
=== lex is now known as Guest77330
CrellHi folks. Question. I've a Kubuntu 19.04 laptop. It is, for unknown reasons, refusing to connect to some Wifi networks. Or rather, it says it connects but never gets an IP, and never gets redirected to the network's registration page. (Hotel Wifi.)  It works tethered through my phone, but it seems networks that require registration it won't work on. This is the second hotel where it's happened. What could be the issue?02:09
DarinMillerCrell: Does the networkmanager show the connection to the hotel wifi?  By chance, do you just need to launch a browser and acknowledge the hotel login?02:20
CrellNetwork manager shows the connection and says it's connected.02:22
CrellI go to my browser (firefox or chrome) and it never tries to connect to the registration form, just says it can't connect to whatever site I try to access.02:22
CrellI have also tried rebooting, and at the last hotel I called tech support and they registered my MAC manually, yet it still wouldn't connect.02:23
CrellAlso, fun fact. I'm using my phone hotspot right now to talk to you, and it's periodically failing that connection, too.  Disconnecting and reconnecting it works.02:25
CrellSo something is definitely wrong.02:25
valoriein the past, I too have had difficulty getting the browser to connect to the registration page02:47
valorieeventually by trying various browsers, I got one to do it02:47
valoriemy solution was to leave that one open with just that page02:47
CrellWhich one worked?  I tried both that I have on here.02:47
valoriewhile using my usual02:47
valorieI think chrome or FF worked02:48
valorieI usually use Falkon02:48
valorieI hate those captive things02:48
valoriehotels and airports are infamous for using them02:48
CrellYeah.  That's what seems to be broken, though.  Yet my phone didn't even need a registration page.  It just-worked.02:51
valorieright, I've seen that sometimes as well02:51
valoriereally annoying02:51
CrellIndeed.  No idea what the cause is, though?03:08
valorieI don't03:10
valoriehowever the fact that *some* browser succeeds leaves me thinking that it's crap web-programming03:11
valoriemicrosoft browsers are well-known for working anyway on really crappy sites03:11
valorielinux is a bit more picky in expecting sites to meet standards03:12
CrellBut why wouldn't it work then even after the tech support at the last hotel manually registered my MAC?03:20
valoriethat probably doesn't affect a browser one way or another03:28
valoriebut I don't know enough to say03:28
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lordievaderGood morning06:04
LINKSWORD2Hello everybody.06:29
LINKSWORD2Changed my mind. I'll come back when I'm awake.06:30
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addminDo I know you from somewhere?08:49
BluesKajHi folks10:20
IrcsomeBotDavid . was added by: David .11:54
IrcsomeBot<David .> HI,12:58
acehole_fun fun12:58
acehole_im ready to chat with some one?13:01
BluesKajacehole_, this not a general chat room. It's for Kubuntu support. If you have a support question then just state your issue.13:04
BluesKajoops, too late13:04
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