
lubot<HMollerCl> @tsimonq2 [@HMollerCl https://phab.lubuntu.me/T97], you mean 79 chars line? Or other?00:41
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- Error: T97], is an invalid task reference.00:41
lubot<teward001> @HMollerCl [you mean 79 chars line? Or other?], Want me to go through it?00:42
lubot<teward001> i have a pep8 compliance checker00:42
lubot<teward001> can dump you the list of chaos00:42
lubot<HMollerCl> that would be nice00:42
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> `black .`00:42
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> Problem solved00:42
lubot<HMollerCl> thanks!00:42
lubot<tsimonq2> @teward001 [i have a pep8 compliance checker], There's a Python module for this already00:42
lubot<tsimonq2> *shot*00:42
lubot<teward001> yes there is :P00:43
lubot<teward001> use flake800:43
lubot<HMollerCl> flake8 is the module?00:43
lubot<teward001> @HMollerCl [you mean 79 chars line? Or other?], unrelated, the 79chars line isn't a forced PEP8 compliance00:43
lubot<teward001> with the dev team in agreement it can be extended to 12000:43
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> Just run black on it, really. :P00:43
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> 88 chars, but well who cares00:43
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> https://github.com/psf/black00:44
lubot<teward001> sorry, 100 is the number I meant00:48
lubot<teward001> To quote PEP8:00:48
lubot<teward001> > Some teams strongly prefer a longer line length. For code maintained exclusively or primarily by a team that can reach agreement on this issue, it is okay to increase the nominal line length from 80 to 100 characters (effectively increasing the maximum length to 99 characters), provided that comments and docstrings are still wrapp00:48
luboted at 72 characters.00:48
lubot<HMollerCl> @tsimonq2 just to be sure, you ran lintian agains the code in the PPA or the one in the repo https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/lubuntu-update-notifier/00:49
lubot<teward001> wow i can't see that repo heh00:50
lubot<teward001> makes sense.00:50
lubot<tsimonq2> @HMollerCl [@tsimonq2 just to be sure, you ran lintian agains the code in the PPA or the one …], The one in the repo00:51
lubot<tsimonq2> @teward001 [wow i can't see that repo heh], You can't??00:51
lubot<tsimonq2> hmm00:51
lubot<teward001> > Users with the "Can View" capability: … Members of the project "Development Team" can take this action.00:51
lubot<teward001> means you didn't give me Phab rights00:51
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> @tsimonq2 [You can't??], is private00:51
lubot<tsimonq2> Fixed00:51
lubot<teward001> now i can see it :)00:51
lubot<teward001> thanks Simon00:51
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> is no longer private00:51
lubot<HMollerCl> @tsimonq2 I don't see a .git dir in the repo.00:52
lubot<HMollerCl> W: lubuntu-update-notifier source: diff-contains-git-control-dir .git00:52
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> You take diffs, @tsimonq2?00:52
lubot<teward001> i believe that's handled during cleaning to clean it Hans00:52
lubot<teward001> during the build process (don't quote me tho)00:52
lubot<teward001> ewwwwww00:53
lubot<teward001> EWWWWWWWWW00:53
lubot<teward001> you want to see the pep8 violations Hans?00:53
lubot<tsimonq2> @HMollerCl [@tsimonq2 I don't see a .git dir in the repo.], That's because it's part of the repo once you clone it :P00:53
lubot<tsimonq2> @UniversalSuperBox [You take diffs, @tsimonq2?], Hmm?00:53
lubot<tsimonq2> @teward001 [i believe that's handled during cleaning to clean it Hans], Yes00:53
lubot<tsimonq2> @teward001 [you want to see the pep8 violations Hans?], hahahahahaha00:53
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> Apply this and try again @teward001 :P00:54
lubot<teward001> so you fixed the 100+ PEP8 violations regarding indentation using tabs and not spaces?00:54
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> messes with diff00:54
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> Maybe?00:55
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> Yes, it appears to have00:55
lubot<teward001> ah, yes, you did00:55
lubot<teward001> there's other PEP8 violations though00:55
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> Depending on your flake8 config00:56
lubot<teward001> not using flake8 on this one00:56
lubot<teward001> using PyCharm inbuild00:56
lubot<HMollerCl> oooo, I thought that linesbreak where much clearer with tan than spaces......00:56
lubot<HMollerCl> Well, that was my problem, I thought... should have search for it.00:57
lubot<teward001> notifier.py, line 51: `if self.upg_path == None:` should be `if self.upg_path is None:`00:57
lubot<teward001> which is a pep8 rule00:57
lubot<teward001> line wrap at 100 is the max allowed by PEP8 as well00:58
lubot<teward001> function names should be lowercase and variables should be lowercase whne function local00:58
lubot<teward001> but those're the lower ones00:58
lubot<tsimonq2> Four spaces as indentation please ;)00:59
lubot<teward001> yep01:00
lubot<teward001> unrelated also01:00
lubot<teward001> here's the flake8 dump with defaults in it: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3snGYS3VJF/01:00
lubot<HMollerCl> @teward001 [notifier.py, line 51: if self.upg_path == None: should be if self.upg_path is No …], "== None" should be always is "None ??"01:00
lubot<teward001> lots of E501s01:00
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> @HMollerCl ["== None" should be always is "None ??"], Yes, since equality to None is not necessarily defined01:01
lubot<teward001> @HMollerCl ["== None" should be always is "None ??"], None should not be equality-operatored.  `if var is None` is the proper way to check NoneType being the type01:01
lubot<teward001> because None isn't always defined in equality checks01:01
lubot<teward001> Python recognizes it and can handle it but it's a coding violation01:01
lubot<HMollerCl> thanks, good to know.01:01
lubot<teward001> there's some unused imports too01:02
lubot<teward001> a bunch01:02
lubot<teward001> unused local vars too01:02
lubot<teward001> but most of your problem are strings that need linewrapped down01:02
lubot<teward001> if the Lubuntu team agrees01:02
lubot<teward001> then you can amend it to 100 as the length for wrap01:02
lubot<teward001> but you should not go beyond 100 (PEP8)01:02
lubot<HMollerCl> tahnks, with what did you the checks?01:02
lubot<teward001> flake801:03
lubot<HMollerCl> it has his pakcahes01:03
lubot<HMollerCl> packages01:03
lubot<teward001> `cd /temp/lubuntu-update-notifier && sudo pip3 install flake8 && python3 -m flake8 .`01:03
lubot<HMollerCl> hmoller@xpsM1210:~/lubuntu-phab/lubuntu-update-notifier$ apt list *flake8* … Listing... Done … flake8/eoan,eoan 3.6.0-1 all … python-flake8/eoan,eoan 3.6.0-1 all … python3-flake8-docstrings/eoan,eoan 1.1.0-1 all … python3-flake8-polyfill/eoan,eoan 1.0.2-1 all … python3-flake8/eoan,eoan 3.6.0-1 all01:03
lubot<teward001> my system here is Bionic01:04
lubot<teward001> and my Python is 3.7.4 (local pyenv deployment) so having the newest flake from PyPI solved that headache01:04
lubot<teward001> but the PEP8 violations still are a thing so :)01:05
lubot<teward001> there's also a bug in flake8-docstrings it seems01:08
lubot<teward001> @HMollerCl as for Lintian checks...01:15
lubot<teward001> it cleared source build checks, running Eoan sbuild now with Lintian01:15
lubot<tsimonq2> @teward001 [it cleared source build checks, running Eoan sbuild now with Lintian], I already gave him a full `-EvIL +pedantic` Lintian check.01:16
lubot<tsimonq2> Fully annotated, in the task01:16
lubot<tsimonq2> *shot*01:16
lubot<teward001> i'm being thorough lol01:16
lubot<teward001> oh what's this, a lintian failure!01:17
lubot<tsimonq2> How much more thorough? :P01:17
lubot<teward001> W: lubuntu-update-notifier source: diff-contains-git-control-dir .git … P: lubuntu-update-notifier source: file-contains-trailing-whitespace debian/control (line 20) … P: lubuntu-update-notifier source: source-contains-empty-directory .git/branches/ … P: lubuntu-update-notifier source: source-contains-empty-directory .git/objects/in01:17
lubotfo/ … P: lubuntu-update-notifier source: source-contains-empty-directory .git/refs/tags/ … P: lubuntu-update-notifier source: package-uses-old-debhelper-compat-version 10 … W: lubuntu-update-notifier source: missing-debian-source-format … P: lubuntu-update-notifier source: no-dep5-copyright … W: lubuntu-update-notifier: wrong-bug-number-in-closes l01:17
lubot3:#XXXXXX … E: lubuntu-update-notifier: copyright-file-contains-full-gpl-license … E: lubuntu-update-notifier: copyright-should-refer-to-common-license-file-for-gpl … W: lubuntu-update-notifier: spelling-error-in-description allows to allows one to … W: lubuntu-update-notifier: script-with-language-extension usr/bin/upgrader.py … W: lubuntu-update-01:17
lubotnotifier: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/upgrader.py … E: Lintian run failed (policy violation)01:17
lubot<teward001> well01:17
lubot<teward001> the E items should be fixed :P01:17
lubot<HMollerCl> I don't get this "W: lubuntu-update-notifier: script-with-language-extension usr/bin/upgrader.py"01:18
lubot<tsimonq2> @teward001 [the E items should be fixed :P], All of them should01:19
lubot<tsimonq2> :P01:19
lubot<teward001> @HMollerCl [I don't get this "W: lubuntu-update-notifier: script-with-language-extension usr …], > When scripts are installed into a directory in the system PATH, the script name should not include an extension such as .sh or .pl that denotes the scripting language currently used to implement it. The implementation language may 01:19
lubotchange; if it does, leaving the name the same would be confusing and changing it would be disruptive. … From https://lintian.debian.org/tags/script-with-language-extension.html01:19
lubot<teward001> @tsimonq2 [All of them should], yes, you're not wrong.01:19
lubot<teward001> but the copyright file issues are the larger ones 😜01:20
lubot<teward001> @HMollerCl if you don't get what the tag means, https://lintian.debian.org/tags-all.html - usually self explanatory for most of the detections01:21
lubot<tsimonq2> ^^01:21
lubot<HMollerCl> thanks @teward00101:21
lubot<teward001> and apparently debhelper's clean in the rules doesn't purge `.git` currently 😐01:21
lubot<HMollerCl> @teward001 [> When scripts are installed into a directory in the system PATH, the script nam …], what to they mean exactly with "system PATH"01:27
lubot<HMollerCl> ?01:27
lubot<teward001> yes.  what the default $PATH variable is01:29
lubot<teward001> of which /usr/bin is default in in Debian and Ubuntu systems01:29
lubot<teward001> see `/etc/environment/ and its `PATH` definition.  This is mine on Bionic: `PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games`01:30
lubot<tsimonq2> @kc2bez I don't suppose you've made any more progress tonight?04:06
kc2bez@tsimonq2 Been reading the docs and what you sent. Was on BDLL too. Here is where I am at: `arc land --onto ubuntu/eoan` then `debuild -S` then `dput ubuntu ../lubuntu-default-settings_19.10.2_source.changes`04:15
kc2bezLittle bugaboo the version in the archive doesn't match phab.04:15
lubot<tsimonq2> AHA.04:19
lubot<tsimonq2> wxl's fault XD04:20
tsimonq2kc2bez: I'll merge in wxl's changes, merge your diff, and then you can push from there.04:20
* tsimonq2 slaps wxl[m] with a wet fish04:21
tsimonq2Wait a minute04:23
lubot<HMollerCl> @tsimonq2 copyright thing is awfull04:23
tsimonq2It's the most awful thing in packaging, I swear.04:23
tsimonq2Copyright is just stupid.04:23
tsimonq2Okay, I'm confused. What did wxl mess up... :P04:24
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rDEFAULTSETTINGSd7e494fb108c: Adding back translations.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rDEFAULTSETTINGSd7e494fb108c04:27
tsimonq2Okay, so what he had was a messed up local copy.04:28
tsimonq2According to the VCS, it's just adding a changelog entry.04:28
tsimonq2Well job, wxl.04:28
tsimonq2Anyway, enough making fun of wxl. XD04:28
tsimonq2Let's see if this hacky hack will work.04:30
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rDEFAULTSETTINGS744503987915: Add more mimetypes.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rDEFAULTSETTINGS74450398791504:32
tsimonq2Bleeeh, it has to put me as the author.04:32
tsimonq2@kc2bez: Alright, go for it. Tip of ubuntu/eoan should be all set.04:33
tsimonq2debuild -S -d04:33
tsimonq2Then dput ubuntu ../lubuntu-default-settings_19.10.3_source.changes04:33
kc2bezAlright, I will clone that in a fresh working directory.04:34
tsimonq2Sounds goos.04:34
tsimonq2kc2bez: How's that coming along for you?04:42
kc2bezabout to dput04:43
tsimonq2I'm waiting in anticipation :D04:43
kc2bezI couldn't tell XD04:45
kc2bezI got an email04:45
tsimonq2So did I!04:47
tsimonq2Look at that: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-default-settings/19.10.304:48
tsimonq2Nice work!04:48
tsimonq2Congrats on your first upload :)04:48
kc2bezCouldn't do it without you.04:48
tsimonq2Next time should be slightly easier ;)04:49
kc2beznext I need to git tag or no?04:49
tsimonq2So git tag ubuntu/19.04.3 or something similar04:49
tsimonq2And then git push --tags04:49
kc2bezOk, should be done too. 04:52
tsimonq2Can confirm :)04:53
tsimonq2kc2bez: Do you want to try merging Calamares from Debian when you get a chance?04:55
kc2bezWhat is in Debian? We should be on the latest version.04:56
tsimonq2It's the latest release, but it's more of a packaging exercise.04:57
kc2bezSure. Maybe not tonight though :)04:58
tsimonq2If you get merges from Debian down to a science, I can point you at plenty of LXQt packages. ;)04:58
tsimonq2Sure, that's no problem :)04:58
kc2bezYeah I would like to. 04:58
tsimonq2It'll certainly get you more comfortable uploading to the archive. :D04:59
kc2bezMore experience will help for sure.04:59
tsimonq2And if anyone wants it, it's certainly not exclusive to Dan (none of this is, in fact, it'd be cool to get you to sponsor something eventually), libfm-qt is a really fun symbols puzzle.05:00
tsimonq2- _ZNSt8_Rb_treeIjjSt9_IdentityIjESt4lessIjESaIjEE16_M_insert_uniqueIjEESt4pairISt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIjEbEOT_@Base 0.14.105:01
tsimonq2+ _ZNSt6vectorIN2Fm8FilePathESaIS1_EED1Ev@Base 0.14.1+git201907270128~disco-0ubuntu1~ppa105:01
tsimonq2+ _ZNSt6vectorIN2Fm8FilePathESaIS1_EED2Ev@Base 0.14.1+git201907270128~disco-0ubuntu1~ppa105:01
tsimonq2+ _ZNSt6vectorISt4pairISt10shared_ptrIKN2Fm8FileInfoEES5_ESaIS6_EE17_M_realloc_insertIJS6_EEEvN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS6_S8_EEDpOT_@Base 0.14.1+git201907270128~disco-0ubuntu1~ppa105:01
tsimonq2+ _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE12_M_constructIPKcEEvT_S8_St20forward_iterator_tag@Base 0.14.1+git201907270128~disco-0ubuntu1~ppa105:01
tsimonq2+#MISSING: 0.14.1+git201907270128~disco-0ubuntu1~ppa1# _ZNSt8_Rb_treeIjjSt9_IdentityIjESt4lessIjESaIjEE16_M_insert_uniqueIjEESt4pairISt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIjEbEOT_@Base 0.14.105:01
tsimonq2The error is only present on Disco.05:01
tsimonq2Hey RikMills, want a break from PIM? :P05:02
* tsimonq2 runs05:02
kc2bezThanks for your help tsimonq205:03
tsimonq2No problem at all!05:03
tsimonq2Have a great night05:03
kc2bezThanks, morning now though ;)05:04
tsimonq2True ;)05:04
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T90: Bionic locker should be light-locker] apt-ghetto (apt-ghetto) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T90#157008:56
lubot<RikMills> "The error is only present on Disco." … That smells like a compiler version issue09:37
lubot<RikMills> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> Hey RikMills, want a break from PIM? :P], To be honest, I have given up caring about PIM symbols. Just ignoring them and rebuilding the 5 or 6 extenal packages that use the PIM ABI each time seems less work09:43
The_LoudSpeakerwxl: did you receive my email ? 14:02
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T21: Our xscreensaver theme is too old] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T21#157119:02
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T91: Update mimeapps.list] kc2bez (Dan Simmons) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T91#157320:06
wxl[m]Is phab just spinning away for anyone else?20:51
kc2bezI'm in.20:52
kc2bezWhich part in particular?20:52
wxl[m]Nevermind I guess. Wherever I'm at is in some weird internet black hole20:53
kc2bezI hate that20:53
wxl[m]Or maybe Firefox issue20:53
kc2bezI use firefox but mobile networks can be a challenge.20:55
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rUPDATENOTIFIER930acffb78ae: fixed PEP8] hmollercl (Hans P. Möller) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rUPDATENOTIFIER930acffb78ae21:02
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUALc1e8dba98759: Fix styling] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUALc1e8dba9875922:33
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUALbdc3aa2417cf: Add destination need to accept] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUALbdc3aa2417cf22:36
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T21: Our xscreensaver theme is too old] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T21#157422:41
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T21: Our xscreensaver theme is too old] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T21#157523:10
guiverckc2bez, ack on t91  (mimetypes)23:47
kc2bezThanks guiverc 23:47
wxli got to finish some things but it's on my TODO, too23:53
wxli think i've exhausted myself on screensavers/locks for one day23:53
kc2bezThanks wxl I appreciate it.23:54

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