
mwhudsoncjwatson: is there a reason the parted build does not run the testsuite? seems it's been that way since 3.1-1 in 2014 but no mention of it in changelog00:36
mwhudsonoh no, it's from before that00:40
mwhudsonuh maybe the testsuite has never been run on build00:46
mwhudsoni guess lots of them need root, maybe more appropriate as an autopkgtest00:49
mwhudsonyeah, pretty much00:55
mwhudson# FAIL:  902:02
cjwatsonmwhudson: 3.1-1 didn't change that, which is why it's not mentioned - that was just the dh conversion08:28
cjwatsonmwhudson: Quite a few tests do work as non-root, so it's probably worth improving08:29
mwhudsoncjwatson: of course when i add an autopkgtest to run the tests, a bunch of them fail08:54
mwhudsonsome for trivial reasons, some not08:54
cjwatsonThere's a bug in an fdasd patch which I just fixed on master08:55
mwhudsoncjwatson: is that the one where vorser.c isn't added?08:56
mwhudsonthe parted upstream git history is very confusing arond that08:56
mwhudsoncjwatson: when you say 'master' you mean on salsa?08:56
cjwatsonTwo upstream patches with near-identical commit messages because upstream screwed up applying it the first time round08:56
mwhudsoncjwatson: fwiw my d/tests/control looks like this09:00
mwhudsoncjwatson: all this interest came up because of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1828558 fwiw09:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1828558 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "installing ubuntu on a former md raid volume makes system unusable" [Undecided,New]09:01
cjwatsonbet you need at least dmidecode [amd64 i386] and udev [linux-any] at the moment too, although I'm adding those to Build-Depends in my current WIP09:01
mwhudsoncjwatson: the tldr of which is that parted mklabel doesn't wipe mdraid 0.90 metadata09:02
cjwatsonor we need to work out how to disable dmidecode for this because it isn't going to go well ...09:02
mwhudsoncjwatson: flipflopping about doing something clever with libblkid or just hacking ped_disk_clobber to wipe bigger chunks of the disk09:02
mwhudsoner can you have an ubuntu system without udev?09:03
cjwatsonit's not build-essential09:03
mwhudsoni suppose containers09:03
cjwatsonmwhudson: partman-md already does mdadm --zero-superblock, so why doesn't ubiquity?09:03
infinityI thought we decided that was the right answer.09:04
mwhudsoncjwatson: is mdadm even there?09:04
mwhudsonin the environment ubiquity runs in09:04
cjwatsonmaybe not09:04
infinityAsking any other tool to know where mdadm puts its superblocks is daft.09:04
mwhudsonif so, that would probably be better09:04
cjwatsonit could depend on it, if it doesn't already09:04
infinityGiven that it has many different options.09:04
mwhudsoni also couldn't really figure out where to jam the zero-superblock call09:05
infinityFront, middle, end, sort-of-front-but-not-quite, etc.09:05
cjwatsonmwhudson: I don't think it would be wrong for ped_disk_clobber to put more effort into zeroing superblocks, maybe, but it should go via upstream09:05
mwhudsoncjwatson: yeah that too09:05
cjwatsonI mean it's certainly trying to, as you say09:06
mwhudsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JT4drXBX8r/ <- output from running that d/tests/control09:06
mwhudsonsome of the failures appear to be device nodes for partitions not showing up09:08
* cjwatson gives up on trying to run it as non-root, too annoying09:10
cjwatsonthe tiny gpt test segfault looks worth tracking down09:16
mwhudsoni found another segfault like that09:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1817267 in parted (Ubuntu) "trying to name a partition on a device with no partition table crashes" [Undecided,New]09:20
mwhudsontoday has been quite the sausage factory experience09:21
mwhudsoni tried to file a bug09:23
cjwatsonupstream is theoretically in the process of releasing 3.3, which might be a more rewarding baseline09:28
cjwatson3.2 is really crusty :(09:29
mwhudsonyeah i noticed the pattern of many commits being cherrypicked into the package09:31
mwhudsonah apparently i successfully filed a bug https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=3685309:57
marcoagpintomwhudson: could you explain to me what is "cherrypick"?10:14
marcoagpintoI notice it when I commit things to Gerrit using the browser10:15
enycLocutusOfBorg: hrrm spotting this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox/+bug/180313210:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1803132 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "virtualbox 0day exploit" [Undecided,New]10:23
cjwatsonmarcoagpinto: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Appendix-C%3A-Git-Commands-Patching10:23
LocutusOfBorgenyc, fixed with later releases10:27
marcoagpintoit doesn't explain anything10:28
cjwatsonI don't know how to explain it better than that.  You probably need to have at least a certain amount of git mental model first ...10:34
rafaeldtinocomorning o/10:36
rafaeldtinocorbasak: i was able to make mysql8 <-> dbconfig <-> cacti to work10:36
rafaeldtinocoim finishing up an idea I had (setting $dbc_authplugin) as a debconf param10:36
rafaeldtinocothis way pkg using dbconfig-mysql is able to set auth plugin, and "default" does not set it10:37
rafaeldtinocowill finish up patches and push it10:37
rbasakrafaeldtinoco: nice, thanks!10:40
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enycLocutusOfBorg: i know, but oint bein that is asother support of updating11:41
rbasakTIL: the Debian buildds invoke an entirely separate build for Arch: all, rather than doing it at the same time as one of the "any" architectures. That confused me for a while.13:54
cjwatsonI never got a satisfactory explanation for that approach13:56
cjwatson(Despite talking to the person who set it up, more or less at the time)13:57
rbasakIt might expose a different set of subtle packaging bugs, but I can't see that there's any reason to choose that set from our set.13:58
rbasakToday it just mean that I had to discover sbuild's --no-arch-any option to verify that there wasn't a subtle packaging bug causing the FTBFS for Ubuntu but not Debian (there wan't).13:59
* rbasak needs to type harder14:00
ahasenackok, dh_installman doesn't support [arch] flags in d/foo.manpages14:42
ahasenackshould I work harder to fix this:14:43
ahasenackdebian/pmdk-tools.install:[amd64] usr/bin/rpmemd14:43
ahasenacki.e., one of the binaries isn't built in non-amd64. Should I work hard to not install the manpage in that case?14:43
ahasenackit came like this from debian14:43
cjwatsonahasenack: you could do that with dh-exec14:45
ahasenackremove this manpage from pmdk-tools.manpages, install it conditionally in pmdk-tools.install?14:45
ahasenackI don't think I get the free gzipped version then, do I?14:45
cjwatson#! /usr/bin/dh-exec at the top of debian/pmdk-tools.manpages, chmod +x debian/pmdk-tools.manpages, [amd64] at the start of that line in debian/pmdk-tools.manpages, Build-Depends: dh-exec14:46
rbasakI would spend the effort filing a bug against dh_installman and then forgetting about it :)14:46
cjwatsonshould work14:46
rbasakOr what Colin said14:46
cjwatsonin fact I don't think dh_install supports architecture filtering directly either?14:46
ahasenacka foo.manpages can use dh-exec? I thought that was only for *.install files14:46
cjwatsonso the package must already be using dh-exec14:46
ahasenackcjwatson: correct, the install file is using dh-exec already14:47
cjwatsonI wouldn't file a bug on dh_installman for this because the settled answer is to use dh-exec for this kind of thing14:47
rbasakI didn't realise dh-exec had an arch filter feature14:47
cjwatsonUnless it doesn't work for dh_installman for some reason, but try it14:47
ahasenackwill try14:48
ahasenackhm, got a globbing error now, in another manpage of that same file14:57
* ahasenack investigates14:58
ahasenackdoes anybody know where I can see the dep8 results for squid 4.8-1 in debian? The tracker says it was accepted into unstable: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/squid16:37
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rbasakahasenack: https://ci.debian.net/packages/s/squid/unstable/amd64/ - linked to from the tracker under "debci"16:56
nacci believe 4.8 was maybe manually uploaded16:57
naccso it doesn't go through CI16:57
nacc'not built on buildd'16:57
rbasakOh, I see. Sorry.16:57
naccit's not clear to me, tbh; just seems a bit weird16:58
ahasenack<nacc> so it doesn't go through CI16:59
ahasenackwhat's a "manual upload", and why does it skip testing? Feature or loophole?16:59
tumbleweeda manual upload is a binary upload, built on the developer's machine17:00
ahasenackI had no idea this was possible17:00
tumbleweeddebian is trying to get away from those, thus blocking testing migration17:00
naccI'm not sure it bypasses testing, but if you mean the build-time tests, they obviously aren't run in a binary upload :)17:01
ahasenackI'm after the dep8 results, because this upload has a change in that area that I don't understand17:01
ahasenackand I wanted to check what happened in debian ci with that change17:02
tumbleweedyeah, it simply hasn't run, yet. presumably because fo the binary upload17:03
LaneyI don't know if it is actually implemented, but you can see on tracker.d.o that this upload is not going to migrate17:07
Laneyso you could argue that ci.d.n not running it is correct17:07
tumbleweedI assume britney is triggering the builds, and britney knows it won't migrate17:08
tumbleweed(there are also cron-triggered builds, that may eventually happen here)17:08
Laneyit could happen like that17:08
LaneyI'm not sure if it does, but it could17:08
tumbleweedI'd ask ivodd, but he's off wondering the island somewhere17:08
Laneybritney has 'policies' and they can check the outcomes of the ones that ran before17:08
Laneyso if it's like "were there manual uploads?" "run any autopkgtests", the second part could check if the first part had already vetoed the upload17:09
Laneythat is called REJECTED_PERMENANTLY in britney terminology17:09
ahasenackLaney: how can you tell squid 4.8-1 won't migrate, and why?17:18
Laneyahasenack: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/squid in the middle there17:19
ahasenacknot build on buildd, not considered17:19
ahasenackthe former being the reason why it's not considered? it was a binary upload?17:19
Laneyyeah I'm not actually sure, but maybe17:22
Laneyif you're interested in finding out if that's true, suggest stopping by #debci and asking in there17:22
Laneyor reading the britney code :p17:22
* Laney is uploading some self built binaries to Debian right now, as it happens (still have to do that for the NEW queue)17:24
mwhudsoncjwatson: parted upstream said no to more wiping, btw: https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=3685322:37

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