
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Security:: Episode 40 @ https://ubuntusecuritypodcast.org/episode-40/00:05
Bashing-omWild_Man: Nope - lotus directed him here - responding to my everlasting pleas for help :)00:14
Bashing-omWild_Man: If we can get another that gets qualified to do summeries - we will be in good shape :P00:31
Wild_ManBashing-om, yes it will be a great help00:32
Bashing-omWild_Man: As my people skills ( read leadership) are so lacking - I do hope that I have the ability to persuade to help.00:34
Wild_ManIt looks like from the conversation he wants to help00:36
Bashing-omWild_Man: UH Huh - as you say "fingers crossed" just that I do not want to push to hard :P and scare him off -00:45
EoflaOEHello. I told you I am behind ZNC, so I saw your messages on playback.05:42
EoflaOEguiverc I am back online05:44
Bashing-omEoflaOE: krycek is on - If we get can have his attention :)05:47
EoflaOEBashing-om: Ok.05:49
krycek...Yeah, was just gonna address. >_>  So EoflaOE, if you've got a Gmail address, you could PM it to me and I could add you to the Google Doc before I go to bed.05:51
EoflaOEkrycek: OK, I wil pm you.05:51
Wild_ManHello and welcome EoflaOE06:27
EoflaOEThanks Wild_Man06:27
Bashing-omEoflaOE: Getting a real early start on your day - are you not ?06:39
EoflaOEBashing-om: Yes, I do.06:40
Bashing-omEoflaOE: Early your norm ?06:40
EoflaOEBashing-om: Yes. What is "norm?" Normal?06:41
Bashing-omEoflaOE: Yes - normal :)06:41
EoflaOEBashing-om: OK.06:42
Bashing-omEoflaOE: Well - is past my norm(al) I am going to give it up and go to bed , I catch the logs for updates when I return :)06:51
EoflaOEBashing-om: Good night06:51
Bashing-omEoflaOE: Take care - Talk at you later :D06:52
EoflaOEBashing-om: OK. We'll talk later06:52
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Canonical Design Team: BT turns to Canonical Ubuntu to enable next generation 5G Cloud Core @ https://admin.insights.ubuntu.com/2019/07/24/bt-turns-to-canonical-ubuntu-to-enable-next-generation-5g-cloud-core/08:30
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-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) Reached End of Life, Upgrade to Ubuntu 19.04 @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-18-10-cosmic-cuttlefish-reached-end-of-life-upgrade-to-ubuntu-19-04-526810.shtml (by Marius Nestor)14:02
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Canonical Design Team: Mir support for Wayland @ https://admin.insights.ubuntu.com/2019/07/24/mir-support-for-wayland/14:45
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Linux Mint 19.2 "Tina" Enters Beta, Based on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS and Linux 4.15 @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/linux-mint-19-2-tina-enters-beta-based-on-ubuntu-18-04-2-lts-and-linux-4-15-526812.shtml (by Marius Nestor)16:04
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-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Meet Jade, a Desktop Environment for Linux Built Using Web Tech @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=150572 (by Joey Sneddon)16:46
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Josh Powers: cloud-init 19.2 Released @ https://powersj.io/post/cloud-init-19.2/17:06
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Linux Kernel 5.2 Series Is Now Ready for Mass Deployments, Upgrade Now @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/linux-kernel-5-2-series-is-now-ready-for-mass-deployments-upgrade-now-526813.shtml (by Marius Nestor)17:21
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Mageia Linux 7.1 Adds Support for AMD Ryzen 3000-Series CPUs, Download Now @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/mageia-linux-7-1-adds-support-for-amd-ryzen-3000-series-cpus-download-now-526814.shtml (by Marius Nestor)18:09
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Deepin 15.11 GNU/Linux OS Released with Could Sync and Many Other Improvements @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/deepin-15-11-gnu-linux-os-released-with-could-sync-and-many-other-improvements-526815.shtml (by Marius Nestor)18:53
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-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: VirtualBox 6.0.10 Adds UEFI Secure Boot Driver Signing Support on Ubuntu, Debian @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/virtualbox-6-0-10-adds-uefi-secure-boot-driver-signing-support-on-ubuntu-debian-526817.shtml (by Marius Nestor)20:28
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Canonical Outs New Linux Kernel Security Updates for Ubuntu 19.04 and 18.04 LTS @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/canonical-outs-new-linux-kernel-security-updates-for-ubuntu-19-04-and-18-04-lts-526818.shtml (by Marius Nestor)20:53
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Daniel Pocock: Giving people credit for their work @ https://danielpocock.com/giving-people-credit-for-their-work/22:06

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