
=== ogra is now known as Guest89124
Skuggenrbasak: 8.0.14 might be too old to support new openssl, yeah03:18
SkuggenIIRC, we were a bit late with the 1.1.1 support03:19
SkuggenI'll see if I can find the patch, and we can see if it applies. The PPA build was 8.0.16, though03:19
lagtjaalton: Any luck with upgrading Mesa to >v19.1?07:04
tjaaltonlag: uploaded, but i messed up with the patches, it seems08:59
lagtjaalton: What happened?09:03
lagtjaalton: It seems like we are on 19.0.8 still09:03
tjaaltonfailed to build09:28
lagtjaalton: Ah09:43
lagWill you fix it soon?09:43
lagtjaalton: Great, thanks \o/09:48
tjaaltonlag: uploaded10:00
lagtjaalton: Can I have a link to the build please?10:00
tjaaltonlag: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/19.1.2-1ubuntu210:00
lagtjaalton: Thanks dude - fill follow along10:02
rbasakSkuggen: oh, I see. I didn't realise the PPA was a later version. We could just bump the archive up to the PPA then?10:28
SkuggenYeah, I think that's best10:43
=== alan_g_ is now known as alan_g
infinityLocutusOfBorg: virtualbox-dkms dropping support for pre-5.2 kernels is rather painful for upgrades. :/15:55
infinitySetting up virtualbox-dkms (6.0.10-dfsg-1) ...15:55
infinityLoading new virtualbox-6.0.10 DKMS files...15:55
infinityBuilding for 5.0.0-16-lowlatency 5.2.0-8-lowlatency15:55
infinityBuilding initial module for 5.0.0-16-lowlatency15:55
infinityERROR (dkms apport): kernel package linux-headers-5.0.0-16-lowlatency is not supported15:55
infinityLocutusOfBorg: Kills the postinst, and breaks the upgrade.15:55
infinityOh, this is the stupid fcf-protection mismatch madness.15:58
infinityWhat a colossal pain.15:59
rbasakcoreycb: o/16:08
rbasakcoreycb: just realised you weren't subscribed to bug 182982316:08
ubottubug 1829823 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive mitaka "libvirt-bin: during shutdown libvirt-bin is stopped before libvirt-guests causing hang" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182982316:08
rbasakPlease could you take a look to see if you're happy with the staging plan and can commit to SRU verification on that basis?16:08
rbasakahasenack: what's the status of bug 1834072 in Eoan, please? I don't see that information in the bug.16:12
ubottubug 1834072 in ruby2.3 (Ubuntu) "Puppet agent using 100% CPU, in sched_yield() loop. Looks like an issue with ruby2.3 which has been fixed but not yet made it into Ubuntu." [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183407216:12
infinitysforshee: The fcf-protection versus dkms modules thing might need more thought than it's been given.16:12
coreycbrbasak: thanks for doing that. i just added my +1 to the bug. as for verification I think matthew will be doing it but if not then yes I can.16:12
rbasakcoreycb: great, thanks! I'll review the actual upload next.16:13
infinitysforshee: On upgrade from bionic or disco, if gcc is updated, then a dkms module, dkms will attempt to rebuild for the running kernel, and explode the upgrade.  Which seems not entirely ideal.16:13
infinitysforshee: I have no good ideas right now (unless there's a way to have dkms itself inject some -fno-evil CCFLAGs into every build), just thought I'd toss that out there.16:13
infinitysforshee: My laptop's recent eoan->eoan upgrade went through that exact problem.  GCC upgrade, virtualbox-dkms upgraded, postinst explodes, dpkg terminate, grandma cries.16:14
rbasakinfinity is a grandma?16:14
infinityrbasak: Grandma is my hypothetical NTEU who would have given up at the point where dpkg told her angry things.16:15
rbasakinfinity: but given it's _your_ laptop having the problem that led to grandma crying, the only logical conclusion is that you're a grandma :-P16:15
infinityI might be.16:16
infinityWould you like some pie, dearie?16:16
rbasakI'm a tauist myself16:17
rbasakBut thanks16:17
sforsheeinfinity: ok, I'll look at what we can do with dkms16:19
infinityI don't care if you're just visiting!16:19
infinityIn retrospect, someone really should have given GCC a '-kernel' command line option that just automatically disabled anything clearly meant for userspace.16:23
infinityThen this sort of thing wouldn't keep happening.16:23
sforsheeat minimum we can sru the cflags change to bionic and disco16:25
sforsheeif we can't figure out something better16:25
infinitysforshee: Yeah, that'll mitigate the issue so it's only people doing eoan->eoan upgrades or people upgrading bionic and disco from older kernels.16:30
infinityAssuming GCC will ignore -fno-feature for a feature it doesn't have.16:30
sforsheeinfinity: it doesn't, but we check whehter or not the compiler supports it16:32
infinitysforshee: Ahh, kay.16:34
infinityAnd indeed it doesn't.16:34
infinity$ gcc -fno-unknown-feature-foo -o hello hello.c16:34
infinitygcc: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-fno-unknown-feature-foo’16:34
infinitySeems also like poor design, but whatevs.16:34
ahasenackrbasak: wrt #1834072, comments #19 and #20? Is it not in the unapproved queue?16:45
cjwatsonrbasak: Trying to work out if you will have religious objections to http://www.cadaeic.net/cadenza.htm in that case16:46
cjwatson(follow link at the top if you're confused)16:46
ahasenackrbasak: ah, eoan, sorry16:47
rbasakcjwatson: no religious objections, but it seems rather arbitrary to base a word game on _half_ the circle constant :-P16:48
rbasakahasenack: yeah. Sorry, I just realised that there is a Debian BTS link. Perhaps I could have figured it out from that.16:49
rbasakI do prefer not having to detective work when SRU processing though please :)16:49
ahasenackand you may be on to something16:51
* ahasenack recovers memory from cold storage16:51
ahasenackno, I just had a small confusion due to the fact ruby2.3 is not available elsewhere16:57
ahasenackrbasak: >= bionic has the fix, let me clarify that in the bug16:58
ahasenack[Other Info]16:58
ahasenackBionic has ruby 2.5.1 and it has this fix already, as do all later ubuntu releaes.16:58
ahasenackrbasak: ^16:59
rbasakrbalint, kenvandine: BTW, you both have an ubuntu-meta in the Xenial SRU queue that conflict. Sorry I didn't get time to look at those today, but you may want to resolve that between yourselves.17:09
rbasak(for the next reviewer who does)17:09
LocutusOfBorginfinity, shouldn't the kernel be fixed to avoid such flag?17:10
LocutusOfBorgit should already have that fix17:10
LocutusOfBorgcan anybody please explain this?17:26
LocutusOfBorgtrying: cairocffi17:26
LocutusOfBorgskipped: cairocffi (50, 0, 37)17:26
LocutusOfBorg    got: 44+0: a-8:a-8:a-8:i-7:p-6:s-717:26
LocutusOfBorg    * s390x: printrun17:26
LocutusOfBorgI can't figure it out17:26
ahasenackit claims a bunch of packages (8, 7 and 6, depending on arch) will be removed if cairocffi is to be installed, that's as far as I got17:31
ahasenacks390x is just the first it lists in more detail17:31
ahasenackbut amd64 is in there too17:31
ahasenackdoes it only list printrun?17:31
ahasenackor did you truncate the output17:31
ahasenackbefore pasting her17:31
vorlonupdate_output always truncates and only lists the uninstallables for the "first" arch it processes17:32
vorlonand the uninstallable count tells you the total uninstallable account; if the baseline is non-zero, you have to check which of those numbers have increased17:32
vorlon(baseline from top of the run is: a-8:a-8:a-8:i-7:p-6:s-6)17:33
vorlonso it's an s390x-specific uninstallability, possibly a result of cairocffi, being an arch: all package (and therefore excluded itself from the uninstallable calculation) picking up a new dependency on an arch-dep package which is unavailable on s390x17:34
LocutusOfBorgvorlon, do you have any idea without an s390x machine to find which one?17:38
LocutusOfBorgdamn, is it python3-xcffib ?17:41
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: I haven't looked, but it should be straightforward to look at the dependencies of printrun, figure out which ones are Arch: any,18:47
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: eh- look at the dependencies of *cairocffi*, figure out which ones are arch: any, and see which ones are not built on s390x18:47
vorlonand in particular, look at the changes to the deps of the cairocffi packages between eoan and eoan-proposed18:48
connor_kI'm having some trouble generating source package files with a simple 1 line change I'm trying to make to a package. I made a new patch with "quilt new name-of-patch.patch" then staged chances for it with "quilt edit path-to-file", ran "quilt refresh" to make sure the contents of the patch were updated. When I go to run "debuild -S -d", it insists the patch is in reverse format and stops. When I apply the patch manually with "qui20:32
connor_k push" or "patch" there's no issue, just when using "debuild". Here's the error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KdtJ4FyWJw/ and here's the patch: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DtDKXGwvH3/ -- have I missed something terribly obvious?20:32
sarnoldconnor_k: wild guessing, quilt push -a or quilt pop -a before trying the build20:37
connor_ksarnold, same result with both of those, I'm afraid :(20:38
santa_connor_k: so you are trying to change a file under debian, is that correct?20:45
connor_ksanta_, yes that is right20:45
santa_under the debian/ directory20:46
santa_well, that can't be done I'm afraid20:46
santa_the thing with quilt patches in the debian packaging is meant to alter the upstream source code in non-native packages (i.e. files outside the debian/ dir)20:47
santa_if you whish to change the debian files I think you have to change them directly20:48
santa_at least, I see no other way20:49
connor_kaha, thank you santa_!20:50
sarnoldaha! thanks santa_ :)20:50
santa_if what you want to do is a custom package for yourself and keep track of you changes you can always use git ;)20:50
santa_you're welcome :)20:50
cjwatsonIt would be desperately confusing to patch files in debian/ using debian/patches/*, so indeed you shouldn't do that20:50
cjwatsonEven if it worked :-)20:51
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: so I have no idea why python-xcffib is not built on s390x but python3-xcffib is, but anyway I guess you fix this by moving printrun to python320:51
connor_kmost everything i do is desperately confusing, but it gets a little bit better every day :)20:51
LocutusOfBorgthanks vorlon I think I already fixed the problem, unfortunately xcffib is used in testsuite so I hope I fixed xcffib too21:57
LocutusOfBorganyway, does anybody know why this package fails to build? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ncurses/6.1+20190713-1ubuntu2/+build/1730077621:58
LocutusOfBorgit doesn't fail to install on local pbuilder or debomatic sbuild machine...21:58
LocutusOfBorglooks like some ppa related stuff...21:58
LocutusOfBorgretrying worked... meh22:16

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