
ricotztjaalton, hi, this is the screen freeze issue I mentioned to hit with 5.2 -- https://lkml.org/lkml/2019/6/29/18607:16
tjaaltonricotz: he didn't bother to file a bug either, seeing there's no reply ;)08:12
ricotztjaalton, there is a proposed fix staged https://cgit.freedesktop.org/drm-tip/commit/?id=b5ea9c9337007d6e700280c8a60b4e10d070fb5310:42
tjaaltonok, so 5.2.x will get it11:29
tomreynhey, i worked with the person who filed bug 1837945 in #ubuntu yesterday. he had fully updated (and recent) mainboard firmware and were unable to get any graphical output from gdm. the installer worked, but when booting 19.04 he only got a black screen. 13:38
ubottubug 1837945 in xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu (Ubuntu) "AMD RX 570 Black Screen at boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183794513:38
tomreynsomeone else suggested he should downgrade the kernel to 5.1, which he did (the issue was present with the default 19.04 kernel, too), but it didn't help. after searching online i suggested amdgpu.dc=0 which finally helped. he said he tried all of 16.04, 16.04 and 19.04 and all of them gave him a black screen.13:40
tomreyn* 16.04, 18.04, 19.0413:40
tjaaltontomreyn: should file it upstream then15:42
tomreyntjaalton: would you say upstream is https://bugs.freedesktop.org -> Product: DRI, Compoonent: DRM/AMDgpu ?15:56

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