
wallyworldhpidcock: kelvinliu_: i wouldn't mind a chat about the jujud operator tag stuff if you have a moment02:32
kelvinliu_wallyworld: yep, im free02:33
wallyworldok, we can jump in standup if harry is free also02:33
hpidcockwallyworld: we are ready02:34
thumperhpidcock: what is in juju/cmd.v2 that differs from the v1 package?02:56
thumpercan we not just make github.com/juju/cmd work for us?02:56
hpidcockthumper: https://github.com/juju/cmd/pull/6302:56
thumperwhy couldn't we do the change without an API break?02:58
thumper... we don't need to talk in depth, I'm just curious02:58
thumperI don't want to waste your time02:58
thumperI guess the PR comment doesn't illustrate the benefits enough to me to grok the work02:59
hpidcockahh right yeah, sorry about that, I'll try to add more detail in future. Essentially this is the first formatter that can take it's own arguments.03:00
hpidcockIt was just a quality-of-life feature that wallyworld liked03:01
hpidcockbut it's pretty useful for scripts using juju commands03:01
thumperI still don't get the use case03:10
achilleasacan I get a quick CR on https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/288?12:46
stickupkidrick_h, updated the offer pr https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/pull/32616:26
rick_hstickupkid:  awesome16:29

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