
jameshrobert_ancell: packagekit-control is merged to master, so you should be able to experiment with it once the next version of core is released on the edge channel01:39
jameshhopefully appstream-metadata goes in today01:39
=== ogra is now known as Guest89124
didrocksgood morning05:17
dufluMorning didrocks05:26
didrockshey duflu05:49
jibelhi all05:57
didrockssalut jibel05:59
dufluMorning jibel06:05
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:35
didrockssalut oSoMoN06:43
oSoMoNsalut didrocks06:43
dufluMorning oSoMoN07:14
oSoMoNhey duflu07:15
dufluMorning willcooke and Trevinho08:12
willcookeafternoon duflu08:13
didrockscking: hey! I'm wondering if we didn't get hit by a regression in zfs 0.8. (bug #1837717). I wonder if this is forcibly upstream or if we have distro patch you know of that can impact the ordering?11:03
ubot5bug 1837717 in zfs-linux (Ubuntu) "[0.8 regression] zfs mount -a dataset mount ordering issues" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183771711:03
ckingdidrocks, we don't have many patches on zfs nowadays, so it's probably an upstream issue11:03
ckingi'll try and get around to this asap, but I have some high priority contract work to do first11:04
didrockscking: sure, meanwhile, I'm trying -3 from debian, just in case11:04
didrocksconfirming that 0.8.1-3 can reproduce the issue11:10
didrockscking: it seems to be quite close to https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/issues/883311:19
didrocksand so https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/pull/887811:19
didrocksif you don't have time, mind if I cherry-pick/test?11:19
ckingdidrocks, yep, try it. does ZFS_SERIAL_MOUNT help?11:20
didrockscking: I'm looking11:20
didrockscking: can't reproduce the issue with it exported, indeed. Ok, so it seems it won't be as horrible as it sounded to be :)11:23
didrocksI'll give some good testing and probably upload next week11:23
ckingdidrocks, +1 thanks11:23
didrocksyw ;)11:24
kenvandinetjaalton: I built an Hyper-V image with your PPA enabled and confirmed if fixes bug 181722511:57
ubot5bug 1817225 in xrdp (Ubuntu) "18.04.2 breaks xrdp" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181722511:57
kenvandinetjaalton: can you SRU that?11:57
hggdhthe membership on Bugconntrol for the Canonical Desktop Team expited yesterday. Is this on purpose, or would you want it re-instated?12:45
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jibelhggdh, not on purpose. Can you add it back?13:10
hggdhjibel: on it13:16
hggdhjibel: done13:17
jibelhggdh, thank you13:18
jibelwillcooke, ^13:18
willcookeah nice one, thanks hggdh!13:20
willcookeI emailed Brian, I will unemail him13:20
hggdhwillcooke: no need, I re-added it in.13:20
willcookeyeah, just telling Brian that he doesn't need to do anything13:21
tjaaltonkenvandine: yep13:22
tjaaltonkenvandine: infinity told me this isn't rc for .3 though13:23
tjaaltonrelease critical13:23
kenvandinewe need it to be able to release the hyper-v image :/13:23
tjaaltonsince cloud images are dailies13:23
kenvandinethis isn't a usual cloud image13:23
tjaaltonok, talk to him then13:24
kenvandinethis gets published in microsoft's hyper-v quick create gallery13:24
kenvandineinfinity: ^^13:24
kenvandinebug 1817225 blocks the hyper-v desktop image of 18.04.3 that microsoft publishes in their gallery13:24
ubot5bug 1817225 in xrdp (Ubuntu) "18.04.2 breaks xrdp" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181722513:24
kenvandinethese aren't dailies like other cloud images13:25
tjaaltonit doesn't block the sru though, just a question of priority13:27
tjaaltonhum, i'll grab my laptop and upload it to the queue...13:30
kenvandinetjaalton: thanks!13:31
tjaaltonkenvandine: maybe you could test another version, which only builds xorgxrdp?13:40
kenvandineyou mean just xorgxrdp-hwe-18.04?13:41
kenvandinewhich depends on xrdp?13:41
tjaaltonkenvandine: it doesn't depend on xrdp, but provides xorgxrdp which I hope is enough to fix installing xrdp..13:43
tjaaltonthe dep is the other way around13:43
kenvandineok, i can try that13:43
tjaaltonkenvandine: actually, you should be able to simulate it by replacing xrdp-hwe-18.04 with xrdp13:55
tjaaltonif you have an instance with it in disposal13:56
tjaaltonwould cut the time needed to verify this theory13:57
kenvandinetjaalton: yes, that works14:13
kenvandinewith xorgxrdp-hwe-18.04 and xrdp installed14:13
tjaaltonkenvandine: oh cool14:15
tjaaltonI'll upload that version then14:15
kenvandinetjaalton: thank you!14:17
tjaaltonand now I'm off again ->14:19
infinitykenvandine: Where/how are the hyperv images built?15:13
kenvandinefginther's team builds them15:13
infinitykenvandine: So, they're cloud images. :P15:14
kenvandinein the past i was adhoc15:14
kenvandinebut we are formalizing it a bit more15:14
kenvandinebut they aren't quite like cloud images15:14
infinityAnd what's put in the store is a blessed daily that all parties decide is good to go.15:14
kenvandinewe have to publish a version on partner-images and microsoft has to update their gallery to point to it15:14
kenvandineit's not a rolling thing15:14
infinityIt's not part of my .3 release process.15:14
infinityYes, I know how the gallery works.15:14
kenvandineyeah, but we try to give them the image as close to release as possible15:15
infinityJust because we don't upload them daily doesn't mean it's not a cloud image that follows the same out-of-cadence non-rules.15:15
infinityAnyhow, given the hwe thingee is a NEW package with an entirely new binary, I don't imagine it'll be a big deal to get it through, just that I personally don't view it as an on fire RC thing for my point release, s'all.15:16
oSoMoNhave a good evening/rest of the day everyone!16:59
willcookenight all17:07

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