
jrgilmanany recommendation on block size for dd00:00
jrgilmanor just leave it default?00:00
tomreyni always look it up since i always forget. i think 2M or 4M00:00
excelsiorayay, found solutions in lenovo's forums... :D00:00
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tomreynjrgilman: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6161823/dd-how-to-calculate-optimal-blocksize points to https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tdg5/blog/master/_includes/scripts/dd_obs_test.sh (unless you prefer the C there)00:02
tomreynso in my case it'd actually be obs=128M00:05
jrgilmani assume the block size needs to be a common denominator of both of the drives00:07
tomreyngood point. :)00:09
jrgilmani'll just use 64K and call it a day00:11
jrgilmanit's already gotten through 10GiB in the time it took to write that message brb00:11
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tomreynlope: so i'm not sure you noticed this when reading the "Solving Linux MTRR problems" article - this memory allocation issue (which mostly seems to occur with non nvidia hardware on non-recent mainboards) can very well cause graphics performance to suffer. so this may well be why "graphics are crap" - if you see the same messages on your on-disk install.00:26
Biessiewhat does it mean when you do sudo apt-get upgrade and it says "X" amount will be upgraded and "X" amount will be held back? What is the purpose of it NOT upgrading all of the packages and holding some back?00:54
sarnoldBiessie: sometimes that happens if a package update would bring in a *new* package via dependencies; or if there's no way to reconcile versioned dependencies, breaks, and what's available to install00:55
sarnoldBiessie: maybe a sudo apt upgrade would do the job -- apt upgrade uses different rules than apt-get upgrade; apt upgrade is usually better00:55
Biessieoh i thought they were both the same!00:56
Biessiethanks for that. ill stop using apt-get00:56
BiessieLol.. noob here00:56
sarnoldI've got the opposite problem; more than twenty years typing apt-get update && apt-get -u dist-upgrade00:56
sarnoldI don't think the -u even does anything any more00:57
sarnoldI'm trying to get the hang of apt update && apt upgrade, but it's hard to make changes :)00:57
BiessieHabbits are hard to break thats for sure00:57
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naccand i'd recommend `apt full-upgrade` generally01:05
naccthat's what will try and resolve the "held back" packages, iirc01:05
jrgilmanokay tomreyn that's done, probably finished a while back but had to go take care of a few things01:07
jrgilmanso I should try running pvck on one of these01:08
genewitchI just installed nvidia-430 and my system boots in low graphics mode. i'm to have vga_switcheroo as the default gpu is the built in intel one. VGA switcheroo worked until update01:08
genewitchlike, i could play games and just use a browser, with the screen switching between GPUs01:08
jrgilmanis genewitch's problem not the exact thing lope was talking about?01:10
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genewitchI just got here unfortunately. I am running 16.04.whatever, apt ugraded01:10
jrgilmani wasn't really following but he was talking about somekind of optimus/nvidia-430 issue i believe01:11
genewitchoh i can try 41801:12
genewitchi purged nvidia-430* and it boots up01:16
Bashing-omgenewitch: lspci -k|grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' in a pastebin and I can see what Nvidia driver is recommended .01:19
jrgilmantomreyn: well i tried pvck but it couldn't "find LVM label on /dev/mapper/encrypted"01:19
jrgilmanbut I had another idea, using testdisk i was able to grab the /etc/lvm folder from that drive, could i use these to rebuild LVM?01:20
genewitchBashing-om: http://ix.io/1QcY01:20
Bashing-omgenewitch: Looking :)01:21
genewitchBashing-om: appreciated01:21
Bashing-omgenewitch: Nvidia says 318 version: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/149219/en-us . Have you also removed the old nvidia config file ?01:24
genewitchBashing-om: i haven't. I got 418 installed01:24
genewitchand it reboots, perhaps i should purge the config as well01:24
Bashing-omgenewitch: Yeah .. and then try re-generating ' sudo nvidia-xconfig ' .01:25
genewitchI got it. It looks like they changed automatic xrandr (or whatever vga_switcheroo uses) so i have to pick intel or nvidia01:26
Bashing-omgenewitch: Glad I could help - good it was a simple thing here :)01:28
genewitchBashing-om: when you said 318 was that a typo01:29
genewitchah it was. no worries. yep, had i known about that page that you linked i wouldn't have had any issue :-D01:29
Bashing-omgenewitch: Ouch ! yet typo .. 418 version is recommended :(01:32
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-418 xenial01:33
ubottuPackage nvidia-driver-418 does not exist in xenial01:33
Bashing-om!info nvidia-418 xenial01:34
ubottuPackage nvidia-418 does not exist in xenial01:34
genewitchyou have to do the ppa01:35
Bashing-omgenewitch: Hetting the 418 driver ^^ from pur trusted PPA ?01:35
genewitchBashing-om: yes01:35
Bashing-omgenewitch: Tired and not paying attention - good to go then :P01:36
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jrgilmangod I really messed this thing up02:32
jrgilmantried restoring LVM with pvcreate but the uuids have changed02:32
jrgI still can’t find a solution to my amd A10 on an MSI fm2 board rebooting when i suspend02:49
jrgI’ve been looking for someone with the same problem fro a while. I’ve seen some related to Asus laptops but not an A10 or anything that helps.02:49
sarnoldjrg: what settings have you tried?02:52
jrgNothing really.. I’m trying to find a setting to try. I’m guessing ACPI=off wouldn’t work because it would disable the power management altogether and probably result in a shutdown.02:53
jrgAnd i really can’t find too much related to grub settings for acpi02:53
jrgAnd tbh i’m not even sure if acpi is the issue. I disabled quickboot etc in the bios.02:53
sarnoldjrg: aha, check out systemd-sleep.conf(5) -- perhaps hibernate will work well enough, and perhaps that's sufficient for your needs02:54
sarnoldjrg: here's the documentation from the upstream kernel on the different settings that you can put into SuspendState: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/power/states.txt02:55
jrgsarnold: i’d really try to get actual suspend to work first if i can.02:56
jrgGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_sleep=nonvs" is one i haven’t tried yet.02:56
jrgLet me see if that does it.02:56
jrgNope. :/03:03
jrgUgh. Seriously MSI04:09
jrgTheir bios update is an .exe04:09
jrgThat HAS to be run on a windows box.. instead of just putting the stupid bios files in a zip04:09
SwedeMikejrg: have you tried running unzip on it? if it's a self-extracting archive then unzip might be able to handle it. I know winzip did.04:25
jrgYes heh04:44
jrgDidn’t work.04:44
jrgIt isn’t that.. i just don’t have a legit windows box to run it on04:44
jrgMSI FORCES you to run it on a windows box ON A THUMB DRIVE heh04:44
jrgNo idea what that’s about... it’s an awful way of doing it04:44
jrgCould have been worse though I suppose. I could have had to dig up a floppy drive lol04:45
bazimorning! how could I achieve a more "stock gnome" look in ubuntu 19? Always liked Ubuntu Gnome. Before I start messing everything up.. maybe there is a theme/pack that does this in one go? thanks for any pointers04:50
OerHeksbazi, this is valid for 19.04 too https://itsfoss.com/vanilla-gnome-ubuntu/04:58
baziOerHeks: ah, good to know. Let's see if it breaks things05:00
baziwell.. break.. the only thing that was disappointing last time was night light not working with wayland. the rest worked well05:02
baziand something about fonts/hinting :)05:02
OerHeks.. and no wobbly windows05:02
rigel_on a scale of 1-10, how hard is it to completely build ubuntu from source? i.e., i want to start with a bunch of source files, maybe some .deb files as needed, and end up with an 18.04.2 desktop iso which has a sha256sum of 22580b9f... (as proof of concept/learning experience)05:03
baziOerHeks: ubuntu is still x11 IIRC05:04
bazi(as default)05:04
OerHeksbazi, yes05:04
baziOerHeks: that is pretty much what I wanted, thanks. Also: wayland now does nightlight so I am happy :P05:08
Ben64rigel_: 1105:17
bazirigel_: you may be able to compile your own distro from scratch and make it look just like the original but ending up with the same hash.. good luck :)05:25
bazithe vanilla-gnome-* package is neat05:44
rigel_i don't even need to use it. or create my own operating system, just build one to check against a successful output. anyone have any resources?05:53
OerHeksrigel_, that would be beyond the scope of this channel05:55
rigel_OerHeks: thanks for trying :)05:55
OerHeks"own operating system"05:55
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)05:55
`mist54hey guys, any way i can install libconfuse1 on my ubuntu 18.04? I'm trying to install something called "telldus-core" but i'm getting a dependency failer and i only see libconfuse2 available05:55
rigel_like with gentoo05:55
OerHeksgood start05:55
rigel_or maybe just a bunch of prebuilt packages, a kernel and then tie it up in an iso05:56
OerHeksnever heard of telldus-core, libconfuse is in the repos https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/confuse05:58
OerHeksmaybe that telldus-core is absolete?06:00
OerHekshmm https://github.com/telldus/telldus/tree/master/telldus-core06:01
`mist54yeah it's a bit old but i need the software =/  do you recommend i install ubuntu 16 instead?06:03
`mist54i tried symlinking the libconfuse.so.2 to libconfuse.so.0 to try and "trick" telldus, but it seems it's incompatible06:04
rigel_`mist54: maybe there's a ppa?06:12
iamfreedoes ubuntu still have systemd-udevd bug that cause a thread to run at 100%?06:42
guiverc2iamfree, if you know the CVE, look for youself as to state for each release06:45
guiverc2iamfree,  ^ https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/06:45
guiverc2(sorry I forgot the url)06:45
OerHeksand maybe hardware specific?06:46
OerHeksmist54 i have no clue, other than to try to compile from source? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/amd64/libconfuse106:47
iamfree@guiverc2: how do i search?06:49
guiverc2find the CVE (bug ID), then search, eg. CVE-2019-10168 is a recent bug; you enter that into the field06:51
guiverc2iamfree, you described a symtom of a bug which probably fits 30-80 bugs, the CVE is the number given to a specific bug06:52
guiverc2iamfree, some companies (eg. microsoft) hate applying CVEs to bugs as they can easily then be tracked; if it was 'minor' and only impacted a single Ubuntu release it may only have a launchpad bug id (not a CVE); but your description made me think of generic kernel issue which would have CVE06:57
OerHekssome snapd process iirc, but that was weeks ago07:03
iamfreeguiverc2: I don't know wether it has in cve but on github there is... it because udev loop bind/unbind it even make my pop os boot longer and shut down sometimes hang. I ask because I want to install ubuntu since this bug also affect ubuntu 18, I just hope it got fix in 19...07:24
iamfreethere is workaround but only for 100% thread usage but don't fix the boot problem...07:25
iamfreeoops! sorry, not in github but laumchpad... https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/175983607:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1759836 in linux "systemd-udevd consumes 100% of CPU" [High,Confirmed]07:27
Aliekezhihi, I can print with lp -d but not within the print menu of firefox, libreoffice or any software07:59
AliekezhiI don't see any error in cups logs08:00
Aliekezhiany ideas ?08:00
Aliekezhi(what is there betweem an application trying to print and cups ? dbus ?)08:01
adacGuys, I suddenly have no sound anymore on my ubuntu 18.04. Any ideas on howto best debug this?08:20
EoflaOEadac: What does alsamixer say about its volume?08:22
adacEoflaOE, https://ibb.co/wY8X0Sb08:24
adacShould be correct or?08:25
EoflaOEadac: Auto mute is enabled. Disable it, run "alsactl store", then reboot to see if sound works.08:26
adacEoflaOE, Ok I see thanks so much. I cannot reboot now but only later. Coming back then!08:27
EoflaOEadac: You are welcome.08:28
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tomreynjrgilman: https://www.thegeekdiary.com/corruption-or-accidental-deletion-in-lvm-how-to-rebuild-lvm-from-archive-metadata-backups-in-rhel-centos/09:13
tomreynjrgilman: that's how you could reuse the previous /etc/lvm/archive directory to restore your LVs.09:15
tomreynjrgilman: and hit is how you could reuse the previous /etc/lvm/backup directory to restore your LVs: https://www.assistanz.com/lvm-partitions-recover/09:18
parak0vskyhow to permanently remap caps lock do home key the easy way?09:20
parak0vskyhttp://xahlee.info/linux/linux_capslock_do_home_key.html this solution didn't work in ubuntu09:21
mpodienIs it possible to continue reading with less where you left off after a reboot? is this possible using dtach? do socket files survive a restart?09:39
ayekatparak0vsky: how did it "not work"? did it keep acting as caps lock? did the xmodmap command itself fail?09:44
ayekatparak0vsky: check the output of `xmodmap -pk` to see the current mapping - maybe caps lock is a different key code on your machine (unlikely, but who knows)09:44
nightowl1Anyone could help me with this , I have 18.04.02 LTS and this morning I had an update for kernel , I did update the kernel without looking at the version , yes my mistake , and I was given Kernel 5.0 by the Updater somehow09:51
nightowl1And it did mess up my system09:51
nightowl1Any explanation how could this happen ? is it from my side or ubuntu's side?09:51
OerHekshi nightowl109:51
nightowl1Hey OerHeks09:52
nightowl1And it was non-signed09:52
OerHeksi fixed 2 machines b booting kernel 5 in recovery mode, then run dpkg option to fix packages, then booting again09:52
nightowl1I fixed that by reverting to the old kernel but it was painful , because it messed up virtualbox09:52
OerHekscorrect, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/N2NZ7mmJ2M/09:53
nightowl1I reverted to 2409:53
nightowl1Even though as far as I know 25 was working correctly but it did surprise me a bit that I was given 5.0 and it wasn't signed09:54
nightowl1And it broke VirtualBox09:54
OerHeksoh oke, file a bugreport for that?09:55
nightowl1I belive so I will do09:55
nightowl1to VB or Ubuntu?09:55
nightowl1But now when I check for updates even with Kernel 4 24 , I get that I am up-to date09:56
EriC^^nightowl1: did you remove the kernel or just use grub to boot the older one? if grub then its still in apt so itll say you're up to date10:00
BluesKajHi folks10:20
nightowl1EriC^^, I have solved the problem by going back to kernel 5 , removed VB 5 and install VB 610:23
tomreynnightowl1: can you sum up what is / was 'the problem'?10:27
tomreynnightowl1: i understand you're saying you're on 18.04 with HWE kernel, which upgraded to 5.0 recently. And when you booted into this new kernel image this somehow caused problem - but it's unclear which?10:28
nightowl1I will explain better : I came to my PC this morning saying there is a kernel update , I didn't check what version , I just clicked install, and indeed that was my mistake , but when the kernel installed and I have restarted , I was welcomed by a System Error message saying that there is a System Error10:29
nightowl1It was Virtual Box 5.2 not being able to load it's drivers for the kernel10:30
nightowl1VB 5.2 from Ubuntu depo10:30
nightowl1And why it was assigned as "Not Signed" the 5.0 kernel image10:31
tomreynnightowl1: so the 'only' issue seemed to be that virtualbox modules are not secure boot signed, or were there other issues?10:33
OerHekshe is still on Kernel 4 24 if i read correct10:34
nightowl1I was at 4 25 , I was given to update to 5 , I did update without looking at the version number10:34
nightowl1Ubuntu has listed Kernel 5 as it's not signed by Ubuntu10:34
nightowl1Kernel 5 broke VirtualBox that is downloaded from Ubuntu depo itself10:35
nightowl1I reverted back to 4 24 , and then again , removed VirtualBox , installed Kernel 5 again , Installed VirtualBox 6 from Oracle10:35
nightowl1VirtualBox 6 is working fine with Kernel 510:36
nightowl1I am now with Kernel 5 and VirtualBox 610:36
tomreynthanks. so the VB kernel modue was indeed the only issue with booting into linux 5.x for you, that's good to know.10:37
tomreynit's not really a mistake that you went to the 5.x kernel, nothing to blame yourself for. the HWE kernel package (intentionally) points to this kernel version since recently.10:37
nightowl1I will report that to Ubuntu10:38
nightowl1But I was a little bit surprised , looking at the earlier Kernels , they are all signed by Ubuntu , and then looking at Kernel 5 finding it not signed10:38
nightowl1I thought the update was kind of a mistake10:38
nightowl1Thank you10:40
guiverc2thanks OerHeks10:40
OerHeksguiverc2, i fixed  the failing boot with recovery > dpkg fix packages10:41
OerHeksbut i see an unsigned kernel too10:41
nightowl1I have done exactly like this instructed by another user from ubuntu-mate channel :10:43
nightowl1"uninstall virtualbox, then run `apt install linux-generic-hwe` to install the meta package that you removed, then install vbox 6 from oracle site"10:44
nightowl1Yes I have purged 5.0 images and headers10:44
nightowl1before trying to back to 5.010:44
nightowl1to go back *10:44
parak0vskyayekat: it didn't survive reboot or sleep mode10:48
ayekatparak0vsky: well yeah, you'll need to reload the config when you restart X - but it should usually survive sleep (unless sleep kill X as well)10:49
ayekatI've got to admit I'm actually not quite sure how xmodmap interacts with display managers (like gdm or lightdm) - maybe sleep modus triggers the DM, and this resets the xmodmap settings...?10:51
tomreynnightowl1: i think if you read the ATTENTION paragraph at https://usn.ubuntu.com/4069-2/ this may explain what you experienced there.10:59
nightowl1Yes I did read that tomreyn , I just didn't know all of that before the update :( , lesson learned I guess11:03
courrierGuys, my syslog on 18.04 rotates every day. But right now I'm having missing exactly 1 day of logs between the tail of syslog.2 and the head of syslog.1... how is that possible?11:16
courrierI'm missing exactly 1 day*11:17
tomreyncourrier: did you copy those files from /var/log to ~/debug then?11:18
courriertomreyn: yes I scp-ed them from the server11:18
tomreyndoes the systemd journal also show this gap?11:18
kreyrenDoes ubuntu supports openrc?11:19
courriermmmmh I don't know tomreyn, I have to move to another building to check because the server is not connected to the net11:20
courrierCan it be linked to this DNS error?11:20
tomreynkreyren: i don't think so. at least i can't find any packages using "apt search openrc" on ubuntu 18.0411:21
kreyrentomreyn, any way to get openrc on ubuntu?11:21
kreyrenusecase: frankendebian11:21
kreyren(devuan is considered already)11:22
courrierSelf-correction: no it's not related, the server is disconnected from the net so it's normal it can't reach, and it shouldn't prevent it from logging properly11:24
tomreyncourrier: i don't know how the dns server would be relevant there, unless the system logs remotely. but you're saying it doesn't have a network connection, so i guess that's not it.11:24
tomreynkreyren: i don't know, i never looked into openrc.11:25
courrierMight be due to a temporary power outage though, could it behave that way?11:26
courrierThe server reboots automatically in cse of power outage11:26
courrierIt's very strange that it matches the exact time of log rotation 6AM though... but maybe if journald has no time to dump the logs on disk?11:27
XanoHi all! I'm trying to install some packages on 18.04 during CI builds, but apt is prompting whether to restart services or not. I am invoking it with `DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive sudo apt install -y --force-yes ...` which I assumed would prevent any prompts from appearing. What am I doing wrong? :)11:33
EoflaOEXano: Can you export DEBIAN_FRONTEND? Do "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive". If finished, try the sudo command again, but pass -E before the command11:36
frikinzHi. A friend's ubuntu machine fails to boot. Is there a way to interrupt the grub process. Is grub timeout by default set to 0?11:38
EoflaOEfrikinz: If Ubuntu is the only OS, then I think it sets timeout to 0.11:39
tomreynXano: use apt-get, not apt, for automation (as apt tells you every time you use it - unless you discard stderr, which you probably should not)11:39
frikinzEoflaOE: ok. so the recovery menu is not reachable. Weird. He'll probably access it from a live disk11:39
tomreynfrikinz: hold down shift while booting to bring up the grub menu on (legacy) BIOS boots. On UEFI boots, repeatedly hit Escape during boot instead.11:40
frikinztomreyn: he told me he tried both shift and escape. Left shift?11:41
EoflaOEfrikinz: and he will need to mount necessary partitions to chroot to his installation and go to grub configuration file and set the timeout.11:41
tomreynfrikinz: i think both would work, but left shift definitely should on bios booting systems)11:42
frikinzI guess he'll just used the livecd, mount /boot and change timeout and reboot.11:42
EoflaOEfrikinz: I recommend setting timeout to 30 secs11:43
frikinzYes, I find it a bit weird that by default its 0 unless you have a physically secured system.11:44
frikinzOk thanks, I forwarded him your advices. a nearly 60 years old guy :) And he doesn't even have windows on the machine.11:44
EoflaOEfrikinz: I confirmed this on my Ubuntu 19.10. You are welcome11:45
XanoEoflaOE, -E did the trick. I should have known. Thanks a lot!12:04
Aliekezhihi, I can't print with sorftwares, only with lpstat. Nothing in cups logs, any ideas ?12:05
Xanotomreyn, Hah, I have no excuse. Thanks for bothering to point that out :)12:05
freddybAnyone here can point me in the right directions to install debug symbols for libgdk-3.so? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages shows me how to add repos, but I cant find the right package12:05
Walexfreddyb: many of these questions are easier to answer with installing 'apt-file'12:17
freddybAh. Yeah.12:19
ioriafreddyb, http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/binary-amd64/Packages12:19
Walexfreddyb: for example it tells me: "libgtk-3-0-dbg: /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgdk-3.so.0.1800.9"12:19
freddybgot it12:19
EoflaOEXano: You are welcome.12:21
tomreynXano: :) you're welcome!12:32
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codecutteri'm trying to upgrade from 'Ubuntu 16.04.6'13:37
codecuttersudo do-release-upgrade is give me 'Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading.'13:37
compdocthe system isnt up to date, then?13:41
compdocsudo apt update, then sudo apt full-upgrade13:41
codecuttercompdoc: I did everything update to step 3 https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-upgrade-to-ubuntu-18-0413:42
codecutterup to*13:42
codecuttercompdoc: I did everything up to* to step 3 https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-upgrade-to-ubuntu-18-0413:42
compdoccodecutter>, did you reboot after?13:43
codecutterafter reboot13:44
codecutter0 packages can be updated.13:44
codecutter0 updates are security updates.13:44
EoflaOEcodecutter: Does it still ask to update all packages?13:45
codecutteryou mean after reboot?13:45
EoflaOEcodecutter: After updating all the packages and rebooting13:46
codecutterits only when i do :sudo do-release-upgrade13:46
codecutterChecking for a new Ubuntu release13:46
codecutterPlease install all available updates for your release before upgrading.13:46
codecutterhere is what i see after reboot13:47
codecutter0 packages can be updated.13:48
codecutter0 updates are security updates13:48
codecutterNew release '18.04.2 LTS' available.13:48
codecutterRun 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.13:48
tomreyncodecutter: looks like you upgraded to 18.04 already13:49
tomreyneither fully, or partially13:49
tomreynoh actually not, i misread, sorry13:49
codecutteryou miread13:49
tomreynright, sorry ;)13:50
tomreyncodecutter: can you show    sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -qqy update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog; rm /tmp/aptlog13:50
tomreynjust run it, it'll produce a http address to share13:50
codecutterwhat does this do?13:50
tomreynit updates the list of available package updates, prints the apt policy, pretends to install all pending updates (but does not do it). then gatheres all those outputs and uploadds them to termbin.com13:52
codecutterany personal info?13:52
EoflaOEcodecutter: apt is not getting personal info. It's safe13:52
tomreynnone but your installed packages, i would think. let me try quickly13:53
tomreynhere's mine: https://termbin.com/zlrp13:53
tomreynso the pending cloud-init upgrade will be the cause for the message13:54
EoflaOEcodecutter: Did you lock cloud-init?13:54
codecutteri would have to know what it is first13:55
tomreynapt-mark showhold13:55
tomreyn^ does this output anything?13:55
tomreynyou (or some software you installed) seem to have chosen to hold the cloud-init package on the very version it is on now13:56
tomreyni.e. version 0.7.9-113-g513e99e0-0ubuntu1~16.04.113:56
tomreyn!info cloud-init xenial13:56
ubottucloud-init (source: cloud-init): Init scripts for cloud instances. In component main, is extra. Version 19.1-1-gbaa47854-0ubuntu1~16.04.1 (xenial), package size 387 kB, installed size 1925 kB13:56
codecutterhow do i fix it?13:57
codecutteranyway to check which software ?13:58
tomreyncodecutter: if you are not aware of a reason why cloud-init is being held on this outdated version, you can allow the upgrade by using:  sudo apt-mark unhold cloud-init13:58
tomreynthen    sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade13:58
tomreynbefore you upgrade, as a general precaution, also ensure you have complete, proven restorable backups.13:59
tomreynso apparently digitalocean marks this package as held on their ubuntu installations. this faq does not explain why they would need to use this outdated version.14:02
tomreynyou can probably remove it safely, but this may break some functionality which can be controlled from their web interface, such as assigning a fixed ip address to the system, or changing its hostname.14:03
codecutter"I had the same problem and it seems like a strange situation to me. Anyway, I fixed this by installing the cloud-init package: sudo apt install cloud-init."14:04
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codecutterdo i install it?14:04
EoflaOEcodecutter: Remove hold first then install it.14:05
analogicalUbuntu 18.04.3 is supposed to be released today where is it ???14:05
codecutterwill this fix issue?14:06
tomreynanalogical: and a wonderful day to you as well. a day, which is not over, yet.14:06
codecutteri.e. no side effects?14:06
EoflaOEanalogical: This should be on releases.ubuntu.com. Can't you find it?14:06
analogicalEoflaOE, if I could I wouldn't be asking would I?14:07
tomreyncodecutter: you'd need to check with DO on this. they chose to deviate from standard ubuntu there.14:07
codecutteryes you maybe =, right14:07
EoflaOEanalogical: yes14:07
tomreyncodecutter: personally, i would not be worried. worst case, what could happen is that the system will have incorrect ip configurations, something which can be solved via serial console or other out of band access. i *think* DO provides such, but you'd best check this works beforehand.14:09
EoflaOEanalogical: it is delayed for a week14:12
analogicalEoflaOE, how do you know that?14:13
EoflaOEanalogical: Looked at #ubuntu-devel and saw that tjaalton said that it is delayed for one week14:13
pragmaticenigmaanalogical: Everyone in this channel is a volunteer and does not know the exact schedule of Ubuntu releases. Also, wouldn't it stand to reason that you would wwant something released that is working late, rather than something that is buggy or broken released now just because the calendar says so?14:14
javaJakebashu: yes?14:16
javaJakeThis is a curiosity question more than anything else, but I used the "Software Update" graphical interface and got most updates. I then restarted as prompted, and ran "sudo apt upgrade" in the console and noticed apparmor, gnome-shell, and a few others hadn't been updated. Is there any reason I shouldn't update those?14:17
bashui have just installed hexdump and trying to figure out the things, could you tell me what all this is about14:17
codecuttercontacted DO14:19
lordcirthbashu, what is your question?14:21
javaJakebashu: give a complete description of your question with an example command or printout in a https://paste.ubuntu.com/ pastebin to get answers. You tagged me but I may not be able to help.14:21
tomreynjavaJake: there is upgrade, which installs security updates and critical bug fixes (only) and there is full-upgrade, which installs those and also standard bug fixes and rolling updates (where those aren't security fixes, but they almost always are). there's no reason not to also install the bug fixes unless you're worried of those somehow interfering with your work.14:21
tomreynjavaJake: the idea there is that you can plan to have larger updates cycles when you want them, but get security and critical bug fixes as soon as possible.14:22
javaJaketomreyn: I like that. Does the Software Updater ever make a decision to bring everything up-to-date, or does it only install critical bug fixes and security updates?14:24
tomreynjavaJake: depends on your choices at   software-properties-gtk --open-tab 214:26
tomreyn(that's assuming you're on a desktop installation - /join #ubuntu-server for servers)14:27
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tomreynreplace -gtk by -qt if you run kubuntu / a QT based WM14:28
javaJakeEverything is checked. I always check "all the things" ;)14:28
pragmaticenigmajavaJake: if everything on tab 2 is selected, that would be bad14:32
TJ-18.04 with Thunar (file-manager) which uses GVFS backends. Sometime in the last week it began hanging with no response for long periods and 'journalctl -fb' revealed it is repeatedly trying to mount one of its listed 'Places' which is a remote (CIFS) network auto-mount that is only available when a specific VPN is active. Prior to a week ago this didn't cause Thunar a problem but I'm struggling to figure out14:32
TJ-what has changed that is causing it (or one if its dependencies such as a GVFS backend) to want to access the 'Place' and therefore trigger the automount. There were security patches to GVFS early in July but I'm reasonably confident this has worked correctly since they were installed (11th July). Any ideas what I may be missing?14:32
pragmaticenigmawas there any updates to Thunar since July 11th?14:34
tarzeaupragmaticenigma: check the changelog of the package?14:35
pragmaticenigmatarzeau: I'm not asking for myself, that was directed to TJ-14:36
TJ-pragmaticenigma: indeed not; that was the 1st thing I looked for14:36
tomreynjavaJake: see what the drop down fields are set to, too, though14:37
pragmaticenigmaTJ-: Is there some script that could be triggering it to attempt the mount? The VPN isn't leaving a flag "on" indicating the VPN is active when it isn't? stale lock file?14:38
TJ-pragmaticenigma: nothing of that sort... the automount is active (from an entry in fstab) and is never triggered until the user (or some process) tries to access it. The issue seems to be that Thunar is trying to access it because it is in its "places' list... times out, then repeatedly tries again and again whilst blocking in its main GUI thread, so user loses any interaction for a minute or so and this14:43
tomreynanalogical: so 18.04.3 will indeed not release today due to some kernel issues testing brought up last minute. the exact release date is not yet fixed (but it *may* be 2019-08-08).14:50
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javaJaketomreyn: check for updates daily, download and install security updates automatically, and when there are other updates display weekly. Notify me of any new version.14:58
javaJaketomreyn: the complete set of updates not grabbed are "apparmor gnome-shell gnome-shell-common libapparmor1" per a "sudo apt upgrade".15:00
tomreynjavaJake: so those will be on the weekly cycle then15:00
tomreyni.e. non security fixes15:00
javaJakeAh, OK, cool.15:01
javaJakeThanks tomreyn for your help :) I appreciate it.15:01
tomreynjavaJake: :) you're welcome15:02
pragmaticenigmaTJ-: Sounds almost like the bug I have with KDE/Dolphin ... though in that case I have the opposite issue, I can't unmount and attempting to reboot creates a hung system15:03
pragmaticenigmaTJ-: In my case I traced the issue to what I think is an issue between udiskctl and something in dolphon/KDE15:03
loganrunvlc says DVDRead could not open the disc "/dev/sr0". what the heck do i do to fix this15:04
loganruni tried the instructions in /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/README.css but that doesn't fix it15:05
loganrunis anyone alive here15:07
TJ-pragmaticenigma: yeah, udisks can be a problem if you don't know about the Hints that can be applied to volumes such as HintIgnore15:07
javaJakeloganrun: it can take someone knowledgeable 30m to an hour to respond sometimes. Best to be patient and do research meanwhile.15:07
lordcirthloganrun, what does 'lsblk -f /dev/sr0' show?15:07
TJ-pragmaticenigma: I'm going to dig into the Thunar/GVFS source see if this 'attempt to access' Places (a.k.a GTK3 bookmarks) is unconditional - which would to the problem being lower down the stack15:10
javaJakeloganrun: have you found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs15:11
loganrunthere is no install-css.sh script15:12
loganrunit looks like the package does not include that15:12
javaJakeloganrun: check the page I linked. As of 15.10, the process changed. You are following old advice I think.15:12
loganruno.k. yeah I tried sudo apt install libdvd-pkg && sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg15:13
javaJakeloganrun: can you send a pastebin with the output of "groups" and "ls -l /dev/sr0" commands in a shell?15:15
loganrunbrw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 0 Aug  1 09:40 /dev/sr015:15
javaJakeloganrun: and what about the "groups" command?15:17
loganrungroups has adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin  and the user accounts on my machine, no cdrom if that is what you are looking for15:17
loganruni mean it has cdrom15:17
ioriaTJ-, maybe too old, but it might hint at something: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=737315:17
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 7373 in General "g_file_new_for_uri ("network://") seems to slow down Thunar's startup" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]15:17
loganrunif I do members cdrom it does list my username from which i am running vlc15:19
javaJakeloganrun: So you have access to your drive, and, according to what you've told us, you've properly installed the software necessary to read the DVD. At this point I am just reading the page I linked and guiding you through the troubleshooting steps. There could be a hardware issue (the drive itself is defective) or the drive is set for a region that the DVD is not originally from.15:19
loganrunjavaJake: hmm, let me try another disk15:20
javaJakeloganrun: also, this page suggests that rebooting "may be necessary"15:20
javaJakeThough why that is true is beyond me.15:20
loganrunok seems like it is something with the disk. weird but not be able to decode it or something15:23
loganrunthanks for the help15:23
padarchey guys. Going to switch from nvidia to amd graphics next week. uninstalling the nvidia proprietary driver/switching to nouveau before sticking the amd graphics card in should be enough, right? Just want to make sure i dont end up with a black screen or something :P15:23
javaJakeloganrun: the page says you can change the region of the drive to match the currently inserted DVD, but there is a strong warning: "On delivery, most DVD drives have no region code set. The drive firmware allows you to change the region code, but on nearly all drives you are limited to five (5) changes. After the fifth change, the DVD drive will stay fixed on that code..."15:24
loganrunthat is really crazy, wonder why there is no work around for it, but it could be the issue15:25
TJ-ioria: I checked that earlier, thanks, but it isn't applicable. In this case the URI is file:///mnt/SLBS/Data (so local as far as GTK GFile is concerned). I've checked the Thunar source-code now and there's no conditionals in the path. If there's a file:// bookmark it will always try to add a gfile_monitor watch (which uses inotify) for mounts or moved, so I'm at a loss as to what changed. Still, now I15:30
TJ-understand it at least I know how to work around it (delete the bookmark, bring the VPN up, or disable the automount!)15:30
tomreynpadarc: you'll 'only' need to undo any hard wiring to nvidia that's been done by you or nvidia-settings or the like.15:41
rapidwaveI'm having a problem with KVM kernel not booting; I get black screen that seemingly never does anything.15:43
rapidwaveLog only has "Nested Paging Enabled"15:43
tomreynpadarc: i.e. move /etc/X11/xorg.conf* out of the way. undo nvidia specific changes to /etc/default/grub and /etc/mod* and /etc/environment (if any). personally i'd also uninstall the nvidia drivers but that's not strictly necessary.15:44
tomreynpadarc: make sure you have no (non module specific) "nomodeset" kernel option set (cat /proc/cmdline ; sudoedit /etc/default/grub). and switching to nouveau is a good way to prepare for it, yes.15:48
tomreynrapidwave: what's "KVM kernel"?15:48
rapidwaveTwo of the alternative boot options say kvm15:49
rapidwaveOh...it's Kernel-based Virtual Machines15:49
tomreynrapidwave: do you have "linux-kvm" installed then?15:50
rapidwaveI need to either get it working or get it removed.15:50
rapidwaveAccording to package managers....no15:50
tomreynor linux-image-kvm ?15:51
tomreynor any linux-image-*-kvm ?15:51
tomreynand is this actually a KVM guest?15:51
rapidwaveHow do I modify grub config to just make it so the first boot option is only a comment15:56
tomreynthe easiest and cleanest method to remove a kernel off the grub menu is to not have it installed. alternatively, you can override which kernel will be booted, but this will effectively fix the kernel that is booted to a specific version.15:59
emilspHow can I disable gdm and my gnome session without uninstalling them on 18.04?16:02
tomreynemilsp: if you disable gdm, what would you like to boot to instead?16:03
emilsptomreyn: straight to my tty16:07
pomehahello, I'd like to use ansible on ubuntu target nodes with docker, which package do I need to install for that?16:12
pomehathere's no `apt search` returns no results for `docker-py` and `python-docker`, Server Ubuntu 18.0416:12
pomehawhat do?16:12
rapidwaveI figured it out16:13
rapidwaveI deleted the kvm kernel and updated grub16:13
ioriaemilsp,  you can run  'sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target'  ; it should be enough16:14
ioriapomeha, docker is in snap, i think16:15
pomehacrap is snap16:17
compdocI thought snap was a great idea, but it takes forever to launch a program from there16:19
tomreynemilsp: systemctl get-default; systemctl set-default multi-user16:25
tomreynemilsp: to undo it later, set it back to what it is now, probably "graphical.target"16:26
maldoincHey all, is anyone using Ubuntu on a Dell XPS 13 9370? Do you experience wifi drops? If so how did you solve them16:32
tomreynmaldoinc: i don't, but maybe we can help you nevertheless if you'll provide more details, such as your wireless chipset + driver  [[  lspci -knn | grep -EA3 '(Network controller|Wireless)' | nc termbin.com 9999  ]]  and Ubuntu version  [[  nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";echo Shell: $SHELL)  ]].16:39
tomreynmaldoinc: did you spot my response then?16:42
maldoinc> Yes,16:42
maldoinc> 02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Qualcomm Atheros QCA6174 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [168c:003e] (rev 32)16:42
maldoinc> Subsystem: Bigfoot Networks, Inc. QCA6174 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter (Killer 1435 Wireless-AC) [1a56:143a]16:42
maldoinc> Kernel driver in use: ath10k_pci16:42
maldoinc> Kernel modules: ath10k_pci16:42
maldoinc> 6e:00.0 Non-Volatile memory controller [0108]: Toshiba America Info Systems Device [1179:0116]16:42
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:42
maldoinchttps://termbin.com/e74ap https://termbin.com/rd0k16:43
maldoincIt seems many people are having issues with the killer wifi card. Unfortunately on this model it is soldered on so replacing it with another seems difficult unless I can get Dell to do it16:44
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emilspthanks tomreyn16:49
tomreynmaldoinc: does the output of    sudo iw reg get   match your country / locale?16:50
maldoinctomreyn: Yes, seems to be ok16:51
tomreynmaldoinc: i'm not sure which hardware version yours is (it says "rev 32"), but you could try updating your firmware in /lib/firmware with those: https://github.com/kvalo/ath10k-firmware/tree/master/QCA617416:55
maldoincThe wifi module is Killer 1435 (QCA6174A) accodring to Arch Wiki16:55
tomreynso those firmwares would go into /lib/firmware/ath10k/QCA6174/ specifically16:56
maldoincI did do that, have the following script for it https://termbin.com/7d1n16:56
tomreyna script which does "wifipatch"?16:57
maldoincthis one rather, did echo instead of cat haha16:57
tomreynoh ok16:57
maldoincor maybe I can just replace the entire directory, I got that from someone's github repo that had another model with the same wifi card16:57
tomreynchances are these urls with question marks may fail.16:58
adacGuys I tried to install openvpn via openvpn package source but that failed. I now tried to remove it and try to reinstall, but it always fails: https://pastebin.com/jr3DGLmX How can force the removal of this broken package?16:58
maldoinctomreyn: I'll replace the entire directory with the one from the repo instead and will reboot. Be back here in 516:59
tomreynmaldoinc: it also looks like your script (if it works) would not download all the files which may be needed.17:00
tomreynadac: what's on line 63 of    /var/lib/dpkg/info/openvpn.postinst  ?17:02
tomreyn!info openvpn bionic17:04
ubottuopenvpn (source: openvpn): virtual private network daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.4-2ubuntu1.3 (bionic), package size 488 kB, installed size 1276 kB17:04
tomreynadac: which ubuntu version are you running? there is no "openvpn" package version "2.4.7-bionic0" in ubuntu.17:05
tomreynif you don't know:  nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "Session: $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";echo Shell: $SHELL)17:05
franklinlubuntu 19.04 , trying to compile driver for Epson Perfection 2480, after ./configure I get "No package 'gtk+' found" even though gtk-3 is installed (both dev and runtime), do I need gtk2 to compile this driver?17:06
maldoinctomreyn: am back, let's see if it loses the connection17:07
adactomreyn, ubuntu bionic17:08
adacbut this openvpn comes from https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/OpenvpnSoftwareRepos17:08
tomreynfranklinl: since you're building some software there, should we assume that this is not software included in ubuntu? either way, you should probably explain which software you're using there (downloaded where, which preparatory steps have you taken etc.).17:08
adacI previously had installed that repository and then installed the package17:09
tomreynadac: you're welcome to point such out when you ask questions here.17:09
adacbut that failed since there is no package for bionic. I removed the repository gain adn tried to remove the package17:10
tomreynadac: can you answer my initial question then?17:10
tomreyn<tomreyn> adac: what's on line 63 of    /var/lib/dpkg/info/openvpn.postinst  ?17:10
franklinltomreyn, fair enough, I have installed document-imaging and XSane beforehand, after which I got the error message that my scanner was not found (Can't find device snapscan:libusb:002:004)17:10
tomreyn!info document-imaging17:11
ubottuPackage document-imaging does not exist in bionic17:11
tomreyn!info XSane17:11
ubottuxsane (source: xsane): featureful graphical frontend for SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.999-5ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 290 kB, installed size 1035 kB17:11
franklinltomreyn, after that I went to the Epson website to download the Linux driver, which was only available as rpm, so I converted it to tgz with alien (deb wouldn't work as it was a 32-bit rpm)17:12
franklinltomreyn, following the README in the driver after unpacking it, I unpacked the tarball, cd'd to the directory and tried to configure it, yielding only the error No package 'gtk+' found17:13
tomreynfranklinl: which ubuntu version are you on?17:14
franklinltomreyn, 19.04 64 Bit, new install, no upgrade17:14
jrgilmantomreyn: hey thanks for those links, I'm pretty sure that I broke the drive beyond repair even with the LVM files17:17
tomreynfranklinl: Can you try to follow the instructions (in German, try translating with DeepL or Google Translate) at https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Scanner/Epson_Perfection/ - thos are for 18.04, but I assume may also work with 19.0417:17
jrgilmanI think when I was messing around with testdisk, before I made that dd backup, I wrote the ext4 partition table to the drive17:17
jrgilmanI just rescued some files off the drive17:17
jrgilmanand I think I'll just wipe it17:17
franklinltomreyn, German is no problem for me to read, thank you so much for the link provided :-)17:18
tomreynjrgilman: there's no such thing as an "ext4 partition table". if you had testdisk recreate the file systems within the PV, this may have deleted more data, though, that's true. but you may still be able to recover most of the data by restoring the LVM superblock. i see how this is pretty advanced, though.17:19
tomreynfranklinl: oh this certainly helps ;)17:20
jrgilmantomreyn: I mean I'd love to try to get this working17:21
jrgilmanI just have other work i need to get done first17:21
adactomreyn, yes. Sorry for the delay. ON line 63 we have this: file /sbin/init|grep "/systemd$" > /dev/null17:21
jrgilmanbut as you see i clearly have no idea what i'm talking about with file systems17:21
jrgilmanjust enough to be dangerous and break my own crap17:21
tomreynfranklinl: the reason for the gtk+ warning is that you're dealing with an rpm package which defines dependencies on packages found in rpm based distributions, where they have a package called "gtk+", but there's no package by this very name in ubuntu.17:22
jrgilmanis there any kind of reading or video series you would recommend on the stuff we've generally covered while talking over the last few days tomreyn? I'd like to know more about this, but not really sure where to start with searching...17:25
tomreynadac: what's the output of "which file" and of "ls -l /sbin/init" ?17:25
tomreynjrgilman: i think lvm was developed by redhat, who also have some nice documentation on it. other than that i'd recommend you read the !man pages for all of the lvm related commands, and have a spare disk where you can safely test all of this as well.17:27
tomreynjrgilman: just reading is not sufficient there, you really need to test this out. could also be in a VM if that's easier than a separate storage.17:28
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/17:28
jrgilmanit'd be cool if there was a lab with various broken/corrupt drives17:28
jrgilmanand you had to fix them17:28
tomreynbreaking it isn't that difficult if you use dd to overwrite the first and last blocks of a block device.17:30
jrgilmanhmm ok17:30
adactomreyn, https://pastebin.com/vGefAkv617:30
tomreynjrgilman: maybe start with "man lvm" and continue withthe commands on the bottom ("See also").17:30
jrgilmanwhat about file systems in general17:31
jrgilmanso like ext4 etc17:31
tomreynadac: can you check whether you can "sudo apt install file" despite of this error?17:31
tomreynjrgilman: what about ext4? are you asking how to break or recover it, or something else?17:32
jrgilmanuh any good reading on filesystems in general17:32
jrgilmannot LVM specific17:32
jrgilmanbooks etc you'd recommend17:33
lotuspsychjejrgilman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemsExplained17:33
adactomreyn, seems that that worked17:34
franklinltomreyn, thank you for your help, I have read through the forum article and tried all the steps mentioned there, but no dice, even after installing the udev rule and restarting the udev service17:34
adacand apt-get remove --purge openvpn removed the package!17:35
adacthanks so much man!17:35
jrgilmanlotuspsychje: appreciate it17:36
tomreynadac: you're welcome. and be careful about using packages which don't match your ubuntu release.17:36
tomreynfranklinl: you also downloaded the firmware, right?17:37
franklinlOf course, here it is: /usr/share/sane/snapscan/esfw41.bin with permissions to read by group and world, so that the sane(d) groups should be able to read it. Yet I get the error snapscan] Cannot open firmware file /usr/share/sane/snapscan/your-firmwarefile.bin. upon executing scanimage -n17:40
franklinltomreyn, ^17:40
franklinltomreyn, the command scanimage -L does find it: device `snapscan:libusb:002:005' is a EPSON EPSON Scanner flatbed scanner17:41
tomreynfranklinl: does it really say "/usr/share/sane/snapscan/your-firmwarefile.bin" verbatim?17:41
tomreynah, it finds it now, and that's a different usb port than it was looking on previously, so you made progress there at least17:42
adactomreyn, actually I had bionic in the line echo "deb http://build.openvpn.net/debian/openvpn/<version> <osrelease> main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openvpn-aptrepo.list17:42
franklinltomreyn, after that line which was literally copy-pasted from my terminal17:42
tomreynfranklinl: i have to leave now, i'm afraid. maybe you can get more hepl from someone else here or in #ubuntu-de if you sum up the issue again.17:42
adacbut only later I saw that bionic wasn't supported yet by openvpn :/17:42
adacdon't know why it even got installed then17:43
adacat least half17:43
franklinltomreyn, Thank you for all your help, I am called to dinner now17:43
tomreynadac: well, be careful when using a !PPA ;)17:43
tomreynor third party repos rather17:44
TJ-franklinl: see step 8 here https://askubuntu.com/questions/68806/how-do-i-get-an-acer-flatbed-scanner-22-working17:46
mdemocan somebody recommend a webdav package for 16 LTS that works with windows' webdav client? I tried nginx-extras and it didn't work; it looks like they added support for LOCK later18:04
franklinlTJ, I have tried the steps above which has worsened the situation to the point that scanimage -n and scanimage -L can no longer find the scanner18:07
franklinlTJ, nevermind, I was to quick to draw my conclusions, after replugging my device a second time, my scanner now works :-)18:11
franklinlTJ, thank you for the link and your help. tomreyn, thank you for the first links, they were quite helpful when combined with the hints by TJ18:12
TJ-franklinl: the clue was the default "your-firmwarefile.bin"18:15
wasanzyHello, this process is chewing my process about 584.80% "aVbIu5" The process is owned by postgres user but I can't seem to find any path. any idea what this could be?18:15
TJ-wasanzy: is this an Internet-facing system, a server maybe?18:16
franklinlTJ, yes, well seen, I should have spotted that myself. Still, I am not an expert at SANE, thanks again :-)18:16
TJ-wasanzy: get the process ID and check the info on it from "ls -l /proc/$(pidof aVbIu5)/"18:16
TJ-franklinl: nor me but that screamed "placeholder text" :)18:17
lordcirthSpecifically, /proc/<pid>/exe should be a symlink to the binary18:17
TJ-wasanzy: it's possible the system has been compromised and is running a 'miner' or some other piece of malware.18:17
wasanzyIs a cloud server, but port is blocked18:17
TJ-wasanzy: check what it's parent-process is (PPID)18:18
wasanzylrwxrwxrwx  1 postgres postgres 0 Aug  1 12:22 exe -> '/var/tmp/�J�l0f (deleted)'18:19
lordcirthA deleted executable in /var/tmp? That's suspicious18:19
lordcirthwasanzy, what ports are open or have ever been open?18:21
wasanzythe port was not really opened, we have ssh and http opened18:22
sarnoldthis sure smells like an exploited system to me18:22
lordcirthwasanzy, ssh with passwords, or keys only? What is running on http? I am 95% sure that's malware.18:22
wasanzyssh with passwords18:23
lordcirthThat's generally a bad idea. Passwords can be bruteforced.18:23
lordcirthOr grabbed from elsewhere if they were ever used elsewhere18:24
TJ-wasanzy: does your HTTP server host some dynamic code that uses Postgresql as a DB back-end? if so I'd suspect it was the compromise route18:26
TJ-wasanzy: if the process is running as the postgresq user that suggests that was the only vector the attacker was able to utilise18:27
wasanzyyes we have codes using the db as back-end18:28
TJ-wasanzy: You ought to examine the web-server logs for unusual activity, like QueryStrings with embedded SQL injection attempts18:28
TJ-wasanzy: ^^^ this might reveal *how* the system was compromised.18:29
sarnoldwasanzy: .. and if you find nothing, realize that means nothing, because it's common for attackers to wipe logs once they're in18:29
lordcirthIf you're lucky, the process is just a crypto miner or something that doesn't care about your data. But don't bet on it.18:29
jrgilmanlordcirth: why not both ;)18:30
hggdhlso, sudo lsof on this process, and look for any remote connection18:31
TJ-wasanzy: Have you done an "iptables -I OUTPUT 1 -d <my-remote-ip-address> -j ACCEPTl iptables -I OUTPUT 2 -j DROP" to prevent this process exfiltrating data? AND use netstat or ss to check for existing connections from that process and break them if so18:31
jrgilmani'm surprised it didn't lock them out of their own system18:31
TJ-if it only has postgres user perms it can't do much18:31
jrgilmani didn't see that part18:32
TJ-it can of course exfiltrate all the databases/tables etc18:32
mdemoyou should be able to make firewall rules based on executable path, I'm pretty sure, I'm not sure exactly what you're suggesting that rule18:34
TJ-Why are executables being allowed in /var/tmp/ though? I always mount that as a separate tmpfs with "noexec" etc18:34
TJ-mdemo: I'm suggesting blocking everything outgoing except to the administrator's current IP address18:34
mdemoah, if it's a cloud server it might be better to use security groups to isolate it18:36
mdemoor whatever the security group equiv is for your cloud18:37
mdemobecause you can still fix those firewall rules if you mess up :)18:37
TJ-mdemo: I'd hope there's an out-of-band local console access mechanism18:40
lordcirthOn my 18.04 desktop, /var/run is a symlink to /run, which is a noexec tmpfs18:40
franklinlTJ, thanks again, I'll see if this config survives a reboot. Signing off18:41
TJ-but /var/tmp/ isn't18:41
mdemoI'm pretty sure EC2 doesn't have an interactive OOB console18:41
mdemocould be wrong18:42
mdemoI think you can look at a non-interactive console via the web ui18:42
TJ-is it AWS? I didn't notice that mentioned18:42
mdemoI dunno, I was trying to be general by saying security group or equivalent18:43
wasanzyIs a Linode server18:48
TJ-wasanzy: Good, so you can use 'lish'18:48
wasanzyam rebooting the server now18:48
wasanzycould my db be infected?18:49
TJ-wasanzy: you have to assume anything postgresql related could be suspect18:49
mdemoare you letting your DB listen to the internet? that's considered bad practice18:49
wasanzymdemo: The DB is listening on all interfaces but connection from Internet is blocked. Though one of our server located in other data center is allowed connection to the databse19:09
wasanzyI have changed the database password19:09
mdemomight want to double check that19:19
mdemoI don't know if linode has a VPC equivalent19:20
mdemobut I think that's probably a more auditable way of setting that stuff up vs firewall rules on hosts19:20
mdemolooking at docs, it seems like you've only got host firewalls on linode19:25
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seven-elevendoes ubuntu enfore local hash checking for every package that is installed?20:47
seven-elevenlooks like yes https://askubuntu.com/a/23957420:50
geirhafor packages from the apt repositories, yes20:50
seven-elevenwhen does my computer get the hash to compare it to the installation?20:52
seven-elevenfrom `apt update` I get the public gpg keys beforehand?20:53
haysis there an ubuntu 1804 release for the raspberry pi 420:57
coz_good afternoon20:57
OerHekshays, we are working on mate for rpi4 https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/support-for-raspberry-pi-4/19757/720:59
hayswhat is mate? appropriate for a server?20:59
geirhaseven-eleven: the public gpg keys come pre-installed, and you can add new ones with the apt-key command, for third-party repositories and such20:59
coz_hays,  MateDE20:59
OerHeks"Right now there is a memory limitation of 1 GB in 64 bit mode on the Raspberry Pi 4. This is apparently due to the SD card driver breaking when more than 1 GB of RAM is present"20:59
OerHeksso wait and see20:59
seven-elevengeirha, yeah, ubuntus package management is good. im currently researching pypa (pip), it doesn't look safe, there is some development, i wonder if they fixed their vulnerabilities by now21:00
haysOerHeks: hadn't heard of that. is that true of the buster release too?21:02
OerHekshays, that i do not know, you could try the server edition, see https://jamesachambers.com/raspberry-pi-ubuntu-server-18-04-2-installation-guide/21:03
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fribwhen I hit backspace oftentimes it takes several times (sometimes a lot) to actually erase any caracters. It seems like there are invisible characters being typed in between that have to be erased.. Is there anyway to diagnosi/fix this? also, my h  key  is it or miss, like 50% (varies by te day)21:19
fribthanks for help21:19
B|ack0pis there 32bit of 18.04 ?21:30
B|ack0pi cant find in the ubuntu website21:30
OerHekslubuntu, server, and mini iso gives 32 bit versions, 32 bit is going to be dropped in the future21:31
n-iCehi B|ack0p21:31
OerHeksoh, and mate21:31
B|ack0phow is mini iso? what can i do with mini ?21:31
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:31
OerHeksthat one requires internet21:32
n-iCemake sure you have ethernet21:32
B|ack0pis it actual ubuntu 18.04 but requires internet to install?21:32
n-iCeB|ack0p: yes21:32
B|ack0pwell i wanna install to old laptop 2006 model21:32
OerHeksit gives any supported desktop and server options during install21:32
B|ack0p32 bit core duo 1.83ghz with 2gb ddr2 ram21:33
OerHeksoh, lubuntu will work on such old hardware21:33
B|ack0pbut has ssd21:33
n-iCesounds good21:33
B|ack0pother day i tried 16.04 without ssd, it was really slow21:33
B|ack0pdo u think ssd makes difference?21:33
OerHeks.. only you can tell with that hardware21:34
B|ack0pnever tried..21:34
n-iCeB|ack0p: always hehe21:34
B|ack0pis lubuntu light weight?21:34
n-iCeit is, lxqt is21:35
n-iCexfce is too21:35
B|ack0pi wanna use for self studies for coding (python ..etc) and surfing and watching videos online etc.21:36
B|ack0pok i will give lubuntu a try21:37
OerHeksmaybe it will run youtube, but the age, 2006.. no guarantees21:39
B|ack0pwell i installed XP and it shows youtube videos well. just having problem with HTML5 and flash based websites21:40
B|ack0pabout streaming video21:40
B|ack0pi dont think hardware will give much trouble.21:40
n-iCetry lubuntu :p21:40
B|ack0pthat s one of the reasons why i want to install ubuntu or lubuntu21:40
n-iCeor try a minimal iso21:40
n-iCeand install what ever you want21:40
B|ack0pi wanna watch movies, netflix ..etc21:40
n-iCeI would try openbox21:40
n-iCewindows managers21:41
B|ack0pn-iCe i will give it a try21:41
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seven-elevendoes ubuntu's gpg package integrity auth also secure the user if one of ubuntu's repository is rogue? i think yes, because the preinstalled gpg public key allows `apt install` to check the authencity of the fingerprint21:51
seven-elevenand only the owner of the package can create the package's valid certificate, a rogue ubuntu repository server couldn't21:51
sarnoldseven-eleven: with apt, repositories are signed; not packages21:52
sarnoldseven-eleven: run apt-key list to see which keys your system is configured to support21:53
seven-elevensarnold, oh I thought each package is signed21:54
OerHeksyes they are .. and rogue repositories, what do you mean about that?21:55
sarnoldseven-eleven: the repository generates sha256sums (among others) for all the packages that it hosts, and then signs the *lists* of hashes -- the packages in the repository could come from anywhere21:55
OerHeksjust adding some 3rd party repo , you are on your own21:55
OerHeks( but then they are not ubuntu repositories)21:56
seven-elevensarnold, gotcha21:56
sarnoldseven-eleven: it's a small point, for most people it doesn't matter, but if you're asking the questions, then I assume you want to know :D21:57
plujonsarnold: Sorry, I haven't seen the beginning of the questions.  But, I have a similar question: Does anybody at Canonical review code that's in the official repositories?21:57
seven-elevenso i have to trust the repository and the package creator, not just the package creator :-)21:58
sarnoldplujon: not as much as I would like -- ubuntu imports automatically from debian when our devel release is open; debian packagers do some reviews, and debian's FTP team does reviews of new packages, but probably not every upload after that21:59
sarnoldplujon: there's some reviews involved when people ask packages to be moved from universe to main21:59
seven-elevenOerHeks, i was thinking that a package creator submits a unharmful package to ubuntu's repository, on a ubunut's repository it gets tampered with, now with package signing by the original owner i could have noticed that :-)21:59
sarnoldplujon: .. but once that review is over, we won't constantly re-review packages in main each release22:00
plujonsarnold: Ah.  So, is anybody on the hook if a malicious package is discovered?22:00
sarnoldplujon: not as things currently stand, but I can imagine it wouldn't go over well22:01
OerHeksseven-eleven, interesting theory22:03
plujonI wonder in what countries creating a malicious package and being discovered leads to jail time or the like.  I don't know what the laws are in the US about such things.22:04
OerHeksoh it is tinfoilhat time ..22:05
seven-eleveni think more dangerous are pip packages; Im going to get rid of all that were installed by root, those are non reviewed packages; ubuntu has much more review and its not easy to get your package to the main repos like with pip where everybody can upload freely :-)22:05
* OerHeks afk22:05
tomreyni find those to be relevant points to know, and to discuss. but it's more of a discussion (thus should probably take place in #ubuntu-discuss rather than here)22:07
sarnoldseven-eleven: the penalties can be substantial; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_Fraud_and_Abuse_Act22:07
subcooli keep getting this error, and i dont know why. (xfdesktop:18462): garcon-CRITICAL **: 12:47:32.428: garcon_menu_item_action_unref: assertion 'GARCON_IS_MENU_ITEM_ACTION (action)' failed22:13
subcoolIts apart of: /home/user/.local/share/Trash/files/.vnc/user:1.log file is like 30gb22:13
subcooli've googled garcon, and the garcon_is.... error im not coming up with anything i understand22:14
tomreynsubcool: /home/user/.local/share/Trash/files/.vnc/user:1.log is a file system object (maybe a normal file) which has been placed in your trash.22:20
tomreynsubcool: so this suggests you used a grpahical file browser to move this to the trash (instead of deleting it)22:21
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ztychrDoes anyone know of a way/gnome extension that removes the text/title under icons when alt + tab switching? So that only icons are shown?23:27
ztychrIn Ubuntu 18.04.23:27
abdulhakeemTried to wipe out my LAMP stack and start fresh. Uninstalled and reinstalled mysql but the previous configuration still seems to be in place. How can I erase the mysql config and start fresh so I can run mysql_secure_installation again?23:52
sarnoldapt purge instead of apt remove23:52
tomreyn"apt purge ..." instead of "apt remove ..."23:52
abdulhakeemyeah that's what I did23:53
abdulhakeembut when I try to run sudo mysql_secure_installation it asks me for the password for the root@localhost user23:53
abdulhakeembut I forgot what i had the password set to before23:53
abdulhakeemwhich is part of why I'm trying to wipe it out23:53
tomreynmaybe there are some more mysql* packages you needed to purge23:54
abdulhakeemI even deleted /etc/apache2, /etc/mysql, /etc/php, which were still there after the purge23:54
abdulhakeembut I guess that wasn't it23:54
tomreynat some pointit should have asked you whether you want it to delete the databases, too23:54
jrgAfter all that trouble of updating the bios. The system still reboots when put into sleep mode.23:55
tomreynthe mysql data directory is /var/lib/mysql by default. if you no longer need the data you can clear this directory after purging all mysql* and libmysql* packages23:55
abdulhakeempurge mysql* did the trick23:55
jrgLol. I can’t figure it out.23:55
abdulhakeemhadn't done that before23:55
abdulhakeemdid it without the wildcard23:55
tomreynyou're welcome.23:55
tomreynjrg: canyou post  journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999923:56
jrgMissing port number.23:58
tomreynjrg: you missed "9999"23:58

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