
=== markthomas_ is now known as markthomas
atdprhsHello everyone, I really need some help about https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/issues/641#issuecomment-399999436 , i don't know how to do this after conjure-up (which uses juju) kubernetes-core deployment, can anyone help me please?00:37
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kelvinliu_hi atdprhs it's worth to have a check on #conjure-up02:06
kelvinliu_it's like you need customise some options for k8s api-server,02:08
atdprhskelvinliu_I am already checking with them but no answer, but as far as I know, conjure-up is using juju02:10
atdprhsso my best guess on such issue, it needs juju involvement02:10
kelvinliu_it's more like you need config the deployment.02:11
kelvinliu_i m not sure if u can find the config option from here, https://jaas.ai/u/containers/kubernetes-master02:15
kelvinliu_juju config kubernetes-master apiserver-cert-extra-xxxx=xxxxx02:17
kelvinliu_u just need to set the config like this02:17
atdprhsCould this help with the DNS issue?02:20
kelvinliu_from the link u give me, they fix it by customising the api-server option.02:22
atdprhsyes, I see `kubeadm init --apiserver-cert-extra-sans="mydomainhere.com" --pod-network-cidr="" --service-cidr="" --apiserver-advertise-address=""`02:24
atdprhsI don't know how or to what I configure `--pod-network-cidr="" --service-cidr=""`02:24
kelvinliu_so it's not an issue with juju at all,02:25
atdprhsOn kubernetes chat, I have received a response from one of the guys there `I used conjure-up to deploy my k8s and use cert manager. What is wrong that you're trying to fix here? Do you have the same issue as the bug? Do you know what is actually happening to get an odd cert like that? It looks like the solution was just to change or define network02:25
atdprhsstuff and extra sans. You can do all that with juju, but shouldn't have to do it.`02:25
atdprhsThis guy is currently offline02:26
kelvinliu_as i just said, u will need find the relevant options in the doc of kubernetes master then run the cmd above to config it02:26
atdprhsbut based on him, it look like it's all juju02:26
atdprhsFrom the document you sent `DNS for the cluster` might help I guess as I know it's DNS issue, cuz all of my pods can't communicate with any HTTPs, my cert-manager gets `cert-manager/controller/clusterissuers "msg"="error setting up issuer" "error"="Get https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory: x509: certificate is valid for ingress.lo02:27
atdprhscal, not acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org" "resource_kind"="ClusterIssuer" "resource_name"="letsencrypt-staging" "resource_namespace"=""` and my other pods are also reporting similar issue like `https://github.com/...: x509: certificate is valid for ingress.local`02:27
kelvinliu_sorry, im not an expert of k8s api-server, it's better to wait him online or ask others in k8s channel.02:33
atdprhsthat's alright kelvinliu_ I really appreciated your responses, it's ok, I'll be waiting for this guy looks like :D02:33
timClicksatdprhs: did you get anywhere? you could try filing a question at https://discourse.jujucharms.com/, where we have a conjure-up category04:56
atdprhsThanks timClicks, I created https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/https-acme-staging-v02-api-letsencrypt-org-directory-x509-certificate-is-valid-for-ingress-local-not-acme-staging-v02-api-letsencrypt-org/189405:54
atdprhsI gotta go, I hope someone could help about05:55
stickupkidOT: i've added consumming offer in add_relation, just adding an integration test - then I can add the bundle changes stuff :D11:17
achilleasastickupkid: can you please take a look at https://github.com/juju/charmrepo/pull/154?11:57
stickupkidachilleasa done LGTM12:54
hmlstickupkid: here is the forward port pr if you have a minute: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1047713:49
hmlstickupkid: should be the same as 10475 but for develop13:49
stickupkidhml, done - tiny nit, ignore if you like13:51
hmlstickupkid: i might, ty - it’s been like that for a while.  :-/13:52
stickupkidhml, fine by me, i don't expect it to be fix tbh, just a pointer :D13:52
hmlachilleasa:  starting qa of 10476.  :-)14:25
hmlachilleasa:  for QA, the default model only has offers and no units?, and i have 2 units in the test1 model?14:40
stickupkidcan you not consume an offer using add_relation...?14:55
stickupkidah, i wonder if you have ubuntu as a saas and nrpe as a subordinate it won't work, if so the error message sucks14:58
hmlstickupkid: are you doing the break it qa?  i’m following the happy path qa14:59
stickupkidhml, this is for pylib14:59
stickupkidhml, trying to test my add_relation code, i choose my charms badly15:00
jamstickupkid: achilleasa: I'm updating the webhooks for charmrepo15:12
stickupkidjam, ta15:12
jamstickupkid: achilleasa: did you add a Jekins job ?15:12
jamstickupkid: I don't see a github-check-merge-juju-charmrepo job15:12
stickupkidjam, i've not - but i can check15:12
jamChecking issue comment '!!build!!15:15
jam' for repo juju/charmrepo”15:15
jamstickupkid: ^^ log/all so I think that is wired up, just needs the jobs15:15
jamachilleasa: question about the pr15:20
stickupkidjam, has triggered a build, but it's not updating github15:21
jamWe want to make sure that we're properly handling Channels, as it is one of the major features of charmstore-next15:21
jamstickupkid: bot probably doesn't have perms, will check15:21
jamstickupkid: bots added and given Write15:22
stickupkidjam, nice works15:22
stickupkidachilleasa, so it fails now trying to find a mongo15:23
jamstickupkid: sounds like the setup script needs to use one of the mongodb based ones15:24
jamstickupkid: you can look at juju/txn I think ?15:24
jamit installs mongo and go before running the tests15:24
stickupkidjam, fair, i'll fix15:25
stickupkidwhoa - this feels wrong "curl -sS --tlsv1.2 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golang/dep/master/install.sh | sh"15:26
stickupkidjam, that works now15:29
achilleasahml: I have replied to your comment in the bundle PR. Can you take a look?17:05
hmlachilleasa: can we reword the error… extremely misleading17:07
hmlERROR cannot deploy bundle17:07
achilleasahml: technically, the bundle deployment fails (partially). Any ideas for a more descriptive error? (also a question for rick_h)17:10
hmlachilleasa: what are the peices of a bundle called?17:11
achilleasahml: "bundle changes". Although I don't think we have user-facing terms for them (I could be wrong though)17:12
hmlachilleasa:  thinking of some idea in the pr.17:12
hml ERROR bundle deployment failed at:17:13
achilleasahml: I think the confusion stems from the fact that this is all non-transactional. Because if it fails for whatever reason you end up with an unclean state17:14
achilleasahml: I think server-side validation prior to deployment would address this problem in a better way17:15
achilleasaIf I saw "bundle deployment failed" I would assume, as a user, that the changes were rolled back and I am back to where I started17:16
hmlachilleasa: and i forget that… i believe rerunning the bundle is idempotent17:16
achilleasahml: yes, it should fetch the current model and only apply the missing bits17:16
achilleasahml: in my mind, the proper way to deal with this is to treat bundles as entities that are tracked by the state (which could also theoretically allow us to un-deploy a bundle which is a pain ATM)17:19
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=== joedborg_ is now known as joedborg
Beta_Testerhi all, i've been reading up on maas and juju to learn more. there is a lot of great documentation, but i can't seem to find any docs about configuring lxd on maas acquired machines.23:06
Beta_Testerin trying to use spaces, i keep getting errors about no available space, however i am binding the app with the appropriate space in the app config.yaml23:08

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