[04:19] Bug #1831090 changed: maas complains about unavailable image when it is available [04:22] Bug #1831090 opened: maas complains about unavailable image when it is available [04:25] Bug #1831090 changed: maas complains about unavailable image when it is available [10:35] Bug #1838394 opened: two dhcp in one network [10:38] Bug #1838394 changed: two dhcp in one network [10:44] Bug #1838394 opened: two dhcp in one network [12:47] Bug #1831090 opened: maas complains about unavailable image when it is available === zeestrat_ is now known as zeestrat [17:50] I'm new to MaaS. Somebody jacked with my .ssh/id_rsa key (other admin). When I try to ssh to a provisioned host, I can't login. All testing. Can I give MaaS a new ssh key and re-provision the hosts? [17:55] KurtB: yes, in the UI click on your username(top right) you can then add another SSH key and remove the old one [19:33] ltrager Ah.. cool! Thanka, man!