
studiobot<Chris> Some favourable feedback about the new version of US Controls: If I forget to switch on my Focusrite 6i6 2nd Gen until AFTER login, I can now hear and control playback volume with my (typing) keyboard volume control without having to restart Jack or reboot.  … 1. Playback sound works now without having to restart Jack (necessary in the olde14:27
studiobotr version of US Controls). … 2. The pulse audio progress bar appears and shows the changing volume level without having to reboot first (necessary under the old version).14:27
OvenWerks@Chris: not sure that is -controls, but possibly another change elsewhere. Yes I think controls is better in the newer version but I can't think of a change that would affect the pulse level control.14:32
studiobot<Chris> Mire detail: Before the update, if I forgot to switch on the interface until after login, 'dummy device' was present in the pulse audio sound settings. Restarting Jack replaced this with 'Jack Sync (Pulse Out)' and the sound could then be heard (say at YouTube) but I could only control the volume with the mouse and on-screen fader, not the14:51
studiobotkeyboard volume key. Rebooting was necessary to get that working again.14:51
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