[08:07] morning boys and girls. [08:36] o/ [08:40] o/ [14:23] Hello once again. Bit quiet in here now? [14:23] always [14:23] hey bigcalm - long time no see, how goes it? [14:24] Currently, spiffing, thanks :) [14:24] Your fine self? [14:25] yeah all the better for the cooler weather having returned :D [14:25] The ups and downs of living in Brit land [14:26] yip yip [14:26] thankfully down here in the Channel Islands it didn't get as hot as in say, London [14:28] No escaping the sea air [14:28] mmm it helps nicely to stop those heat waves [15:07] All we do is wave [15:07] o/ [15:09] :) [15:09] \o [15:11] * m0nkey_ wonders how many Ubuntuers he can convert to FreeBSD [15:11] :) [15:14] What are the benefits? [15:28] ports :) [15:28] Not really trying to convert people. Use whatever works for you [15:28] ;) [15:29] I am always curious as to know what else is out there and if are better tools [15:30] FreeBSD is another Unix like OS, native ZFS support, ports tree is comprehensive, excellent documentation and handbook. If you ever want to escape systemd or or upstart, there's that. lol [15:31] * m0nkey_ summons diddledan over to the red side [15:32] he doesn't talk to us lowly folk anymore :( [15:33] lol [15:33] Now that he's a snap maintainer.... [15:36] mmm he's too far gone :( [23:03] we'll just have to get him promoted to crackle or pop... :-P