[00:46] managed to finish my work and fix the system. followed your advice OvenWerks and it went smooth. <3 Many thanks! No idea what happened, but things are looking good so i'm happy with that! [00:47] now to get some sleep before the presentation tomorrow lol! g'night! o/ [04:16] Hello everyone.Quick question: UbuntuStudio 18.04 LTS as host. i want to use KVM to run some win apps I need. Do you think it will affect the low-latency kernel or affect performance on audio apps (when kvm not used)? [04:17] I do not want to install any virtualization technology that will replace or affect the low-latency kernel. But I need to run Windows sometimes [04:17] oniaiki: I'm limited in my help right now, but the low-latency kernel can run virtual machines. In fact, the differences are so minute between the stock Ubuntu kernel and the low-latency kernel that I wouldn't worry about it at all. [04:17] I could run wine for somethings but I need some virtualization solution. [04:18] Ok. I think I will run kvm. For what I recall that is is a kernel module and is already on the linux kernel. So I think it will not replace it. [04:19] oniaiki: wine isn't a virtual machine, but a compatiblity layer. [04:20] But did not find any forum that referred about that particular subject, so i was afraid the virtualization technology would replace my tuned kernel. [04:20] If you really want to, you can always install "linux-generic" for the stock Ubuntu kernel. You'll be given a choice of kernels at boot. [04:21] or change kernel parameters that will screw up things on the LL kernel [04:21] Also, you're not running Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS unless you have the backports PPA enabled. [04:21] why would kvm replace a kernel? [04:21] !ubuntustudio-backports [04:21] The Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA is required for users of Ubuntu Studio to receive LTS support for Ubuntu Studio 18.04, and for #ubuntustudio to support users of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and its flavors using !jack. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA, !ubuntustudio-controls, and !ubuntustudio-installer [04:21] KVM is built-in to the kernel. [04:25] Ok, Then I might be ok. I am a FreeBSD guy, and just learning about UbuntuStudio. It does have all Audio/Video Production stuff just right out of the box. Thanks for the help. [04:25] You're welcome. [04:25] * Eickmeyer heads to bed [04:27] It has been working great with my AKAI LPD8,LPK25 and EWI-USB. those work amazingly. === JTa1 is now known as JTa [21:03] Saltphase was added by: Saltphase