[06:03] hi everyone, i deployed kubernetes using juju, however when i run juju status, i see that the public ip address of kubernetes worker is it possible to expose another nic ip address? [06:09] there are 2 network interfaces on kubernetes worker [06:10] I want to expose both of them [06:10] i tried unexpose then expose but it's not working as expected, and i can't find anywhere in any documentation on how to achieve this [06:26] here is what I am trying to do, anyone can help would be much appreciated >> https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/expose-multiple-ip-address-for-kubernetes-worker/1882 [06:29] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57229743/expose-multiple-ip-address-for-kubernetes-worker [16:10] Anyone around, I'm curious if this is a juju bug or somehow a microk8s thing. [16:11] Running through the juju+microk8s guide. After bootstrapping this is what happens trying to deploy the example K8s charm. [16:11] https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/FxbQCVhyjk/ [16:11] You'll see the URL that is retrieved is: https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v5/~juju/mariadb-k8s-1/archive?channel=stable: [16:12] Which if you try to access will give you https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/B26fKKZScj/ [16:12] So it *appears* juju is adding a ":" to the channel, removing that indeed retrieves the charm. [16:12] This happens both w/o specifying the channel and when specifying the channel. on the deploy [16:14] I'll idle here a bit before opening a bug to see if maybe I"m grossly misinterpreting something. [16:15] (This is juju 2.6.5-bionic from snap) [16:59] and ... this looks like a microk8s networking issue. Looks like it's hard coding a lot of settings that may not be valid.