
wallyworldkelvinliu: hpidcock: did you guys have time to talk now? or when would be convenient?04:32
hpidcockfree now04:32
wallyworldok, let's join standup04:33
kelvinliuyep, just finished lunch04:36
hpidcockwallyworld: https://github.com/juju/cmd/pull/63 the PR I was mentioning in our meeting, so whenever you feel like looking at a PR07:23
achilleasajam: I discovered a small bug in my bundle-split implementation. Can you please take a look at https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/286?09:13
jamachilleasa: in your example, 'wordpress' is nested under mysql, what does that actually mean?09:15
jamachilleasa: is it just a typo in the example?09:15
achilleasajam: ah crap. sorry, bad copy paste; should be a sibling of mysql09:15
jamachilleasa: right so the issue is that a sibling that didn't otherwise need anything would cause us to retain the key but it shows up as a 'delete'09:18
achilleasajam: exactly09:19
achilleasaLooks like omitempty does not properly translate to individual map values09:19
jamachilleasa: why use '== true' isn't that implied by just '&& value' ?09:20
achilleasajam: oops, you are right! Let me fix that09:21
achilleasajam: btw, since you are checking this PR would you mind also taking a quick look at one more charm-related? https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/28709:25
stickupkidCR any body : https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/pull/32610:51
stickupkidThis pylibjuju change doesn't require the writing of the definitions, but I suspect consuming does :|10:52
achilleasajam: I have addressed your question for 286; can you take a look?11:28
jamachilleasa: so what I don't understand is why "dropping" the object is accomplished by setting it11:33
jamachilleasa: I would have thought we would call Delete or *not* called Set to copy the value11:33
achilleasajam: ah. The reflect package does not provide the means to delete keys from a map. The way to delete things off a map (I have added a comment to the overlay code about this peculiarity) is to set the key to an 'empty' reflect.Value11:34
=== narindergupta is now known as narinderguptamac
wallyworldbabbageclunk: did you have time to talk about app relation data?22:37
babbageclunksure sure22:37
babbageclunkwallyworld: in standup?22:38
thumperI need some review on this https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1046323:37

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