
=== Lord-Kam_ is now known as Lord-Kamina
chillysurferhello! yesterday i created a ppa on launchpad and then i subsequently pushed a .changes file to it. dput reported success, but looking this morning it doesn't seem like the package "went" to my ppa15:32
chillysurferis there any way to troubleshoot this?15:32
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cjwatsonchillysurfer: Wasn't that the one we discussed yesterday, determined to have been a keyserver failure, and told you you should reupload?16:36
cjwatsonchillysurfer: Or was this a subsequent failure?16:37
chillysurfersubsequent failure16:37
chillysurferi tried again this morning (maybe 1 hour ago?)16:37
cjwatsonchillysurfer: I see a couple of rejections that our logs say were emailed to you - check your spam folders and such?16:37
chillysurfercjwatson: Source/binary (i.e. mixed) uploads are not allowed16:37
cjwatsonYou need to use debuild -S or similar16:38
chillysurfercjwatson: so the problem is rooted in that i tried to push a .deb _and_ a .orig.tar.gz?16:38
cjwatsonWell, that you tried to push a .deb at all16:39
chillysurferoh i see16:39
cjwatsonLaunchpad does not accept and will never accept binary uploads of .debs16:39
cjwatsonOnly source uploads16:39
chillysurfercjwatson: so i should modify my .changes file to remove the deb from the Files list before signing it and dput'ing it?16:40
chillysurfer(sorry for the basic questions)16:40
cjwatsonYou should just use the -S option to the tool you're using to build it in the first place16:40
cjwatsonIt is possible to excise it from the .changes file by hand but I wouldn't recommend it16:40
chillysurfercjwatson: ok cool. i'll figure that out. the cloud-init project has a wrapper script (packages/bddeb) that "does it all"16:41
cjwatsonWhat tool are you using to build the upload?16:41
cjwatsonThat sounds like a script to do a local test build, not one intended for building uploads to PPAs16:41
chillysurfercjwatson: yeah that sounds about right16:41
chillysurferi'll just make a debuild call directly16:41
cjwatsonDEBUILD_ARGS = ["-S", "-d"]16:42
cjwatsonHm, it does seem to at least be trying16:42
chillysurfercjwatson: oh nice16:42
chillysurferi'll give that a shot too16:42
cjwatsonAh, you have to pass -S to packages/bddeb16:42
cjwatsonIt accepts it and passes it through16:42
chillysurfercjwatson: nice!16:43
* chillysurfer is trying that now16:43
cjwatsonI don't know how much it's worth it, but if it fits your workflow, sure16:43
cjwatsonMake sure you end up with a *_source.changes16:43
chillysurfercjwatson: oh that's the .changes file to dput?16:43
chillysurfercjwatson: i guess there's no benefit to using this wrapper script then instead just calling debuild though..16:43
cjwatsonNot sure, I see it's doing some other stuff with preparing the tree and working out a version number and such16:46
cjwatsonHaven't played human python interpreter for long enough to work out how much of it is a no-op :-)16:46
Odd_Blokechillysurfer: We can take this conversation back to #cloud-init, but the TL;DR is that you will want to use bddeb because we only ship debian file _templates_ in upstream cloud-init; there isn't a debian/ directory for you to use the normal Debian tools on.16:50
Odd_Bloke(So bddeb constructs a temporary tree and build in there for you.)16:51
chillysurferOdd_Bloke: ahhh ok in that case i'll just pass -S to bddeb then!16:51
chillysurferahhh it's in my ppa!! what a great feeling. thanks so much cjwatson and Odd_Bloke!!16:56
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