
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
n-iCehey hey21:34
lubot<ctisme> @kc2bez [<kc2bez> To check on the sshd service you can issue a `systemctl status sshd`in …], it is up and running but only after i login the box pingable and reached21:42
kc2bez@ctisme you upgrade this installation from 18.04 if I recall correctly?21:44
lubot<ctisme> yes, you are correct21:44
kc2bezwxl: Do you you have any guidance on the above situation^? @ctisme upgraded from 18.04 and now has to login to the system before network starts.22:18
wxl18.04 -> 19.04?22:19
kc2bezNot sure if that was a direct hop.? @ctisme22:21

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