[19:37] Eickmeyer: looking through my log file, I find a number of: music indicator-sound[1602]: accounts-service-access.vala:218: unable to sync volume 0.459806 to AccountsService: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: No such interface 'com.ubuntu.AccountsService.Sound' [19:38] Now I am happy that no indicator can make sounds happen. However, it would be nice to stop those sounds farther up the chain for no errors in the log [19:39] (that would be /var/log/syslog) [19:49] Well, xfce4-volumed needs to be removed. You need xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin and add it to your panel. Does the same thing, but doesn't have the issues. [19:57] Ya, I am running 18.04 so it may be fixed by now. [20:55] why would someone use ubuntu studio?? [20:56] i always just used ubuntu, so i wonder why ubuntu studio [20:56] !ubuntustudio | spicey [20:56] is it better for video editing etcetera?? [20:56] spicey: Ubuntu Studio is an official flavor of Ubuntu for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their creativity workstation. It contains packages for artists of all kinds, including Audio, Music, Video, Photography, Graphic Design, and Publishing. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org [20:56] it depends on what you are trying to do [20:56] i tried to work with video editing programs like kdenlive before, it would be nice to find something stable that works for ubuntu [20:57] Also, this is the development collaboration channel. Please head over to #ubuntustudio for these kinds of questions. [20:57] i tried all of them kdenlive is best what i found [20:57] ow ok sorry [20:57] thx for the info :) [20:58] You're welcome. :) [21:01] !ubuntustudio is Ubuntu Studio is an official flavor of Ubuntu for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their creativity workstation. It contains applications for artists of all kinds, including Audio, Music, Video, Photography, Graphic Design, and Publishing. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org