
valoriehow weird to see KDE bugs on github01:35
valoriewhy do people do this01:35
OerHeksreporting kde bugs to 'microsoft'? this is so 2019...01:45
OerHekssecurity issues, valorie ?01:45
valorieI was just reading up in the chan01:45
valorieit was a great big string about a weird bug in kde-connect01:46
valoriebut then I've found people reporting kubuntu bugs on facebook!01:46
valoriein groups we have no control of01:46
OerHeksoh, or open on pastebin, en posted in #u ...01:47
=== DankLink is now known as DankLink021
=== DankLink021 is now known as DankLink
rupi_Hello people. I need help installing my Geforce 940MX on this machine. but i'm an amateur in terms of Linux. can anyone help me? here are my device info: Kernel ver. 5.0.0-21-generic;  processor: Intel i5; #22-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 2 13:27:33 UTC 2019.03:11
=== donato is now known as Dodo__
pragomerhello. would you have any advice why my gimp 2.10.x seems to have a buggy default dark mode on kubuntu 19.04 ?    https://i.imgur.com/16kkTQa.png08:21
=== mrw_ is now known as marc_
BluesKajHi folks10:06
=== mrw_ is now known as marc_
MrokiiHello. Is it possible to have Kubuntu, after a reboot, reopen all apps and folders automatically that were open before?13:10
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @Mrokii, System Settings -> Startup and Shutdown -> Desktop Session -> Restore Previos session13:49
MrokiiGreat. :)14:17
=== domenico is now known as domenico__
k0odaHey guys16:18
amy665so is using the last lts release still safe , if using backports to upgrade everything?18:45
amy665I'm not interested in having to back everything up for a full reinstall atm18:45
amy665i'm referring to 16.0418:47
IrcsomeBot<speedyjp2gmd> Latest LTS is 18.04 version19:02
amy665i know that , but I have heard trying to do a distro upgrade has a high likelyhood of messing up19:03
amy665so I'm assuming i'd have to back everything up and then reinstall19:03
amy665which I don't want to do atm19:03
amy665this is an older computer , but its my work-horse of sorts , settings wallpapers , programs ect.19:05
amy665don't have an entire day to spend here soon to do that19:06
amy665Well i'll check back later this weekend maybe somebody will be around then.19:21
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
amy665well ok now I nee some real help , I just "updated" kubuntu 16.04 to the newest 18 version , I thought all went well until it rebooted21:31
amy665its sitting at a promt now21:32
valorieamy665: I would do a backup21:32
valorieand then upgrade21:32
amy665asked for username and pass21:32
amy665and once entered nothing but aznother prompt21:32
valorieyou have to login21:32
amy665i did21:32
valorieunless you have an empty password21:32
amy665black screen almost like terminal21:33
amy665it is the terinal21:33
valorieit IS a terminal21:33
valorieso I would do sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade21:33
valorieand see if something was left half-upgraded21:33
amy665k it running21:34
valorieotherwise you could have perhaps a graphic driver problem21:34
valoriein which case you might have to do "nomodeset"21:34
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:34
amy665it says some packegs were automaticly installed but not required21:35
amy665was instant it didn't download anything21:35
amy665terminal says to use auto remove21:35
amy665o upgraded 0 installed21:36
amy665ohh and 0 t remove21:36
amy665so um wth21:36
amy665tried apt nomodeset and it said invalid opersation21:38
amy665tried start x and vent to nvidia screen like before but came back to terminal21:39
amy665says at end of msg tried to use log file , then "waiting for x server to shut down21:40
amy665back to terminal again lol21:40
amy665so any ideas on where to go21:40
amy665so nobody with any ideas?21:43
amy665i read that article and said it applies to 10.0 and 10.1 respectly21:48
amy665is there a kernel command i can use to deleted its setting file and for it to try to reconfigure?21:49
amy665start x tries to start something , i get nvidiea graphics screen , then back to the terminal with same msg21:53
amy665all  wihin 2 seconds21:53
amy665any parameters that might make it try to atleast get to desktop21:54
valorieyou can't apt nomodeset21:55
valorieanybody around who can help amy with this?21:56
valorieI've never had to do it so I'm not sure21:56
valorieand that link is not very enlightening21:56
valoriecan't be too hard because people do it all the time21:56
amy665yes its dated i read thru it21:56
valorieit's just a setting -- apt doesn't do settings21:57
amy665is there maybe a new video driver package i can download thru the terminal?21:57
amy665that might help21:57
valoriewell, it's a kernal boot option21:57
amy665all worked fine a fw hours ago in 16.0421:57
valorieright, the kernel has been upgraded too21:58
amy665how do i figure that out?21:58
amy665only one os on this coptuer21:58
amy665the one that's messed up now that is21:58
amy665it boots directly to terminal21:58
valorietry pushing f6 as you boot21:58
amy665ask for login21:58
valorieamy665: since nobody but me seems to be around and I'm no help, try in #ubuntu21:59
valoriebigger channel, more people, more help21:59
valoriesorry that I don't know how to help21:59
valorieand am about to leave my keyboard21:59
valoriebest of luck21:59
amy665well hit f6 and it now goes to a black screen lol22:00
amy665well something different22:00
amy665and waits22:00
amy665for around 10 seconds then goes to same login screen22:00
amy665top says  "Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS22:01
amy665then under it a login prompt22:01
amy665well valorie  thx for the ideas, i'll try to show up later maybe more eople here22:02
amy665well tryig to update does nothing it ays all up to date22:04
amy665i should of known better22:04
=== jayhunold is now known as jhunold

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