
=== n-iCe_ is now known as n-iCe
n-iCeAnd back00:08
n-iCehi wxl00:09
n-iCehow are you?00:09
n-iCehtop says now 450MB with irssi00:09
wxlfine thx00:12
lubot<HMollerCl> Hi n-iCe are you from mexico?00:12
n-iCeI am00:12
n-iCeWhy does lubot talks for someone sometimes00:12
n-iCeare in other network?00:12
lubot<HMollerCl> hay un grupo en espaƱol #lubuntu-es00:13
n-iCea veer00:13
lubot<HMollerCl> yess, telegram00:13
wxllooks like irssi is using something like 26m for me00:17
n-iCeyeah a little00:19
n-iCehow do I disable the use of alt + a to open action tab00:19
n-iCesince I use it in my irssi script00:19
n-iCecan't find a way to disable it00:19
wxlin qterminal?00:19
n-iCelet me set the system to english00:21
wxlweird i don't see that hotkey at all00:23
wxlbut file > preferences > shortcuts00:24
n-iCe yeah is not there00:26
n-iCetype alt + a00:26
n-iCesee what it does?00:26
wxlyeah hm00:26
wxlthat's probably going to be more difficult to deal with00:26
wxlevery window with a menu should respond similarly00:26
wxloh hide the menu bar00:27
wxlproblem solved00:27
n-iCethat solved it00:49
=== flix is now known as Guest90228
=== nice is now known as Guest1855
=== nice is now known as Guest26230
guiverc2anyone got any experience with lxqt-panel on small screen 1024x600 but panned (xrandr --out..--panning 1920x1080) - https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2423922&highlight=lubuntu  ... i can play/experiment later with it (experiment on a box) but any pointers welcome :)22:26
wxlguiverc2: oh wow yeah no. might search github issues in lxqt and see if anyone's done similar22:31
guiverc2thanks...  i'll play myself on it first (in a few hours) & then go look..  appreciated wxl  :)22:33
wxlnp thank you!22:33
lubot<HMollerCl> that's is something for lxqt I think22:34
wxli mean ideally monitor settings could handle something like that but it certainly shouldn't override it22:35
lubot<HMollerCl> they haven't implemented all things with xrandr, because of some agnostic issue and wayland22:35
lubot<HMollerCl> that's what they told me when I put the issue on the wallpaper for multiple monitor22:35
wxlstill, it might be worth an upstream issue to track it22:40
guiverc2thanks for insight too HMollerCl  ... I'll play first myself22:42
wxlif lxqt gets in the way of xrandr settings, i would absolutely say that's a bug22:42
wxlthat goes against agnosticism22:42
guiverc2to go upstream, shouldn't we have a lp.bug report first?  though I could use forum thread..  thanks22:47
wxlin an ideal world, yes22:48
guiverc2i'm safe then, this sure isn't an ideal..22:48
wxlbut without the one upstream, the one downstream is probably useless XD22:48
lubot<HMollerCl> guiverc2: https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt/issues/1175#issuecomment-25385919822:51
guiverc2wow.. thanks HMollerCl22:53
lubot<HMollerCl> wxl: look what I found https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-libreoffice-theme22:53
lubot<HMollerCl> and https://github.com/bilelmoussaoui/Hardcode-Tray22:54
wxloh hey were' on support :)22:54
lubot<HMollerCl> jajaj, you are not the only one then22:55
lubot<HMollerCl> confussing channels22:56

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