
oh4I've been dealing (since my install) with an issue that freezes my computer and then it automatically reboots. I think I nailed it down to Google Chrome being the culprit since I noticed it seems to happen shortly after I open it00:16
oh4anyone else ran into this with Chrome?00:17
wylelWhy is fwupd held back for updates?01:02
fuzeI get these errors after the halt command with my wireless card installed. Is it a problem? https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/odAM9yO0/IMG_3762.JPG01:18
fuzethey show up quickly during shutdown as well01:21
valoriefuze: I haven't, however have you tried chromium instead?01:53
valorieor falkon, which is my full-time browser now01:54
valorieit's possible it is a heat issue01:54
magic_ninja_workwhat is the kde runtime?02:03
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oderushey. when i connect my phone to my desktop, it offers a list of things (open in gwenview, view files, etc). How could I add an option to this?02:37
valorieoderus: such as?03:01
valorieI assume you mean via KDE Connect03:01
valorieI hear the team loves having new contributors03:02
oderusvalorie: no, i mean when i ook my phone to the desktop physically and it asks what I want to do with it03:09
valoriegood question03:10
valorieI guess it's better to ask in #kde03:10
valoriealthough it's rather quiet except around euro-working hours03:10
oderusvalorie: ah ok03:12
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BluesKajHowdy folks11:00
rodrigoty23does anybody here know where i could find the source code of kubuntu 19.04?11:54
rodrigoty23i found ubuntu 16.04 but cant seem to find kubuntu 19.04. thank you.11:55
BluesKajrodrigoty23, ask in #kubuntu-devel11:59
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mathieunobody speak here ?18:31
DarinMillermathiew ...not too many people active today, did you need assistance?19:09
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jose__de q trata este chat23:36
tomreyn!es | jose__23:41
ubottujose__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:41

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