
hugo_Hi friends, how can I send audio to my Bluetooth device since it connects me to the device but the audio is heard on the computer and not on my bluetooth device02:43
DarinMillerhugo use the volume control on the panel to specify the output.02:47
hugo_ok let me see, tanks <DarinMiller>02:50
DarinMilleryou can control each app individually or specify all sounds to go through desired devices.02:51
hugo_Excellent worked!02:53
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noaXessmy current problem since last kernel update i think... kast kernel update was on 23.7.19 with linux-headers-4.15.0-55.... situation is dual monitor with vga ext. monitor... if eg. try to logout or open application dashboard, kwin_x11 crashes, details: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VBYG3DN8HN/05:06
diogenes_noaXess, load the previous kernel from grub.05:17
noaXessdiogenes_: will try that.. but anyway.. why it crashes is the question05:17
diogenes_first you need to make sure it's kernel fault or something else.05:20
noaXessdiogenes_: sure ;)05:20
noaXessdiogenes_: seams that it's not the kernel.. as kwin_x11 also crashes with earlier kerlen05:48
noaXesscan it be about a update in grafic driver? on 4.7.19 there was a update: libdrm-nouveau2:amd64 (2.4.95-1~18.04.1, 2.4.97-1ubuntu1~18.04.1), libdrm-nouveau2:i386 (2.4.95-1~18.04.1, 2.4.97-1ubuntu1~18.04.1)05:51
diogenes_pretty much could be, try to change the backend from opengl to xrender.05:54
noaXessdiogenes_: will try.. first i try to use nvidia instead of nouveau.. if that not works, opengl to xrender05:55
noaXessdiogenes_: seams change to xrender solves temporary...06:07
lordievaderGood morning06:26
noaXesshey lordievader good morning06:26
noaXessi solved temp. my problem with switching from opengl to xrender... hint from diogenes_06:26
lordievaderYou start to think the gpu driver is borked06:28
noaXesslordievader: i also switched to nvidia, same issue06:30
lordievaderDo you have X config?06:31
noaXesswhat now? file a bug on kde? cause it's kwin crash?06:31
noaXessno X config06:31
lordievaderIf you know what the actual problem is...06:32
noaXesslordievader: switch from opengl to xrender solves the problem.. so something to opengl or any component of it..06:52
noaXesswhich will cause kwin_x11 to crash06:53
lordievaderBut do you know where the actual issue lies, with kwin, with X, with opengl, with the driver, etc?06:54
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BluesKajHi folks11:31
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Sup folks12:41
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pragomeris it possible to get two "places" side panel when using the split view in dolphin?15:16
Guest52325hello all, I'm trying to setup a USB stick with grub because this pc can't start from external disk but it CAN boot with the live-usb stick. So I've installed ubuntu on the external disk, booted with the live system, mounted sys proc dev etc and chrooted into, then run grub-install /dev/sdc (sdc is the usb drive I'm trying to install to)15:33
Guest52325but I got grub-install: error: cannot find EFI directory. Indeed /boot/efi is empty15:33
Guest52325but I've not put the boot directory in a different partition15:34
diogenes_Guest52325, grub-install --efi-directory=DIR15:36
Guest52325diogenes_: yes but I wonder what DIR to put since is empty...15:36
Guest52325I'm now chatting from live-cd15:37
Guest52325is empy...15:37
Guest52325is empty... To recap, the installation has finished on /dev/sdc, I've not created a separate boot partion. I've rebooted with the live-cd and chroot into sdc mount/bind everything, but since /boot/efi is empty grub-install fails to run15:40
Guest52325grub-install --efi-directory=/boot/efi /dev/sdc -> grub-install: error: /boot/efi doesn't look like an EFI partition.15:43
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NabudocodonosorHi. How are17:01
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Guest34865haha it took my username from my mchine17:06
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