
didrocksgood morning05:54
dufluHi didrocks05:56
didrockshey duflu06:05
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:32
didrockssalut oSoMoN06:33
oSoMoNsalut didrocks06:33
dufluMorning oSoMoN06:39
oSoMoNgood afternoon duflu06:41
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
dufluJust picked my first self-grown lemon07:50
dufluVery happy with that07:50
dufluMorning Laney08:03
Laneynice one duflu08:03
Laneydo you have to move it inside?08:04
Laneyin the winter08:04
dufluIt is winter, so no :)08:04
dufluBesides, it's a few metres tall and wide08:05
dufluToday winter means 21 degrees apparently08:06
WimpressMorning o/08:07
dufluMorning Wimpress08:07
didrockshey Laney, hope you got some sleep after all :)08:07
didrocksmorning Wimpress08:07
oSoMoNyo Laney, good morning Wimpress08:09
didrockshum, dh_installsystemd doesn't start units by default? /me looks at the man pages08:09
didrocks--no-enable isn't set though, weird08:10
oSoMoNduflu, I planted a lemon tree and an orange tree in the spring, and there's a couple of tiny lemons growing already, I'm eagerly waiting for the winter now08:10
Laneyhey oSoMoN Wimpress08:10
Laneydidrocks: dh_systemd_enable / dh_systemd_start08:11
didrocksLaney: looking at the code, it's also done now by dh_installsystemd08:13
didrocksbut yeah, no Install section, which isn't used in the "successful boot" systemd example, I wonder how that work then…08:13
didrocksLaney: as you can see /lib/systemd/system/systemd-bless-boot.service doesn't have an install section, I wonder how it can work then08:14
LaneyI think those two I mentioned are the ones used by default (see /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/systemd.pm)08:15
didrocksyep, but the sequence is deprecated since compat 1108:15
Laneyah yeh, it depends which compat you have08:16
* didrocks wrote some code on dh_systemd_{enable,start}, but I didn't follow that those were deprecated then08:16
didrocksbut anyway, dh_installsystemd doesn't enable it because of no Install section, which is fine08:16
didrocksbut I wonder how /lib/systemd/system/systemd-bless-boot.service is working then08:16
didrocks(as I'm doing something similar with zsys)08:16
didrockshey Trevinho08:17
Laneyhi Trevinho08:18
Laneydidrocks: where's that enabled on your system?08:18
didrocksLaney: it's not (well, it's vendor preset: enabled for a static unit). But the unit is described in the systemd manpage as an example of a daemon to run on succesful boot08:20
dufluMorning Trevinho08:20
didrocksah, maybe it's the generator pulling it in08:21
didrocksyeah, that's it08:21
Laneythis stuff https://sources.debian.org/src/systemd/242-2/docs/AUTOMATIC_BOOT_ASSESSMENT.md08:21
didrocksright, systemd-boot starts, then the generator saw it was using systemd boot and pull this unit in the transaction08:22
Laneylike dynamic enable08:22
didrocksquite unhelpful it's named as a "good example for running a service on successful boot" by the system doc then, it's a special case :p08:22
oSoMoNgood morning Trevinho08:23
Laneymaybe systemd.special manpage gives you a target that does what you want?08:23
Laneyalthough those boot ones are systemd-boot only I think and that's not explicitly mentioned08:24
didrocksLaney: well, this is where I saw the "boot-complete.target" and this is where I saw "See systemd-bless-boot.service(8) for a service that propagates boot success information to the boot loader, and orders itself after boot-complete.target."08:24
didrocksyeah, I wonder if it's systemd-boot only or not08:24
Laneythat target isn't started here anyway08:24
didrocksright, hence the dynamically pulling in08:25
didrocksbut the description is puzzling "This target is intended as generic synchronization point for services that shall determine or act on whether the boot process completed successfully"08:25
LaneyI guess it should probably mention 'if you are using systemd-boot'08:26
Laney'man 7 bootup' has another diagram08:26
didrocksI guess anyway I want to start After=default.target08:26
didrocksbut I wonder what the [Install] section would look like, it's it's normally the contrary (WantedBy…)08:27
Laneythat sounds right08:28
Laneythen it'll get symlinked in default.target.wants/08:28
didrocksLaney: right, but it can't be WantedBy=default.target and After=default.target, or can it?08:28
didrocksah no, Wants doesn't impact ordering, just "inclusion"08:29
didrocksI always found it puzzling :p08:29
Laneyyeah sure it can08:29
LaneyWantedBy on a target gets you an After= by default btw08:30
didrocksthis is weird, no? If B is wanted by A, I would expect the normal case to be "A is done once B is done"08:30
didrocksdone as "started" here08:31
didrocksbut yeah, that's the contrary08:31
didrocksafter all those years of systemd, can still be tricked :)08:31
Laneyjob security :p08:32
Laneyyou might want to get a review from someone like Colin about default.target though - afaik that'll mean that it is ~always started08:32
Laneyand there might be a better one to pick that expresses what you want08:33
didrocksLaney: yeah, the goal is to have it started on server and desktop, but I'll ask him when NEWing it08:33
Laneylike even if you do systemd.unit=emergency.target on the commandline08:34
didrockshum, and a combination of After=multi-users.target graphical.target default.target then?08:34
didrocksI wonder how that works when emergecy.target is targetted and the others aren't the transaction08:34
didrocksneeds experimentations :)08:35
Laneythe unit you boot to is aliased to default.target08:35
didrocksright, I know taht, hence the additional constratints08:35
didrocksI'll give it some tries08:35
LaneyI mean probably ideally you want that boot-complete.target for grub2 too08:36
Laneybut ...08:36
didrockssounds like impactful08:36
* Laney wouldn't want to propose that :-)08:36
didrocksyep ;)08:36
didrockslet me ask Balint, he did the last uploads on systemd08:39
didrocksrbalint: hey, do you have some opinions on a good syntax to have an unit running once a system is considered as booted successful (basically after default.target when it's either multi-user.target or graphical.target, but not emergency.target for instance)? It seems that boot-complete.target is only enabled dynamically if systemd-boot is used (by the systemd-bless-boot-generator)08:42
didrocksah, it seems that After= + Conflicts= on emergency.target would help08:47
rbalintdidrocks, yes08:49
didrocksrbalint: ok, doing this and giving it some trials then. Thanks for confirming08:49
rbalintdidrocks, but would not WantedBy= be enough instead of Conflicts=?08:52
* rbalint reading backlog08:54
didrocksrbalint: I need to point to default.target for being able to run on servers (where it's multi-users.target) and desktop (graphical.target). However, default.target points to emergency.target if you enter this mode, and I don't want this unit to be run in that case (as the boot isn't "sucessful" for zsys)08:57
rbalintah, ok, btw why don't you want it in emergency.target?09:13
didrocksbecause the unit/service purpose is to signal to zfs that the boot was successful, meaning "we can boot all a working server/desktop env" (which isn't what emergency.target conveys)09:14
rbalintdidrocks, i don't think you need to special-case emergency.target in your services file, emergency.target won't start other services by default (while you can start them manually)09:37
didrocksrbalint: wouldn't WantedBy=default.target be equivalent to emergency.target?09:37
didrocksif you start the system explicitely with emergency09:38
rbalintdidrocks, no, emergency.target is special and will not run services09:39
didrocksrbalint: ok, worth a try then, thanks for the feedback :)09:40
Laneywhat about rescue.target?09:40
rbalintLaney, special targets don't need special handling in 'normal' services to minimize the configuration to be written, so it should not be handled in zsys either imo09:42
Laneyif the point of the service is to record a successful boot09:42
rbalintLaney, the zsys service would not be run by default in rescue.target because it is a generic service09:45
Laneyrbalint: ok, I'll take your word for it, thx09:49
rbalintdidrocks, Laney a good way of looking at the connections between targets services is runnuning systemd-analyze dot | grep rescue09:49
Laneyperhaps default.target is statically defined and not per-boot like I thought it was09:49
Laneyif so, then this wouldn't be a particular problem09:49
didrocksrbalint: ok, however, we don't have the link with "default.target", but I'll take your work on it too :) (better to not hardcode anything)09:50
didrocksLaney: seems like default.targe requires multi-user.target09:51
Laneyit's a symlink09:51
didrocksah right09:51
Laneyto graphical.target, but I thought systemd set that up in /run or something when you give systemd.unit09:52
Laneymaybe not09:52
didrocksso yeah, maybe not dynamic09:52
didrocksit means that desktop/server package have some Replaces?09:52
Laneynot sure who manages that09:52
Laneylooks like we always pull graphical.target09:55
LaneyTIL I guess :>09:56
didrockswondering what happens on server, so graphical.target but not real interesting units installed on it09:56
didrocksyep :p09:56
Laneymeans you can't just install something for graphical.target and assume it won't be run on a server09:56
didrocksor you can say "if you install gdm on server, it will start it", which is the positive side :p09:57
didrocksbut yeah, I wasn't expecting that either09:57
ograoSoMoN, do you have nscd or unscd installed on the machine you are testing the chromium snap ?14:17
robert_ancellkenvandine, do you know who would be able to respond to https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/issues/1433 ?15:21
oSoMoNogra, neither, so I guess the fact that I'm seeing this working is because the test service is on the same machine15:23
oSoMoNoh, just seeing your followup comment now…15:23
oSoMoNI wonder what differs between our setups15:24
oSoMoNwould anyone be willing to test bug #1838038 and comment on whether the test in comment #1 is working for them?15:25
ubot5bug 1838038 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "[snap] Chromium does not work with .local mdns/avahi name resolution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183803815:25
kenvandinerobert_ancell: there's work close to landing that will help improve support for using themed icons15:33
kenvandineso if that icon was in the yaru theme15:33
kenvandinewe can install our current  icon as a fallback for when the theme doesn't provide it15:33
ograoSoMoN, well, it is very funny that it works for you because thats technically impossible (no mdns support in core means you simply can not access that protocol) ... are you 100% sure you are using the snap binary ? :)16:22
ogra(or are accidentually running in --devmode or some such ....)16:24
oSoMoNogra, "impossible n’est pas français" :) yes, I'm positive I'm running the actual chromium snap, strictly confined16:26
ograso weird16:26
oSoMoNwill try in a VM in a moment16:26
oSoMoNtoo many VMs running at once…16:27
ograwell, it starts woring fine for all my snaps when installing nscd but thats a universe package we cn indeed not require .... it also makes spotify discovery for other devices work ...l which also depends on mdns ...16:28
ograas soon as i install nscd my snap starts seeing the chromecase i my living room and my phone16:28
ograif i remove it again chromium and spotify reliable refuse to open mdns stuff again16:29
oSoMoNogra, including that very simple test with the python http server?16:29
oSoMoNI probably have additional stuff on my laptop that somehow make this work16:30
ograwell, nscd or unscd would be a candidate, thats whyy i asked .... i wouldnt know any other thing that could make it work though16:30
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
robert_ancellwillcooke, can you open a new team update thread?17:44
willcookerobert_ancell, on it17:45
willcookerobert_ancell, https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/desktop-team-update-monday-5th-august-2019/1205917:47
robert_ancellwillcooke, argh, now I've forgotten the thing I had done I was going to note...18:03
robert_ancellpopey, did you intentionally add the whitespace in the description text of Word Salad snap but expect it to be in bold, i.e. "** Word Salad **"? (See https://github.com/canonical-web-and-design/snapcraft.io/issues/2127)18:45
robert_ancell(If it is supposed to be bold please leave as is until the bug is checked)18:45

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