
plongshotdeltab:  What is the difference between /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin00:00
plongshotSounds like /usr/local/sbin is more appropriate in my case00:00
oceanquakeplongshot: sbin is typically where "system administration" type stuff goes, whereas bin would be for anything; that being said, this is a matter of convention00:05
deltabplongshot: man hier  lists various directories and what they're for00:07
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resixianAt boot, I am greeted by a black screen with mouse cursor only. If I vtswitch away from login manager and back, then the login screen is visible. This also happens if i logout from an x11 session. Using Nvidia (1080ti)01:21
resixian*after boot01:21
resixiannvidia drviers 418.56 (i've tried several versions) and i've tried gdm and lightdm01:22
[rg]what is the way to maintain packages on an external drive with apt? is it possible?01:48
brianx[rg]: mount your external harddrive as /bin /sbin /lib etcetera. or just mount it as the filesystem root.01:52
[rg]brianx: I can mount more than once? I wouldt want to get managled packages01:55
OerHeksrsync your /var/cache/apt/archives/ , maybe with grsync as a gui01:55
[rg]hmm, might try anohter way then01:57
brianx[rg]: you can mount your hard drive every time you boot your machine.  why wouldn't you be able to mount it?01:57
[rg]I want to access stuff from /bin on my system and the external drive, so mounting wont work01:58
[rg]I shouldve mentioned that before01:58
[rg]does anyone use ubuntu support? do you know if they'd be willing to work with custom kernels?01:58
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Psil0Cybincustom kernels like home made?01:59
brianx[rg]: then you'll have to symbolic link.  apt won't maintain that but the files will be on the drive you move them to.  what you're asking for makes zero sense though.02:01
ausjkewhere to find a minimal ubuntu-server? the default one is already 4GB (only added openssh-server)? why do I need all those cloud* stuff by default? can I choose not to have them?02:06
ausjkei need a minimal ubuntu server,can I customize it somehow02:08
brianxyou can do apt remove {package you don't need}02:10
ausjkebrianx: yes but that's super long list...it would be nice to let me choose packages to install like debian02:10
brianxyou could always install debian.  that's my main os and i'm quite happy with it.02:11
ausjkeyes doing that02:11
ausjkesince desktop is ubuntu i kind of use ubuntu on the server02:11
brianx👍  good job.02:11
[rg]ausjke: ubuntu minimal install + one of the ubuntu metapackages is pretty small02:11
[rg]I've used that for chroot enviroments02:12
ausjkewhat do you mean 'ubuntu minimal'02:12
ausjkethanks that seems like the minimal debian cd, let me try that02:13
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Psil0Cybinyea tbh i use debian as a main oS02:14
Psil0Cybinvery happy with it, really stable02:15
Psil0Cybinmy 25 cents.02:15
ausjkedebian server yes, desktop last time i checked ubuntu supports multi screen etc better02:15
brianxcompletely agree Psil0Cybin.  ubuntu is for systems at work, they standardized on it for some reason.02:16
ausjkebut yes i love debian, some servers are running server02:16
ausjkeby the way, ibm bought redhat, i have been thinking microsoft/amazon/google might buy canonical one day, wait and see02:17
brianxausjke: you're on the right screen right now.  netflix is fullscreen to your left and vnc into a game of freeciv is on the leftmost monitor.  what more can you want?02:17
ausjkebrianx: debian 10?02:18
Psil0Cybinbrianx, i noticed that at my last work place...Ubuntu standard desktop, I mean it is good for new employees who need to get used to linux02:18
Psil0Cybinplenty of doucmentation but little do they know its built off deby :) mmm02:18
Psil0Cybinwoops spelling went out the window.02:18
brianxausjke: 9.9 currently.  10 is too new for me.02:18
brianxPsil0Cybin: they're mac on the desktop for technical people or managers and windows for everyone else.  no linux on desktops unfortunately.02:19
Psil0Cybinbrianx, thats interesting thats like my NEW workplace02:20
ausjkemy companies lots of ubuntu though02:20
Psil0Cybinalthough its the managers that blasted get the mac laptops :P02:20
ausjkeesp for developers that is02:20
Psil0CybinI wanted one, but noooo im a programmer!02:20
Psil0Cybinassholes :P02:20
brianxfortunately you can bring your own mushrooms and byod as well.  progressive company in some ways.02:20
ausjkethe least you can run linux inside virtualbox02:21
Psil0Cybinyour an asshole :P its an old nickname good sir02:21
Psil0Cybinfrom my wild days02:21
Psil0Cybini think they would kick me out freshprince of belair styles if i came to work on mushrooms02:21
brianxnothing wrong with a little bit of mushrooms.02:21
Psil0Cybinbrianx, :) i like your approach.02:22
Psil0Cybinyou must be agile.02:22
brianxexactly.  thinking outside the box.02:22
ausjkewhenever i hear agile i standup02:22
* brianx gives ausjke some agile.02:22
ausjkemeething time, then you sprint, and spike it02:23
Psil0CybinxD people make fun of me for standing up @ work i was asked if i could see the monitor better... i said it gives me a new perspective on the situation02:23
brianxhaha, good.02:23
ausjkeall under the leadership or scrum bastards02:23
Psil0Cybinyou guys make me laugh wow...i missed IRC02:23
brianxfail fast, fail often.02:24
Psil0CybinI call it the Touch the hot stove methodology.02:24
Psil0Cybinhurts doesnt it?02:24
brianxi'm old enough to know better.02:24
Psil0Cybinso you dont just lick things and ask questions later correct?02:24
* ausjke is making a chromebook today with minimal-ubuntu(debian) + chrome, nothing more02:25
brianxhence debian 9 on my desktop.02:25
Psil0Cybinis that what you implied?02:25
brianxlick mushrooms, ask questions after.02:25
Psil0Cybinwell debian doesnt have the same cooky names as Ubuntu02:25
Psil0Cybinwhat are we on when it comes to Ubuntu? Fuzzy Fantanasium?02:25
ausjkehowever chrome can see all file:/// so your filesystem is naked, no way to hide that, need squash it to readonly02:25
Psil0Cybinbrianx, dont get me fired now02:26
Psil0Cybinill come into work anyway im agile02:26
brianxok, portobella only for you Psil0Cybin02:26
Psil0Cybinim more of a shitake man02:27
Psil0Cybinbut yes any mushroom is delicious....1up02:27
brianxso many choices.  fail fast.02:27
Psil0Cybinnow i just need to find an agile woman02:29
Psil0Cybinand ill be a pro miester.02:29
brianxwho do you think is playing civ with me on the left monitor?02:30
Psil0Cybinlucky bastard :P02:30
Psil0Cybinand here i am p[laying wiht my self.02:30
brianxi'd be luckier if she was here or i was there.02:31
brianxbut that's getting a bit off topic.  should stick to shitakes.02:31
Psil0Cybinyea i figured dont want to get the tsk tsk finger pointing at me again :(02:35
Psil0Cybinthey force peop[le like me into ubuntu offtopic02:35
Psil0Cybinmore like put me under the rug.02:35
ausjkeso xorg the minimal package is enough to run a browser, what's the package of wayland to do that? 'sudo apt install weston'?02:36
Psil0Cybinbut also brianx I DONT KNOW ANYTHING you cant prove anything!!!02:36
brianxi'm still trying to figure out why [rg] wanted to install packages on an external drive.  but they left apparently.02:37
Psil0Cybinlol yea i kinda want ot know the answer to that also rn02:38
magic_ninja_workthat is a pretty strange approach.02:40
magic_ninja_workI mean, if you want a portable application that isn't installed then have a portable application with your libraries included and written in something like C.02:41
ausjke2GB with minimal server, swapfile takes 400MB even though I did not choose it02:41
magic_ninja_workUnless they were referring to a persistent bootable USB02:41
ausjke/var/lib/apt is 200MB02:41
magic_ninja_workausjke, are you trying to get even more minimal?02:41
ausjkemagic_ninja_work: yes i need run many of them on vps02:42
ausjkemaybe docker+chrome is a better idea, trying to get a chromebook running in the cloud basically, the smaller the better02:42
ausjkeor a server with lxc running the same chrome in rootfs02:43
magic_ninja_workprobably. I'm not sure about getting ubuntu to be that minimalistic.02:43
magic_ninja_workMay I PM you?02:43
ausjkewhy not, free world02:43
magic_ninja_workit is just polite to ask.02:43
brianxmagic_ninja_work: bootable usb would have made sense.  as would something like a portable firefox/tor on usb.02:43
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
StAugustineHey guys, I'm on Ubuntu-budgie on my iMac 12,1, and I'm trying to get an "Elgato Thunderbolt 2 Dock" working. I don't know where I read that it worked fine under linux before I bought it, but now I'm stuck with it. Does anybody know anything about Thunderbolt 2 docks? I'm not at that machine now, but if someone has some links for me to chase down and read, I'd be super appreciative.03:16
cgion my lenovo x1, there is no bluetooth on ubuntu - does anyone know how to fix this?03:18
ausjkedebian minimal is 800MB comparing to ubuntu's 2GB, nice03:35
brianxwow, and i thought linux was getting bloated when it didn't fit on 1.44mb anymore. :-/03:43
uRockausjke, the 2GB is the live image.03:44
ausjkenope i mean after installation03:44
ausjkeafter pull in chrome it doubles to 1.6GB :(03:45
ausjkenot sure how midori is for surfing these days, must be much smaller03:45
uRockI'm using Firefox-ESR that came with Debian.03:47
OerHeksinteresting, why such old browser .. oh debian03:47
DOSfanI use Midori web brower here too. :)03:48
OerHeksDOSfan, so you do not use ubuntu either?03:48
uRockI use ubuntu.03:49
uRockJust not right this minute.03:49
DOSfanOerHeks:  No I am running Ubuntu  .. version 16 .. I also use that default web browser that comes with Ubuntu.03:49
OerHeksoh, they give a snap now https://snapcraft.io/midori03:50
DOSfanand Firefox (current ver : 68.0)03:50
ausjkeeven midori pulls in 500MB03:50
uRockOerHeks, Browses the web just fine. Doesn't eat RAM like the version that comes with ubuntu.03:51
ausjkecan someone use golang to write a browser so I can have a 60MB binary without all those hundreds of MB dependencies03:51
DOSfanOerHeks:  yes Midori is also a snap too .. it also makes an snap entry ... /snap/midori/452 .. which shows up in the Gnome resource monitor ... or by the terminal command 'snap list --all'.03:53
ausjkeso, with midori it's 1.5GB, with chrome it's 1.6GB, what the03:53
ausjkeback to chrome03:54
DOSfanMidori is only taking up 10Meg of memory .. very small initial loading memory ... Firfox is like 80+Meg easy.03:54
uRockausjke, , they're hell compared to what they used to be.03:54
ausjketo be fair there are about 200MB left-over that apt remove chrome can not get rid of even with apt clean/apt remove03:55
ausjkemaybe lynx can run on a small fddev with some graphic rendering one day03:55
DOSfanwhat hard drive / CPU settup do you guys have running .. and what Ubuntu version? ... do any of you use the KDE evrinment or Plasma ?03:55
ausjkei thought kde is for europe and gnome is for usa...03:56
DOSfanI use Ubuntu on a SSD Xeon box and a AMD dual cpu (this computer).03:56
uRockDOSfan, I was using Kubuntu 18.04 for quite some time03:56
ausjkexps8300 ubuntu 1804 here03:56
uRockXPS with Debian 10 currently03:57
DOSfanI have yet to get into version 18 .. my computers here run 16.04.06 LTS .. I like the Unity GUI  , it runs all the KDE applications too .. the KDE partition manager is nice.03:58
ausjkehurry, 20.04 is coming03:59
DOSfanWell here I have a HP XW8600 running Ubuntu 16.04 (on a 2.5 inch SSD) , and a M.2 SSD memory chip I put in a PCIe card (which runs Win7 and DOS).04:00
DOSfanfriggen runs faaast :P~04:00
karldingquick question, so are the headers in linux-libc-dev supposed to match your kernel version? from what i understand, those headers are provided for userspace, while linux-headers-`uname -r` is for kernel modules?04:04
uRockI was a Unity fan from day one and it took a while to get used to some of the changes in gnome, but it's what I prefer nowadays.04:05
DOSfang-nite :)04:26
bjlxHello, I have read several howtos about how to set up ldap auth config but I am not able to get the client to query the server at all; I'm running ubuntu 1904:55
nanozzwhich linux distro to choose?05:40
nanozzi feel ubuntu more advanced05:40
brianxmore advanced than what?05:41
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours05:42
nanozzthan windows05:43
brianxahh, ok.05:45
nanozzlooking for secured os with debian flavor and get more security fix often but the thing is dont want to keep ugrading different os every 5 years or so05:47
OerHeksnonwhat do you expect for answer in the #ubuntu support channel?05:48
OerHeksbtw 5 years can be expanded, paid support05:48
ubottuCanonical offers paid extended security support for end-of-life LTS releases through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly.05:48
sotereeHello :)06:26
sotereeI'm pretty sure I have been hacked...06:26
sotereeI'm not sure where to begin, but is there a ubuntu override?06:27
sotereeI'm on 18...and can't burn any new disks because I think my entire machine is crunched.06:27
soteree4.15.0-55-generic #60-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 2 18:22:20 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:28
ZaZaGXwhat makes you think you have been hacked?06:28
sotereeThe distrobutions I download end up returning bad results for a gtp test...06:31
ZaZaGXoh ic, where did you download the distro?06:31
sotereePlus when I download with sudo apt-get I get old programs06:31
sotereecan't say, a friend downloaded it...06:32
exportsoteree: apt-get as opposed to what?06:34
exportalso soteree did apt-get update occur as well? O.o06:34
ZaZaGXdo you still have the iso? did verify the SHA256?06:35
ZaZaGXit doesn't sound like you got hacked. but it is possible you have a hack distro from your friend. but you won't know for sure unless you SHA256 verify it06:36
sotereethanks! I'll check once it's downloaded06:37
ZaZaGXyou don't need to download a new one. don't you have the iso from your friend?click on verify your download06:38
ZaZaGXit'll show you the command to how to verify your iso06:38
sotereeSo btw I get this warning when using gpg:06:38
sotereegpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir '/home/soter/.gnupg'06:38
sotereethe download will?06:39
sotereehow do I check it it is safe before using it? I tried and I got an unknown system error06:40
sotereebut prob because it's still downloading.06:40
ZaZaGXdo you have the old iso where your friend gave you it?06:41
exportsoteree: you shouldn't be downloading anything, get the iso you installed the system with, or where ever it might be, and follow the instructions of the guru dude.06:41
sotereeno, the usb has since been returned :\06:42
exportsoteree: personally i'd just redownload a new iso and reinstall, backup data you want to keep and get something with a little more security.. or at least peace of mind.06:42
ZaZaGXokay! when you click on bottom left hand corner. the 9 sqaures. than type in USB creator. it'll show you an app to make a Ubuntu bootable usb flash drive06:43
ZaZaGX(when you complete the ubuntu iso) of course06:43
ZaZaGXdo you have a usb flash drive?06:44
sotereeone's handy06:44
sotereeI suppose the system will check if the iso is good or not06:45
ZaZaGXum, for errors yes06:46
ZaZaGXnot if its the offical iso06:46
xasalynmacspoofing disables wificonnection,using bionic07:01
xasalynany ideas?07:01
ZaZaGXdid whats his name fixed his computer?07:35
eraserpencil4Hi, theres a python program that processes webcam feed on github. It gives FPS as a benchmark metric. I'veconverted the code to c++ and would like to test the performance gain. I noticed the FPS went up but then i relase that FPS depends on the other processes I'm running on the computer hence not a very reliable benchmark. What is a good way to be07:44
eraserpencil4nchmark the CPU and RAM usage for both pieces of code without external influences like number of browser tabs opne or docker services running.07:44
vlteraserpencil4: Maybe an absolute empty virtual machine. The virtualisation host can count quite well how many CPU cycles were used up.08:02
[[thufir]]I've just installed tor through snap, but how do I launch the browser?08:27
padarchttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?go=Go&search=thufir: afaik the "tor" snap is just the tcp overlay thing, without the tor-browser if you mean that08:30
ZaZaGXi download tor from the website08:35
ZaZaGXmake sure to use a vpn before launching tor08:36
[[thufir]]padarc: yeah, that seems the problem08:41
[[thufir]]can I not install the tor browser through snap?08:41
ZaZaGXlooks like you can't install the tor browser from snap. i just looked it up08:43
[[thufir]]ZaZaGX: thanks.  can you tell me how you know, for my reference?08:45
ZaZaGXclick on download, and pick the Operating System that you have08:47
ZaZaGXanyways, the offical canonical snap website is: https://snapcraft.io/08:48
ZaZaGXyou can look up other programs on snap to install08:48
ZaZaGX[[thifir]], do you know how to launch it?08:51
[[thufir]]yes, it seems to be launching08:52
ZaZaGXdid you extract it?08:52
[[thufir]]I was just hoping to use snap.  I'm just poking around, not following the manual.  I installed with apt, and it seems to be downloading a keyring now, although it took quite a while.  thx.08:53
[[thufir]](I'll follow the manual if I continue to use tor, of course.  Just seeing what all the hoopla is about. Seems to be getting there. thx again.)08:54
ZaZaGXah okay08:57
ZaZaGXwhich apt-get program did you download?08:57
ZaZaGXi'm not even sure which one is the right file  name08:57
[[thufir]]sudo apt install torbrowser-launcher08:59
ZaZaGXhmmm, you go try that. i'm not sure if that is the right now09:00
ZaZaGXin Ubuntu 19.04, it says the torbrowser-launcher is version 0.3.1-209:01
ZaZaGXthe lastest version of the Tor browser is 8.5.409:04
ZaZaGXdid it work for you [[thufir]]?09:08
[[thufir]]ZaZaGX: woefully slow computer, but I have popup dialog boxes from the OS relating to downloading keys, etc, so seems fine :)09:09
QRhey all. i installed Ubuntu LTS on new kvm box. it says ...115 updates are security updates... message.  but i already did update, upgrade, dis-upgrade. i did reboot too. why still that message on login?09:09
[[thufir]]Downloading and install Tor browser for the first time -- but I managed to get that dialog twice by launching from different terminal windows.  Oh well, it'll be fine I'm sure.  Just very, very out of date version.09:10
ZaZaGXits actually recommended to install the lastest TOR browser. because there are security flaws09:11
ZaZaGXQR, not sure. do you mean a KVM switch?09:12
ZaZaGX[[thurfir]], you should use a vpn than lanuch TOR browser, so you can do stuff on the private09:13
QRZaZaGX: kvm vps09:15
ZaZaGXhmm ok, just looked it up09:16
ZaZaGXi haven't used a kvm vps before. so i can't help you there. does it save other stuff when you reboot?09:17
QRwhere's motd data located09:47
ovalseven8Question: I am using Ubuntu 18.04 and, as recommended, Dockers own repository. I have 'unattended-upgrades' enabled for automatic security updates. However, is Docker also updates using 'unattended-upgrades'10:21
ovalseven8Or is it only for Ubuntu-internal stuff?10:21
rhokshey guys plz help, I wanted to close qbittorrent and I clicked on quit but when the tray icon was still there I opened terminal and did pkill qbittorrent and now I can't reopen it10:31
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zelotoHi guys, I have a dsl-router of AVM and I connected my usb MFP printer to a router for sharing into ubuntu desktop. In Ubuntu I have installed printer driver for linux  and than I created a new printer with CUPS choosing profile "AppSocket/HP JetDirect" port 9100. The printer works fine but I couldn't get the scanner to connect to the xsane program10:37
zeloto. Since the dsl-router opens the AppSocket / HP JetDirect service on port 9100, I wanted to know if this port can be used to connect even with the integrated scanner10:37
speconhello all. I have a fresh install of ubuntu 18.04 on my hp laptop. When i start up my computer i always have to press escape to go into boot options. After that i press F9 to choose boot mode and then i can select ubuntu to boot up. Is there any way to boot automaticly into ubuntu ? When i normaly start the computer i always get the blue screen of windows ( that my computer needs to be restored) it looks like the computer standard10:58
speconboots into OS bootmanager from windows ....10:58
sonOfRayou can install efibootmgr (assuming you're on an EFI installation)10:59
speconyes the computer is EUefi11:00
jeremy31specon: What computer11:00
specononly 4 years old11:00
speconHP envy11:00
BluesKajHowdy folks11:00
jeremy31specon, see if UEFI settings has system config/os boot manager, move ubuntu to top of the list and press F1011:01
sonOfRa"sudo efibootmgr" will then list the entries you have. Then with "sudo efibootmgr --bootorder, you can set the order of the entries (0000 is generally booted first)11:01
speconjeremy okay i will try that.11:01
speconi be right back i am going to restart and enter the bios to check the settings hold on11:02
jeremy31efibootmgr works on my Lenovo but is ignored on my HP11:02
sonOfRaThen you can also write a handy "bootwindows" script, which uses "sudo efibootmgr --bootnext XXXX && sudo reboot", where XXXX is the windows partition. The PC will then  reboot into windows.11:02
speconi'm back11:05
speconIn UEFI boot order ubuntu is not in the list11:06
speconi have usb cd/dvd rom drive and usb diskette os bootmanager and internet cd/DVD and network adaptor11:06
EoflaOEspecon: when you were installing Ubuntu, are you in UEFI mode or CSM?11:07
speconEoflaOE, i don't know11:12
speconi have ubuntu 64 bit version on usb stick and i booted up into that11:12
speconit asked me where to install the distro11:12
speconi have set whipe all drives ( don't install it allong windows)11:12
seven-elevenhow can I get gnupg2 v.2.2.4 on ubuntu xenial 16.04?11:12
seven-elevendo i have to upgrade to bionic 18.04 or is there a way round?11:13
speconmy computer is now in UEFI mode the other option legacy is disabled11:13
jeremy31specon: no BIOS screen like http://jsbisht.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/IMG_20171015_015304_-700x394.jpg11:20
htalloushhow do i make sure that ALSA is using my DAC's hardware mixer and not software mixing13:14
pragomerhi. any advice on how to get rid of these unnecessary entries when I input just "mount" to see my mount points? https://i.imgur.com/H4Ed0H2.png13:24
BluesKajhtalloush, use s/pdif13:29
htalloushis this the same as using iec958 device?13:31
akem-hpHi, with Skype on Ubuntu 18.04 my microphone works when i'm using gnome, but not when i'm using fluxbox, i suspect it has something to do with default input device, i can only choose "default" or HDMI(which is my second screen which has no input ofc) in Skype, anyone encounter this kind of issue?13:32
duo_ubuntuHi list, I need help again and stick with login loop again, please help13:36
lotuspsychje!xauthority | duo_ubuntu13:37
ubottuduo_ubuntu: If the .Xauthority file in your home directory has the wrong permissions (usually due to misuse of sudo), you may be unable to log in. To fix, change to a virtual terminal with Ctrl-Alt-F3, log in with your normal username and password, run   rm ~/.Xauthority*   and then reboot.13:37
duo_ubuntuI did that13:37
duo_ubuntubut still cannot13:37
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: graphics driver installed correctly?13:37
duo_ubuntubefore is fine, Im not sure...13:38
duo_ubuntulet me try rm xauthority one more time13:38
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: try to boot into a tty, and we can take a look with you13:38
duo_ubuntuim in tty now13:38
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: sudo lshw -C video13:38
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: see if chipset shows & driver= loaded13:39
duo_ubuntuiys loaded13:39
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: nvidia?13:39
duo_ubuntuvga intel13:39
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: ok, what about your kernel version? uname -a ?13:40
lotuspsychjesounds good duo_ubuntu13:40
duo_ubuntucannot remove xauthority : no such file13:42
duo_ubuntucanot sudo apt update13:42
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: why?13:42
duo_ubuntuwhen it connecting to security.ubuntu.com, it just stay like that13:43
duo_ubuntuinstall anything now unable to locate13:45
duo_ubuntuwhat is wrong ya?13:45
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: wich country are you?13:45
duo_ubunture install ubuntu desktop also not working13:45
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: your connection has proxy firewall or router block?13:45
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: try a reboot, and press F1 to switch to textbooting, maybe you catch useful errors there13:47
duo_ubuntubefore I make mistake in /etc/environment, but I remove it13:47
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: what exactly did you do before?13:47
duo_ubuntuI did using ionic project that need to fo the path for sdk13:48
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: try the reboot and F1, maybe more hints there13:49
duo_ubuntuseem its updating but slow13:50
duo_ubuntushould I wait?13:50
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: yes, dont interrupt updates13:50
duo_ubuntubut very slow13:51
tomreynare there error or warnings on screen? do some of the downloads seem to fail?13:53
duo_ubuntuso far chrome update was failed now13:55
duo_ubuntunow doing xenial updates13:55
tomreynwhen the chrome update failed, what did it say? failed because of..., error status... or something?13:55
duo_ubuntuconnection failed (ip
tomreynso that's a google server. those are usually well connected / well reachable from most places in the world.13:57
tomreynmaybe your internet connection is not very reliable today?13:58
duo_ubuntuits fine with this mac13:58
tomreyndo you know which type of internet access you have? from this mac running ubuntu you probably connect to some router over wireless? and what type of router is it?13:59
duo_ubuntuno, this one for reach irc now14:00
duo_ubuntuPING ms5 DOWNLOAD Mbps8.19 UPLOAD Mbps1.2914:00
lotuspsychjetomreyn: his main issue is a loginloop, xautority didnt work14:00
lotuspsychjeintel driver loaded14:00
duo_ubuntui use ubuntu on main other laptop14:00
duo_ubuntuya login loop14:01
tomreynlotuspsychje: i see, thanks.14:01
tomreynduo_ubuntu: so you have a mac running mac os, which you are working with now, and also another computer which runs ubuntu - and there you login graphically, but are then thrown back to the login screen?14:03
duo_ubuntulet me wait till the update is finish or move then I will need advise for login loop then14:03
duo_ubuntuyes, it goes to login screen14:03
tomreynwhat about the other things i said, also correct?14:04
duo_ubuntumac os is Im uisng now just for chating because I cannot use my ubuntu to login14:05
duo_ubuntuin other laptop which updating now but slow14:05
tomreynoh ok14:05
duo_ubuntuconection failed (IP 80)14:11
duo_ubuntuI feel something not right in my system, like missing something. cause when try sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop, it said unable to locate14:12
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: did you add external ppa's to your system?14:13
duo_ubuntuI think I did remove all ppa list before14:14
duo_ubuntuok its done now14:16
duo_ubuntubut with some fails repository cannot be done securely14:16
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: please pastebin14:17
duo_ubuntuso how I should fix this login loop14:17
duo_ubuntummm maybe I should goes to that laptop and did sudo startx then online there?14:17
duo_ubuntucause this one in mac Im writing14:18
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: startx is not the way to go anymore, can result to a loginloop14:18
duo_ubuntubut sudo startx is working14:18
SiamasterHi, I'm trying to install ubuntu 19.04. I think there is something wrong with the iso I get from the official site14:19
Siamasterwhen I run the installer, it gets stuck at "copying files"14:19
duo_ubuntuI think I did remove xorg server too before and cannot re install14:19
SiamasterI tried the 18.04 LTS instead and it did not get stuck14:20
Siamasterwhere can I get a working iso for 19.04?14:20
EoflaOESiamaster: Did you verify the integrity of the ISO of 19.04?14:20
Siamasterno? how do I do that?14:20
Siamasteralso, it does not help to verify now? I already know it doesn't work. right?14:20
EriC^!md5sum | Siamaster14:21
ubottuSiamaster: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:21
Siamasterok thanks. I don't understand why I need to do that when I download from the official site?14:22
Siamasteralso, where can I get another version?14:22
EriC^Siamaster: cause it might be corrupt14:22
SiamasterI see14:22
EriC^Siamaster: how did you download? browser or using torrent?14:22
Siamastershould I try torrent?14:23
Siamasterbrb, need to restart14:23
EriC^no need to redownload, just install the tool that makes the hash from iso and compare it to the websites hash14:23
duo_ubuntulotuspsychje: reboot and press f1 but only system information of lapyop14:25
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: when you see ubuntu boot logo press F1, not F2 for bios or POST boot14:26
duo_ubuntuit splahing14:27
duo_ubuntustart load screen backlight brightness now14:28
duo_ubuntuit stuck now, shall I repeat?14:29
duo_ubuntuctrl alt f3 then goes to ttty?14:30
duo_ubuntusudo startx now im login14:32
duo_ubuntuno browser can run :-(14:33
tomreyndon't run X as root14:34
duo_ubuntuits not working without sudo14:34
duo_ubuntuit said timeout look zautority14:34
tomreynyou should have a graphical login manager which starts your desktop as the user you logged in as14:34
duo_ubuntuback to tty?14:35
duo_ubuntutry updating and seem now is fast14:36
tomreynwhen you start your desktop with sudo (root), any files getting newly written will be owned by root. if you then later try to start the desktop as a non root user, it will fail since the root owned files cannot be read.14:37
ubottuIf the .Xauthority file in your home directory has the wrong permissions (usually due to misuse of sudo), you may be unable to log in. To fix, change to a virtual terminal with Ctrl-Alt-F3, log in with your normal username and password, run   rm ~/.Xauthority*   and then reboot.14:37
duo_ubuntudid that but let me try again now14:37
duo_ubunturemove and reboot14:39
flingWhere can I find the shiftfs patch?14:39
tomreyn!details | fling14:40
ubottufling: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.14:40
duo_ubuntukeep stuck on "started load/save backlight brightness of backlisty: intel backlight14:41
flingtomreyn: ubuntu kernel includes a shiftfs patch. I want to grab it.14:41
duo_ubuntutomreyn: stuck on that14:42
duo_ubuntuback to tty and installing ubuntu desktop now14:44
duo_ubuntuslow again here in tty14:44
tomreynfling: probably somewhere around here https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-signed14:46
tomreynduo_ubuntu: which desktop did you have so far then?14:46
flingtomreyn: thanks14:46
duo_ubuntunone, cannot go to desktop on my ubuntu laptop14:47
tomreynwell, how would you if you have no desktop installed?14:47
duo_ubuntuwell before I have gnome desktop and lightdm14:48
duo_ubuntunow is seem miss all of them I guess14:48
tomreynthis doesn't happen all by itself14:48
duo_ubuntuwhen I try to want reinstall then I should remove it, but when install it it wont install14:49
duo_ubuntuthats why it happen, because I try to fix the login loop14:50
duo_ubuntunow sudo apt install lightdm still connecting, very odd14:51
tomreynso you have two issues there: the first is a about network connectivity or routing. the second may be backlight management related, maybe ACPI-related.14:56
tomreynfor the first, talk to your ISP, maybe power cycle the router. for the second, try a !HWE kernel14:57
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack14:57
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: didnt you say you on xenial?14:57
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: so what did you mean with gnome desktop?14:58
duo_ubuntusory ubuntu desktop I mean14:58
onomatopieIs there a nice way to automate some stuff about setting up remote servers?14:59
onomatopieIs it easy to just have a script that sets up ssh keys etc?15:00
onomatopie(ran from a clent machine)15:00
tdsonomatopie: ansible comes to mind as something that more or less just does that for you15:01
onomatopietds: That could do. It could copy over some of the config files too15:02
tdssure, it'll work nicely for that, you can build config up from jinja2 templates, etc15:02
onomatopieok... I suppose it's an excuse to do some ansible15:03
onomatopieBut  for stuff this simple can I not script it easily?15:03
duo_ubuntulotuspsychje: I think I using ubuntu-gnome-desktop before15:11
yhm12345hey all,i really got a question. i wrote a test.c which contain just a hello world code. and i wrote a test.sh in the /etc/init.d  but when i run "service test start" , it says that unit test.service not found. why is that15:22
duo_ubuntuohh im stuck :-(15:34
OsmodivsHello. I have Ubuntu 18.04.2 64bits. In CUPS's  system-config-printer 1.5.11 does not show the ink levels of my Canon MAXIFY MB2010 printer, I have instaled ink from synaptic, but I do not know if I need further setup...15:36
Osmodivshow can I see my ink levels?15:36
ioriaOsmodivs, i suggest 'man ink'   or try    ' ink -p usb'15:46
=== ctrlbreak_MAD is now known as ctrlbreak
eraserpencil14if i have a photo to share here, where should i upload it too?15:57
MonteNicoeraserpencil14, imgur is easy enough15:58
dwilson5817I've got networkd configuration like https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bgmnQQStcV/ but when I reboot the server no IPv6 is assigned, I can run the commands at https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7XMW9JGj6f/ to assign the IPv6 address manually, what's going on?15:59
shinji257Give me a minute to look at my notes.  I have a OVH/SoYouStart server so I can check to make sure you got it right.16:02
eraserpencil67if i wanted virt  to know the total ram used by run_webcam.py, do i add up all the virt + res per PID related to run_webcam.py?16:03
dwilson5817that's great thanks, this is the default configuration from the install by the way16:03
eraserpencil67if i wanted to know the total ram*16:03
shinji257It's interesting it is setup to match by mac address instead of by interface...16:05
Osmodivsioria: the ink command worked, but I was expecting to see it in the GUI. Thanks anyway :)16:05
shinji257My Proxmox config (I use Ubuntu in a VM) has its configuration generated to match by interface.16:05
dwilson5817hm, interesting, do you think it might have something to do with the IPv6 issues?16:06
dwilson5817IPv4 works fine16:06
TJ-Do we have a web-based visual preview of all the font packages (to avoid having to download/install all in order to identify/match to a sample) ?16:07
shinji257No but with OVH you will want to be absolutely certain that it is actually systemd that is being used for networking.  I'm double checking some notes I put on my  pastebin.16:07
tdsdwilson5817: if you `journalctl -u systemd-networkd` do you get any useful logs?16:08
tdsthat might at least hint at what's failing to apply16:08
ioriaOsmodivs, ok  but check the manual : 'ink - a command line tool for checking the ink level of your printers'16:09
tomreynTJ-: this sounds like something which could be solved via https://screenshots.debian.net maybe?16:09
dwilson5817`enp1s0: IPv6 successfully enabled` is there, I'll pastebin the full logs16:10
dwilson5817https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/56dCXHrh62/ is the logs for networkd16:10
eraserpencil67If i wish to know the RAM usage of a programme, must i also track all PIDs associated with the programme. Or just the one with the highest cpu usage? https://imgur.com/a/N7R64bL16:11
TJ-tomreyn: almost but not enough to be useful :)16:11
shinji257dwilson5817: Well that settles that then.  Your config is fine so I have no idea why IPv6 isn't getting assigned.16:12
tomreynTJ-: i see what you mean now, there is no way to have those screenshots show on a single page for multiple font packages, so you can compare / find the one you're looking for easily.16:13
tdsshinji257: hmm, you don't have netplan or something generating config that's overriding the one you posted?16:13
TJ-tomreyn: and most require the user to upload a screenshot first, apparently16:13
tdsthe logs you posted look like it's getting an address from dhcp rather than the static config16:13
tdser, dwilson5817 even, sorry!16:13
shinji257tds: I realized that after16:14
shinji257tds: OVH wouldn't be using DHCP.  It's all static IPs.16:14
tomreynTJ-: right, screenshots.debian.net does not create screenshots automatically.16:14
dwilson5817I do have a netplan config.yaml I've been using for failover IPs.16:14
dwilson5817i'll add .bak to the end and reboot to see if IPv6 works then16:15
tdshmm, mixing manual networkd and netplan config seems like it may end badly16:15
shinji257dwilson5817: Oh... That would probably be doing it then.  You got 2 different network managers trying to manage the same interface.16:15
flingtomreyn: can't figure out how to get it from there16:15
dwilson5817i'm just realising how stupid I am16:15
shinji257dwilson5817: You can actually add all the failover IPs to systemd instead of using NetPlan to do it.16:15
TJ-tomreyn: whilst we're at it, on a totally different tack - I've a really weird issue recently with the (bluetooth) mouse scrollwheel (has new batteries!) where as I roll it the reaction is for the scroll position of the focused window to 'stutter' up and down but barely move. VERY slow rolling of the wheel seems to be better, spinning it worse. Any ideas?16:16
tomreynfling: maybe ask in #ubuntu-kernel16:16
dwilson5817is it recommended to use Netplan or could I just add a bunch of [Address] to networkd16:16
dwilson5817yeah I'll give that a go, just a minute16:16
flingtomreyn: thanks16:16
tomreynTJ-: hmm, not really i'm afraid, no. i haven't played much with bluetooth so far.16:18
TJ-tomreyn: I don't think it is BT related, but thought I'd mention that part. Mouse has worked fine until some recent package upgrade but I'm not figuring it out.16:20
TJ-tomreyn: if you have a scroll-wheel can you run 'xev' and tell me what button number the scroll-wheel ButtonPress/Release events report for "scroll up (away from hand)" and then "scroll down (towards hand)" ? I'm seeing it stutter between button 4 and 5, or the inverse, where I'd expect it to be all the same for the same action16:24
dwilson5817dam, that was it, thanks guys for the help, that's what you get when you blindly follow the OVH docs16:24
shinji257dwilson5817: You are welcome. :)16:24
tomreynTJ-: state 800 is moving the mouse wheel up, state 1000 is moving it down16:25
lotuspsychjeTJ-: what kind of mouse is that, on wich release?16:25
tomreynTJ-: so that's 0x800 away from hand, 0x1000 towards hand.16:26
tomreynTJ-: when i scroll using the mouse wheel, it seems to register both a ButtonPress even (always with stats 0x0) and at the same time a ButtonRelease event, with the states indicated above16:28
tomreynTJ-: away from hand (0x800) is button 4, towards hand (0x1000) is button 516:30
fromBeyondHi. Yesterday I updated from ubuntu 18.04 to disco dingo. I am currently working on a c++ program, which uses heavy multithreading. Now, before the update, my benchmark ran at 10ms on avergae. Now It runs 30ms on average. What could have happened? Looking for general tips/advice where I shoudl start to look. I am compiling using the same compiler and the sam makefile16:31
lotuspsychjefromBeyond: you could take a look in your dpkg logs, what updated when16:33
fromBeyondlotuspsychje:good idea. will look16:33
duo_ubuntutomreyn: fix the desktop now and still login loop16:34
TJ-tomreyn: thanks, that matches what I (mainly) see aside from the intermittent 'opposite' button numbers. I've just stripped and cleaned it, just in case, but no luck.16:35
lotuspsychjefromBeyond: keep in mind also, going from LTS to non_LTS can have unwanted behaviour, aka not as stable as LTS16:35
TJ-lotuspsychje: Targa bluetooth on 18.0416:36
duo_ubuntulotuspsychje: any idea how to fix this?16:36
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: you havent given us any pastebin details of anything, hence its pretty hard to help you like this, not knowing what you did previously to your system16:37
duo_ubuntuI cannot login still and cannot copy16:38
duo_ubuntulet me try use sudo startx then16:38
lotuspsychje!pastebinit | duo_ubuntu16:38
ubottuduo_ubuntu: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit16:38
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: dont use startx please, volunteers have already adviced you not to16:39
dimmhello, all! Which gui clint is good for git on ubuntu at this days?16:40
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: a good start would be your dmesg log and sources.list16:41
fromBeyondlotuspsychje: ok, thank you. It is very weird, that the program is now 3-4times as slow on average. I know that lib-tbb-dev and libtbb2 have been updated, which is what I use for multithreading. So something may be going on there16:42
lotuspsychjeTJ-: not much bugs to find on targa :p16:42
lotuspsychjefromBeyond: on different releases, i think you need to look at all kind of things, there are different versions of packages16:43
TJ-lotuspsychje: tomreyn  Fixed :) Turns out the good ole "take it to bits and re-assemble" sorted it.16:45
lotuspsychjeTJ-: mechanical issue?16:45
TJ-uhoh, spoke too soon!16:45
tomreynTJ-: great :) so was it just dust then? i was just about to suggest to try it with a high market share proprietary OS with generic (non vendor supplied) drivers to see whether it bears the same issues there.16:45
TJ-lotuspsychje: possibly but now not so sure :D16:45
lotuspsychjefromBeyond: what about graphics card/driver, wich are you using?16:46
tomreynduo_ubuntu: so you have a graphical login manager (which?) now, trying to login to a destop environment (which?) now?16:47
TJ-tomreyn: It could be dust but I didn't see any sign. It has an unusual knurled disc rotating switch sandwich on the end of the wheel shaft, and three legs, so I am now presuming there's something going bad inside the 'sandwich'16:47
fromBeyondlotuspsychje:the program only performs computation, usng multithreading. But, I use Nvidia16:48
duo_ubuntuubuntu desktop for login now but still loop, I check I have no gnome shell, downloading now16:49
duo_ubuntulightdm ubuntu desktop16:49
TJ-fromBeyond: is your program making syscalls into the kernel or is it all pure userspace?16:49
tomreynduo_ubuntu: ubuntu 16.04 uses unity, not gnome-shell. if you installed the "ubuntu-desktop" package and did not uninstall packages afterwards, you should be fine.16:50
duo_ubuntuok it installed already for unity16:50
tomreynduo_ubuntu: your login manager should be lightdm on 16.04, i think. 18.04 uses gdm316:51
lotuspsychjefromBeyond: wich chipset/ driver version please?16:51
duo_ubuntuyes lightdm16:51
TJ-fromBeyond:  you should have used my suggestion for using libtbb2 from 19.10 with 18.04 :) We'd know if the issue was in tbb then!16:52
tomreynduo_ubuntu: okay, reboot, let it boot to lightdm, try logging in once - and have it fail, returning yo to the lightdm login screen. then switch to a tty using ctrl-alt-f3, login there, then run     journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999     and post the url here.16:53
duo_ubuntuok wait16:54
tomreynduo_ubuntu: this helps you find files owned by other users in your home directory: find ~ -not -uid $(id -u) -ls16:56
tomreynor rather file system objects, not just files.16:56
fromBeyondlotuspsychje: writing nvidia-settings --version returns nvidia-settings:  version 418.5616:56
fromBeyondTJ-: yes :) instead i opted to update (thinking, I might as well finally do it :) )16:57
lotuspsychjefromBeyond: GTX card?16:57
duo_ubuntutomreyn: https://termbin.com/j5w416:59
TJ-fromBeyond: is your program making syscalls into the kernel or is it all pure userspace?16:59
fromBeyondlotuspsychje: yes, GTX 105017:00
lotuspsychjefromBeyond: try a higher driver version as a test, from the ubuntu graphics ppa (may not be related to your issue)17:00
lotuspsychje!nvidia | fromBeyond17:01
ubottufromBeyond: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa17:01
fromBeyondTJ-: No (unless tbb does internally). It is computing mesh decimations.17:01
fromBeyondlotuspsychje:ok, will do17:01
TJ-fromBeyond: have you profiled the program to see where the latency is?17:01
tomreynduo_ubuntu: "systemd[1]: Configuration file /etc/systemd/system.conf is marked executable. Please remove executable permission bits."  "systemd[1]: Configuration file /etc/systemd/system/my-startup.service is marked executable. Please remove executable permission bits."17:04
TJ-fromBeyond: I'd compile/link the program with profiling enabled and then use gprof to examine the result17:04
fromBeyondwill do17:04
tomreynduo_ubuntu: there are ACPI resource conflicts. look for a newer firmware for this HP EliteBook 2570p/17DF (currently BIOS 68ISB Ver. F.70 04/12/2018) and / or try https://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html17:06
tomreynduo_ubuntu: "systemd-logind[880]: Configuration file /etc/systemd/logind.conf is marked executable. Please remove executable permission bits."17:07
tomreynlooks like you modified many of the systemd configuration files17:07
duo_ubunturemove the file?17:08
tomreynread the message again17:08
tomreynremoving executable bit means    chmod -x /path/to/file17:09
tomreynduo_ubuntu: more configuration errors:  "ifup[876]: /bin/sh: 1: cannot open /etc/OpenBTS-UMTS/iptables.rules: No such file" "ifup[876]: Failed to bring up lo."17:09
tomreyn"dbus-daemon[882]: Unknown username "geoclue" in message bus configuration file"17:09
tomreyn"ntpdate[916]: name server cannot be used: Temporary failure in name resolution (-3)" - this will be a follow-up error caused by interface lo not coming up, since this would cause the local resolver cache to become unavailable.17:11
tomreynwhich explains name lookup issues.17:11
tomreyn"sh[798]: sed: can't read /run/systemd/netif/leases/*: No such file or directory" - not sure what this is, a cron script mabye?17:11
duo_ubuntuIm not sure too that one17:12
tomreyn"systemd[932]: my-startuo.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /usr/local/sbin/my-startuo.sh: No such file or directory"17:12
duo_ubuntuohh netif17:12
tomreynmaybe you should just reinstall if you made so many changes which break core system functionality and don't remeber what or why you changed this.17:12
tomreyn"gpu-manager[938]: /etc/modprobe.d is not a file" - looks like you deleted this directory17:13
hggdhactually, that it was referred to as a file17:14
duo_ubuntuya I have something to make some dongle to work with17:14
duo_ubuntuit was odd17:15
tomreynyour log is full or warnings and errors which one would not have on a fresh 16.04 installation, so those are a result of customizations you made. you can go over the log line by line and try to solve them. or ensure your backups are current and complete and restorable and reinstall.17:18
duo_ubuntutomreyn: ok , will try something and maybe just reinstall when no cure17:21
tomreynbetter try this approach in the future: keep making those customizations, since that's a great way to learn. but do them step by step. after changing anything, make sure it actually works *and* does not report errors to any relevant logs. test it for a while, and only when you're sure it works well, try the next modification with the same approach. if the first modification did not work well, or seems to work but throws errors, seek support her.17:21
tomreynif you still can't fix it, roll back the change.17:21
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: just out of curiosity, why did you install bumblebee, didnt you say you have intel graphics only?17:22
duo_ubuntuI forgot that bumble bee for hahaha17:22
duo_ubuntuby mistale I guess17:23
duo_ubuntuby mistake I believe17:23
duo_ubuntuI think it was for one of my program17:23
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: the intel graphics driver should load automaticly on ubuntu, so try to follow tomreyns advice fresh install would be a good diea here17:24
duo_ubuntuthanks to both :-)17:24
tomreynhggdh: thanks for clarifying this. i assumed this message was just returned by gpu-manager to indicate that this FSO does not exist. (why would it look for a file there anyways - this seems unusual).17:24
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: does your pc serve as a developer box or something?17:25
duo_ubuntujust in the middle of lots of work on ionic project and web :-(17:25
duo_ubuntuyes for developing17:25
lotuspsychjeduo_ubuntu: well whatever you choose fresh install or not, try to heavy cleanout your pc, things you dont use= out17:26
hggdhtomreyn: it is probably a typo, like adding a space between the directory and the file17:26
tomreynduo_ubuntu: consider using lxc containers (similar to docker, but better) for your development environment instead17:27
duo_ubuntuyes I know lots of thing not use17:27
fromBeyondlotuspsychje: TJ-: I have now installed latest nvidia-drivers as suggested, rebooted the machine, and everything works as it is supposed to (a bit faster even). But, the weird thing is, that no grahics is used in the program... So maybe the reboot is what helped (but i did reboot a few times before this already)17:28
tomreynhggdh: oh right this is actually bug 136921617:29
ubottubug 1369216 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu) "gpu-manager: /etc/modprobe.d is not a file" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136921617:29
fromBeyondno graphics, or GPU computing is used*17:29
lotuspsychjefromBeyond: glad you got it solved, we try to fix ubuntu as a whole here, try to widen the users options, even if not really related17:30
sfan5are there any mirrors available for https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com?17:30
TJ-fromBeyond: if it happens again, *profile* it :)17:31
fromBeyondlotuspsychje:if this is not related, please tell me. But I want to learn with this question: I have a benchmark, that runs 8-10ms on my ubuntu machine. On a windows machine (exact same hardware), the benchmark runs at 18-20ms. On a mac (same CPU, othr specs similar) it runs roughly like on windows. All programs are compiled using the same compiler, clang. (Mentioning this, because if you compile it usins18:04
fromBeyondVisual Studio on Windows, it runs 30ms). What are some things I could look into, to understand why ubuntu outperforms them so much (in a real time system, x2 is huge)18:04
lotuspsychjefromBeyond: come to #ubuntu-discuss if you like mate18:06
fromBeyondwill do18:06
ZaZaGXwould you guys recommend Sophos Antivirus, lynis, and chkrootkit for Ubuntu? because i'm using them right now. not sure if i have enough protection18:20
lotuspsychjeZaZaGX: we dont really take polls here, only ubuntu support questions18:21
ZaZaGXoh, okay. i'm not taking a poll18:22
lotuspsychjeZaZaGX: what is it you want then?18:23
ZaZaGXjust wondering if i have enough protection.18:28
lotuspsychje!security | ZaZaGX start here18:28
ubottuZaZaGX start here: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall, !server, and !usn18:28
uRockZaZaGX, Aside from the defaults, I set up the firewall using GUFW. There is plenty security information to be found in the Security sub-forum of ubuntuforums.org.18:39
ZaZaGXI have GUFW installed already and enable a while back ago18:48
ZaZaGXsome of the stuff on there are outdated18:48
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uRocksuch as?18:49
uRockI haven't looked in a while18:49
ZaZaGXrkhunter, not i'm not sure. i never used it18:51
uRockI haven't either. At one time I got into creating AppArmor profiles, but haven't touched any of that for years.18:53
ZaZaGXthe orginal author of rkhunter made lynis. which i use18:53
uRockI tend to do testing of things, such as opening suspected files in VMs. I don't have any public facing services. If I did, then I'd definitely be doing a lot more than the defaults.18:54
lotuspsychje!discuss | uRock ZaZaGX18:55
ubottuuRock ZaZaGX: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!18:55
Azendale(Almost all) of my desktop applications freeze with 100% CPU when they try to send a notification. Thunderbird is an exception, which freezes for about a minute, then unfreezes and falls back to it's own little notification. How do I debug this?18:56
uRockI didn't go there lotuspsychje because it was already being flooded.18:56
lotuspsychjeuRock: your choice, but then stick to ubuntu support questions here please18:57
AzendaleQGIS, nm-applet are other programs that freeze (and never unfreeze) that I can think of off the top of my head. This happens on the KDE and mint desktop environments. I do not know about GNOME3.18:58
uRockAzendale, are you able to use htop in a terminal to see what is caussing the 100% usage? Also, what model CPU do you have. My Netbook's processor stays at 100% when the browser is open.19:02
AzendaleuRock, it's the application that tried to send the notification. CPU model is a Intel i7 8 core processor. Hammers 1 core.19:03
ubottuPlease see https://usn.ubuntu.com/ for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.19:24
dwilson5817is it possible to use networkd to make all IPv6s in a subnet accessible without having to write each one under an [Address] directive in /etc/systemd/network?19:38
dwilson5817i'm statically assigning them as it's in a server environment and DHCP isn't available. i'm assuming it's not possible without DHCP?19:39
TJ-dwilson5817: the way linux does it is the "AnyIP" facility, to bind a subnet to the lo interface19:47
dwilson5817TJ-: okay, I see.  I'll have a little look into it to see how the configuration would look like, thanks!19:48
tdsTJ-: is that enough to have the host reply to NSes for them as well?19:48
tdsI suppose it'd work combined with a userspace ndp proxy daemon to reply for you, that seems a little hacky though19:49
TJ-tds: yes, it is19:49
tdsoh, TIL, handy!19:49
tdsI'm sure I tried it a while ago and couldn't persuade it to go, but I was probably doing something wrong19:50
TJ-dwilson5817: I'm not sure how you'd tell systemd-networkd to configure it but you can test it manually, with e.g. "ip -6 route add local 2001:AAAA:BBBB:CCCC::/64 dev lo"19:50
dwilson5817TJ- I'll have a go with it now and see how I get on19:51
tdsTJ-: hmm yeah, testing that again the IPs seem to be bound to the test box OK, I can ping them all from itself, it doesn't reply to NSes for the entire subnet though19:52
QRhi. when i put ASCII art banner its not showing up on logins but only normal text shown. what should i enable?19:57
TJ-tds: maybe it does need ndppd - I note the last reply here: https://serverfault.com/questions/590038/adding-a-whole-ipv6-64-block-to-an-network-interface-on-debian19:57
IpsilonNot sure if this is the place to ask this. But I'm a developer, and my company (startup) has an IT dept that is not super experienced with linux. I wanted to know how companies usually leverage LTS with using the newest tools (gcc, cmake, etc). Any pointing in the right direction would be appreciated.19:57
shinji257This looks useful for something I was looking at except I just wanted to do a /112 splice of a /64 block that I have.19:58
AlericIf I run do-release-upgrade, where will it download all the new packages to?20:05
TJ-Aleric: same place as always, /var/cache/apt/archives/20:12
banehey guys... attempting to run a particular application (dockstation) as sudo my desktop icon... added 'pkexec' ('exec=pkexec "path/to/app")20:14
banethat actually prompted me for sudo credentials,  but then i found out that pkexec is only for applications which don't have a gui :P20:14
baneso since gksudo, kdesudo and all theother ones have been deprecated, i guess the only solution is polkit?20:14
TJ-bane: pkexec is policy-kit exec !20:15
tomreynwhere did you read that 'pkexec is only for applications which don't have a gui'?20:15
TJ-bane: polkit is configured to allow the 'sudo' group, in /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-ubuntu-admin.conf:2:AdminIdentities=unix-group:sudo;unix-group:admin20:16
banewhen i attempted to run the application, nothing showed up20:16
banei was prompted for creds, but the application never appeared20:16
tomreynbane: and no error message on the terminal where you ran it?20:18
{Opsimath}Shawnhow come the latest ubuntu install doesn't detect my M6400's wifi?20:18
{Opsimath}Shawnthis is so unlike linux20:18
banetomreyn: no, i modified the .desktop file - trying to get the application to run as sudo when i click on the desktop icon20:19
tomreynbane: i see. well, try it from a terminal, see if any error is reported.20:20
bane1 sec20:20
tomreyn{Opsimath}Shawn: M6400 is a dell precision workstation. do you know the wireless chipset?20:21
banetomreyn: (dockstation:13356): Gtk-WARNING **: 16:21:11.454: cannot open display:20:21
tomreyn{Opsimath}Shawn: this may list it:  lspci -knn | grep -EA3 '(Network|Ethernet) controller'  | nc termbin.com 999920:21
hggdh{Opsimath}Shawn: and what version of Ubuntu? "latest" does not pin it20:21
{Opsimath}Shawn18.04.2 lts20:22
{Opsimath}Shawnnot latest, sorry20:22
TJ-bane: that'll be because the environment is being reset, and DISPLAY= is not there20:23
banejust don't want to implement some work around that could cause potential security issues20:23
TJ-bane: see "man pkexec" and the environment notes, where it shows how to enable it with "... org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.allow_gui  ..."20:24
{Opsimath}ShawnI can'20:24
{Opsimath}ShawnI can't netcat on an unconnected machine20:24
{Opsimath}Shawnand I dont have a working battery20:25
AlericLast time I tried to upgrade to 18.04 I had a complete lock up that I had to manually fix in recovery because the upgrade script ran out of diskspace. I did write a bug report about that and I believe it was fixed now, but now I need to upgrade another machine from 16.x to 18.04 and I'm not sure if this bug is fixed on 16.x ;). I can't remember where I can find my bug report however :/.  What website would contain it?20:25
TJ-"As a result, pkexec will not allow you to run X11 applications as another user since the $DISPLAY and20:25
TJ-       $XAUTHORITY environment variables are not set20:25
tomreyn{Opsimath}Shawn: oh i had hoped you had another means to get it online20:26
hggdhAleric: if the bug was for us (Ubuntu), it will be at bugs.launchpad.net. Log in there, and look for your own bugs20:27
{Opsimath}Shawnis it normal for linux to skip out on intel wifi chipsets?20:28
tomreyn{Opsimath}Shawn: maybe you have a mobile phone + usb cable you can connect to it so it can tether?20:28
{Opsimath}ShawnI would need to find a tether app20:28
tomreynon android, that's built-in20:29
tomreyni think intel wireless chipsets are usually well supported. sometimes you may need newer firmware.20:29
{Opsimath}Shawnoh its broadcom20:30
tomreynthat's different20:30
tomreyngenerally, with all hardware, it's effectively that either the chipset vendor provides drivers for linux, or there is no or just spotty support (there are some exeptions where there are reverse engineered drivers)20:30
{Opsimath}ShawnI thought it had an intel, sorry20:30
jeremy31{Opsimath}Shawn: install bcmwl-kernel-source20:31
{Opsimath}ShawnI have another mpcie ethernet card20:36
{Opsimath}Shawnwhich one is newer?20:37
{Opsimath}Shawnor better20:37
Alerichggdh, thanks. Not there though.. It seems I have reported 5 bugs to lauchpad.net/ubuntu in the past three years. All 5 are still at "undecided" "new", aka - nobody ever even looked at them it seems. Pfft.20:37
AlericNothing about a partition running full during release-upgrade though.20:38
jeremy31{Opsimath}Shawn: I would use Intel any time versus Broadcom20:38
jeremy31{Opsimath}Shawn: yes, kernel supported and you can use the channels you want20:39
tomreyn{Opsimath}Shawn: this is wireless lan, not ethernet. your computer already has ethernet, you'd just need to connect a wire.20:39
{Opsimath}ShawnI know....20:39
tomreynokay, you said "ethernet", so i thought i'd point it out.20:40
{Opsimath}ShawnI need wireless, where I am going there isn't ethernet20:40
{Opsimath}Shawnoh pardon, my mentioning ethernet was a mistake20:40
tomreynnp ;)20:40
jeremy31{Opsimath}Shawn: As long as the BIOS doesn't have a whitelist, use the Intel20:40
{Opsimath}Shawnthankfully it doesn't20:41
{Opsimath}Shawnonly laptop I have had a whitelist with is HP20:41
{Opsimath}ShawnI also have a https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Intel_Wireless_WiFi_Link_4965AGN20:42
{Opsimath}Shawnbetween the centrino and this, which one would be better?20:43
mintJhi , when i'm trying to create zfs i got : cannot create parent does not exist , also if i send from another server i got : cannot receive new filesystem stream: dataset does not exist20:43
AlericDuh - launchpad isn't giving all your bug reports... I found the bug number back in my emails and that turns out to DO exist on launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/178648420:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1786484 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "free space need for /usr could be negative which is wrong" [High,Fix released]20:44
baneso i just attempted to make a polkit policy for dockstation20:44
banelet's see if i can actually use the icon on my desktop now20:44
jeremy31{Opsimath}Shawn: Use the Centrino 6200, much newer than the 496520:44
dwilson5817if I'm mounting a backup space as a NFS is it okay to mount it in /mnt/?  the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy says that /mnt/ should be used a temporary mount point?20:46
banenope didn't wrk20:47
banegod this is almost as bad as se-linux20:47
banerip gksudo, kdesudo, gfsudo20:47
jeremy31bane, check the path on EXEC20:48
{Opsimath}Shawnbut the 4965 has 3 coaxials20:48
jeremy31{Opsimath}Shawn: It is an antique20:48
{Opsimath}Shawnso is this m640020:48
{Opsimath}Shawnthis m6400 is the only other laptop I have had that has 3 coaxials for the WLAN card20:48
banejeremy31: it works and prompts for a password20:52
banebut then nothing appears20:52
baneif i perform the same command in konsole, then i get a display error20:52
{Opsimath}Shawnusing the centrino20:52
banei then tried to make a polkit policy and it didnt see to make a different20:52
jeremy31{Opsimath}Shawn: I have been troubleshooting wifi issues in Linux for about 4 years https://askubuntu.com/tags/wireless/topusers20:53
jeremy31bane is the file named dockstation?20:54
baneit's "/opt/DockStation/dockstation"20:54
jeremy31bane, see if the path in the polkit matches what you see in terminal for> locate dockstation20:54
banei'll link the polkit i made20:54
{Opsimath}Shawnintel one works, though its not accepting my password20:55
TJ-bane: did you restart the "polkit.service" ?20:55
banejeremy31: https://pastebin.com/P2bVyNPn20:56
baneTJ: no20:56
{Opsimath}ShawnI got it20:56
jeremy31bane path isn't /opt/DockStation/dockstation.pkexec20:56
banerestarted it now lol20:56
baneand also20:56
TJ-bane: there's no gui annotation there20:56
TJ-bane: it needs a " <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.allow_gui">true</annotate> "20:57
jeremy31{Opsimath}Shawn: some tips on wifi from a master https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2354328&p=13614520&#post1361452020:58
{Opsimath}Shawnwhat is all that?21:00
baneTJ-: I'm guessing it would need 2 keys then?21:00
{Opsimath}Shawnworks fine with an intel chipset, got what I need21:00
baneorg.freedeskto.policykit.exec.path as well as the gui one21:00
banewhat about a network annotate key as well? Do i have to define a key for every capability of the program?21:01
TJ-bane: correct21:01
banelol because it's kinda using docker which who knows wtf that needs21:01
TJ-bane: gui should be sufficent21:01
TJ-bane: are you sure there isn't a policy file available for it already?21:02
baneTJ-: i don't see anything21:03
baneand i don't see any predefined polkit policies within their documentation anyway21:04
banethey just recommend creaint a dockstation group and adding your user to it21:04
banebut apparently, a ton of security risks come with that21:04
baneTJ-: Also still getting this: (dockstation:16682): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:08:47.824: cannot open display:21:09
banethat's when i issue pkexec /opt/DockStation/dockstation from konsole21:09
jeremy31bane it should just be> pkexec dockstation21:10
banetried that as well21:11
banesame error21:11
banecannot open display gtk-warning21:11
jeremy31bane see https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hotice/webupd8/master/org.gnome.gedit.policy for an example polkit for gedit21:16
banelooking into it now jeremy3121:20
baneappreciate the help21:20
banestill getting those display errors :/21:22
TJ-bane: where are you putting the policy file ?21:26
TJ-bane: and you're restarting polkit.service after changes?21:27
baneservice polkit restart21:27
baneshould i modify the .desktop file at all at this point21:27
baneor just leave everything default21:27
TJ-bane: actually, it is a dbus-activated service so possibly restart might not be necessary; it isn't clear whether it puts an inotify watch on that directory to read new drop-ins21:29
baneTJ- i'm also wondering if i should create a bash script in this rules.d file like several other applications have21:29
jeremy31bane, paste the new policy file to pastebin21:30
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TJ-bane: does " pkaction --action-id org.dockstation" report correctly?21:34
banelemme see21:34
TJ-bane: add "--verbose" to that to see the entire info21:35
wpinaczHello, any1 could help with nvidia driver (login loop) ?21:35
baneso many files21:35
banei need to increase my konsole to 2000 lines prob21:36
TJ-bane: you should only get a single report, showing effectively the content of the policy file, but not in XMP form21:36
TJ-grrr, XML21:36
jeremy31bane or use this after the command to dump it to a file in home > error.txt21:37
baneyeah no worries21:37
banei'll upload it21:37
banejust alot21:37
TJ-bane: here's an example of what to expect: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RbwYtSCwXf/21:38
baneokay then no21:38
baneit's not reporting correctly21:38
baneits dumping everything21:38
baneevery policy21:38
banesyntax error21:38
TJ-bane: your file works for me when I drop it into /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.dockstation.policy:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Pkgr2jPHHB/21:40
banenot sure if the policy name matters21:41
banebut it's org.dockstation.pkexec21:41
banei think21:41
TJ-filename shouldn't matter21:42
banel i didn't think so21:42
banebut apparently this is se-linux21:42
banecan i see your desktop icon?21:42
banethe .desktop output21:42
banemaybe i hosed mine21:43
banethat's mine21:43
baneand it symlinks to /usr/share/applications/21:43
TJ-bane: I don't have dockstation installed; I am just confirming that polkit is registering the policy correctly21:46
banemaybe the binary needs to be in /usr/bin?21:46
baneor symlinked there?21:47
banenot sure if that would mess anything up21:47
TJ-bane: "dockstation" needs to be in $PATH21:47
TJ-bane: or else use its absolute path in the exec clause21:48
banewould i still need pkexec in front of the exec=? or does polkit handle all that on the back end21:48
jeremy31This should be correct-  <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.path">/opt/DockStation/dockstation</annotate>21:49
TJ-bane: not something I've investigated but I'd think it would need "pkexec" else it would execute as your user21:49
TJ-bane: if in a GUI terminal you do "pkexec /opt/DockStation/dockstation" what response do you get?21:50
baneit worked21:50
baneso i had to modify the .desktop a bit21:51
banewill paste it21:51
baneso that actually wasn't too bad21:52
banejust a nice little rabbithole21:52
wpinaczSo any1 with nvidia knowledge to help ?21:56
jeremy31I guess cryptodan_mobile is being quiet21:57
banethanks so much guys21:58
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jeremy31Hi cryptodan_mobile can you help wpinacz with a nvidia issue?22:06
cryptodan_mobilewpinacz: what's the issue22:06
wpinaczI've got HP laptop with intel/nvidia gpus, after installing nvidia driver i can't login (login loop), switching to intel (prime-select intel) works22:09
cryptodan_mobilewpinacz: add the graphics-driver ppa and use it.22:10
wpinacztried any version 390 to 430, almost the same22:11
wpinacztried remove and purge nvidia* and install then but no go22:11
cryptodan_mobileWhat nvidia card, and the kernel? Also are you using encryption22:12
wpinaczno encryption22:12
cryptodan_mobileUsing secure boot?22:12
wpinaczsecure boot disabled22:13
wpinaczUbuntu 4.18.0-25.26~18.04.1-generic 4.18.2022:13
cryptodan_mobileWhat video card22:13
wpinaczIntel Corporation HD Graphics 53022:14
wpinaczNVIDIA Corporation GM107M [GeForce GTX 950M]22:14
wpinaczI was finding solution in askubuntu and others but no solution works22:15
wpinaczstrange is when I installed nv driver firstly after reboot "prime-select query" showed "nvidia", after switching to intel and back to nvidia it loops22:16
cryptodan_mobileWhat desktop22:18
wpinaczdefault = ubuntu22:19
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wpinacztried wayland and works oob22:19
cryptodan_mobileNvidia and wayland dont workwell22:19
wpinaczyes, too slow, but works with nvidia22:19
cryptodan_mobileDrop wayland if you want nvidia22:20
wpinaczi dont want wayland22:20
wpinaczi'm using now default desktop but only with intel22:21
wpinaczsure, i'll check and reboot and come back22:24
jeremy31Thanks cryptodan_mobile22:25
wpinaczchanging to WaylandEnable=False, reboot, intel login works, changing to nvidia then after login black screen with bunch of errors22:32
wpinacznvidia-modeset error gpu 0 failed to query display engine22:34
cryptodan_mobileReinstall nvidia22:35
wpinacztried that already22:36
wpinaczmaybe some other method to reinstall22:36
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wpinacztried "sudo apt remove nvidia*" and after "sudo apt purge nvidia*", then reboot and "sudo ubuntu-drivers install"22:37
wpinacztried same thing in GUI selecting other version of drivers22:38
wpinaczweird thing is in nvidia-settings, there's empty beside i can choose between intel/nvidia, no settings, no infos22:39
cryptodan_mobilewpinacz: try apt install nvidia-driver-43022:41
wpinaczi have installed 43022:42
wpinaczFirstly after installing ubuntu i had 390 and works22:43
wpinaczthen i installed 430 and problem occured22:43
wpinacznow i have problem after removing 430 and installing 39022:43
wpinacznone of the versions works22:43
wpinaczcurrently at 43022:44
cryptodan_mobileSo see if a kernel upgrade from 4.18 to 4.20 or 5 fixes it22:44
wpinaczsure, i had some kernel update between driver updates, maybe that's the problem22:45
wpinaczi'll try tomorrow (today ;]) after work22:45
wpinaczthank's for Your support cryptodan_mobile22:46
wpinaczbye all22:46
sybaritenhey! Anyone running webmin?23:16
sybaritenI'm thinking of installing it on a headless ubuntu 16.04 machine23:16
TJ-sybariten: Yes23:17
df00zCrud.   Did Ekiga fall out of the ubuntu repositories in disco?23:19
sybaritenTJ-: it is pretty simple to install, it seems?23:21
sybaritenone tutorial i saw only used an apt-get install and then they could dial right in23:22
ZaZaGXhmmm, i don't see Ekiga in the apt-get23:22
ZaZaGXi only found this when i typed in Ekiga. sound-theme-freedesktop - freedesktop.org sound theme23:23
df00zYeah it like disappeared.  Weird.23:23
df00zAnd unfortunate :(23:23
ZaZaGXwhoa, its 6 years old23:23
ZaZaGXhasn't been updated23:23
TJ-sybariten: yes; a .deb package or use the virtualmin.com repository they provide23:24
ZaZaGXi guess they don't include old softwares23:24
sybaritenTJ-: aha, whats that? I need to learn more about package management i think23:24
sybaritenin my tutorial they're basicly adding this to sources.list   deb http://download.webmin.com/download/repository sarge contrib   .... i dont know exactly what that means23:25
ZaZaGXoh it says on wikipedia that Ekiga service was discontined in 2018.23:25
sybaritenfor instance, is it possible to add things to source.list so that you kinda break your system?23:26
ubottuDebian bug 911593 in ftp.debian.org "RM: ekiga -- ROM; RoQA; unmaintained, depends on ptlib which depends on openssl1.0" [Normal,Open]23:26
tomreynubuntu imported ekiga from debian, which dropped the package for the reasons given on this bug report23:27
ZaZaGXnot sure if services works anymore anyways23:27
ZaZaGXthere are plenty of VoIP alternative for linux anyways23:28
tomreynlike other VoIP clients, ekiga implements standardized protocols and can be used with multiple service providers which make use of these protocols. there was an ekiga serives offer but using it was never required.23:31
tomreynekiga looks pretty unmaintained upstream, though, so i'd also look for other options.23:31
ZaZaGXi typed in comparison of voip software on google. it shows a compare of all VoIP23:32
friendofafriendHello.  Why might bash completion not work when using apt?23:53
ZaZaGXi dont get your question. Can you elaborate on that?23:55
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friendofafriendI type "apt install <somepartialpackagename> and hit Tab.  Nothing happens.23:56
friendofafriendI've got bash-completion installed.23:56
ZaZaGXoh, why not enter?23:57
friendofafriendBecause I want to see a listing of all the packages that start with that string.23:57
tomreynecho $SHELL     returns what?23:57
ZaZaGXi tpyed in apt and than the tab button23:58
tomreynand which ubuntu version are you running?   nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";)23:58
friendofafriend$SHELL is /bin/bash.23:59

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