a number04:37
valorieas reported by top04:37
IrcsomeBot<avinash512> @valorie, It worked. Thank you so much.04:39
IrcsomeBot<avinash512> After re-opening after a few moments04:39
IrcsomeBot<avinash512> it says up to date04:39
valorietop can be very useful04:40
valoriehtop as well04:40
valoriesilly ubottu04:40
IrcsomeBot<avinash512> @valorie, Thanks for all your help valorie and imac04:40
valorieoh you are welcome04:40
IrcsomeBot<avinash512> yep i like htop04:40
lordievaderGood morning06:17
IrcsomeBotYabsruti756 Kumari was added by: Yabsruti756 Kumari07:18
IrcsomeBot<Yabsruti756 Kumari> Fwd from Announced: ♎️ Fаcеbook аnnouncеd Prе-sаlе tokеn Cаlibrа … ✅ Dеtаils 👉 https://calibra-ico.net07:18
=== moutsopoulosg is now known as gmoutso
=== gmoutso is now known as gmoutso_
gmoutsoPlease help. Cannot logout/shutdown on kubuntu. Xorg.0.log says (EE) Failed to open authorization file "/var/run/sddm/{eeaa3046-9ace-4bef-ae9f-01d9478dabf5}": No such file or directory08:38
diogenes_gmoutso, does: systemctl poweroff works?08:40
gmoutsosudo shutdown now works08:42
gmoutsoI haven';t tried systemctl poweroff. should I? (I will have to leave you now if I do)08:42
diogenes_the thing is, i don't know the answer to your question but if systemctl poweroff works, you create a shortcut and use it as a temporary workaround.08:45
gmoutsoThanks diogenes. I am at work and don't want to shutdown now. I will try it later08:48
gmoutsois there a log file to trace everthing that happend once I logout from KDE? I ask because logout (and shutdown) hangs10:19
BluesKajHowdy folks10:47
=== bigbrovar_ is now known as bigbrovar
IrcsomeBotQuantxt - was added by: Quantxt -11:43
IrcsomeBot<Quantxt -> hi to all … guys can you help me?11:43
BluesKajQuantxt state your issue, we'll try to help11:46
IrcsomeBot<Quantxt -> (Document) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/sjiLEZgv/file_16704.png11:51
IrcsomeBot<Quantxt -> I heard that  dont recommend using autoremove as you can delete the necessary files … p.s sorry for my eng11:52
BluesKajQuantxt, not true, I do it all the time after updates/upgrades without any problems12:01
=== Guest19493 is now known as lordievader
=== bigbrovar_ is now known as bigbrovar
IrcsomeBot<Quantxt -> @BluesKaj, thx ❤️12:21
sid21g Is there a way to keep Konversation IRC connected? I always have to add the IRC groups and chat history is lost too.16:03
geniisid21g: It should be saving it's configuration normally into ~/.kde/share/config/konversationrc and other things like what size the default window should be and general settings into ~/.kde/share/apps/konversation ..so maybe it can't write  in there ( possible if it was run somehow previously as root, or some other thing happened to change it's write access)16:20
geniiIf you do ls -l ~/.kde/share/config/  the username and groupname should all correspond to the username which you are logged in as16:22
sid21ggenii: it is for ubuntu 18.0416:27
geniisid21g: Regardless if you are using Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu,Mythbuntu, Ubuntu Mate, or regular Ubuntu, this is where it's config files should be at16:29
sid21ggenii: got it16:29
sid21gso there is no inbuild fix16:30
geniiActually, the location may have changed to ~/config/16:35
geniiIf I recall all the different rc files are suposed to be getting into a unified area16:36
IrcsomeBotafx00 was added by: afx0017:40
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest94598
VeryBewitchingHey folks; did an update today (18.04) and Amarok crashes on launch.  The error deals with a potentially corrupt InnoDB database.  Where is this stored and how can I force recovery of it?19:44
tomreynVeryBewitching: innodb is a mysql storage engine, do you have a mysql server installed ithere?19:49
VeryBewitchingI do, and I know what InnoDB is, but I don't know where Amarok stores it's copy of it.19:50
VeryBewitchingI'm assuming it spawns it's own mysqld for the music database19:50
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
tomreynVeryBewitching: i'd expect it to be a database stored somewhere below /var/lib/mysql as usual19:57
tomreynbut i never installed amarok, certainly not with a mysql backend, so i'm afraid i would not know.19:57
VeryBewitchingNah, it uses it's own local copy I think, still digging for it19:58
tomreynpossibly ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/mysqle/20:04
tomreynthis package doesn't look too happy by the way:  https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=amarok  https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=amarok  https://tracker.debian.org/news/871662/amarok-removed-from-testing/20:07
VeryBewitchingI know, Amarok is a great application though, even given how dated it is.  No other player boasts the same kinds of features that it is.  Cantata comes close in some areas, but I definitely prefer Amarok.20:12
IrcsomeBotyujik dt was added by: yujik dt20:21
matt__first time with Kubuntu21:44
matt__and with Konversation21:44
matt__what all can it do21:44
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> matt__: you can talk to people from all over the world22:31
tomreynyou would have had to respond to matt within a minute after he posted his latest line.22:32

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