
DOSfanCan someone perhaps answer a newbie question ... if I make a empty Linux partition / mount /format it etc ... can I get Ubuntu to install new software to that NEW partition ... kinda of like installing software to a different drive letter, is that possible?00:03
DOSfanI just want to keep this drive I have with just ubuntu running on it, and it has like 20+G free space so that's all good, but I can make a 210G drive and install more software onto that, I just don't know how.00:04
lotuspsychje!home | DOSfan00:06
ubottuDOSfan: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving00:06
DOSfanhay thanks :)))00:07
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DOSfanlotuspsychje: well I ask this cause Ubuntu seems tro always just install onto itself when doing ANY updating using ... sudo apt-get update00:08
DOSfanlotuspsychje: if I remove all software and reinstall to different partition/drive that's what I want ... personal files are not the issue .. it's where all the software IS installed now.00:09
OmniscientQYeah. In Windows, every drive gets their own letter.00:09
DOSfanthat's the problem00:09
OmniscientQYou start with a drive, then add directories to it.00:09
OmniscientQIn linux, you start with a directory structure and attach drives to it.00:09
DOSfanya sorry I am kinda new to linux/ubuntu .. but this Unity desktop I have running is AWWWSOME :)00:09
lotuspsychjeDOSfan: its reccomended to keep linux structure as it is00:10
DOSfanoh I' using Ubuntu 16.04.6 with Plasma installed00:10
OmniscientQWhen you install software via apt, it usually goes under /usr00:10
OmniscientQIf you want to add more drive space to /usr, I think you'd need to do something with LVM, but that's all black magic to me.00:10
genewitchwhen my system boots it stalls for 2 minutes on the networking part, is there any way to skip whatever is making it stall?00:16
JimBuntugenewitch, does this also happen if you have no cable plugged in ?00:16
JimBuntuFor what it's worth, I don't think skipping runlevels would be a good idea00:17
JimBuntugenewitch, I need to go, but I would ask myself if this is a symptom of the computer or the networking appliance... as in, does rebooting the router /etc fix it. If so, deal with that issue... if not, do I have the correct module for the network interface loading at boot... is it in the kernel or external, are there conflicts. What of my services require networking00:20
JimBuntuIs it a DHCP assignment request that's hanging or something else... things like that. Either way, you are in good hands here. Post details and someone should be able to help.00:21
genewitchJimBuntu: i never have a cable plugged in, it's wifi only00:21
DOSfanbbl ...00:26
OerHeksi would enable wireless after user login, not at boot00:26
genewitchOerHeks: ideally this is headless. Should i be in #ubuntu-server00:28
genewitchwireless is working, it's a DKMS driver, it still takes over 2 minutes for the networking part of boot to pass (it's orange/red when it's booting, that line on the screen)00:30
rydareheadless and wifi usually are annoying00:35
rydareany reason why it can't be next to the modem?00:35
rydarenot like it has to physically be in the same room00:35
OerHekswireless servers, no way to speed that up than reserve your connection in the router00:36
rydareyeah you could give it a static ip00:44
rydareeven wired devices that wait for networking take longer to boot00:44
rydareI had FreeBSD installed with an older init style and it sat there and waited for every last drop of ethernet to be established before it would boot further00:45
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Mr_CyclopsHello. I installed Ubuntu 18.04.2 with encrypted root partition. now I want to change it, how do I do it? Thank you01:28
DomingoMontoyaChange it to non encrypted? You re-install.01:28
Mr_Cyclopsnope, I want to change the LUKS encrypted password, not remove the encryption01:29
OerHeksjups, no roll back.01:29
OerHeksohh ..01:29
DomingoMontoyaMr_Cyclops: you use 'cryptsetup'01:30
OerHekswith screenshots https://www.maketecheasier.com/change-luks-encryption-passphrase/01:30
DomingoMontoyaMr_Cyclops: something like cryptsetup luksChangeKey [path to your device/partition].01:30
Mr_Cyclopsawesome! thats what I wanted :D01:31
DomingoMontoyaeven better. Thanks OerHeks01:31
Mr_Cyclopsthanks DomingoMontoya01:31
Mr_Cyclopsand thanks OerHeks .. cheers!01:31
DomingoMontoyaI suggest adding a key, making sure that key works, then removing the old one.01:31
OerHeksbasicly, yes01:32
OerHekseasy to check if the key works, before destroying the old01:32
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DOSfanOmniscientQ:  I read what you typed, yes exacly it's perhaps about making a Linux LVM partition, which I have done, it's just a matter of setting some paramters of the original Ubuntu partition to see that new free space area. So it's getting there :)02:53
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* uRock is still known as uRock02:56
OerHeksannoying namechangespam02:56
mmazingi'm setting up 18.04 on a new machine, and i created a .desktop file to add a shell script to my launcher, except when i click on it, it runs and opens a duplicate icon on the launcher instead of just highlighting the one that i added to favorites03:48
mmazinganyone run into that before?03:48
mmazinghaving trouble knowing what to google for this one :)03:49
mmazingnevermind ... got it03:52
mmazingin .desktop need to add StartupWMClass03:52
k_szeprotip: put this in your shell rc file: cat() { lolcat -f $@ | ponysay -Wi }04:41
k_szemakes your day much more colourful.04:42
k_szeI wish the colour saturation and lightness of lolcat were configurable, however.04:44
Rembohello, does one of the following patches require reboot? https://paste.centos.org/view/0600fd2405:11
OerHeksIf the file /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs exists, then one or more processes require a full reboot.05:18
OerHekscat /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs # will tell which package05:19
OerHeksnot sure that works on centos too :-P05:19
paul1ushello, is there a way to set the programs up in such way that they do not show up in the program switching screen(Alt+Tab), but only in the tray on the top. And only when clicked would maximize and then appear in the program switching screen. For example skype does that. I would like the same thing to happen with my IRC application.05:36
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badcomocI need help with my microphone or something in ubuntu06:06
badcomocIt works in windows but when I use it in Ubuntu it does some weird high pitch scream sound06:07
OerHeksmove the mic away from speakers06:07
badcomocI have headphones so06:07
badcomocI know its not feedback06:07
badcomocit sounds like feedback but it doesn't make sense for it to be feedback06:08
DOSfanback :)06:08
DOSfanbadcomoc: I read what you typed ... I have been using this ubuntu for awile and one add-on I put in is the Pulse Audio driver/software ... that way the microphone is using a totally differnt audio input so to speak.06:10
DOSfanWell I have this Pulse Audio loading on boot so I don't know if you have that running or not.  I would think you would since you kihda install it anyway ... just a thought.06:11
badcomocI'm using Pulse Audio.06:12
DOSfanwellll in that case I typed allot for nothing ? ;)06:12
DOSfanso explain your problem again ... I might be able to help cause I do audio/wiring as well06:13
DOSfanhmmmm // I guess you already did ... thinking06:13
badcomocI don't exactly know what the problem is but my microphone plays back a high-pitch sound somewhat like audio feedback despite the Microphone seeming to be working fine on Windows. I know it's not actually audio feedback because I'm using headphones so it doesn't make sense for it to be getting feedback.06:14
DOSfantry different microphone I would suggest // even if it06:14
DOSfans one of thoes real cheap 3.5mm jack ones06:14
DOSfanif you think, do you have any other microphone you can try? ... even if you may have an adapter to run the lager ummmm 5mm jacks (if you have a handy 3.5 converter) .. which I have with my microphones.06:16
badcomocI have two Microphones06:17
DOSfanI just mention this cause it sounds perhaps more of a hardware/microphone issue06:17
DOSfanthey both do it?06:17
badcomocI've already tried both of my Microphones06:17
badcomocthey both do it but slightly differently06:17
badcomocdifferent sounds. I don't know how to explain them06:17
DOSfanso you Dual-boot this computer/box ... is windows using the SAME sound card/chip as the ubuntu one is using? ... what sound card.chip/make is it?06:18
badcomocSound card is onboard. I don't know what it is. Windows and Ubuntu use the same one and it works on Windows.06:19
DOSfanI assume you have the Pulse Audio icon on your Ubuntu screen? ... by the main shutdown icon? .. can you bring that up?06:19
DOSfanwhat setting are showing in the basic Ubuntu Settings for Sound? .. a seperate popup should also come up .. that shows the microphone LEVELS06:21
badcomocok holdup a second06:21
DOSfansuuuuure thing :D06:21
badcomocThe input level for the microphone shows it picking up the sound correctly but if I enable loopback or if I use the microphone in a program such as Discord it has the high-pitch feedback like sound06:25
DOSfanWelll ... new Kernel version is showing as available for install as well as Firefox update ... looks like I might have to install this and reboot here now ... brb06:26
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DOSfanbrb .. coffee break07:35
aneonfancy data visualizers are slowing down the system07:41
lotuspsychjeaneon: is that a question or a statement?07:41
lotuspsychjeaneon: please use ubuntu-discuss for that07:42
OerHeksinteresting ..07:42
aneonredirect accepted07:42
aneonI am trying to figure out a remedy for this07:42
lotuspsychjeaneon: please keep the offtopic out of the support channel07:43
DOSfanbbl ... sleep/zzz/bed time :)08:35
OerHeksDOSfan, noneed to tell us08:41
johnjayso about snaps, why is it that apt-cache search doesn't show "skype" but sudo snap install skype works?09:35
johnjayis installing something through apt different than through snap?09:36
Priceyjohnjay: Yep, two entirely different software installation methods with their own libraries.09:38
Priceyjohnjay: Sometimes you can snap & apt install the same software side by side!09:38
johnjayoh... ok09:45
pcreHi @all. Why does ping https://www.google.com fail in the bash shell and ping www.google.com works fine?09:55
pcreHad this problem after updateing to ubuntu disco.09:56
legreffierpcre: it had the same behavior before09:57
legreffierping relies on ICMP, not HTTP, the adress in http:// doesn't make sense in a ping context.09:59
pcrelgreffier: ok. I did not notice. I had no problems with git clone https://somerepository at first - now i do.09:59
legreffierhttp relies on tcp09:59
legreffierpcre: does it give an error message ?10:00
legreffiertimeout ?10:00
legreffierwhat repository ?10:00
pcreIt is a german error message: ping: http://www.google.com: Der Name oder der Dienst ist nicht bekannt10:00
pcreMeans something like service unkown.10:01
legreffieri was talking about git clone10:01
pcreoh wait.10:02
legreffieras i said earlier : ping didn't and wont work with URL (http://www.stuff.com/) , it's supposed to work with a domain name (www.stuff.com)10:03
pcrelegreffier: It has no error message. It says "clone repository". And returns to the shell. But it does not download anything.10:05
pcrelegreffier:  git clone https://github.com/JFreegman/toxic.git10:06
pcrelegreffier: dig www.google.com returns an Ip address but "dig https://www.google.com" wont.10:07
jeremy31pcre, does this work>   wget https://github.com/JFreegman/toxic/archive/master.zip10:09
pcrejeremy31: yes it does.10:09
pcrewget has its own ssl cacerts, doesn't it?10:12
diverdudeHi, how do i increase the value of ulimit -n?10:12
pcreI tried "apt-get reinstall ca-certificates". Did not help10:17
aneonulimit <value>10:17
aneonulimit -n <value>10:18
aneonpcre: you can make it permanent via /etc/security/limits.conf10:19
pcre@diverdude -^10:20
diverdudeaneon: aha ok.10:21
pcreI got this message while reinstalling "ca-certificates" package. /etc/ca-certificates/update.d/mono-keystore: 10: /etc/ca-certificates/update.d/mono-keystore: /usr/bin/cert-sync: not found10:26
pcre/usr/bin/cert-sync not found.10:26
jeremy31pcre: any update for ca-certificates-mono available?10:35
pcrecert-sync should be in package  ca-certificates-mono <- but this package is not available.10:36
pcrejeremy31: I had to add universe and multiverse to the /etc/apt/sources.list. All i had was restricted.10:53
pcrejeremy31: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade is running now.10:54
pcreThx for your help.10:56
flingWhere can I get the proper shiftfs patch?11:26
maplesyrup43543I’m using Ubuntu 14.06 LTS. I’ve just removed PHP7.1 using apt-get. I’m trying to re-install it (with hope that updates to 7.1.3 from 7.1.1) but i’m getting the following problem - https://pastebin.com/PqHPyqVE11:31
maplesyrup43543I’ve tried apt-get update/upgrade/autoclean/autoremove/clean11:31
maplesyrup43543But the same problem from the pastebin exists11:32
maplesyrup43543I have also ran apt-get remove php7*11:32
Ool14.04 is EOL11:32
Ool14.06 never exist11:32
Ool16.04 perhaps11:33
maplesyrup4354314.04.6 LTS - I thought it was until 2022? :(11:33
maplesyrup4354314.04.06 isn’t EOL until 202211:34
maplesyrup43543But yes on the standard support. I didn’t think that affected apt-get repos11:34
lotuspsychjemaplesyrup43543: are you paying for ESM?11:37
lotuspsychjemaplesyrup43543: then 14.04 is end of life11:38
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:38
c_mhello guys11:47
c_mi have linux mint 19.1 (based on ubuntu 18.04) and it does not show any display modes other than max 1680x105011:48
lotuspsychje!mint | c_m11:48
ubottuc_m: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)11:48
EoflaOEc_m: Linux mint is not supported here. Unofficial.11:48
c_mthey send me to here11:49
lotuspsychjec_m: who did11:49
c_m14:46 <@Acheron> maybe someone in #ubuntu could help with this xorg issue11:49
lotuspsychjec_m: from wich channel was that?11:50
c_mlotuspsychje: obviously from ##linuxmint11:51
lotuspsychjec_m: the mint channel forwarding users to here, thats reverse right11:52
c_mlooks like that's not mint11:53
c_mi used to have mint 18.3 (based on ubuntu 16.04), and there was no such bug11:53
c_mlooks like it is xorg11:53
lotuspsychjec_m: we can only take ubuntu releases here for support (from the topic)11:54
c_m(which, according to Acheron's messages, was rewritten in 18.04)11:54
AavarHas ubuntu/unity/gnome moved away from having the menu in the title (like macos?)?11:59
Cheezunity itself is gone now, isn't it?12:13
AavarCheez, No it's not actually :)12:14
AavarCheez, http://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2019/05/unity-desktop-on-ubuntu-1904.html12:14
BluesKajHey folks12:20
vadiqueooh, I upgraded my system via dist-upgrade, firefox was the one of upgraded things, and suddenly the upgrade changed default search engine12:40
lotuspsychjevadique: details please, ubuntu version, kernel, firefox version?12:42
vadiquelotuspsychje, disco, linux, the one from repository12:43
vadiqueit's not so labor to change it back, but it really annoys12:43
lotuspsychjevadique: wich search engine did you have, and wich engine did it change to?12:46
vadiquelotuspsychje, google to yandex12:47
vadique(maybe because yandex is the first in the list)12:47
lotuspsychjevadique: i dont even see a yandex here, on 18.0412:47
lotuspsychjemine was set on google and after firefox updates remained google12:48
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lotuspsychjevadique: did you try to create a new user, see engine it picks?12:48
vadiquelotuspsychje, too much effort for such12:48
ioriavadique, you probably installed some extensions12:49
vadiqueioria, two for codecs and drm12:50
BluesKajrussian search engine?12:50
ioriavadique, as lotuspsychje said yandex it's not in the list (at leat on 18.04)12:50
nagyghi all12:52
BluesKajioria, it wouldn't be unless you're in Russia, Ukraine etc12:53
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lotuspsychjewelcome nagyg12:53
nagyghow can I install mysql-server-5.7 on ubuntu so that I can set the root password at installation?12:53
ioriaBluesKaj, probably12:53
nagygcurrently I struggle with overwriting the root pwd because with apt install it sets a root password I do not know12:53
nagyghi lotuspsychje12:54
lotuspsychjenagyg: if its on ubuntu server, see also #ubuntu-server12:54
nagygit's a development machine12:56
lotuspsychjenagyg: ubuntu desktop? sure thing idle here then12:56
nagygah, I think you meant sth else, its the desktop12:57
nagygI even tried running mysql_secure_installation which asks for a root pwd but then again, I cannot login with that12:57
za1b1tsuon ubuntu gnome both pgadmin and dbeaver look atrocious on hidpi screen, are unusable. Anything I can do about it?13:01
aneonanyone using libcurl3?13:06
MrCrackPotaneon, sometimes but its been a pain in the ass as ubuntu can have only one or the other13:08
MrCrackPotive got some apps needing 3 some needing 413:08
aneonsame here, I need it as a dependency for nepenthes13:11
aneonI think curl-7.14.X compile will work13:12
MrCrackPotthe way i did it was to download the lib and package it with my app13:13
MrCrackPoti tried for months trying to get curl3 & 4 together13:13
aneonI will build static libcurl3 and install in /usr/local13:14
aneonlater remove it13:14
MrCrackPotits the associations13:14
MrCrackPotits not as simple13:14
MrCrackPotyou will see13:14
MrCrackPotits been a while so i cant remember exactly but if i remember a little its you cant even install it side by side13:15
aneonlets see13:15
aneonI can bootstrap pkgsrc and compile on it13:16
MrCrackPotim skeptical haha.13:16
aneononce done I will purge it13:16
MrCrackPotif you manage to get it working would be nice to have a tutorial13:16
aneonI will get it working13:18
MrCrackPoti think your going to have to pull out the .so to be able to use the api with your app13:32
MrCrackPotcan you not stick to using 413:32
aneonthe program I want wont compile with libcurl413:37
aneonthat stuff is ancient - from 2008-10 something13:38
MrCrackPotreally good luck i honestly spent a good 5 months trying13:38
MrCrackPotthats why i dont remember much but i bloody remember this hahah13:38
lotuspsychjeaneon MrCrackPot can you both please stop ranting in the support channel?13:39
MrCrackPot^^ ubuntu has a new police offer ??13:41
lotuspsychjeMrCrackPot: this channel is for ubuntu support questions, please respect the guidelines13:42
MrCrackPotif you hadnt noticed i was helping him with a ittle light banter inbetween13:43
MrCrackPotno need to go pc mad13:43
CoolerZlibreoffice writer on ubuntu 18.04 seems to be missing some fonts that I require13:45
CoolerZPreferred Fonts: Times New Roman, Garamond, Tahoma, Verdana, Book Antiqua, Courier New, Calibri, Cambria, Palatino Linotype, Arial13:45
CoolerZOut of those Garamond, Tahoma, Book Antiqua, Calibri, Cambria and Palatino Linotype are missing13:45
CoolerZHow do I install them?13:45
luxbelhow I could download ubuntu drivers for emerson tv???13:45
aneonMrCrackPot: I installed libcurl3 but nepethenes still can't find it, ldd finds everything13:46
MrCrackPotCoolerZ check out google fonts then follow the steps13:46
MrCrackPotaneon, it refused to let me install side by side so you got one step further than me.13:46
MrCrackPotim guessing your having the same problem though the linking issues13:47
aneonnot really I compiled some other stuff with it and it worked, this is probably due to the other code13:48
CoolerZMrCrackPot, google fonts links to a different website for Cambria, Calibri and so on that asks you to buy them13:48
MrCrackPotCoolerZ, https://www.wfonts.com/font/cambria13:48
MrCrackPotah sorry my bad13:49
MrCrackPoti think the owner made it commercial13:49
MrCrackPotCoolerZ, try this one https://www.downloadfonts.io/downloads/cambria/13:49
aneonMrCrackPot: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/x79kD7wSGD/13:50
tomreynCoolerZ: identify the packages providing these fonts and install them, e.g.: apt search Garamond13:51
MrCrackPotaneon, yer its the linking sorry pal the only thing i know is to extract the lib and compile it with it13:52
MrCrackPotor you can go through and change each sym link13:52
MrCrackPotbut there are at least 15 - 3013:52
tomreynMrCrackPot, aneon: this is really not the best place to discuss software development / building. the goal of this channel (as the topic states) is really just supporting users in using ubuntu. i would appreciate you two moving to #ubuntu-app-devel13:54
luxbelhow I could download ubuntu drivers for emerson tv???13:55
tomreynMrCrackPot, aneon: i mean you're obviously very welcome to stay here, just moving this very chat there.13:55
BluesKajluxbel, you use the drivers on your computer not the tv14:00
luxbeli know14:01
BluesKajthen connect the tv to your computer14:01
luxbelbut the generical with comes with the os are malfunctioning14:01
luxbelalready done but it is blurred the image14:02
lotuspsychjeluxbel: can you pastebin: sudo lshw -C video && uname -a && lsb_release -a14:02
BluesKajwhat type of connection is it?14:03
BluesKajcould be a bad cable14:04
luxbelit is new14:06
luxbeland it works only blurred14:06
luxbelits software realted problem14:06
CoolerZtomreyn, which packages have it?14:07
tomreynCoolerZ: have you run "apt search Garamond" as i suggested?14:08
CoolerZtomreyn, what about this? ttf-mscorefonts-installer - Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts14:09
lotuspsychjeluxbel: seems like everything ok there14:10
luxbelyeah on paper hahaha, but not the image14:11
BluesKajluxbel, check the tv to make sure your setting is 1080 not 48014:11
luxbelit si 108014:11
lotuspsychjeluxbel: and also the systemsettings/devices/monitor to see settings there, mirrored or stretched? scaling?14:12
luxbeleverything is fine on settings14:13
lotuspsychjeluxbel: journalctl -f and plug out your hdmi and plug back in, then pastebin us the whole output please14:15
BluesKaj!pastebin | luxbel14:32
ubottuluxbel: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:32
ezioI'm having trouble finding instructions from DigitalOcean to setup an http caching proxy.  Can someone point me in the right direction?14:38
ezioHmm. I guess that's because you wouldn't want to proxy on a remote server.  Derrrrr.14:39
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Exagone313Hi, how to get a graphical password prompt for gpg key decryption?  On other distros I can just start and install lxqt-policykit-agent, but it doesn't seem to work on Ubuntu, still getting a cli prompt.  The goal is to use passmenu on i3.  Any idea?  Thanks for your help.15:05
Exagone313My guess is that gpg isn't configured to use polkit, but I don't know how polkit is involved.15:06
tomreynExagone313: sudo update-alternatives --config pinentry15:12
tomreyni'm not aware of a policykit integration for passphrase prompting (but such may exist)15:13
tomreyn(i *think* polkit is mostly used for authorization purposed (requesting your account password to carry this out), not for authentication against services / within applications.)15:16
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saorHello o/15:39
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Exagone313tomreyn: I'll have to check how it's configured in other distros :/15:51
emOnewhat's the difference between "apt-get install" and "apt -y install"16:11
emOneso -y is yes to questions16:13
emOnebut what is the difference between apt-get and apt?16:13
lotuspsychjeemOne: what are you trying to do exactly?16:13
daxthey're two frontends to the same system, and do broadly the same thing. apt is newer, apt-get has been around for years16:13
emOnelotuspsychje: install varnish and hitch16:14
emOnedax: I have always used apt-get16:15
emOnebut I see tutorials are using apt -y install16:15
emOnelotuspsychje: okay. thank you. I think I will start using apt16:16
tdsemOne: in some ways apt is friendlier and is designed to be run interactively by users - if you're using these in scripts though, apt-get is what you want16:16
tdssee the "SCRIPT USAGE AND DIFFERENCES FROM OTHER APT TOOLS" section of apt's man page16:17
emOnethank you tds16:17
geniiapt calls up apt-get or apt-cache or other legacy apt-<whatever> commands depending on the switches used.16:18
Jan-hihi linux people16:36
Jan-a while ago, someone told me about a terminal command (not the standard library function) printf which can send data to a serial port with full control over start and stop bits, baud rate, parity and so on16:36
Jan-I totally forgot how to do it16:37
Jan-can someone remind me16:37
Jan-it's sort of hard to google as you just get buried in the results for the c function16:37
lordcirthJan-, 'help printf' gets you the bash builtin, and 'man printf' should get you /usr/bin/printf16:38
lordcirthHowever, I don't see baud rate, etc 'in either16:38
Jan-me either16:38
Jan-alternatively I'd like to know how to get or set those parameters in the general case16:40
Jan-then I can just go echo -n foo > /dev/ttyUSB016:40
Jan-I'm basically looking for the equivalent to the windows mode command16:40
lordcirthI've seen people use 'screen' to use /dev/ttyUSB0 as an interactive shell16:40
lordcirthAnd done it myself, actually16:40
Jan-doesn't help me figure out what settings it's using16:42
Jan-the sitaution is that I'm writing a software serial decoder for a microcontroller and it's behaving as if it isn't actually doing 8,n,1 serial (if you know what I mean) which would be the obvious default to me but I don't know16:43
Jan-on windows you just "mode COM20" and it'll tell you16:43
Jan-on linux "stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0" gives you the bitrate16:43
lordcirthOk. Yeah, I've not done much with serial16:45
tomreyni've not done it by piping from stdin either (just using minicom + screen). web searches and the stty man page seem to suggest that you should be able to first set the parameters (not just the baud rate, but all of the 8n1, too) using stty, then just redirect in- and output to / from the serial device from a shell.16:54
SiamasterI've bought a monitor and it has USB-C port, DP port, and 2 HDMI. I tried using the USB-C to USB-C cable that followed to connect to my mac and it worked. However the monitor was intended for my Ubuntu stationary. I've tried many possible cables and setups and everytime the screen just says "Power saving mode"17:05
Siamasterand there is no image17:05
Siamasterubuntu however discovers the monitor17:05
Siamasterit discovers that I have 2 monitors and all the details about the monitor17:06
Siamasterbut there is no image17:06
SiamasterI don't think it's a cable problem anymore, I tried HDMI-HDMI,  DVI-HDMI, DVI-DP and HDMI-USB-C17:07
Siamastersome cases I get "No signal" for example with HDMI-USB-C17:07
Siamasterand it's not detected in Ubuntu.17:07
Siamasterbut other times it's detected but the screen says "Power saving mode"17:07
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tomreynSiamaster: please provide ubuntu version, ubuntu !flavour, graphics chipset(s), X variant (Xorg/XWayland), xrandr output (only on Xorg), journalctl -f   output added by the time you connect the monitor.17:10
tomreyn!pastebinit | Siamaster17:10
ubottuSiamaster: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit17:10
tomreynhi harsh17:11
harshAm getting the error <Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied)> on apt-get update && apt-get upgrade17:11
harshWhat to do?17:11
harshUbuntu 18.0417:11
tomreynmost of the time you just wait a few minutes then try again17:11
AlericHow can I find out which ubuntu version I am running?17:11
lotuspsychjeAleric: lsb_release -a17:11
AlericThank you lotuspsychje17:12
harshSolution for <Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied)> problem?17:13
tomreyn<tomreyn> most of the time you just wait a few minutes then try again17:14
harshOkay... Thanks, buddy...!!17:14
tomreynharsh: let us know if it still happens after 5 minutes.17:14
naccharsh: are you using `sudo` ?17:15
tomreynharsh: actually, sorry, i gave an incorrect answer in this case. the correct answer is: you need to use sudo17:16
Jan-going back to what we were saying earlier17:16
Jan-yes in theory I'm told you can set it all with stty17:16
Jan-but nobody ever says how :/17:16
lotuspsychjeJan-: i think you were talking to lordcirth17:16
Jan-whoever :/17:17
lordcirthJan-, I wouldn't know. The only time I've used serial is when getting a terminal on a switch.17:17
AlericI can't find it :(.  I want to connect my tablet to my PC over wifi.  So I need my PC to provide wifi.  But when I search for "how to create wifi hotspot on ubuntu 18.04 PC" I only get results for laptop and other mobile devices that give directions that don't even exist on my desktop.17:17
tomreynwell the stty man page does. first you provide the transfer speed, then add more settings and their values/parity17:18
AlericMy motherboard doesn't have wifi - but I have a pci card for wifi - not sure if it can provide wifi, or only can connect to wifi though.17:18
tomreynignore "/parity"17:18
tomreynJan-: example: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/242778/what-is-the-easiest-way-to-configure-serial-port-on-linux#answers17:20
lordcirthAleric, does this work? https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/09/how-to-create-wi-fi-hotspot-in-ubuntu.html17:20
Alericlordcirth: no... here is my desktop: https://gyazo.com/b3b3e31731fbbb12385981ddff74a6d217:22
AlericI don't have the icons they show.17:22
lordcirthAleric, so, you've heavily customized your desktop. What DE is that?17:23
lordcirthOh, KDE17:23
AlericMaybe it is my side bar...17:23
lordcirthThe top left logo is the KDE logo17:23
AlericOk, I got: https://gyazo.com/bc322c654ce69a6972fa9afb1027513c17:24
lordcirthAleric, https://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-set-up-a-wifi-hotspot-on-linux/ , KDE Plasma section17:25
tomreynbasically i think you just want to start from nm-connections-editor (as this how.to explains, looks good)17:26
tomreynnote that not all wireless chipsets support AP / hotspot mode.17:27
AlericI probably bought the wrong one :/17:28
Alericbut this is the right howto, thank you :)17:28
tomreyna pci one has a good chance to work. but it still depends on the chipset.17:28
tomreyn+ driver17:28
Jan-ooh thanks for that17:38
Jan-that's what I was after17:38
Jan-I guess what I'm trying to determine is what the default settings are, really.17:39
tomreynJan-: -a reads / reports current settings17:41
AlericI think it configured it the way they say on that page.. but it doesn't show up on my phone :(.  How can I trouble shoot it?17:42
tomreynAleric: nmcli / nmtui for high level, iw (and possibly iwpriv) for low level17:51
tomreynAleric: which chipset is it?  sudo update-pciids; lspci -knn | grep -iEA3 '(Network controller|Wireless)'  | nc termbin.com 999917:53
FulgenI'm trying to setup nginx on an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server. I removed /etc/nginx/sites-{available,enabled}/default and added my own config snippet, however, it's still showing the default welcome page. Am I missing something?17:54
tomreyn!server | Fulgen17:54
ubottuFulgen: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server17:54
Alerictomreyn: no output :/17:54
tomreynAleric: sudo lspci -knn | nc termbin.com 999917:55
Fulgentomreyn: ah, thanks!17:56
tomreynAleric: did    sudo update-pciids    seem to succeed, though?17:57
tomreynAleric: there's no pci one there, let's see   lsusb | nc termbin.com 999917:59
Alericsorry - I bought it while ago.. I just checked and its an USB thing :/17:59
tomreynhow is it connected anyeays?18:00
AlericIt's just plugged into an USB port :/18:00
tomreynhehe ok18:00
tomreynso lets see lsusb18:01
Alericgot a wifi antenna though.. I suppose I can't use it as hotspot. But can we check?18:01
AlericBus 002 Device 003: ID 0bda:8179 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188EUS 802.11n Wireless Network Adapter18:01
AlericI guess it is that one.18:02
Alerichttps://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=85394  says he got it working?18:04
tomreynAleric: yes it's apparently possible with a patched hostapd18:06
tomreynalso there's a new (?) driver which works with linux 5.1 which states AP support18:07
AlericGot a link for that?18:07
AlericHmm, not so long ago I compiled my own 5.1 kernel to do a test for epoll that I thought was broken (had to use the latest kernel of course), but that kernel wasn't useable for me; desktop didn't boot.18:09
AlericI don't feel that using a 5.x kernel is an option for me.18:10
tomreynAleric: you could also try the driver from https://github.com/lwfinger/rtl8188eu  or try this AP setup script which may be able to find a working configuration: https://github.com/oblique/create_ap18:20
tomreyn(but the latter would likely mean you couldn't manage it with network manager then)18:21
jayjoI can't see most of the shortcuts on my desktop anymore, in nautilis i can still see them in my desktop folder I can move them around. if i move them out of the desktop folder and back the only folder that shows up is the same one. I've restarted. Is there something else I can do to refresh the desktop?18:34
zaggynlHiya, I have noise on the mic port under ubuntu, no such noise under windows, think it's fixed by software, where do I request assistance? alsa? pulseaudio?18:36
Alerictomreyn: Why are you saying I should use https://github.com/oblique/create_ap ?18:42
AlericI just install the kernel module from https://github.com/lwfinger/rtl8188eu and rebooted; but following https://nikunjlahoti.wordpress.com/2016/09/07/run-your-wifi-dongle-as-access-point-soft-ap-8188eu-on-linux/ that says I should replace my hostapd18:43
tomreynAleric: i'm not saying you *should* use create_ap, i'm saying you "could also try". it attempts several strategies for setting up an AP - NM probably expect things to work the default way.18:44
tomreyn<tomreyn> Aleric: yes it's apparently possible with a patched hostapd18:45
AlericShould I replace my hostapd? Or is the latest one already patched perhaps?18:45
Alerictomreyn: When I use  https://github.com/oblique/create_ap  do I also have to patch hostapd?  Or is that not necessary then?18:47
AlericPackage 'hostapd' is not installed, so not removed18:48
AlericThat's interesting...18:48
DOSfanback :) .. well rested and ready to partition and format things.18:53
tomreynAleric: i don't actually know, i'd personally try the script as it is first of all.18:54
tomreynAleric: i recomend buying hardware which is known to be supported if you want to run an AP18:55
tomreyn!sound | zaggynl: This is a bit dated, but there are still good recommendation in there18:57
ubottuzaggynl: This is a bit dated, but there are still good recommendation in there: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - https://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:57
DOSfantomreyn: I did some work on this Ubuntu SSD box last night/morning and I have conme to a different conclution of what I am doing .. I think it's best to just leave this original 36G partition with Ubunbtu v16 running on it, there is still 25+G free space and I installed allot of software on it last night, so there is still plenty of room.18:57
tomreynzaggynl: since it doesn'T work out of the box for you, you should probably look for an existing / matching or file a new bug report.18:58
tomreynzaggynl: which ubuntu version are you running?18:58
zaggynlwith hwe kernel18:58
tomreynyou can run:   ubuntu-bug alsa-base18:59
zaggynlI have to clarify, I can record sound just fine, there is just a beeping/screeching noise when recording, which is not present when recording under windows18:59
DOSfantomreyn: And I also did look at the free space between the main boot partition and the linux swap file .. it's only like 1 or 2 Meg in size so I'm not going to bother with them .. and also that swap file is in the extended partition area .. that 210G linux LVM (which I am going to drop/re-make and just make it a 210G free space Linux normal partition.18:59
MWMim looking for something that does what Stardock fences does.  Ive seen KDE folder view mentioned, but I dont think that will do becasue Id have to bring in the entire plasma DE?18:59
tomreynzaggynl: that's something you should specify while filing the bug report for sure. you'll be asked to provide details. you can also attach short sound samples if it helps clarifying.19:00
zaggynlwill do, thanks19:00
DOSfanoh in other words, not going to drop that extended partition either since the swap file seems quite content at 2Gig :)19:01
zaggynlhm, see a few other similar confirmed bug reports which are 1-6 years old19:03
zaggynlI've also created a ticket with Gigabyte, will probably get a "not supported" but at least I tried19:03
tomreynDOSfan: hello. i'm afraid i cannot support you with this. if there's something you need assistence with, please sum up the details of the situation as it is now, which data / partitions / file systems you need to retain, and what you want things to be like. and maybe someone else will be able to help out.19:04
tomreynzaggynl: do you run other operating systems on this computer other than ubuntu?19:05
zaggynlno, I installed Windows 10 on a flash drive as Windows to Go to test19:06
MWMis there a way to set up screen 'partitions' so when you maximize a window it only fills the specfied 'partition' ?19:06
tomreynzaggynl: so not normally, ok. looking for + installing a mainboard firmware update is also an option. as well as https://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html especially if the sound issues turn out to only occur after suspend.19:07
sarnoldMWM: there's a few dozen tiling window managers, there's a chance of them does what you want :)19:07
zaggynlthanks, yeah I'm keeping an eye out, especially since it's a rather new X570 motherboard19:07
tomreynzaggynl: oh then run hwe-edge if you're on LTS, and even try !mainline19:08
sarnoldMWM: a fair number of people run i3; dwm and awesome and xmonad are also popular.. give https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiling_window_manager a look and see if anything looks like what you're after19:08
johnjaywhy can't i type ^G or ^I chars and have them print to my prompt?19:10
johnjayis there something wrong with my install?19:10
tomreynjohnjay: do you mean ĝ and î ?19:10
MWMI guess maybe I dont understand wm enough.  I thought if I went to a tiling sm I would lost the ability to drag windows and traditional functions.  I just want to set up quadrants on my desktop so I dont have to manually resize windows to fit... if that mkaes sense19:11
johnjayno i mean ascii control chars19:11
johnjaylike ^G to beep which is what i was trying to get19:11
tomreynjohnjay: if you had a beeper,    echo -e "\a"    should work19:14
johnjaydoes ubuntu by default remove the ability to beep?19:15
ioriajohnjay, try first 'sudo modeprobe pcspkr'19:15
tomreynthe module may not be loaded or available19:15
sarnoldMWM: ah, then yeah changing window managers would be a bit much19:17
sarnoldMWM: unity would let you drag a window to the left or right side of the screen and it's 'snap' to filling up that half19:17
sarnoldMWM: does the one you're using now do the same?19:18
sarnoldjohnjay: different terminals do different things on ^G. Some may do nothing, some maybe emit a beep, some may 'visual beep'. different applications may eat those chars and do things too19:18
DOSfantomreyn: Nope no help needed now, I was concerned since Ubuntu seems to install all software onto it's main boot partition, that I would run out of space and need to extent to this Linux LVM partition area. Since I still have well over 25+Gig still available I won't have to worry. So thanks for the help in the first place, that web page to post thoes hard disks stats is a nice tool you have available to help ppl like me.19:19
MWMsarnold: just found out that mutter is the wm I am using.  the sanp is what I am looking for, but I want to customize it.19:19
sarnoldMWM: that's gnome, right? give this a look https://extensions.gnome.org/19:20
tomreynand choose very wisely. here be dragons.19:21
brenster21So for some reason I cant access one of my mounted drives. it shows up mounted in lsblk. but when I try to cd into it. i get this error19:24
brenster21-bash: cd: maindrive: Transport endpoint is not connected19:24
MWMso that is actually something I have found confusing: from the wikipedia page on Budgie: 'Budgie desktop tightly integrates with the GNOME stack...'  so I should be good to use gnome shell extensions (with the caveat that nothing is guaranteed outside the official gnome stack)?19:24
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sarnoldMWM: hmm no idea there, sorry19:27
sarnoldbrenster21: anythiung in dmesg?19:27
MWMits okay sarnold.  you sent me down the right path.  I had been reading on this before and gotten lost in the wayland and sways, metacities ... there is alot to know about wm's19:28
=== fling_ is now known as fling
brenster21sarnold where is dmesg?19:30
tomreynbrenster21: it is a comand19:31
sarnoldMWM: hah, yeah. I suppose I've tried dozens; twm fvwm fvwm2 fvwm95 gnustep afterstep windowmaker icewm metacity blackbox fluxbox gnomes kdes cde xfce dwm i3 ion notion olvwm enlightenments sawfish sawmill wmii evilwm xmonad19:31
brenster21i ran it, no idea what to make of it19:31
sarnoldbrenster21: what's near the end o fit?19:32
brenster21it is a bunch of stuff about blocks. going to paste in pastebin19:33
n-iCesomething wrong just happened, turned my laptop on, and all the display is downside19:33
n-iCeif I turn the laptop to the otherside the screen moves19:33
n-iCebut my laptop is not touch or anything19:34
tomreyn!pastebinit | brenster2119:34
ubottubrenster21: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit19:34
tomreyn!details | n-iCe19:35
ubottun-iCe: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.19:35
n-iCetomreyn: hey, just turned the laptop on, it booted to the login screen but is flipped 180°19:36
brenster21sarnold http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7BS2Dh3fYm/19:37
tomreynn-iCe: the laptop which runs ubuntu version xxx? on hardware yyy?19:37
n-iCetomreyn: last version 64bits elitebook 84019:37
sarnoldbrenster21: first guess, failing hardware19:37
tomreynon sdb19:38
tomreynn-iCe: the latest ubuntu release is 19.04. amd64, ok. do oyu know hwich graphics chipset this elitebook 840 has?19:39
brenster21well crud19:39
n-iCetomreyn: no19:39
n-iCething is the whole os turns if I turn the laptop down up on the side19:40
MWMso I went to install gnome-shell-extensions and was asked about a window manager.  I was given the coice between lightdm and gdm3.  However wmctrl -m shows that my DE uses Mutter... so shouldnt it be listed?19:40
n-iCelike if it where a touch monitor19:40
iorian-iCe, you probably have a gyroscope chip19:41
lordcirthn-iCe, can you check "lsb_release -a" for the exact Ubuntu version, please?19:42
tomreynn-iCe: run this and tell us what it returns:   xrandr | nc termbin.com 999919:42
n-iCeioria: exactly19:43
ioriaioria, xrandr --output <myscreen> --rotate normal   should fix it ( iguess)19:43
Alerictomreyn: The ssid is still not showing up on my phone :(.19:44
brenster21sarnold any way i get it to work for a little while to get the files off?19:44
n-iCetomreyn:  http://termbin.com/mqz419:44
tomreynAleric: then it probably didn't work, or they use incompatible protocols.19:44
AlericBut isn't that strange? This how is specifically for this hardware :/19:45
elfrederichHi, how can I pin a version of a package such that a "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y" would not update it?19:46
sarnoldbrenster21: I think your best bet is to undo anything that might try to automatically mount the filesystem, reboot, and use the ddrescue command to try to make a copy of the drive19:46
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:46
n-iCetomreyn, did you get the link?19:47
tomreynn-iCe: yes, you can temporarily fix it by running    xrandr --output eDP-1 --rotate inverted19:49
n-iCetomreyn,  done desktop wallpaper is ok now, but mouse is inverted19:51
tomreynn-iCe: hmm. i don't know how to fix this, not without searching. do you have another computer?19:52
n-iCeI connected the laptop to a tv, so I can see all ok, but the laptop built in display is still wrong19:52
n-iCebut can't find a thing about display orientation or something19:53
tomreynah thats good.19:53
tomreynso you can have a temrinal window on the tv and work with this, right?19:53
n-iCetomreyn,  yes sir19:53
tomreyndid you make any changes to bios settings between when it worked and stopped working properly?19:54
tomreynn-iCe: ^ this ^  and this: did you boot a different operating system between when it worked and stopped working?19:55
n-iCetomreyn,  I ran a retroarch in a usb without installing nothing19:55
n-iCetomreyn, nothing to bios19:56
tomreynn-iCe: a web search suggests retroarch is an arcade simulator, probably based on linux19:57
n-iCetomreyn,  yes sir19:58
n-iCetomreyn, I can format if you think that the usb did something19:58
n-iCebut is weird, since I used a live usb cd19:58
tomreynplease run this and show the output:   lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA | nc termbin.com 999919:58
n-iCeso my damn laptop has a gyroscope?19:59
n-iCedid not know that, why would it be if is not a tablet or touch or anything lol19:59
n-iCetomreyn, seriously if it is not that easy to solve I can format20:00
tomreynn-iCe: my issue there is i have never worked with a gyroscope, i do not yet know which hardware you have exactly, thus can't check whether it has a gyroscope.20:01
tomreynso i need to learn and search the web20:01
tomreyn...which takes a while. i found this bug 1767650 though, which may be about the same thing20:01
ubottubug 1767650 in iio-sensor-proxy (Ubuntu) "[HP Elitebook Folio 9470m] Screen rotates upside-down when laptop is not flat" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176765020:01
n-iCeit's so weird20:02
n-iCeI think I'm going to download the iso again20:02
n-iCedo you guys support xubuntu or lubuntu?20:02
tomreynn-iCe: the thing is reinstalling may not even fix this.20:04
tomreynn-iCe: in comment #7 of this bug report i pointed you to someone ran    sudo apt remove --purge iio-sensor-proxy    - it is not clear whether this solved it for them but it's somethign yu can give a try.20:05
n-iCetomreyn,  done20:07
n-iCereboot maybe?20:08
tomreynn-iCe: i had doped that removing it would help already, but sure, why not20:08
n-iCeok brb20:08
n-iCeNo, did not work :/20:13
n-iCeCan it has something to do with the other tv? I was using the laptop in other tv before too20:14
tomreynhmm i don't really see why.20:15
tomreyndoes this improve anything?    gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.touchscreen orientation-lock true20:16
waheediI'm trying to boot the arm64 for raspberry pi 3 A+ and i see this on syslog https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8bbjrTVhxq/20:16
waheediit continues after it20:16
n-iCetomreyn: let me try connecting it to the other monitor20:16
n-iCewhich was the last thing I did before sleep20:16
tomreynn-iCe: your sleep or the laptop's sleep (serious question)?20:17
n-iCemy sleep20:18
n-iCedone worked20:18
n-iCeBoth display blinked20:18
n-iCeand now all is ok20:18
tomreyn!enter | n-iCe20:19
ubottun-iCe: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.20:19
tomreynn-iCe: you're currently muted, not for long, though.20:19
tomreynn-iCe: doing what fixed the rotation now?20:19
n-iCeconnected the laptop to the yesterdays tv using the displayport adapter20:20
tomreyninteresting. is your system full yup to date?20:20
n-iCeyes sir20:21
tomreyncan you post this?   sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -qqy update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog; rm /tmp/aptlog20:21
tomreynalso this   nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";)20:21
n-iCetomreyn: https://termbin.com/ho9b20:23
n-iCetomreyn: https://termbin.com/tmpm20:24
tomreynn-iCe: thanks. i suggest you file a new bug report then. i don't think this is gyroscope related, but must have to do with your graphics driver.20:26
DOSfanI got somewhat of a simple issue I can't make work, I'm trying to launch KVPM as root from the Unity launch bar. I have changed the .desktop file to read "Exec=gksudo -k -u root kvpm" , but nothing. If I open up a terminal windows and so sudo kvpm .. and KVMP launches fine. It's seems so difficult to launch something as root using the icons.  How do I launch KVMP or how are others doing it?20:26
n-iCetomreyn: let me reboot20:27
n-iCemaybe was not solved after reboot20:27
n-iCeI installed the package you told me to purge20:28
n-iCeso let's try brb wish me luck20:28
n-iCeo.O solved, and I'm in the other tv monitor.20:30
OerHeksDOSfan, gksudo is depreciated in 18.04/gnome, use Exec=/path/to/kvpm -pkexec   ### https://askubuntu.com/questions/641593/pkexec-command-in-a-desktop-file20:32
tomreynn-iCe: so, if i'm getting you right, you are saying this is not related to the gyroscope (if any)?20:32
n-iCetomreyn: let me move the laptop20:33
DOSfanOerHeks: Oh soory forgot to say, running ubuntu v16 here , not version 18.20:33
n-iCeis not moving anymore!! tomreyn20:33
tomreynn-iCe: what is no longer moving, and is this a good or bad thing, and was it moving previously?20:34
DOSfanOerHeks: but yes this is getting frustrating, the program launches fine from a terminal window but how do I get the icon on the Unity launch bar to runb it.20:34
n-iCewhen I moved the laptop it moved like a cell phone you get me? portrait mode etc same was happening20:34
tomreynn-iCe: if you run    ls -1 /dev/input/by-id/    you should get a list of input devices20:34
n-iCetomreyn: the screen is ok now, and it does not move if I move the laptop upside down etc20:34
tomreynn-iCe: okay, so this system does have a gyroscope then, i see.20:34
tomreynn-iCe: did you run the gsettings command i provided you with earlier?20:35
DOSfanOerHeks: Well anyway for sure that gksudo command isn't working anyway20:35
n-iCetomreyn: I posted you the links I gave you20:36
tomreynn-iCe: if so, this is why it is no longer rotating by the gyroscope on the gnome-shell session. it still would rotate on gdm (graphical login), though.20:36
OerHeksDOSfan, so did you try pkexec ?20:36
n-iCeyou gave me*20:36
DOSfanOerHeks: nope .. didn't know about that one .. let me try20:36
tomreynn-iCe: i do not understand the statement "i posted you the links you gave me".20:37
n-iCetomreyn: I posted what you told me, and I gave you the links of what you told me to post20:37
deltabmaybe "I posted the output of the commands you gave me"20:37
n-iCesorry, I'm testing the laptop20:38
tomreynn-iCe: i posted this earlier, but you didn't respond to it from what i could tell:  <tomreyn> does this improve anything?    gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.touchscreen orientation-lock true20:38
n-iCetomreyn: no, because after connect to the tv fixed it20:39
tomreynn-iCe: okay. then you should probably still report a bug. i'm not sure against what, though. maybe start with xorg.20:40
tomreynso   ubuntu-bug xorg20:40
n-iCetomreyn: perfect, thank you!20:40
DOSfanOerHeks: Well I made the new .desktop entry for KVPM as  ... Exec=pkexec kvpm  ... this time it does ask for a password, but not the root one for some reason.  I am going to just assume peolpe launch KVPM from a terminal window I guess anyway.20:41
OerHeksinteresting, the only password is your user/root account password20:42
AlericRunning do-release-upgrade20:45
Aleric58 installed packages are no longer supported by Canonical. You can20:45
Alericstill get support from the community.20:45
AlericSeriously? :/20:45
tomreynAleric: did i miss your support question?20:45
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!20:46
=== im0nde1 is now known as im0nde
AlericOk question: is it safe to continue or will I afterwards not be able to read my encrypted partitions (for example)?20:46
AlericNo longer supported: cpp-5 docbook-xml docbook-xsl ecryptfs-utils [...long list...]20:47
Alericecryptfs-utils sounds like I might need it?20:47
OerHeksAleric, that message just says you had outdated packages, no worries20:47
tomreynecryptfs you should indeed replace soon. but it still works.20:47
tomreynso consider a fresh install with !FDE but without ecrypts20:48
tomreyn*ecryptfs - sorry20:48
AlericI don't understand. I have encrypted partitions. How can I do a fresh install without support for those? I'd lose all that data.20:49
tomreynthe term 'fresh install' suggests you overwrite any existing data, yes. you could restore backups afterwards.20:50
OerHeksif you have no backup already, your data is unimportand20:51
AlericThe idea of encryption is that is stays encrypted... so it would make little sense to make a backup.20:55
AlericUnless the backup is encrypted too, but then that has the same problem.20:55
AlericUnless I back up 100 GB to another machine that has space on an encrypted partition for that. Most people won't even have another machine :/20:56
tomreynyou don't need a separate computer to create encrypted backups20:56
AlericI do if it isn't sure that after the upgrade encryption will still work :/20:57
AlericI have NO idea what ecryptfs is - or if I'm even using it.20:57
tomreynthe backup doesn't have to be (and probably should not be) ecryptsfs encrypted20:57
AlericIf I'm not using it then I suppose I could just upgrade :)20:58
AlericHow can I check if my encrypted parition is 'ecryptsfs' encrypted?20:58
tomreynso far i am not aware of any report of anyone upgrading to 18.04 and loosing ecryptfs functionality.20:58
AlericI suppose I could  apt remove  all 58 packages, reboot and see what goes wrong? If then it goes wrong - then I can reinstall those packages.20:59
tomreyn"mount" should hint on it20:59
tomreynyou'd likely see a loop mount for /home...20:59
tomreynalso /etc/fstab and     sudo ls -l /home     may provide some hint on it.21:00
AlericThere is one line from mount that has ecryptfs in it:  /home/.ecryptfs/carlo/.Private on /home/carlo type ecryptfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,ecryptfs_fnek_sig=something..stuff)21:01
tomreynthis looks like you're using it, yes21:01
AlericMy home directory isn't encrypted though.21:01
AlericI have just one encrypted partition called /encrypted21:02
tomreynif "you" are carlo then this line from /etc/fstab suggests otherwise.21:02
Aleric/dev/mapper/encrypted   99G   75G   19G  80% /encrypted21:02
Aleric/home/carlo/.Private   9,8G  7,6G  1,7G  82% /home/carlo21:02
tomreynthe "encrypted" block device is a device mapper encryption then, probably LUKS21:03
tomreynso you may have both an ecryptfs encryptied home directory and a dmcrypt-luks encrypted storage which is mounted at /encrypted21:04
AlericSeems like it. luks will still work on 18.04 right? :)21:04
tomreynyou could read release notes21:04
ubottuFor release notes of a given Ubuntu release, please refer to the 'Docs' column on the 'List of releases' table at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases21:04
tomreynthey are linked in release announcements21:05
AlericOk. I got a note in my mail from cron saying that I should run  do-release-update21:05
Alericso that's what I did21:05
Alericno mention of reading release notes :/21:05
tomreyni think do-release-upgrade also shows a link to them, yes.21:06
tomreynthis is printed on screen by do-release-upgrade before it prompts you whether you want to upgrade: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic-updates/main/dist-upgrader-all/current/ReleaseAnnouncement21:07
tomreynalso by update-manager when it carries out release upgrades21:07
AlericIt did not mention it: https://termbin.com/rm6e21:10
tomreynhmm, not sure then. maybe only the GUI variant shows it then.21:11
deltablooking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/1756840 it's been demoted to universe, so you can still install it after enabling universe21:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1756840 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "Buggy, under-maintained, not fit for main anymore; alternatives exist" [Undecided,Fix released]21:12
AlericUm ok.. I'm running also kde plasma on this box I think (it is in fact another one than before). It is running Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS. How do I turn off the GUI - so that my home directory becomes unused and I can umount it?  I'd like to just work in the console as root for that.21:19
Alericright-click desktop 'Leave' reboots and has no other option than a Reboot :/21:20
tomreynreboot to recovery  or add this !kernelparam in the grub menu: systemd.unit=multi-user.target21:23
tomreyni guess you can also do this without rebooting21:24
tomreynthat'd be   systemctl isolate multi-user.target21:26
AlericI rebooted to recovery.. but then /home/carlo is mostly empty.  It contains a README.txt saying "From the graphical desktop, click on: 'Access Your Private Data'  or  From the command line, run:  ecryptfs-mount-private21:30
AlericWhen I run the latter it says:21:30
AlericERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly21:31
AlericHow can I make a back up of it if I can't mount it? :/21:31
Alericok - I figured that out.21:38
tete_http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ <- is this the 19.10 release but with current software, like the newest systemd?21:39
AlericNope I didn't... I managed to get ecryptfs-mount-private to return without an error - but it still isn't mounted :(21:42
Alericok now I did - even have it mounted read-only.21:45
brimestoneHey guys I have an Ubuntu 14.04 that badly needs an update. Its running OpenVPN.. is there a way to migrate OpenVPN service and let its Client use the same Keys?21:59
jeremy31brimestone: Ubuntu 14.04 is EOL22:02
tete_brimestone, when you update ubuntu, why should it break the configuration of openvpn?22:02
tete_or why should it break the keys?22:02
Habbiebrimestone, backup everything you care about; then upgrade22:06
brimestonewell, I also need to move it from BareMetal to VM... Will clean install Ubuntu 18.04 and install OpenVPN..22:15
brimestoneThe main question is, can I move the CA, DH and Config to the new server and expect it to work?22:16
sarnoldif you're using a 1024 bit DH group, it might not22:16
sarnoldit'd probably make sense to find the details of your configuration and try to check that they're still supported22:17
brimestoneWell for starters, DH isn't 2048.22:18
brimestoneIf I setup a fresh install open ovpn, I dont see any option for 102422:19
tete_pretty bad that the nightly isos do not contain the new systemd version that fixes the ryzen 3000 bug. is there any roadmap when this will be added?22:20
tete_nightly 19.10 isos22:20
OerHekstete_, the hardware vendor should give an update22:24
tete_OerHeks, yes in a couple of month, maybe...22:24
OerHekssystemd boots fine22:24
tete_systemd does not boot on ryzen 300022:24
tete_well, the latest version does, but not the one from the iso22:25
OerHeksmaybe not on *your* motherboard22:25
tete_are you familiar with the ryzen 3000 systemd RDRAND problem?22:25
tete_guess not22:25
tomreyntete_: ubuntu 19.10 will release in october, ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS will release in 4 days, both of which should have a workaround for what appears to be a CPU bug.22:33
tete_ah good to know22:33
tete_thanks tomreyn22:33
tete_i can wait 4 days ;)22:33
tete_can i upgrade then to 19.04 or do i have to wait until 19.10 comes out?22:33
tomreyntete_: 18.04.2 already works fine with this CPU, and you can make 19.04 work by following the steps discussed in the relevant bug reprt22:34
tomreynupgrade to 19.04 from what?22:34
tete_but if 18.04.2 already works, i will checkout the bug report and see if its not too much workaround. and then upgrade to 19.0422:35
Alerictomreyn: Would you recommend VeraCrypt, or LUKS? Or something else?22:35
tete_veracrypt does not work for full system encryption on linux22:35
tomreynAleric: LUKS22:35
tete_luks is standard22:35
tete_but veracrypt works nice if you want to encrypt a external drive or a separate hard drive22:36
tomreyntete_: sure you can upgrade from 18.04.x to 19.0422:36
tete_(and works on windows too)22:36
tomreynbug 183580922:36
ubottubug 1835809 in systemd (Ubuntu Eoan) "AMD Ryzen 3000 series fails to boot" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183580922:36
tete_tomreyn, ok thanks, then i will go that way22:36
tomreyntete_: see the bug report, too.22:36
tete_yep just reading it22:37
tomreyn"eaon" is what will be 19.1022:37
calamariIn blueman-applet there is an option to trust a Bluetooth device. What does that accomplish for a device that's already paired?22:54
sarnoldcalamari: skimming the sources it looks like it'll probably let you transfer files to or from the device without being prompted22:56
calamarisarnold: thanks. Interestingly, just found a link that claims something completely different: "The "trust" attribute allows the device to automatically establish a connection to your machine when turned on and in range." https://wiki.debian.org/BluetoothUser/a2dp22:57
calamarisarnold: perhaps it does both :)22:58
sarnoldcalamari: interesting; *that* would feel a lot more appropriate22:58
calamarisarnold: that's pretty convincing23:00
sarnoldI think the file transfer thing is selectable; and it noirmally means what you found23:00
calamariI notice "bonded" in your output, wonder what that means23:00
calamarithanks for your help. I guess I can do some testing and see what happens with and without trust23:03
sarnoldhah, no idea there :/ the hits are way less useful23:10
deltabbonded was an old term for paired: https://github.com/blueman-project/blueman/issues/71723:18
sarnoldaha :) "paired" is way better. people know that one. :)23:18
=== Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB
sk11p3rhi everybody23:22
sarnoldhey sk11p3r23:22
sk11p3ri new in irc channel23:22
sk11p3rAnybody can helpme with samba? My samba is running over centos 7, y created one account to user samba and password, and create de conf of smb.conf, i can see my sharefolder from pc Windows 7 lan, but not completly, and is the same with linux machine, i can enter and i see de share folder but subfolders i cant enter and can't see.  i have change permisions with chmod and chown, the files and directorys are my username and groupname. I hav23:23
sk11p3re 3 days with the problem. I make me crazy x_X23:23
tomreynsk11p3r: where does ubuntu come into play there?23:24
sk11p3rtomreyn Is different totality? Samba over Ubuntu and Centos?23:25
fleabeardhello friends, running into some problems with a steam library I have on an NTFS drive that I'm trying to get steam to use on Ubuntu 18.04. I have this in my /etc/fstab https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/y7xW8KB7wM/ but I still can't use that drive because I get an error about permissions?23:25
fleabeardthe steam error I get when trying to point my steam library folder to that drive is "New Steam library folder must be on a filesystem mounted with execute permissions"23:26
sk11p3r....in that case i have to move my toppic to other chanel like centos23:26
sarnoldfleabeard: you're probably not going to be able to store steam stuff on an ntfs filesystem23:28
fleabeardsarnold, what's weird is this was all working fine before, I haven't been in Ubuntu in a month or two and after some updates I get this issue :/23:30
fleabeardI was really hoping to continue using my 500Gb NTFS drive as my main steam library instead of installing the same games on my smaller linux HDD23:33
calamarifleabeard: if you look at the mount output for that drive, does it say noexec?23:33
deltabin https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/y7xW8KB7wM/ it says exec23:34
fleabeardcalamari, where do I find that? My current fstab is > https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/y7xW8KB7wM/23:34
calamarifleabeard: mount | grep /dev/sdc223:35
fleabeardthe drive "Type" according to fdisk -l is HPFS/NTFS/exFAT23:35
fleabeardcalamari, here is the output of that command > https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/kNRds8gSTH/23:36
fleabeardis my /etc/fstab changes just being ignored?23:37
calamarifleabeard: in /etc/fstab move exec to AFTER gid=1000... so it'd be gid=1000,exec23:38
calamarisee what that does23:39
ayekatI'm not quite sure how mounting works if you pass options that are not recognised by the particular filesystem, but it seems that the options in your fstab actually just don't apply to ntfs-3g23:39
calamarifleabeard: source for my advice: https://askubuntu.com/questions/30243/why-does-ubuntu-refuse-to-execute-files-from-an-ntfs-partition23:39
fleabeardcalamari, okay, rebooting now!23:39
ayekate.g. you pass `uid` and `gid`, but the filesystem itself has options like `user_id` and `group_id`23:39
skinny852Hi, I am trying to set up some rules in ufw and would like to use an application profile. However, /etc/ufw/applications.d only contains CUPS. I tried to reinstall a program to see if APT would automatically generate an application profile but it did not. Is there a way to obtain an application profile or do I have to create one myself?23:40
ayekatoh, ignore me - seems users,exec is right23:40
ayekatalso there is absolutely no reason to reboot, but we can't tell them, because they've left to reboot23:41
calamariayekat: yeah :)23:41
sarnoldskinny852: only a few packages have pre-written ufw rules http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BVSFzsx4Gx/23:41
fleabeardno change, same error; calamari23:43
skinny852sarnold: Got it. Thanks.23:44
calamarifleabeard: any change in the mount output?23:45
fleabeardcalamari, nope, looks the same as before23:45
calamarifleabeard: btw you don't need to reboot for fstab changes23:45
calamarifleabeard: you can just umount and mount again23:46
fleabeardoh! haha sorry, still very new to linux :)23:46
calamarifleabeard: np, just trying to save you some trouble23:46
fleabeardmuch appreciated! ty :)23:46
calamarifleabeard: try removing "defaults", then do: umount /media/fleabeard/Backup/Steam; mount /media/fleabeard/Backup/Steam23:48
tomreynsk11p3r: this channel supports ubuntu only (as the channel name and /topic suggests). also, default samba configurations on ubuntu and centos will most likely differ, yes.23:48
calamarifleabeard: actually, sorry, put defautls back and remove user23:49
calamarifleabeard: mount manpage says "user [...] This  option  implies  the  options  noexec"23:50
AlericFinally converted my home directory to luks...23:51
fleabeardcalamari, okay, removed user and did the umount/mount but got this error: mount: /media/fleabeard/Backup/Steam: operation permitted for root only.23:54
sarnolddo sudo umount /media/fleabeard/Backup/Steam23:54
calamarifleabeard: you'll need to use sudo mount23:54
sarnold(or mount, if you want it mounted)23:55
fleabeardcalamari, oooh thanks, did that and got a new error > https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/WWrqxBm9CW/23:56
DOSfangot a pretty simple question, but Googeling isn't helping much.  All I want to do is add a program to start-up to the Ubuntu startup file, but I can't figure this out :\23:58
AlericHow can I prevent a certain application that is running on my desktop (session) when you reboot, to be started again after reboot and logging into the GUI again?23:58
calamarifleabeard: are you dual booting with Windows 8 or 10?23:58
fleabeardcalamari, dual booting with Win1023:59

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