
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:07
bigcalmHello once again. Bit quiet in here now?14:23
daftykinshey bigcalm - long time no see, how goes it?14:23
bigcalmCurrently, spiffing, thanks :)14:24
bigcalmYour fine self?14:24
daftykinsyeah all the better for the cooler weather having returned :D14:25
bigcalmThe ups and downs of living in Brit land14:25
daftykinsyip yip14:26
daftykinsthankfully down here in the Channel Islands it didn't get as hot as in say, London14:26
bigcalmNo escaping the sea air14:28
daftykinsmmm it helps nicely to stop those heat waves14:28
m0nkey_All we do is wave15:07
* m0nkey_ wonders how many Ubuntuers he can convert to FreeBSD15:11
bigcalmWhat are the benefits?15:14
m0nkey_ports :)15:28
m0nkey_Not really trying to convert people. Use whatever works for you15:28
bigcalmI am always curious as to know what else is out there and if are better tools15:29
m0nkey_FreeBSD is another Unix like OS, native ZFS support, ports tree is comprehensive, excellent documentation and handbook. If you ever want to escape systemd or or upstart, there's that. lol15:30
* m0nkey_ summons diddledan over to the red side15:31
daftykinshe doesn't talk to us lowly folk anymore :(15:32
m0nkey_Now that he's a snap maintainer....15:33
daftykinsmmm he's too far gone :(15:36
zmoylan-piwe'll just have to get him promoted to crackle or pop... :-P23:03

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