
=== morphis5 is now known as morphis
Odd_BlokeI'm getting reports from someone in #cloud-init that they uploaded to a PPA (https://launchpad.net/~trstringer/+archive/ubuntu/ppa) a couple of hours ago and they haven't seen anything appear there as yet.17:32
Odd_BlokeThat feels like a long time to be waiting for that; any known issues that haven't made it to the topic?17:32
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: Their upload was rejected due to a keyserver failure (still something we suffer from occasionally, although hopefully hockeypuck will save us soon).  They should reupload18:22
Odd_Blokecjwatson: Thanks!  They attempted that and were told by dput that there was nothing to do (even with force); will they need to bump the version number to do so?18:32
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: I don't believe that they used force.18:39
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: That check is entirely client-side.18:39
cjwatsonAnd --force overrides it.18:39
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: But they could also try just removing the corresponding .upload file.18:40
Odd_BlokeAck, will let them know, thanks!18:45
chillysurferbig thanks to Odd_Bloke :) i'm the one he is helping18:46
chillysurferabout 30 min ago i created a new ppa called "ppa2". i noticed that the ppa title is "ppa2". my original ppa title was "trstring_ppa" but the dput command in launchpad indicated i should use ppa:trstringer/ppa18:46
chillysurfereither way, i just tried pushing to my new ppa, and yep deleting that .upload file allowed me to do it18:47
chillysurferhopefully this one hits the new ppa! wondering if i had a weird timing issue with the other ppa18:47
chillysurferahhh i see18:47
chillysurferjust reread some messages18:47
chillysurferok cool i'll give that a try18:48
pjdccjwatson: do you happen to have the timestamp and key ID for that keyserver failure?  we pointed DNS at hockeypuck in the early hours of 2019-07-30 (~01:12 for ubuntu.com, ~02:09 for internal)22:11
pjdcalthough i suppose something could have still have had the old IPs cached22:11
cjwatsonpjdc: today's failures are in https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/bTRRjwV4Dy/22:18
cjwatsonpjdc: some succeeded on retry, but not all.  The ones that have three failures in quick succession are the ones where retrying didn't help22:18
pjdctaking 0x1FE932B6EA48369D first, hockeypuck/0 received it at 2019-07-31T15:26:56Z, and hockeypuck/1 at 2019-07-31T16:24:23Z - i'd assume the first was --send-keys and the second was via reconciliation. an hour seems like a long time, but if apache send all 3 requests to hockeypuck/1, then that's explainable (although not ideal, and something we should look into)22:29
pjdc0xB6DCBA663EA1B150 is more concering, because it's ancient... unless it wasn't --send-keys until recently22:29
pjdcit did get a new subkey recently: https://hockeypuck.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?search=0xB6DCBA663EA1B150&fingerprint=on&op=index so maybe it was private until then-ish22:30
pjdcthat doesn't seem to be the case, so that one's even iffier22:33
pjdcpretty strange pattern of 200s and 404s on the FEs https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/hRFcjHBmnS/22:39
pjdcanyway, i'll keep looking, will let you know if i find/fix anything22:39
=== viv`d is now known as vivid

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