[00:31] lol [00:52] a friend who was also looking at ISO 27001 has just told me about this, looks a lot easier so maybe it can be done sooner - https://www.cyberessentials.ncsc.gov.uk/ [01:09] yip looks super basic [06:29] morning boys and girls. [08:26] o/ [08:27] \o === alan_g is now known as alan_g_ [12:03] poor cat has a new hole in her that shouldn't be there, time for an emergency vets trip [12:23] how did she do it? :-( [12:24] not a clue, on the phone they said it could be an abcess - or it could've been a fight [12:24] pretty large slice so it's not going to seal up by itself methinks [12:27] poor kitty... hope she recovers quickly [12:28] thankfully she doesn't seem too fussed so far, but she's been licking that spot a lot [12:33] sounds innternal rather than a fight. when ever our moggies got in a scrap the wounds would be external and visible [12:34] there was definitely a good redness to the fur in the area for a bit, i didn't look closely until a day or two after [13:12] ah. cats can hide a fair bit in their fur. our usually had massive chunks missing. necessitating a visit to vet. later she realised if she won the fight she wouldn't have to go to the vet... she was a mean kitty :-P