
waheedii currently have this kernel 4.15.0-1031-raspi2 , how can i upgrade to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-raspi2/4.15.0-1041.4408:37
ograwaheedi, "sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade" should bring it in09:05
waheediit didn't09:05
waheediogra: i even tried dist-upgrade09:05
waheedieverything is up to date09:05
waheedinot true :)09:06
ogratry full-upgrade (though normally upgrade should be sufficient , check if you have security and updates enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list)09:06
waheediyes ogra, enabled09:10
waheediI will try full-upgrade09:11
ograwhat kernel is installed ?09:12
waheedi 4.15.0-1031-raspi209:13
ograand thats a regular armh 18.04 install ?09:20
ograroot@bionic:~# egrep "bionic-updates|bionic-security" /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -v ^#09:21
ogradeb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports bionic-updates main restricted09:21
ogradeb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports bionic-updates universe09:21
ogradeb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports bionic-updates multiverse09:21
ogradeb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports bionic-security main restricted09:21
ogradeb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports bionic-security universe09:21
ogradeb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports bionic-security multiverse09:21
ograthis is what you should have ...09:21
ogra(in your sources.list)09:21
waheedithanks ogra: I do have them in my apt sources11:29
waheediits not armhf its arm6411:29
waheediogra: could this be the reason i don't see it ? sudo apt remove flash-kernel initramfs-tools11:35
tomreynwaheedi: what's the name of the kernel pakcga eyou have installed exactly?  dpkg -l | grep ^i...linux-image'11:40
tomreynwaheedi: what's the name of the kernel pakcga eyou have installed exactly?  dpkg -l | grep '^i...linux-image'11:40
tomreyn^typo fixed11:41
waheediu can remove the quotes :)11:41
tomreynyes, but not have a single only11:41
waheediyeah i do have 4.15.0-1041.4411:41
tomreyndo you have linux-image-raspi2 installed?11:42
waheediboth ii11:43
waheedibut why name -a still shows i: linux-image-4.15.0-103111:43
tomreynright, linux-image-raspi2 is version for arm64 and depends onlinux-image-4.15.0-1041-raspi2 https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic-updates/linux-image-raspi211:44
tomreynyou will need to reboot, and ensure your boot loader will load the newer kernel image11:44
waheedii did reboot and hard shutdown too11:45
tomreyni'm not sure which boot loader arm32 uses11:45
tomreynis it gummiboot or something?11:45
tomreynU-Boot apparently11:47
waheediin my config.txt i see kernel=kernel8.bin11:48
tomreyni'm afraid i know nothing at all about how arm64 boots really, nor what this config.txt is or where it is located, or how it is used.11:48
waheedithanks tomreyn11:50
waheedii appreciate the help :)11:50
ograusing arm64 on a Pi is quite a waste (64bit arm binaries allocate 64bit registers in ram but will only use 32bit variables in it ... you just waste ram that way for o benefit)11:50
tomreynapparently "flash-kernel" is the equivalent to update-grub / grub-install on arm64.11:52
ogra... arm64 makes only sense if you actually have more than 4GB ... these pi images we offer on cdimage are great for develping arm64 stuff for big iron machines ... but thats about it11:52
ograyes, flash-kernel should set up u-boot to actually pick the right kernel after install11:52
tomreynwaheedi: see above11:53
ogranote that the postinst of the linux-raspi2 package calls flash kernel, so it should be all set-up11:54
ogra(additionally the installer calls it too during installation)11:55
waheedithanks ogra11:55
ograwell, i just stated what "should" happen ... :)11:56
ograseems it doesnt or you for some reason11:56
ograi sadly havent touched the classic preinstalled images in ages (i' maintaining ubuntu-core for the pi though, but that boots fron snap packages and does not use flash-kernel)11:58
ogratypically the proprietary botloader would load u-boot which then in turn loads your kernel and initrd based on uEnv.txt ... uEnv.txt should be the file flash-kernel modifies to point to a new kernel binary12:00
ogracan you "ls -al /boot" and post that to paste.ubuntu.com ?12:00
ogra(or is it /boot/ubot on classic ? i forgot ... the one that does contain the start.elf file and friends)12:01
ograyou can install the pastebinit package and pipe into it if you dont use a serial console you can copy/paste from12:14
waheediogra: thanks,  a lot19:35
waheediI managed to manually upgrade the kernel19:35
waheedinow name -a shows
waheediI'm going through this bluetooth notes :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/167450919:45
waheediogra: thanks a lot for that too :)19:45
waheediim surprised i still see this "Cannot open directory '/etc/firmware': No such file or directory"19:48

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