[05:41] good morning [06:13] Hi didrocks [06:19] hey duflu [07:00] good morning desktoppers [07:00] Morning oSoMoN [07:04] hey duflu [07:13] salut oSoMoN [07:13] salut didrocks === pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski [08:03] hey [08:08] Hi Laney [08:10] good morning Laney [08:22] morning Laney [08:30] hey duflu didrocks oSoMoN [09:56] o/ [10:01] hey Wimpress [10:03] Wey! [10:06] Morning Wimpress and Trevinho [10:07] morning Wimpress, Trevinho === alan_g is now known as alan_g_ === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk [16:49] didrocks: any idea what I need to do with the patch in gnome-shell now that !1 is merged? [16:51] Laney: !1 doesn't address the whole patch need, but at least, you can now know what are session mods [16:51] are you able to fix it up? [16:51] and so, in the ubuntu session, only load for extensions part of the current mod [16:52] Laney: unsure I'll have the time before my holidays [16:52] but I can give it a try, don't expect before next week though [16:52] just hands me something than can compile and disable the patch :) [16:53] ok, thanks [16:54] do you mind filing a bug and assign it to me so that I don't forgot about it after the week-end? [16:54] is a trello card ok? [16:54] i made a gnome 3.33.4 board, would be nice to keep all the bits in there [16:55] a trello card is fine :) [16:55] great [16:55] thx [16:56] oho, Florian committed enable-hot-corners patch [16:56] niceeeeeeeeeeeeee [17:01] laney, hi [17:02] laney, I have a solution for the autopkgtest script for NM, I have added it to my merge request on LP. Could you check it? [17:04] tkamppeter: can you file a new merge request please? I just uploaded your one earlier today, did you see? [17:05] I'm not sure if I'll be able to get to it before my holidays though [17:06] Laney, then you have already caught my fix, as I have added it some days ago. [17:06] ok [17:07] So seems that the merge e-mail notification did not come through or got swamped by notifications for HEXR (why do I get these?)/. [17:08] Laney, thanks, and happy holidays (beach in Brazil?). [17:08] no, that would have been nice though [17:08] back in the UK [17:09] Laney, mas Brasil 'e muito bonito, que pena que você não aproveitou depois da debconf. [17:13] eu queria voltar para minha bonito casa [17:15] my hovercraft is full of eels ? [17:17] Laney, você fala bem português. [17:19] tkamppeter: eu tive assistência [17:20] até logo! [17:22] * Laney nibbles on ogra [17:23] Laney, boas ferias! [17:31] Trevinho: Hi [17:31] k_alam: hi [17:32] Trevinho: good afternoon [17:33] Trevinho: Can you make 18.04 branch for unity-settings-daemon? I have SRU merge pending [17:37] Trevinho: And when you have time please take a look on this https://code.launchpad.net/~khurshid-alam/indicator-appmenu/ignore-desktop/+merge/366990 [17:38] k_alam: ok, please remind me nex tweek though as tomorrrow I'm off [17:39] Alright. No prob. Thanks === tedg_ is now known as tedg === kenvandine_ is now known as kenvandine === zyga_ is now known as zyga === joedborg_ is now known as joedborg