
mahdi_jai configure a ftp server and when i want connect to it i get this error : packet_write_wait: Connection to port 22: Broken pipe03:12
mahdi_jaConnection closed03:12
sarnoldmahdi_ja: port 22 is ssh03:16
sarnolddid you configure sftp instead?03:17
sarnold(sftp is far better than ftp for most users)03:17
mahdi_jasarnold, yes i configure sftp03:23
sarnoldmahdi_ja: can you ssh to localhost?03:23
mahdi_jayes i do this for test03:23
mahdi_jasarnold, yes i do this for test03:24
sarnoldmahdi_ja: so ssh works but sftp doesn't?03:24
mahdi_jasarnold, whit ssh i get this error :Permission denied, please try again.03:26
sarnoldmahdi_ja: I think solving that will go a long way03:27
mahdi_jasarnold, and how ?03:27
sarnoldmahdi_ja: check the sshd logs, auth logs, see what errors it's reporting03:28
mahdi_jasarnold, thank you03:32
sarnoldmahdi_ja: time for me to run, have fun, good luck, and paste errors to a pastebin if you need more, hopefully someone will be around :)03:32
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emOneAre there some default lists of ports that should be closed by default?10:39
emOneare there any ports which are already closed on ubuntu server ?10:40
lotuspsychjeemOne: security is a wide area to deal with10:41
lotuspsychjeemOne: try to nmap yourself externally, to see whats open and what not10:41
lotuspsychjeemOne: the attacker is always looking for 24/7 servers with interesting services that are exploitable10:42
emOneI believe none of my ports are firewalled10:44
lotuspsychjeemOne: its a combo of interesting services they are after, updated or not is important10:44
lotuspsychjeemOne: try nmap -PN -sV ip for services10:44
emOnelotuspsychje: I received an email saying I should do something about my port 111 which is used by portmapper10:45
lotuspsychjeemOne: running NFS?10:47
emOnelotuspsychje: I am not sure. I locked myself out while activating the firewall10:48
emOnetrying to get back online10:49
weedmicBefore I write a programme to do the following, is there already such a tool?  runs every x mins, check items v triggers, if trigger is met, send warning email, if triggers not met, apend to report.  captures snapshot of cpus usage, memory usage, storage remaining.  Sends report once each day, sends triggers immediately.11:43
lordievaderweedmic: This sounds like Zabbix11:50
weedmicwill check - i normally use htop and have a big monitor with lots open all the time, but, this is for someone in the backoffice to glance at once a day.11:57
vltweedmic: Or Nagios/Icinga.12:31
lordievaderweedmic: Zabbix will nag at you when things hit the fan 😋12:53
weedmicwhen htop reports "load average = 18.6" and I have 40 cpus, the number is cpu equivalents?  t/f?13:48
naccweedmic: load average is about (in some sense) runnable processes, it's not normalized to how many cpus you have13:50
weedmicso, 18.6 means about 18 processies are running at the same time on average?14:01
weedmicif so, how does one know when the number is high enough to be a concern/worry?14:02
lordievaderIt is not necesarily running. It means that 18.6 cores are busy a 100% of the time.14:17
lordievaderWhat I typically do is normalize the load by dividing it between the number of cores/cpus available. That way if it reaches a 100% I know the machine is fully utilized. Above it the machine is over utilized, etc.14:18
weedmicok, so it is like I thought, but you are saying cores not cpus.  I have a lot more cores than cpus, so 18.6 must be unimportant.14:24
weedmici meant threads not cores nor cpus14:24
naccweedmic: every hardware thread is a logical CPU in Linux; load isn't really core based -- it's logical CPU based15:16
weedmicto calculate average cpu load, i can do "inxi -x -C", add all the cpu (col 3) and divide by 5 (It only does top 5) - correct?15:44
weedmicnvm - the real thing i wanted was "cat /proc/loadavg”"15:48
tewardahasenack: can i coopt you to do some nginx testing for me?16:43
tewardvery basic tests but :P16:43
ahasenackteward: probably :)16:43
tewardahasenack: can you install nginx from bionic updates, remove the IPv6 listen line, and then restart NGINX, and see if it still listens on IPv6?16:44
ahasenackthat would be odd if it did16:44
tewardfrom what I can tell a straight `listen 80;` will still listen on both v4 and v6 in most modern setups16:44
ahasenackand the host, ipv6 enabled? For this test16:44
tewardsince listen 80 without is a "bind all"16:44
tewardand then if you want to test with v6 disabled feel free16:44
ahasenacklet me get a vm then16:44
tewardto my knowledge based on the documentation, listen :80 is equivalent to "LIsten on port 80 on all available interfaces and IP addresses"16:45
tewardand listens on and [::]:8016:45
ahasenackupstream said in the upstream bug that by default nginx doesn't listen on ipv6, though16:47
ahasenackbut we shall know in a few16:47
ahasenackteward: hm, looks like it stops listening on ipv6: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/McKNnMTBSS/16:48
tewardahasenack: AIUI though disabled IPv6 is nonstandard16:49
tewardand not the 'norm'16:49
tewardtherefore this is an edge case that we can't easily adapt for...16:49
ahasenackI tend to agree16:49
ahasenacksshd ships with16:49
tewardi could have SWORN we had another bug like this16:50
ahasenack#ListenAddress ::16:50
ahasenackcommented like that16:50
* teward digs into it16:50
ahasenackand it doesn't fail to start if ipv6 isn't there16:50
ahasenackbut I think it would fail if the ipv6 line was uncommented16:50
ahasenackand ipv6 was not supported16:50
tewardfairly sure https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/+bug/1743592 is a dupe of this16:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1743592 in nginx (Ubuntu) "NGINX fails to install/upgrade if IPv6 is completely disabled." [Low,Triaged]16:51
ahasenackagreed it is16:51
tewardduped it16:52
tewardwe could introduce this in Eoan first16:52
tewardsee if there's any whining/moaning16:52
tewardbut it's not SRU-able on its own16:52
tewardrbasak: ^ in case you want to check my brain on this16:53
tewardbut i'm fairly sure a 'default config' change SRU is not going to be enough to be SRU worthy on its own16:53
tewardnor would such an SRU actually *get* to the end users side of things because of how config files're handled16:54
rbasakSorry, I'm just finishing one thing and then I need to run.16:56
rbasakI'll try to remember to look later16:56
ahasenackteward: I tend to agree. The main argument being, I think, that if you changed your system to completely disable ipv6, at the OS level, then you should also take care of individual configuration changes that are needed per service16:57
tewardrbasak: no problem, it's not SRUable in my opinion and because of how dpkg handles config files files would not get overwritten by default.16:58
tewardjust wanting to check my brain here :)16:58
ahasenackbecause this could be surprising in the other way around too: you want ipv6 enabled, you have configured a listen directive for it, then for reasons outside your control suddenly ipv6 is disabled and your site is not reachable via that protocol anymore16:58
tewardahasenack: that's also my opinion.  we could comment out the v6 line for Eoan+ but not get that backports.16:58
ahasenacknginx not starting up is a valid failure mode16:58
tewardand we even have that in the config if port 80 is already bound to16:58
tewardat least, in later16:58
tewardlater NGINX versions in Ubuntu*16:58
axisystcpdump on port 443 shows packets coming, openssl s_client -connect remote:443 gets certificate , but netstat -tunlp | grep 443 shows only port 8443 .. what is tied to port 443 ?19:46
axisyshttps://remote takes me to the site19:46
tdsaxisys: just to check, you're running that netstat command on "remote"?19:47
tdseither way, I'd check for iptables rules, port 443 may be redirected to a different local port19:48
axisysyes running on remote :-)19:48
axisystds: ah.. that was it19:49
axisystds: -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination
axisystds: thank you19:49
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