
DOSfanquestion: I have some icons that keep disapearing off my launcher bar (ubuntu 16), any ideas?00:13
coz_DOSfan, ypu probably should be in #ubuntu  channel00:16
coz_DOSfan, sorry00:16
coz_ I was thinking I was in another channel00:17
DOSfangot disconnected ... a new version of the program came out so I guess that's why my icon dissapeared .. all is well.00:21
kreyrenhelp_wanted: https://github.com/RXT067/Scripts/pull/2  I need to make qemu to load userland+provided kernel in VM and i dunno how00:25
kreyrenCurrent: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11302521/61836936-d724b780-ae82-11e9-8b51-0b498131c0d5.png00:25
* uRock is never gonna give, never gonna give, never gonna give you up!00:37
stavrosWhat does everyone use for an application launcher? I used Gnome-Do but it doesn't work with the latest XUbuntu00:52
stavrosSynapse never seems to learn my habits00:52
sarnoldI've got dmenu_run bound to a key in my i3 config00:54
stavrossarnold, does that learn? Gnome-Do has a frecency list so it knows what I usually want to launch00:54
sarnoldstavros: no00:55
stavrosAh, hmm00:55
uRockI use gnome. It remembers what I've used and lists it in Frequent.00:58
stavrosuRock, I see, thanks00:59
brenster21hello, so i ran rsync in a screen on my computer. i am now sshing intino the computer and would like to check the output of the screen but cant access it01:10
sarnolddoes screen -ls show it?01:12
brenster21        26466.rsyncTV   (07/22/2019 01:21:39 PM)        (Attached)01:13
leftyfbbrenster21: screen -d -r 26466.rsyncTV01:13
brenster21thank you01:14
leftyfbbrenster21: man screen # goes a long way01:15
leftyfbbrenster21: also googling for how to use screen01:15
brenster21honestly i was googling it, but i was left lost and i thought i was going to have to use root or something01:16
sarnoldnot knowing how ot use screen was one of the reasons why I switched to tmux :)01:16
leftyfbbrenster21: first result on google for "linux how to use screen" https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-use-linux-screen/01:16
sarnoldI learned screen -RAD by rote and never learned how to do anything else01:17
hipitihopThis morning software updates broke a working  docker-ce on my 18.04 LTS. Restart,uninstall, reinstall, has not helped, engine still fails to start. Anyone have similar issue or can help ?01:17
sarnoldso I'm double-plus glad leftyfb know what to do with the result :) hehe01:17
brenster21guess my googlefu is crap01:17
sarnoldhipitihop: anything in the logs?01:17
brenster21thank you, now to figure out why sonarr is saying the files are missing stuff :(01:17
LarssonHey. Can someone tell me how to disable scroll lock? For some reason it's on and my laptop doesn't have that key01:18
sarnoldLarsson: maybe it does, but only by pressing a fn key first?01:18
Larssonsarnold: if it has, it doesn't say in any key...01:20
Larsson I tried the "setleds -scroll" I found at google, but I get this error: setleds: Error reading current flags setting. Maybe you are not on the console?01:21
sarnoldyeah I don't think I'd expect that to work from X or wayland, just a virtual console01:22
sarnoldhmm. it's been so long since I've looked.. are those set per-virtual console? I'm pretty sure they are..01:22
hipitihopsarnold, which log do you suggest. Output from install here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bKMkQZTpyw/01:23
LarssonI don't know, I just want Libreoffice Calc to led me use the arrow keys to move within cells01:23
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leftyfbLarsson: check to see if it's something you can disable in the BIOS01:24
LarssonOk, found in google the key combination for this laptop. It's Fn + C (Should've done that instead of complicating things)01:25
LarssonI probably pressed that instead of ctrl C at some point01:25
sarnoldhipitihop: try journalctl -u docker.service01:25
sarnoldLarsson: wow, that'd be *really* frustratingly easy to hit01:26
hipitihopsarnold, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CBnt92xRhh/01:32
sarnoldhipitihop: woot: failed to start daemon: error initializing graphdriver: /var/lib/docker contains several valid graphdrivers: overlay2, devicemapper; Please01:33
sarnoldhipitihop: I'm going to guess that the rest of that line says something important01:33
hipitihopsorry it scrolled off the terminal01:34
hipitihopsarnold, "Please cleanup or explicitly choose storage driver (-s <DRIVER>)"01:37
sarnoldhipitihop: cool :) now to poke around in /var/lib/docker and try to figure out if there's something new there, or if the restriction of "only one" is new01:40
hipitihopyup looking at posts like this seem related: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45103803/not-able-to-start-docker-on-ubuntu-16-04-2-lts-error-initializing-graphdriver01:41
hipitihopsarnold, stoping docker, adding "storage-driver": "overlay2" to /etc/docker/daemon.json  then restarting has got it going. Appreciate your time01:55
sarnoldhipitihop: great! thanks for reporting back :)01:55
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MannyLNJHello. I followed the guide at https://medium.com/@vivekteega/how-to-setup-an-xrdp-server-on-ubuntu-18-04-89f7e205bd4e to setup an xrdp server on 19.04 Remmnia connects, I get a black screen then it quits. Any help is appreciated02:46
pufftomreyn: Yeah, the checksums match.02:47
puffDoh, I just realized I downloaded the i386 rather than the amd64.02:48
MarkB2Might there be a person here with knowledge of GTK2?  A short program is able to set events but not clear an associated event mask.  Here is the code: https://pastebin.com/ALCymWyh03:05
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fuzeWith guided install can I chose my file system type?05:11
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pufftomreyn: Hm, it's doing that endless install thing again.  Odd.05:16
Rembohello, does one of the following patches require reboot on Ubuntu 18.04 Server :    zfs-zed (0.7.5-1ubuntu16.4 => 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.6)05:20
Rembo   zfsutils-linux (0.7.5-1ubuntu16.4 => 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.6) ?05:20
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Rembocan anyone help?05:30
MoondhumHello, where can I get logs for crashing applications? firefox in this case.05:33
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MrCrackPotWhen you install software using make make install the original folder is no longer needed ??07:11
MrCrackPotso i can remove it or do you still need it as its compiled there just binaries are moved to the prefix07:12
guivercRembo, with ZFS questions you may get help quicker in #ubuntu-server07:32
guivercMrCrackPot, i would check the make 'receipe'; but I would guess for most software yes it's safe, for all I don't know07:34
lotuspsychjeRembo: try #ubuntu-server07:45
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lotuspsychjepuff: did you try 16.04.6 yet?07:45
alexande1hey guys08:06
alexande1my ubuntu broke a bit08:06
lotuspsychje!details | alexande108:06
ubottualexande1: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.08:06
alexande1i need to setup wifi08:06
alexande1oh sorry a moment08:06
alexande1so the problem is i access wifi by a starbucks network with a login ok: i managed to click the login link with curl08:07
alexande1and i can use irc or wget pages08:07
alexande1but apt install fails with mismatch size / hash errors iirc08:07
alexande1is there something additional i need to do to setup wifi in bash (my ubuntu currently only seems to enter the terminal tty08:07
lotuspsychjealexande1: is it possible to pastebin the errors?08:08
alexande1this is very hard, as i need to create a curl POST request that does it08:08
alexande1but luckily i might have ix , wait08:08
alexande1wait a moment08:09
carogaGood UGT morning everyone!08:13
lotuspsychjewelcome caroga08:13
carogahi lotuspsychje. remember me from last time, you helped me with my touchpad. It's now working due to a kernel update :)08:13
lotuspsychjecaroga: great to hear, wich kernel are you on now? did you have a bug on it?08:14
carogalotuspsychje: 4.18, and yes I have a bug on it which still is open (also cannot be closed as the bug for switching the touchpad on/off still is active)08:15
lotuspsychjecaroga: can i see your bug ID again please?08:15
alexande1so basically mismatch size08:16
alexande1mirror sync in progress?08:16
alexande1unexpected size08:16
carogalotuspsychje: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/181378308:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1813783 in linux (Ubuntu) "Unable to toggle Touchpad by keyboard shortcut" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:16
alexande1is my error08:16
alexande1when i sudo apt install links08:16
lotuspsychjealexande1: did you sudo apt update first?08:16
alexande1ok i see the error08:16
alexande1basically my network login redirects to its "login" page when i try to apt update08:17
alexande1but it doesnt do that e.g. for https:/google.com08:17
alexande1my wifi network*08:17
alexande1the same happens when i do http://google08:18
alexande1is it possible that apt hits non-https pages08:18
alexande1and i need to somehow fix my wifi settings with that network08:18
lotuspsychjealexande1: are you on that public wifi?08:18
alexande1i dont have access to another in the moment08:19
lotuspsychjealexande1: could be blocking things from there maybe08:19
alexande1(and even if i had no idea how to lookup the other networks in bash)08:19
lotuspsychjecaroga: seems like you tested alot already on that bug :p good job08:21
carogathanks. It was kinda fun as well to get stuff to work, but mostly I'm now happy my touchpad is in working order.08:21
alexande1so guys, the problem is all my http(not https) pages are redirected to a login page08:22
alexande1is it possible to somehow use apt get in https-only mode08:22
alexande1or to download package like links08:22
alexande1by other way08:22
lotuspsychjealexande1: easy on the enter button please, you dont need to describe every step you try here08:22
alexande1i am sorry, i usually write many short messages, will try to fix it08:23
mrch_Is there any working manual to access Ubuntu through VNC viever from Windows, Centos works fine for me but an etire Google page of Ubuntu manuals seem to be corrupt, the Ubuntu Console window shows a perfect GUI, but the VNC always boots in a greysreen or a blackscreen, no metter startx config !08:47
SwedeMikemrch_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/800302/vncserver-grey-screen-ubuntu-16-04-lts08:49
alexande1otherwise, my problem is that i think i broke my python3: i might ve changed a file which now breaks imports and e.g. pip3 and many others cant start, so after that i cant seem to start my ui(x server)08:54
alexande1is it possible that this is the reason, or is it not rela08:54
guivercZaZaGX, if you have a Ubuntu support question, please just ask it (this room isn't for chit-chat)08:57
ThriftyDilloAre questions about using Ubuntu in a VM OK?09:02
akemlenovo_ThriftyDillo, I think yes, just ask and you'll know.09:08
ThriftyDilloI just installed VirtualBox on my Mac and Ubuntu 14.10.  I might have some questions09:11
CheezNot sure Ubuntu 14.04 is supported in here, ThriftyDillo09:12
Cheezit's out of the support lifecycle09:13
Cheezeven the lts 14.04 is out of support though, let alone the non lts 14.1009:13
ThriftyDilloYeah, my I'm using a really old Mac with Snow Leopard, so that's the best version which would run09:14
ThriftyDillo*I'm using09:14
ThriftyDilloI do realize that the verson of VB I'm running is unsupported, and 14.10 is old09:15
ThriftyDilloanyway, another time :)09:15
ThriftyDilloJust wanted to make sure we could talk about running Ubuntu in VM here09:16
rorysupported versions of ubuntu are supported in virtualbox. however ubuntu 14.10 is not supported anywhere, vb or not09:21
roryhow did you even find 14.10 iso?09:21
ThriftyDilloolder versions of Ubuntu are readily available at their site09:22
rorybut why 14.10?09:22
ThriftyDilloand I have successfully installed an older version of VirtualBox in Snow Leopard and 14.1009:23
ThriftyDillobecause I run Snow Leopard09:23
mrch_SwedeMike: what exactly worked for you?09:23
ayekatThriftyDillo: the host OS shouldn't matter09:23
rorythat shouldn't matter. vbox is vbox right?09:23
rorywhy not, say 14.04, or 15.04? I have many qyestions09:23
ThriftyDillo14.10 is the latest version the Snow Leopard version of VB will support09:23
roryjust download 18.04 and be done with it. I'm sure it will work. and if it doesn't, cross that bridge when you get there.09:23
ayekatrory: 15.04 isn't any better, though - 14.04 was at least an LTS09:24
ayekatThriftyDillo: does the latest version of VB not run on Snow Leopard?09:24
ayekatdoes a later version of macOS not run on your laptop?09:24
ThriftyDillono, needs at least Mavericks09:24
ThriftyDilloI have to run Snow Leopard because I run some old PPC code (Rosetta translator)09:25
ThriftyDilloSo I'm stuck with 14.10 in VM09:25
ayekatI see09:25
ayekatcan the old PPC code not be replaced (or itself be run in an emulator)?09:27
ayekatbecause it keeps you back by a decade (or half a decade, for the ubuntu VM) - is it really worth it?09:27
rorybut... what happens when you try to install a later version?09:27
rorywhat changed between 14.10 and 15.04 that stopped it working in vb?09:27
* ayekat assumes the vbox guest additions09:28
roryi still think it's worth a try09:28
roryyou will struggle hard on 14.1009:28
SwedeMikeThriftyDillo: you could consider running a different operating system completely and then running your old MacOS version virtualised. I run MacOS in Parallels on my Mac, so I could run an older version of macos in that VM if I needed to.09:29
roryit's not going to explode your mac. the worst you lose is your time, and a gigabyte download.09:29
ThriftyDillo <SwedeMike> ThriftyDillo: you could consider running a different operating system completely and then running your old MacOS version virtualised. << interesting idea09:30
ThriftyDilloWill bbl, thanks :)09:30
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mrch_SwedeMike: thx, sudo vim /home/ubuntu/.vnc/xstartup10:21
mrch_gnome-panel &10:21
mrch_gnome-settings-daemon &10:21
mrch_metacity &10:21
mrch_nautilus &10:21
mrch_, did it but why no official manual is showing this?!10:21
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chietais ubuntu supporting for wireless mouse indicator?11:25
EoflaOEchieta: Ubuntu supports wireless mouse. It should.11:26
BluesKajHi folks11:28
chietahow about the battery  EoflaOE11:30
chietabattery wireless mouse?11:30
EoflaOEchieta: Yes. I have ne, works fine11:34
haiiokarinhey guys, i created droplet on the digitalocean and normally i received ip adress on which i'm streaming my radio now. Since i have other website which is listening to that IP - how can i make that ip on digitalocean secure, i mean by declaring ssl certificate? If i want to import Let's Encrypt to i need also apache or something?11:37
lotuspsychjehaiiokarin: i think for digital ocean questions, you better contact the digitalocean support11:46
lotuspsychjehaiiokarin: whats your kernel version and ubuntu version there?11:47
cibyok guys i messed up big im stupid so i pressed alt ctrl f1 while my screen was blank and other combos and my its all messed up like the screen is super zoomed in what do i do11:50
lotuspsychjeciby: did you try a reboot yet?11:50
cibyyes, it doesnt help11:51
haiiokarinlotuspsychje: one moment :)11:51
lotuspsychjeciby: wich ubuntu version please?11:51
lotuspsychjeciby: check systemsettings/accesability/ if zoom is enabled or not?11:54
haiiokarinlotuspsychje: Ubuntu 16.04.6 x64 ,  4.4.0-154-generic11:54
haiiokarinlotuspsychje: i should upgrade ubuntu also right?11:54
lotuspsychjehaiiokarin: that looks pretty well up to date11:54
lotuspsychjehaiiokarin: are you on server i presume?11:54
cibyzoom is off11:55
haiiokarinlotuspsychje: i just installed icecast when i booted up droplet11:56
haiiokarinlotuspsychje: sorry LibreTime11:56
haiiokarinlotuspsychje: which depends on icecast11:56
cibytheres something up with the resolution, when this stuff first happened it was super zoomed in and it didnt have options for resolution at all11:56
lotuspsychjeciby: check systemsettings/devices/screen then, see if schaling is correct or resolution11:57
lotuspsychjehaiiokarin: ubuntu desktop or server?11:57
cibyand i just did something on "advanced options for ubuntu" thing that at least gives different options for resolution, but they are both low11:57
haiiokarinlotuspsychje: server11:57
lotuspsychjehaiiokarin: come join to #ubuntu-server please where the experts are11:57
cibywhat is alt-ctrl-f1 supposed to do though12:01
longus_catusDoes ubuntu automatically renice processes now?????????12:01
lotuspsychjeciby: tty12:01
lotuspsychjelongus_catus: elaborate please, whats happening?12:01
longus_catusExactly what I said.  Processes getting reniced automatically12:01
longus_catusProbabyl this package called 'and'12:02
cibypretty afraid i totally ruined this thing, looks like i need to start over12:03
lotuspsychjeciby: check also: sudo lshw -C video to see if driver is still loaded12:03
cibyjust did that but im not sure what sense im supposed to make of it12:05
lotuspsychjeciby: at bottom driver=....12:05
cibyim not seeing it say "driver" anywhere but it says "display UNCLAIMED" which sounds important to this12:08
lotuspsychjeciby: ok, thats what wrong the, your driver isnt loaded, do you have an nvidia card?12:09
lotuspsychjeciby: ok, check ubuntu-drivers list, please12:09
ss942I had been using Ubuntu with Gnome12:09
ss942Then I installed KDE12:09
ss942and now I don't have Xs xD12:10
ss942and now I don't have Xs*12:10
cibyi check it online?12:10
lotuspsychjeciby: no, from a terminal please: ubuntu-drivers list12:10
lotuspsychjess942: you installed kubuntu-desktop ontop of ubuntu-desktop with gnome 18.04?12:11
ss942lotuspsychje: I wish, but it's my secoundary machine, and it was Ubuntu 16.0412:11
ss942no idea if still supported12:12
lotuspsychjess942: yes 16.04 is still supported, but you might give the channel more details of what you been doing, so volunteers can help you better12:12
ss942The hugest problem is that I don't have access to any other computer for next 5 days, and I have to end my job from it in 3 days...12:13
ss942lotuspsychje: ok, give me a moment12:13
cibyi entered "ubuntu-drivers list" in the terminal and got one result... what do i do with it12:13
lotuspsychjeciby: that command should give you driver versions, wich do you see please?12:13
lotuspsychjeciby: ok good, first see if your system is up to date please: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade12:15
cibydoesnt look like it is, and i dont think that updated it12:17
lotuspsychjeciby: getting errors?12:17
cibyits says a bunch of times "updating from such a repository cant be done securely"12:18
lotuspsychjeciby: can you pastebin the whole output please?12:19
lotuspsychje!paste | ciby12:19
ubottuciby: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:19
lotuspsychjeciby: did you add virtualbox from a ppa?12:23
cibyi dont know anything about virtualbox12:24
cibyor a ppa12:24
lotuspsychjeciby: your sources showing you have virtualbox, and thats where your issues came12:24
lotuspsychjeciby: are you the owner of your system?12:24
lotuspsychjeciby: you cant recall installing virtualbox?12:25
lotuspsychjeciby: remove it please and then try to update system again12:25
cibyhow do i do that12:25
cibydid this happened when i did the alt-ctrl-f1 thing12:26
lotuspsychjeciby: before we focus on your tty thing, lets try to straighten your system a bit first12:27
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | ciby12:27
ubottuciby: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html12:27
lotuspsychjeciby: you can check your sources in software&sources icon aswell12:27
cibywhats repository-name and subdirectory for12:28
lotuspsychjeciby: thats where it fits the ppa name and subdirectory you added12:29
lotuspsychjeciby: that could have happened manual, or from installing it from the website12:29
cibyoh just noticed it says i need to install something called ppa-purge12:32
lotuspsychjeciby: yes, see the factoid i suggested above12:32
cibyhow do i do that though..12:32
lotuspsychjeciby: sudo apt install ppa-purge12:33
carogaSo, I've got a question. I've added Flickr under Online Accounts, and installed Photos. But I don't see my flickr albums showing up ?12:34
carogaAm I missing something or am I assuming the wrong outcome ?12:34
lotuspsychjecaroga: did it add a flickr icon to quick launch it?12:35
carogaTo the ubuntu menu or the photos application ?12:35
carogaboth: nope12:35
cibyso now do i just enter "sudo ppa-purge" or do i need to fill in the other stuff12:36
lotuspsychjeciby: look at the factoid i provided how to use ppa-purge, you need to add the exact ppa name/and directory12:37
lotuspsychjeciby: volunteers cant help you with that part though, as you should recall wich ppa you added12:37
cibywelp... i dont know what they are12:38
cibymight be stuck here12:38
lotuspsychje!sources | ciby12:40
ubottuciby: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.12:40
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cibyum i think i just found something? i searched "virtual" in my files and i found a file called "virtual box" that was made a couple hours ago12:43
lotuspsychjeciby: try to recall wich steps you took, to add virtualbox to your system, maybe check browser history?12:44
cibyi dont keep browser history12:44
lotuspsychjeciby: after you removed the ppa, you have to update system again, then install that 390 nvidia driver12:45
cibyit was actually from june 25th so nevermind.. not sure what im doing with it though12:47
cibybut last thing that happened, i was trying to find out how to get ubuntu out of suspend because the screen stays blank when i do12:48
lotuspsychjeciby: i presume your screen problems are related to nvidia driver not loaded12:49
cibymaybe, hope i can fix this first though..12:50
cibytheres this other filed called "virtual" with stuff from today12:50
lotuspsychjeciby: pastebin your sources.list please?12:51
cibylet me see what i can do12:51
lotuspsychjeciby: /etc/apt/sources.list or sources.list.d12:52
cibyoh um12:53
cibyin sources.list.d theres a file thats called virtualbox.list12:54
lotuspsychjeciby: pastebin please12:55
cibythe contents of virtualbox.list?12:56
lotuspsychjeciby: sources.list.d12:56
cibynot sure what you mean12:57
cibywell in sources.list, in "other software", theres a marked checkbox for virtualbox stuff12:59
lotuspsychjeciby: oh i see, it opened software&sources i presume? try to remove the virtualbox from list13:00
skyroveRRHello all! I'm using ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and I've got an encrypted $HOME. I've got a script in $HOME that needs to be run at boot. When I place it in /etc/rc.local, I get /home/$USER/script: Not found. Any ideas on how to get it to work?13:01
skyroveRRI get that Not found error at boot time.13:02
EriC^skyroveRR: can you place it outside of $HOME?13:02
skyroveRREriC^: I could, but I'd like to keep it clean.13:02
skyroveRRI mean I've got no problems putting it in /root, but I don't understand why that isn't working.13:02
vltskyroveRR: My clean solution is an /etc/cron-scripts dir on all my machines.13:02
cibymight have to brb13:03
EriC^skyroveRR: cause your home dir is encrypted, it's only decrypted when you login13:03
skyroveRREriC^: I'm using SSH, the machine is running headless.13:03
vltskyroveRR: So?13:03
EriC^skyroveRR: ^13:03
skyroveRRWell.... so it'll decrpyt only on successful SSH login? I mean, SSH communicates with ecryptfs too?13:04
skyroveRR* decrypt13:04
EriC^skyroveRR: are you using password authentication?13:04
EriC^skyroveRR: when you login, the password you put is actually used to decrypt your passphrase wrapped file, which then is used to decrypt your dir13:05
skyroveRRvlt: how are you doing the cron part?13:05
EriC^i dont think he meant that works with an encrypted home13:06
vltskyroveRR: Depends on *what* should work.13:06
zetherooHow to restart nautilus?13:06
EriC^you'd have to write something that decrypts the home dir before running /etc/rc.local, which is then kind of defeating the point of encryption somewhat13:07
skyroveRRThe script inside $HOME should work at every reboot, that's what I'm after :)13:07
vltskyroveRR: Then put it somewhere readable.13:07
uRockzetheroo, killall nautilus13:07
uRockthen nautilus13:07
zetheroouRock: ok13:07
vltskyroveRR: And have an "@reboot" line in cron.13:07
skyroveRRvlt: ok, will do.13:08
cibyi just unchecked it13:09
cibyso... now what13:09
zetheroouRock: when trying to 'killall' I get:  nautilus: no process found13:09
lotuspsychjeciby: now try: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade13:09
uRockzetheroo, add sudo13:10
zetheroouRock: I did. strange thing though ... I saw it in System Monitor and then just as I posted the previous sentence it disappeared from the System Monitor ... who knows ;P13:11
skyroveRRvlt: I suppose putting it in /root and modifying /etc/rc.local should do the trick equally well?13:11
uRocklol, so it just took a minute to kill itself,13:11
zetherooguess so13:12
zetherooThe real issue is that I am plagued by this message in Nautilus when trying to browse a samba network share: Failed to retrieve share list from server: Connection timed out13:12
vltskyroveRR: Of course. I just told you about my "clean" solution ;)13:13
cibylooks like it upgraded13:13
zetherooI have tried several things from forum threads but honestly at this point don't want to mess up my system trying stuff out13:13
skyroveRRvlt: thanks man. I'll consider your suggestion for other things.13:14
skyroveRRvlt: the other way to get it to work would be to remove ecryptfs entirely, right?13:14
cibyi cant look back on the chat to see if ive been told what to do next13:15
lotuspsychjeciby: sudo apt install nvidia-driver-390, then reboot13:15
cibynvidia driver thing?13:15
vltskyroveRR: Sounds to me like two almost entirely different problems.13:15
cibyah yes13:15
cibyill do that13:15
vltskyroveRR: You can only run things you can read. How to achieve this is up to you.13:17
cibydone, so now... i restart my computer13:18
cibyi... hope this works13:19
lotuspsychjeciby: good luck13:19
cibyyesssssssssss it worked13:23
lotuspsychje!yay | ciby13:23
ubottuciby: Glad you made it! :-)13:23
cibynow its up to me to not do something quite as stupid as that again13:24
lotuspsychjeciby: if you need software, try to stick from the official repos13:24
cibythanks for all the help13:25
lotuspsychjewelcome ciby13:25
skyroveRRvlt: ok, well, my other question, was that to remove this "hurdle" of putting things only where they are readable, and to get over this decryption problem when running stuff at boot, would removing ecryptfs entirely solve this issue?13:28
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markmorlinoCan anyone help me with a bionic gnome/gdm/greeter desktop login configuration question?13:37
elfrederichAs root I installed the awscli via "python3.7 -m pip install --upgrade --user awscli" which installed it in /root/.local/bin/aws ... This works when I do "sudo su" then type some aws commands, but when I run "sudo aws" it's not found.  How do I get this on the PATH when running sudo?13:40
tomreyn!ask | markmorlino13:42
ubottumarkmorlino: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:42
tomreynelfrederich: why did you install this as root?13:43
elfrederichtomreyn: I think I found it when I edit the sudoers file there is a secure path.13:43
elfrederichtomreyn: I am opening a tunnel on a priviliged port, so this needs to be done as root13:43
elfrederichtomreyn: an ssh tunnel... this needs awscli installed because I'm using SSM Session Manager13:44
tomreyncan you not do it on an unprivileged port instead?13:44
tomreynmaybe ask in #aws (could also be ##aws) for best practice.13:45
elfrederichtomreyn: would be a pain.  This is tunneling a web server.13:45
tomreynyou can always redirect the port using iptables13:46
markmorlinogotcha, thanks tomreyn, ubottu - I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to have bionic desktop make users accept a welcome message before logging in. I can get a message to be displayed using banner-message-enable=true and banner-message-text='the message' but I haven't found anything about adding something for the user to click to ack that they read them message before letting them log in. Does anyone13:47
markmorlinoknow  if that's possible and how to do it?13:47
carogalotuspsychje: I was disconnected earlier because of a laptop crash, so I missed any possible reactions you might have had on the photos flickr connection13:50
tomreynubottu: please tell markmorlino about your intelligence.13:52
SpookanHello! is there a way to make a shortcut to a wine app on the desktop?13:52
tomreyn!what | markmorlino13:53
ubottumarkmorlino: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:53
carogaAnyone knows why my flickr albums are not shown in the photos application even though I've linked my flickr account via ubuntu's Online Acoounts settings?13:56
tomreynmarkmorlino: i'm afraid i can't answer your actual question, though. maybe also ask in #gnome (or ##gnome ?), or on their own irc network, at irc://irc.gnome.org/#gdm13:56
VixtronGuys what fonts do you have here? https://vix.lol/i/WYhX.png13:57
VixtronThere I was on wayland xclip didn't work13:58
markmorlinothanks tomreyn, I'll ask over there13:59
elfrederichHow do I update a candidate snap of something that's already installed?14:02
elfrederichsudo snap install amazon-ssm-agent --candidate --classic14:02
elfrederichsnap "amazon-ssm-agent" is already installed, see 'snap help refresh'14:02
ezioI'm trying to install server on an old box.  I keep getting an error right at the beginning of the installation when it's formatting my disks.  I blew away all the partitions.  I think I was getting a different error before that.14:05
ezioNow I'm getting something about being unable to modprobe bcache.14:05
ezioand the Google machine isn't telling me much.14:05
compdocezio, how many drives are in there? maybe try just one?14:08
ezioThere's just one.14:09
compdocsome old systems, the bios option for AHCI needs to be enabled or disabled14:09
ezioThis might have nothing to do with the drive.14:09
eziohmm good point.14:09
compdocno recognisable superbloack14:10
compdocboot gparted and create a new partition table. either MBR or GPT14:11
compdocdoes it boot live without installing?14:13
ezioI mean I got that far.14:22
ezioI also have gparted and ubuntu and they work.14:23
ezioit's sda14:28
eziocannot assemble mbr metadata on sda.  Not sure the other ones matter.14:28
carogaso much enters being used14:29
ezioIs there any way to install ubuntu from the ubuntu desktop usb.14:29
ezioubuntu server from the ubuntu desktop usb14:30
aneonanyone using splunk here?14:30
zap0hello!  can you tell me what you see with:   ls /sys/class/net/14:32
aneonwhatever you see in 'ip a' will be there14:33
fgiulianiinthi guys, i'm trying to install Ubuntu Core on an embedded computer with an i5 CPU. I copied the ubuntu-core-18-amd64.img.xz image on the mSata disk and the boot the PC. When I press enter to make the configuration I got an error: UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc2 in position 31.. etc.. and the PC promt again "press enter to c14:46
fgiulianiintwhat can I do?14:46
leftyfbfgiulianiint: you want #snappy14:48
fgiulianiintleftyfb: i thought the channel was just for the dev team15:01
uRockfgiulianiint, this IRC is for ubuntu support15:03
fgiulianiintok thanks, sorry15:04
aleph-Question on unattended upgrades, can I set it to run at a specific time and day? Rather then every X days?15:40
tomreynaleph-: it's either a systemd timer (on 18.04 +) or a cron job (maybe still on 16.04)15:43
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aleph-With the bin to exec being unattended-upgrade?15:49
tomreynaleph-: i don't remember, but start with    systemctl list-timers15:51
MWMdoes anyone know how fslint checks for dupes?  md5 maybe?16:07
lunaDownloading the new Eoan +1 release now16:09
MWMnvm.  of course its in the documentation.  and of course thats the last place I looked16:09
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johnjayis there a way to uninstall a metapackage?16:38
johnjayi.e. if I do apt-get install games-arcade can I do apt-get remove games-arcade?16:38
johnjayor like can you save the current package state and revert to it somehow in ubuntu?16:38
JimBuntuRambo, you can use remove and even purge16:39
johnjayok cool. i realized some of these take up a lot of space and it would be hard to go down the list individually after installing16:40
JimBuntujohnjay, you may find value in autoremove as well16:41
johnjayJimBuntu: it says packages installed with install will not be auto removed16:44
johnjaybut it sounds like it could be useful for cleaning up after a big uninstall16:44
JimBuntujohnjay, yes, good for cleanup every so often.16:44
pragmaticenigmajohnjay: when attempting to clean up space, "sudo apt autoremove" is the best place to start. It will remove old kernels and packages that have been lingering with dependencies requiring them16:45
johnjayah gotcha16:45
pragmaticenigma*dependencies no longer requiring them16:45
johnjayi'm just installing a ton of things from games-arcade and games-rpg16:45
pragmaticenigmasorry bad phrasing there16:45
johnjayand i want a way to delete them after i've tried a few was my thinking16:45
johnjaysince my hd space isn't unlimited16:46
pragmaticenigmaDoing a remove on the meta-package only removes the meta-package, not the items that defined with in it. but if you remove a package that was installed by the meta-package, apt will recommend removing the meta-package as well, though remaining packages will remain unaffected16:46
arooniis there a way to disable ubuntu 18.04 timing out to a lock screen (with clock + notifications ) after x minutes of inactivity?16:47
pragmaticenigmaarooni: In settings, look at the security area16:47
johnjaypragmaticenigma: ah that's' unfortunate16:48
johnjayi wanted a way to remove the entire metapackage16:48
pragmaticenigmaarooni: Rather, look at "screen" in the settings area16:48
arooniah i didnt see security thanks16:48
pragmaticenigmaarooni: I think of it as security because it has an icon looks like a computer monitor with a lock on it16:48
tomreynjohnjay: packages which are installed as dependencies are marked as automatically installed. such packages will be offered for removal by autoremove when all the packages dependening on them have been removed. see the apt-mark command and its !man page for details.16:49
aroonii dont see 'screen'  i see display16:49
johnjaytomreyn: so which of you is right?16:50
johnjaywill apt-get remove games-arcade allow auto removal of the packages it installed or no?16:50
pragmaticenigmaarooni: What do you see listed in the category of "Personal" ?16:50
aroonii have already disabled 'screen lock'16:50
pragmaticenigmaarooni: That doesn't answer my question16:51
tomreynjohnjay: i'm not sure whether virtual packages define dependencies, or whether they work the same as if their targets had been manually specified on the command line.16:51
aroonipragmaticenigma: under settings i dont see 'personal'  are you using 18.04 too?16:51
aroonihttps://extensions.gnome.org/extension/672/disable-screen-shield/ this seems to address it16:52
tomreynjohnjay: on bionic, games-arcade is a non-virtual metapackage, so a standard package. which "Recommends:" all those games. i think you will notice that installing this package will cause the games to be marked for automatic removal.16:54
tomreynbut you can just check whether those games are automatically or anually installed using apt-mark16:54
johnjayah ok16:55
johnjayit's going to take about 8hours to finish installing it plus other packages so i'll check and see16:55
seven-elevenubuntu seems to use deprecated timezone format in the preseed.cfg, the default preseed suggests US/Eastern, according to wikipedia US/Eastern is deprecated https://www.wikiwand.com/en/List_of_tz_database_time_zones16:55
tomreynjohnjay: note that the games-arcade package also depends on the games-tasks package, which has a web page here https://blends.debian.org/games/tasks/ and a description of "This package provides Debian Games tasks in tasksel".16:57
seven-elevenpreseed.cfg is so long :\16:59
tomreynjohnjay: apt tasks are a way of creating collections of packages. those can be installed using (e.g. for a task called "taskname"):  apt install taskname^    # the trailing ^ is important.16:59
johnjayand uninstalled?17:00
tomreynmanually / autoremove17:00
tomreyntasksel --list-tasks    lists known tasks. after installing the games-tasks package, this list will be longer17:01
tomreynseven-eleven: please /join #ubuntu-server17:01
tomreynand ask any preseed related questions htere17:02
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OerHeksarooni, that url is old, up to gnome version 3.2217:03
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tete_hi, is there any plan to release a new .iso which fixes the rdrand problem in ryzen 3000 processors?17:19
tete_correction: with a new systemd version which workarounds the rdrand problem17:19
JimBuntutete_, I can't speak for Canonical, but I saw that there is a new kernel released which resolves at least some of the ryzen 3000 issues17:19
tomreyntete_: bug 183580917:23
ubottubug 1835809 in systemd (Ubuntu Eoan) "AMD Ryzen 3000 series fails to boot" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183580917:23
johnjaya processor that fails to boot? o_o17:24
tete_no, systemd does not boot because there is a faulty instruction17:25
tete_and systemd relies on that, because... its... aeh... doing stuff it should not do, or.. at least a regular init system would not, but thats another topic17:25
tomreyntete_: *fixing* the rdrand issue requires microcodes / firmware updates. which amd will probabably pass to mainboard vendors, and those will pass them to users.17:25
johnjaythere are some linuxes out there that refused to use systemd. living out on the fringes of known space17:25
tomreyntete_: ubuntu 18.04 LTS works fine with those CPUs.17:26
cerealguyTwo days after IBM finalized its acquisition of Redhat, I get this:  https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/5OCPy7ez/image.png17:30
johnjaytranslation: new research shows that we are better than others17:32
OerHekscerealguy, so how is redhat a part of ubuntu support?17:33
OerHeksmove it to ##jokes please17:34
dan01Can malware be inserted into movie files?17:42
dan01guess yes, but I guess there has to be a bug in the playback software to execute tht17:42
vltdan01: Yes.17:45
dan01OerHeks: please explaine17:54
eziocompdoc, Still having the same issue.17:55
JimBuntudan01, a video player, normally, isn't going to execute the video code... it interprets it and plays it back... hence, the player would need to have a vuln/bug that causes it to misinterpret the video file. VLC actually has one of those that was recently patched.17:57
ikanoboriNot just one, it's an evergoing story.17:58
ikanoboriMedia formats often allow for a lot of things to support a lot of things and are very large libraries, in addition there are many formats so many of those libraries, they can break and be used in ways the user didn't intend.17:58
ikanoboriIf you have a media player that uses those libraries then yes a video file can be used to install malware.17:58
ikanoboriOr 'contain' it.17:58
ikanoboriIt's also one of the most interesting attack surfaces since many devices auto play or preview media files using those libraries so it's cool to look into if you're wanting to break things.18:01
JimBuntuikanobori, the preview vector is very bad, I agree. Probably not really an #ubuntu topic, but it is very interesting.18:01
ikanoboriSorry, yes :)18:02
OerHeksdan01, why? i am not fuel the hoax18:04
pragmaticenigmadan01: Your question is offtopic for this channel, this channel focuses on the support of Ubuntu Operating System flavors and software that has been isntalled by it's included package manager and default repositories. For question like yours, please use the #ubuntu-offtopic channel.18:05
dan01I just ask here because I conssider you guys smart :D18:06
dan01But you are right :)18:06
sudo_haltHello, i cant get Ubuntu working on AMD RX 570. It just boots to a blank, black screen, in a total hang status, and switching terminals wont work.18:25
johnjaysudo_halt: i think you can tell grub to boot to a specific runlevel, like for rescue mode18:25
sudo_haltThe only way to get it to work is using software rendering LLVM Pipe with kernel nomodeset option -- which i am using right now18:26
tomreynsudo_halt: which ubuntu version exactly?18:27
sudo_haltUbuntu 19.04, just installed, fresh install, AMD Ryzen 5 2600 + AMD RX 57018:28
sudo_haltI have random freezes in GUI, terminal is okay18:28
tomreyninstall the pending updates, reboot, see if you can boot without special kernel parameters18:29
tomreynalso install firmware updates if you haven't18:29
sudo_haltNo graphics related updates are in, but okay18:29
tomreynthere'll be kernel updates at the very least18:30
sudo_haltIm updating now, gonna take a couple minutes18:32
kreyrenrequesting version info for mono-devel18:55
OerHeks!info mono-devel18:55
ubottumono-devel (source: mono): Mono development tools. In component universe, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 1920 kB, installed size 10492 kB18:55
OerHeksbionic this is18:55
OerHeks!info mono-devel disco18:55
kreyrenis there 5.20 anywhere on ubuntu?18:55
ubottumono-devel (source: mono): Mono development tools. In component universe, is optional. Version (disco), package size 21025 kB, installed size 106225 kB18:55
OerHeks!info mono-devel eoan18:56
ubottumono-devel (source: mono): Mono development tools. In component universe, is optional. Version (eoan), package size 21031 kB, installed size 106224 kB18:56
sudo_haltHi again18:56
sudo_haltAfter updating nothing works18:56
sudo_haltCant even boot with LLVM pipe software rendering18:56
sudo_haltIm using ubuntu's recovery mode to boot into a root console and im using weechat to IRC with terminal18:57
sudo_haltAny ideas?18:57
OerHekskreyren, or get you own, 6 stable https://www.mono-project.com/download/stable/18:57
OerHeksmake sure the ca-certificates-mono package is installed.18:58
kreyrenthat doesnt build18:58
sudo_haltany ideas regarding the amd gpu boot problem?19:00
kreyrenmono-devel on stable builds 6.0.0 only19:01
kreyrenah wait19:02
kreyrenah that works thanks OerHeks19:03
OerHekshave fun!19:03
sudo_haltIm re-typing my issue just in case: I have an AMD RX 570. When booting, Ubuntu 19.04 (fresh install, updated) boots to a blank, black screen. Before i update the machine, i was able to boot into software rendering, but now i cant even boot with that.19:06
sudo_haltIm using ubuntu's recovery mode with root console ATM. any ideas?19:06
tomreynsudo_halt: can you post dmesg:  dmesg | nc termbin.com 999919:08
sudo_haltokay, i can also give you full system inxi if you want]19:09
tomreynsudo_halt: did you install any third party software after you had installed ubuntu?19:09
sudo_haltYes, synaptics, and inxi utility19:10
sudo_haltBesides, i cant get a tty to work.19:10
sudo_haltUnless i quit my IRC client (tty1  -- root)19:10
tomreyndo you have another computer available?19:10
sudo_haltits running arch linux19:10
tomreynuse the other computer to chat19:10
n-iCeWhat's the favorite DE for Ubuntu? is there any? or the better supported?19:12
tomreynubuntu 18.04 LTS and 19.04 come with gnome / gnome-shell19:13
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours19:13
n-iCeok, is it the must used?19:13
sudo_haltthats the dmesg output19:13
tomreynn-iCe: i have no current statistics available on this.19:14
n-iCeok tomreyn19:14
tomreynsudo_halt: looking19:14
n-iCetomreyn: what can I use to flash a usb with ubuntu, make it bootable.19:15
sudo_haltwith windows you can use Rufus, in linux you can use the dd utility19:16
tomreyn!usb | n-iCe19:16
ubottun-iCe: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:16
tomreynpersonally i like to recommend balena etcher to technically less advanced users19:16
tomreyn(i'm not saying you are)19:17
n-iCeagain, thanks tomreyn amazing.19:17
n-iCetomreyn: may I ask your DE?19:17
n-iCeI'm still not sure which select19:17
n-iCeor use19:17
sudo_haltKDE, Gnome and XFCE are all very great options, Gnome and XFCE being very flexible, Theres also DeepinDE, which is 'pretty'19:19
sudo_haltthere are also many more, but this are some of my favourites19:19
n-iCeThink going to go for stock19:19
n-iCeor default DE gnome19:19
JordiGHCan I kill snapd? It's eating my CPU on some server that should be doing a calculation instead.19:20
sudo_haltif you dont have snaps, and dont use them, you can, but killing it may lead to some problems in snap, i mean it may be doing something important in background19:21
sudo_haltor maybe not19:21
tomreynsudo_halt: well i don't see any issues on your dmesg. maybe you can get a syslog from last boot?19:22
JordiGHOkay, that snapd son of a gun... is going down.19:22
sudo_haltLast boot got stuck on explicit boot from systemd, not sure if theres anything usable19:22
sudo_haltill see what i can get19:22
JordiGHSighhhhhhhh snapd ate all of my AWS CPU credits.19:23
ioria    sudo_halt you might  hit by a bug: boot with ' modprobe.blacklist=amdgpu' or install latest kernel 5.1.0 lowlatency : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/181858019:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1818580 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Medion MS-7616] [drm:amdgpu_init [amdgpu]] *ERROR* VGACON disables amdgpu kernel modesetting." [Low,Triaged]19:23
sudo_haltYes, that error is there19:23
sudo_haltHowever, AMDGpu IS the driver for AMD Ellesmere (RX 500)19:24
sudo_haltIf i blacklist it there wont be any GPU-acceleration19:24
sudo_haltwhich is bad, i guess>19:24
ioria    sudo_halt  try the 5.1 kern19:24
sudo_haltIs it in the official repos?19:25
ioriasudo_halt, nope: https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.1/19:25
sudo_haltCan i even add a PPA from the recovery mode?19:26
ioriasudo_halt, if remounted rw, yes19:26
ioriasudo_halt, you need to enable networking19:26
sudo_haltYeah, i got that atm19:27
sudo_haltoh, and btw, there is no /var/logs dir19:28
JimBuntuwhat about /var/log ?19:29
ioriasudo_halt, chack sudo parted -l19:29
JimBuntuhello sputnik404 , if you have a support question for Ubuntu, please feel free to post as much as you can about it on a single line or use https://paste.ubuntu.com19:30
sudo_haltwait, isnt that kernel.ubuntu.com a PPA?19:33
JimBuntuthere are debs at that link sudo_halt19:34
EriC^!mainline | sudo_halt19:35
ubottusudo_halt: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds19:35
sudo_haltRight, so i had to download the debs the whole time19:35
sudo_haltkept trying to add it as a repo19:35
ioriasudo_halt, nope19:35
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tomreynsudo_halt: two more suggestions: just leave the recovery console and continue booting, see if you get graphics this way. if you don't boot the standard kernel with !kernelparm 'nosplash' (without the quotation marks) added but with 'quiet slash' removed.19:38
tomreyn(personally i wouldn't go so far as to try downgrading the kernel version just yet.)19:39
sudo_haltI have tried that, default boot and many different modes19:41
sudo_haltIt just hangs, a classic, total hang19:41
sudo_haltI've tried Ubuntu 18.04, Xubuntu 18.04, and now im at Ubuntu 19.04 (I could use the safe graphics mode in the installer to install)19:42
tomreynno text on screen before or when it does at all?19:42
n-iCetomreyn, done, I'm on Ubuntu, thanks.19:42
tomreynyou mentioned you saw the     [drm:amdgpu_init [amdgpu]] *ERROR* VGACON disables amdgpu kernel modesetting.    message before. was this with nomodeset set or without?19:42
sudo_haltWith nomodeset, booting in LLVM Pipe, NO GPU acceleration19:43
tomreynn-iCe: you're welcome, enjoy19:43
Phruisi need to forward port 22 traffic to a different port in 18.0419:45
Phruishow do i do it?19:45
sudo_haltokay, now we have another problem: DPKG has issues with linux-headers-5.1 dependencies and wont configure it19:47
sudo_haltim rebooting anyways19:48
tomreynsudo_halt: the error message brings up the bug report ioria pointed you to, amongst other. maybe you'll succeed with linux 5.1.0 indeed. but this is obviously also not an acceptable long term solution.19:48
tomreyngood luck!19:48
EriC^sudo_halt: did you install all 3 .deb19:49
sudo_haltgot them all in one folder and dpkg --install *.deb19:49
sudo_haltwell the kernel is installed, now its different19:50
sudo_haltIt goes all the way to recovering journal, the screen fonts change, then it switches to a blank screen again19:51
sudo_haltAt least it gets that far now19:51
tomreynsudo_halt: try booting with amdgpu.dc=0 also19:52
sudo_haltlets see what happens19:52
sudo_haltIt boots! Let me check GPU accel19:54
sudo_haltIt all works! GPU and everything is working! Thank you all for your help19:54
tomreynsudo_halt: can you please file a bug report about this?19:55
sudo_haltYeah, ill get some logs and inxi outputs and send them to Ubuntu19:55
tomreynubuntu-bug amdgpu19:55
sudo_haltOr should i try the AMDGpu devs?19:55
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:55
tomreynyou can also file against freedesktop if you prefer. i'm not sure if it's a kernel or kernel module issue, yet.19:56
tomreynideally you'll file against ubuntu, then against whatever 'upstream' mmakes most sense, and link those reports. obviously that's a bit more work for you.19:57
sudo_haltThat command doesnt work, no such package19:57
tomreynwhich command?19:58
sudo_haltthe ubuntu-bug one19:58
tomreynpretty sure it should19:58
tomreynoh it's what the command reports19:58
tomreynuse "radeon" then, or "linux"19:59
tomreynubuntu-bug radeon19:59
Phruiswhy is it so hard to forward traffic from one port to another?19:59
lordcirthtomreyn, I believe the source package name is needed19:59
lordcirthPhruis, why are you trying to do that, and how?19:59
tomreynlordcirth: you're right.19:59
tomreynradeon doesn't work either20:00
tomreynlibdrm maybe?20:01
sudo_haltis there such a thing as Ubuntu graphics team?20:02
tomreynyes, i think so.20:02
tomreynthey have this link in their irc channel topic: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting as well as "Before asking for help here, please file a bug report using 'ubuntu-bug xorg'."20:03
tomreyni was rather thinking of #ubuntu-x and https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers20:04
DOSfanquestion: I installed a SSD to this computer (Ubuntu 16) , I ran Clonezilla (USB boot) and everything cloned ok.  I want to extend the Ubuntu install partition since the hard disk I had it on was only 40G, so I read instructions pon how to do this (https://askubuntu.com/questions/116351/increase-partition-size-on-which-ubuntu-is-installed) ...20:05
sudo_haltI think i should file the bug against ubuntu's general bug reported and let them move it to the correct place20:06
DOSfanAll I need to do is set a Volume label on this new Linux LVM partition, all of the devices have no volume label, so this command fails ... sudo e2label /dev/sda3 "Linux-Extend-1"20:07
tomreynsudo_halt: just file it against xorg or linux then, it'll be reassigned as needed.20:07
tomreynsudo_halt: you may be asked to run more commands later (after reassigning) to gather useful logs then.20:08
DOSfanmaybe someone could help walk me though this last part, I think I just am not putting in the right commands20:08
DOSfanah .. the pvcreate I can set the volume name ... maybe I can figure this out.20:11
sudo_haltand i have witnessed the first panic of my life20:13
DOSfantomreyn: I remember you helping others before, awsome job :) .. but I could use a little syntax help on using this new linux LVM partition to work.20:14
ezioI'm having a problem with installing server.  I can install desktop.  I've done that.  Here's the error.  I see other people with this error and no resolution. https://imgur.com/jO3SCIC20:17
tomreynDOSfan: thanks. i'd actually like to help, but by reading your question i also know this would take longer than i can spend right now - need to take a ~ 1 hour break and catch some food. i could help after this if you've not found someone to assist till then.20:17
DOSfantomreyn: Sonds awsome .. thanks , me too I need mreak but this computer is always on now, this SSD thing is soooooo quiet :D.20:18
tomreynDOSfan: what could help you get help is to show how the block devices are layered on this disk. using    fdisk -l    and   lsblk    and    pvs, vgs, lvs20:19
tomreyn!server | ezio20:19
ubottuezio: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server20:19
ezioRight.  I want server.  I can't install server.20:20
tomreyn"Support in #ubuntu-server"20:20
tomreynDOSfan: okay, see you in an hour then (+/- 10 min).20:22
=== viv`d is now known as vivid
royal_screwup21anyone know how to grep for a word ending with xyz?21:16
royal_screwup21I tried dpkg -l | grep "*xyz" but that didn't work21:16
royal_screwup21I know for a fact there is a package  that ends with those letters, but it iddn't show anything21:16
tomreynroyal_screwup21: https://www.regular-expressions.info/wordboundaries.html21:20
tomreynDOSfan: i'm back + ready.21:20
geirhaas a glob  *xyz  matches strings ending with xyz. As a regex, it matches strings containing the four characters "*xyz"21:25
geirharoyal_screwup21: dpkg -l takes a glob, while grep takes a regex. So just lose the grep and do   dpkg -l '*xyz'   instead21:26
DOSfanback .. for a bit21:46
dStructhey all, is it normal for ip monitor to show my default gw toggling from stale to probe to reachable?  I'm having strange network issues and trying to determine where the issue is21:48
DOSfantomreyn: ok I'm about to do a load of laundry so this is what the situation here is with this new SSD (250G) I successfully inbstalled on this computer.  I just want to make the primary partition bigger since it cloned the same size (36Gig), I have 200Gig available to extend this onto.  So I have gotten pretty far, just want bigger! :)21:48
tomreyn<tomreyn> DOSfan: what could help you get help is to show how the block devices are layered on this disk. using    fdisk -l    and   lsblk    and    pvs, vgs, lvs21:49
DOSfantomreyn: This is the new partition I made :  210980184 sda3 which is showing up just fine as Linux LVM partition of 210Gig21:49
brimestoneI'm tasked to migrate an ubuntu server (Bare metal) to HyperV VM.. any suggestion?21:49
brimestoneOn how to go about doing this?21:49
DOSfantomreyn: ok running thoes commands now ...21:49
tomreynbrimestone: you want a hyperv support channel, not an ubuntu support channel21:50
tomreynbrimestone: maybe search the web for "p2v" or "physical to virtual" and "hyperv", too21:51
dStructbrimestone: use vCenter Convert21:51
brimestoneI tried that, but I need a vSphere21:51
dStructbrimestone: hmm, I have no idea what products you have, but in the past I have converted images using vCenter Convert, and then M$ VM Converter to go from VMware to HyperV format, sorry this is very off topic here21:53
tomreynDOSfan: i can try to draw a picture by reading up on the different details you provide, or look at the output of the commands i porovided and immediately get the full picture. i'd prefer the latter.21:53
tomreynDOSfan: you can pipe the output of these commands into nc and have it post them to a website. e.g.    sudo fdisk -l  |& nc termbin.com 999921:56
dStructsuch a handy website21:57
DOSfantomreyn: ok doing that now ...22:02
DOSfantomreyn: Well better this way .. I understand how to do the commands and what the devices you are wanting to look at, just give me better commands for a list of the devices and stats on them.22:03
DOSfantomreyn: using fdisk -l I made this for you ... [/dev/sda1 (Hard disk) BOOT 35.5G Type - Linux] ... [/dev/sda3 (SSD) 201.2G Type - Linux LVM]22:07
tomreynDOSfan: i don't understand why you don't just run the commands i listed, can you explain?22:09
DOSfantomreyn: Or if it is even easier for you, I can try to take screen shots and post them on the web somehow ... Well I am using that Disks program that comes with Ubuntu (I think), and it says the "Contents" on that partition /dev/sda3 is  "LVM2 Physical Volume (LVM2 001)"22:10
tomreynDOSfan: you are a DOS fan, at least according to you nickname, which maykes me think you won't mind working with a !terminal22:11
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:11
DOSfantomreyn: I have not formatted it yet, nor do I really get how I "mount" it so it's possible I can't procwess since I can't see it yet.22:11
DOSfantomreyn: I have 2 Terminals runing now, one as SU .. I even have Dosbox AND Dosbox-X ! .. anyway22:11
Bashing-omDOSfan: If you will not help us to help you - there is not much we can do .. as in the request " sudo fdisk -l  |& nc termbin.com 999922:12
DOSfanand dosbox-X .. there are two.22:12
tomreynright, but linux shells are not dos. "dosbox" is an emulator for ms dos 3 or something.22:13
Bashing-om: . the result here is a URL - pass that link back here. :)22:13
DOSfanI gotta figure out how to take screen shots and post them on that free picture posting place, I forget how that goes.22:13
DOSfanor that code posting site, ya that one22:14
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:14
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.22:14
DOSfanya thatnks! .. that was the web site ... ok Tom what do you want now from me? ... post something to paste.ubuntu.com .. do I need to be a member, or can I post the results in a private msg to you?22:15
Bashing-omDOSfan: screen shots a often times difficult to work with . in a terminal type ' sudo fdisk -l  |& nc termbin.com 9999' . You will get a URL in response - pass that link back here and we can access that file to see some pertinent info,22:16
DOSfantomreyn: i'll run some commands shown here, they seem to give the info you want ... https://www.binarytides.com/linux-command-check-disk-partitions/22:16
DOSfanohhh ok Bash .. thanks22:16
tomreynDOSfan: please just do as i said twice and as Bashing-om said twice22:16
DOSfanyou guys B so advanced ;)22:17
DOSfanman is THAT cool ... https://termbin.com/tt96k22:17
Bashing-omDOSfan: No -- we too are learning - is a simple thing to follow advise.22:17
DOSfanBashing-om: Yes sorry I didn't think help sopport got that good though , having an automatic URL generated like that is very impressive :)22:18
DOSfantomreyn: But like I had said, that new partition I made to extend onto is not listed in there , it's below in that type list as /dev/sda3 (Linux LVM)22:19
tomreynDOSfan: that's why i'd like to see the output of the other commands as well22:20
tomreynDOSfan: copy and paste this to a terminal window, then post the urls here:   lsblk |& nc termbin.com 9999; pvs |& nc termbin.com 9999; vgs |& nc termbin.com 9999; lvs |& nc termbin.com 999922:22
tomreyndon't paste multiple lines here quickly, though, or you will get disconnected or temporarily silenced22:23
tomreynDOSfan: sorry, i forgot to add sudo.22:23
tomreynsudo lsblk |& nc termbin.com 9999; sudo pvs |& nc termbin.com 9999; sudo vgs |& nc termbin.com 9999; sudo lvs |& nc termbin.com 999922:24
DOSfantomreyn: lsblk - https://termbin.com/i98ov22:25
DOSfantomreyn: pvs - https://termbin.com/i34z22:26
tomreynDOSfan: you have primary partitions both before (where they belong) and behind the extended (indicated by sda2) area. that's not rally how things should be. it's possible that linux can work with this, i never tried.22:29
DOSfantomreyn: the vgs command just returns to a prompt .. nothing happens (I assume that a volume group type command, anyway nothing for a URL output, I ran it twice) ... the lvs command returns some type of syntax error for the NC command (This is nc from the netcat-openbsd package. An alternative nc is available22:29
DOSfanin the netcat-traditional package. .. so no URL either22:29
DOSfantomreyn: I understand what you said just now .. I don't know WHY it sets itself up like that (the dev/sda 2), but that's how this thing installed. Anyway that dev/sda3 does NOT have a volume on it yet, has not been formatted or mounted so I don't know what comes next :)22:30
tomreynDOSfan: which parititons of those listed on the bottom of https://termbin.com/tt96k (/dev/sda...) existed before you made changes?22:31
DOSfantomreyn: The list of changes were the ONLY addition of that dev/sda3 .. all of the oringal is as follows ... dev/sda1 (Ubuntu v16) .. a SDA2 which I am sure has something to do with the swap file cause that is whre it always seems to put the swap file (dev/sda5) is in an extended partition.22:34
tomreynDOSfan: ok. now: is at least one of these two correct? (a) you have complete, current, known to be restorable backups of all data on /dev/sda. (b) you are willing to risk loosing all of this data?22:35
DOSfantomreyn: Yes .. I just finished cloning the oringial drive and it's out of the computer .. that clonezilla worked just fone so I can re-do this SSD if needed.22:35
tomreynDOSfan: ok. how did you boot the system you are currently working from?22:36
DOSfantomreyn: I used the power button on the front.22:36
DOSfantomreyn: kidding .. I don't understand your question .. I cloned the totally bootable working hard disk to this SSD usiong clonezilla and booted the SSD22:37
tomreynso you've booted off the Ubuntu ionstallation on /dev/sda ?22:37
DOSfantomreyn: ummmm yes :)22:38
tomreynokay, never boot off the same disk you want to edit using partition editing tools.22:38
tomreynthere are exceptions to this rule, as always, but ... not when you're at least somewhat new to linux22:39
DOSfantomreyn: maybe you didn't know this but that SWAP partition is infact in an "extended partition", another program I have shows it looking like that anyway, and there is a big blank gap of 1.9 Gig for some reason in there allong WITH that swap file partition.22:39
tomreynDOSfan: what you should do is this: create an ubuntu installer usb stick, for the same or newer version of ubuntu you have installed on the hard disk.22:40
DOSfantomreyn: I have one of thoes, I got the ISOs for v16 and v18 so thats all ok, both burned to DVD and boot ok.22:40
tomreyn!YY.MM | DOSfan22:41
ubottuDOSfan: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle22:41
DOSfantomreyn: It's just how this computer is now setup, it's WAY past the point of doing a fresh install , thats just not gonna work, I got Plasma shell working here too and other awsonme stuff.22:41
tomreyni haven't suggested you do a fresh installation.22:42
DOSfanI'm running the lastest Ubuntu 16 ... Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS22:42
tomreynokay, we call this ubuntu 16.04 LTS (there was also Ubuntu 16.10)22:43
tomreynso, again, what i think you should do is this: create an ubuntu installer usb stick, for the same or newer version of ubuntu you have installed on the hard disk....22:44
DOSfanok I got more laundry to get in ... just give me some commands to run for ya ..I'm runnning them all as 'su' btw.22:44
DOSfantomreyn: no point in that ... I have that clonezilla one I think I can boot to a linux prompt .. BUT if I do that I loose connection to Freenode/IRC.22:44
tomreynthe 'ubuntu way' is to use sudo, not su, especially when you're not a long term user.22:45
DOSfantomreyn: just give me some commands :))) .. we'll see what happens next .. brb laundry load going in ...22:45
DOSfantomreyn: Oh almost forgot .. why I am doing this .. few reasons ... (1) this hard disk was soooo slow and started to swap allot, this SSD is crazy fast so that's all good ... (2) Install more snaps/software onto this 36.G partition so I use up ALL of it and start to install more onto that new dev/sda3 Linux LVM I made.22:47
DOSfantomreyn: In other words, I'll be installing like 40G gig new software/freeware so I can get using that new partition since this SSD is realllly making this computer fast so why not install as must as I can (cd buring stuff, maybe some Autocad or such).22:49
tomreynafter booting of the live usb, select to start the live system there. then start "(gnome) disks" or "gparted", delete /dev/sda3, delete the swap partition, resize the extended partition to cover all available space. then create a new LVM physical disk in the extended area.22:49
DOSfanok I got that ... I'll make that live USB stick22:49
tomreynyou can create additional logical volumes in this area as needed then.22:49
tomreynanother option would be to delete sda5, sda3 and sda2, and just grow sda1 to the full disk.22:50
tomreynincluding the ile system on there.22:50
DOSfantomreyn: I can do all what you asked and I don't need that USB boot .. can't I just do all that in fdisk? .. dropping/remake a partition is kinda simple22:50
DOSfanmind ya I don't think I can drop the SWAP ..22:51
tomreynDOSfan: you'd be editing the partition table of the storage you booted form, this can have side effects.22:51
tomreynyou can replace the swap partition by a swap file.22:52
DOSfantomreyn:  ok fine .. better idea , cause I think I can do this ... I can drop the extended AND the swap partition .. question, can I reboot then having only the main /dev/sda1 remaining ... as in will Ubuntu start without a swap partition, if so I can come right back here and talk to nyou again .. make sence?22:52
DOSfantomreyn: I have another computer I'm putting the SSD into and can drop everything but that main sda122:53
tomreynit might not be happy to have a missing swap partition. worst case you will need to boot to recovery and remove the swap partition off /etc/fstab22:53
smellsLikeGoatSpHi there, I am trying to detect my cpu temp sensors on a B450M Elite Aorus MB using sensors-detect. but it finds nothing. I am running ubuntu 18.0422:54
tomreynDOSfan: and, after removing the swap reference in /etc/fstab, run sudo update-initramfs -u -k $(uname -r)22:54
DOSfantomreyn: So drop the folling ... /dev/sda2 - exteneded  ,  /dev/sda3 - Linux LVM  ,  /dev/sda5 - Swap22:56
tomreynsmellsLikeGoatSp: download a newer copy of sensors-detect from the lm-sensors github repository.22:56
tomreynDOSfan: and resize the sda1 partition and file system to cover the full disk, that's what i'm suggesting, yes. that's not as flexible as LVM, but way less complex.22:57
DOSfantomreyn: well I am going to try now ... if this does not work I will try making a swap partition if Ubuntu fails tot restart ... if it's screwed re-cloning the oringal hard disk is going to take awile, probably an hour before I can get back here , that's if all fails22:57
tomreynsmellsLikeGoatSp: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lm-sensors/lm-sensors/master/prog/detect/sensors-detect   # then (if you can, or skip it) review the source code, then make it executable (chmod +x ./sensors-detect), then run it using   sudo ./sensors-detect23:00
DOSfantomreyn: it's ok if this machine runs like this btw, it does not bother me the sda2 and sda3 and sda5 exist.  Question ... Can I clone that sda1 partition INTO a bigger one, like perhaps just make that sda3 a newly formatted 210G Linux partition and clone onto that instead ... it's just cloning a partition to partition which clonezilla can do, if that works I can just delet that 35.G oringal partition and boot to the cloned one.23:00
brachamHonestly the easiest would be to boot into live Ubuntu from USB, install IRC chat program and get back into IRC, then adjust partitions. Or don't do the IRC thing unless issues show up. But live usb is great!23:02
DOSfantomreyn: ya UI kinda like my ideas a bit better, there must be a way to use that newly made Linux LVM partition, dropping partitions and such doesn't get me anyway really, and what just remake them all over again, doesn't really explain how I get that 35.5G partition to get bigger anyway by dropping all thoes partitions.23:03
lotuspsychjebracham: there's kiwi irc webchat now if the user clicks community support from setup window23:03
tomreynDOSfan: sda3 is outside the extended area. it should not exist liek this in the first place, you should really remove it. then, to make use of the remaining space, you will either need to increase the extended area or remove it. any change to the extended area will require deleting any partitions in the extended area, namely sda5.23:04
tomreynDOSfan: i will go to bed now, good luck.23:04
smellsLikeGoatSptomreyn: I downloaded the git and ran make all, make install23:07
smellsLikeGoatSpit now detects the MB but I still only get this much information:23:08
smellsLikeGoatSpk10temp-pci-00c3Adapter: PCI adapterTdie:         +33.8°C  (high = +70.0°C)Tctl:         +33.8°C23:08
DOSfantomreyn: I'm pretty sure  that sda5 partition I made is not in the extended partition, only the swap partition is in there .. but hay I got maybe even a sinplier question ..23:13
DOSfantomreyn: I understand the partitions are not setup/looking right, but they do work and that swap partition is small anyway .. question is .. I want to just install more software, can't I just make sda3 ( the emptry 210G free) and when I install programs/software they goto that newly make 210G (as in I'll remake it as a regular linux 210G partition, so I just install softwere to there instead... BUT I don't know how to switch to s23:15
DOSfandifferent drive letter as it were to install software to there instead.23:15
DOSfantomreyn: in other words I keep this 35.5G sda1 just as is .. it has like 20G+ fre on it anyway, I'll just let the OS use it, but how can I install more sofreware to a different area?23:16
DOSfanoh .. tom left me thinks ,.. it's ok .. this SSD boot super great .. I can't be happer23:17
lotuspsychjeDOSfan: tomreyn said he was going to sleep, maybe consider re-asking your original issue to the channel?23:17
DOSfanstuff is ceap now to buy too which is why I did 2 other computers using m.2 SSDs on a pcie card for a desktop .. love this stuff23:17
DOSfanlotuspsychje: yup I saw .. sorry I look at the keyboard when I type ;P~23:18
smellsLikeGoatSpthanks for the help. good night everyone23:19
DOSfang-nite :))23:19
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