=== Israphel is now known as Guest75145 === Israphel_ is now known as Israphel [00:54] Is xfce kinda eol? Or is it still being developed for new features etc [01:00] Xfce is getting pretty close to having the GTK3 release go stable, actually. [01:00] still being developed [01:00] see #xfce [01:05] Awesome! === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [04:29] Think I've found a bug: when I switch to Japanese in the 'Keyboard layout' I can't switch back to the previous language via the shortkey. [04:30] Because, I assume, the shortkey buttons aren't registered on that Japanese keyboard layout [07:38] I am trying to install xubuntu on an old 2006 Dell Dimension E521, from a USB drive. While I can get to the options like try without installing and install, when I choose either of those, I get this: [07:38] e.012000] Kernel panic not syncing: 10-APIC timer doesn't work!ith apic-debug and send report. Then try booting with 'noapic' option. [07:39] All the research I have done has not worked. How do I boot into noapic? [09:30] Please, who knows how I can stop my PC from requesting username and password for more than two times at start-up? The worst part is that when you enter the details, you could neither delete nor edit the enteries [09:36] Kpotuba, how comes it asks you for password twice? [09:40] It started when I upgraded to the current version 17. [09:41] That is the only thing I know [09:41] 17 what? [09:41] 17 or 19? [09:41] 17 [09:42] 17.04 and 17.10 aren't supported anymore [09:42] either install 18.04 LTS or the latest Xubuntu 19.04 release [09:42] It is more than a year now since I upgraded to 17.10 [09:43] Please, send me the link to the latest version [09:43] I wonder why it has not prompted me to upgrade as it normally did [09:44] Kpotuba: look at the topic, there's a link to the xubuntu releases [09:44] Please, where is the topic?? [09:44] you see it when you enter the channel [09:45] https://xubuntu.org/download [09:45] https://xubuntu.org/releases [09:45] OK, thanks [09:45] Let me download it now [09:45] you're welcome :) [09:46] latest is 64bit only. [09:47] OK [09:50] It tells me that tracker gave an error message [09:50] tracker gave http response code 503 [09:52] http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/xubuntu-releases/18.04/release/xubuntu-18.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso [10:29] I can't seem to upgrade to the latest release. I started but, can't complete. The last message read check your connection, but my connection is strong enough. Can someone guide me through a step by step process? Thanks in advance [10:35] The version 18 is the latest I understand. [10:36] did you mean 19.04 [10:36] !19.04 [10:36] Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) is the 30th release of Ubuntu, supported until January 2020. Release Notes: http://ubottu.com/y/dingo [10:39] 18 is supported until January 2022 [10:42] !YY.MM | Kpotuba [10:42] Kpotuba: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle [10:47] April 2021 for 18.04 [10:48] !18.04 [10:48] Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) is the 28th release of Ubuntu and the current LTS release. Download at https://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes [10:49] five years I thought [10:50] bazhang: Three for Xubuntu [10:51] cheers Unit193 [10:52] Unit193: beat me too it. Ubuntu is five years, all the other flavours 3. [10:53] (Technically, Ubuntu Studio 18.04 was supported for 9 months) [10:53] !eol [10:53] End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [10:54] tomreyn: Kpotuba is gone. [10:55] oops [10:57] Unit193: re ubuntu studio, yep true. But it regained it's LTS status , the user needs to enable the backports and update/upgrade after that to benefit from it. [20:54] hi [20:54] i cant open my pc now [20:54] black screen [20:55] can i do? [21:00] Hi [21:00] Reboot? [21:00] Ctrl alt f4? [21:00] Alt F1/f2/f3 etc [21:00] Find your xserver tty === jay__ is now known as jphilipz [21:16] hi [21:18] hi, i cant open my pc [21:19] black screen [21:20] i see now my disk offline.. dont open the system [23:48] sup folks [23:49] ssdd [23:52] bored nothing broken [23:52] everything working too well kinda scary