
knightwisemorning everyone06:57
knightwisehey brobostigon07:06
knightwisehow you doin man07:06
brobostigonhangover, today is my birthday, i had a drink with my dad yesterday, and this afternoon with my fiance and friends.07:07
brobostigonand you?07:07
knightwisehappy birthday brobostigon07:07
brobostigonty, :)07:07
knightwisehope you have a great day07:07
* knightwise is writing up a script for the next podcast07:07
knightwisemy new imac running helium is realy helping me with my creativity , i have more focus to write to i started working on a script07:08
brobostigonthats good,07:09
* brobostigon bought himself a google home, so his productivity will dip a bit now.07:09
knightwisebrobostigon: its quite nice actualy07:36
knightwiseI use it to play podcasts and stuff. Very handy07:36
brobostigonyes, i found it easy to setup, however the home app isnt the easiest to work out.07:37
knightwiseno thats true. We use it a lot to do stuff like turning on the lights and the tv and stuff07:37
knightwiseI still have 2 spare smartlights for the office I should setup07:37
* zmoylan-pi struggles with the light switch... :-P11:06
* brobostigon points zmoylan-pi in the right direction.11:09
* zmoylan-pi changes the lightbulb to the red bulb for red alerts and initiates red alert procedures... i flick the light switch to turn on the red bulb...11:31
penguin42klingon's on the starboard bow?11:33
zmoylan-piintruder alert pointing at the light switch!!11:33
* brobostigon rolls for perception, 11:35
* zmoylan-pi checks stats, half elf, dark vision...11:36
brobostigonwood elf11:37
zmoylan-pinow there's an idea. a cut down dnd that can be played irc... maybe an abbreviated tunnels and trolls...11:37
knightwiseI should probably learn how to play DND12:59
* knightwise has no clue12:59
knightwiseOk , gonna check if I can record a podcast here.13:00
knightwisejust managed to get sshfs working via fuse on my mac14:12
knightwisenow mounting all of the folder on my server natively on my mac14:13
knightwiseTHIS is gonna save me a ton of time14:13
zmoylan-pioooh, sounds good....14:13
knightwiseYES รจ14:16
knightwiseThrilled about this. all i need now is to find a way to do the same thing on windows14:16
knightwisegonna try this14:17
brobostigonis anyone aware of a router/ap that has two earials, ie can connect to one wifi network and the other aerial running as a wifi AP?20:37
zmoylan-pidoes it need 2 aerials to do that?20:41
brobostigongood question, i am making an assumption.20:41
daftykinsit wouldn't need to be a router if it were just extending an existing network20:44
daftykinsthere are extender APs, but making packets hop twice is an absolute abomination and shouldn't be done20:45
daftykinsif you're wanting to cover a wifi deadspot in the home or something, a pair of powerline adapters where one of the two is an access point one would be a good solution20:45
daftykinsbetter yet - a normal access point with a cable back to the main router20:45
brobostigoni will research those, good thinking. :)20:50
penguin42brobostigon: There are wireless extenders that do exactly that20:55
penguin42brobostigon: There are also wireless routers that you can add multiple and they somehow organise themselves20:55
brobostigonso either option could work, just need to work out which is going to be most cost effective.20:56
daftykinsthose do not sound like routers, but mesh APs - all bollocks20:58
daftykinsi highly, highly... strongly advise against anything that relies on radio hopping twice :P20:58
brobostigonthe issue i am ultimatly trying to solve, is the wifi network at work, cant allow devices to see eachother, ie when i tried to setup a google home at work it wouldnt work because the phone and home couldnt see eachother, which works fine on my home at home, because it allows devices to see eachother connected to the same network.21:01
penguin42yeh if you can't point to the wire that your packets slithering down, just dont believe it21:01
daftykinsyeah they've probably turned on wifi client isolation21:01
daftykinspretty common setting on some stuff21:02
daftykinswhy is any smart tosh getting hooked up in a workplace though? D:21:02
penguin42so the boss can say 'Engage!'21:03
daftykinsooh there's a wet trout with their name on :)21:03
daftykinsah, exciting times in an hour from now - doing a late birthday surprise for a pal, i paid a couple of sci-fi TV show celebs on cameo.com to do birthday greeting videos for him - and they did an incredible job of it21:04
penguin42which celebs?21:05
daftykinstwo peeps that were in the 2003 Battlestar Galactica21:05
* penguin42 hadn't heard of Cameo21:06
brobostigondaftykins: my thinking exactly, after a little testing.21:06
daftykinsnah nor me, someone mentioned it by chance the Thursday before last - i knew a birthday was coming up so i jumped at the chance :D21:06
brobostigonmy answer right now, is having a usb wifi adaptor on my desktop boardcasting a seperate network, so both devices can see eachother and use the network underneath.21:07
daftykinsdunno what your workplace is like, but that breaks so many terms to me xD21:09
brobostigonhowever i am trying to think of a more permanent answer.21:09
brobostigondaftykins: atm they dont know about it, i plan to bring it up and whats needs changing to get it working.21:10
daftykinsdon't know about the wifi isolation or the Google smart trash? :D21:13
penguin42daftykins: Hehe some names I actually recognise on there21:13
brobostigoni am just trying to think if there is a way around the client isolation.21:14
daftykinswell you'd have to query the config of the wifi providing device(s)21:14
brobostigonwhich already a set of extenders anyway.21:15
brobostigonwhich is*21:15
daftykinssounds like it's just a symptom of those then, usually a smart gadget would rely on broadcast use so those probably don't work at that layer21:16
daftykinspretty common shortcoming21:16
penguin42daftykins: I can imagine a version of cameo where it first gives you a deep-fake version of what you ask for, and if you dont think its good enough asks you to pay the real actor $n more22:31

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