
ubptgbotRalph was added by: Ralph05:22
ubptgbot<tylnesh> Hey guys!08:01
ubptgbot<tylnesh> Does the GUI for the openvpn work?08:01
ubptgbot<tylnesh> I've been trying to get it working with my vpn server, but I can only get through with it when I'm doing it from the terminal and running the .ovpn file itself08:02
ubptgbot<tylnesh> in gui, it asks for the key, ca, crt etc.08:02
ubptgbot<tylnesh> so I split the ovpn config into separate files08:02
ubptgbot<tylnesh> [Edit] so I split the ovpn config into separate files accordingly08:03
ubptgbot<tylnesh> and manually set up like in the ovpn08:03
ubptgbot<tylnesh> but it only gives the unhelpful: the vpn connection failed08:04
ubptgbot<tylnesh> is there a better way to run the .ovpn file via the gui?08:07
ubptgbotYves Goux was added by: Yves Goux08:39
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> It works fine for me with my vpn - Mullvad08:48
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @tylnesh [but it only gives the unhelpful: the vpn connection failed], you can check syslog for  … additional info on why it fails the vpn editor app in the open store  … also reveals more options10:16
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @Fuseteam [you can check syslog for  … additional info on why it fails the vpn editor app in …], True10:33
ubptgbot<Peter Keck> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/T7cTmPIZ.webp10:52
ubptgbot<Hungry_BB> guys < I just  update teh authenticator app and now .. it is not scanning new codes ,... camera can not focus11:20
ubptgbot<Hungry_BB> (Sticker, 377x512) https://irc.ubports.com/6ROUGlxE.webp11:20
ubptgbot<Hungry_BB> can some1 do something  ? I depend on that app11:32
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/90TB7Jua.null11:37
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> Try with this11:38
ubptgbot<Sconio> HI11:44
ubptgbot<Danfro> @malditobastardo [<reply to media>], I can confirm that with OpenStore version focus does not work.12:31
ubptgbot<Danfro> With your version focus works BUT images is 90 degree rotated.12:31
ubptgbot<Danfro> Should any qr code work?12:32
ubptgbot<Danfro> It wouldn't read the code. But I havn't got a two factor code at hand.12:33
ubptgbot<Danfro> Ok, it was the code. Just found one in a how to, that worked.12:34
ubptgbot<Graham Clark> @dohbee [press both volume buttons simultaneously], Thank you for that. Given only three buttons, you would have thought i would have discovered that. … .....  … But sadlly no.13:24
ubptgbot<Graham Clark> @John (Marlin) [It's on a sticker inside the case, but you can view it in About Phone instead.], Ah, yes, I found the emei number but i couldn't find the details the guy on a youtube vid was saying existed. It was on a different type of phone, mind.13:25
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @Danfro [I can confirm that with OpenStore version focus does not work.], @dohbee13:36
ubptgbot<dohbee> @malditobastardo [@dohbee], it's fixed in master. i'll make a new release soon13:38
ubptgbot<Portu51> I cant see videos in ubuntu touch nexus 515:14
ubptgbot<Portu51> my camera videos15:15
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @Portu51 [my camera videos], Yes, that doesn't work at the moment.  Use the UTMedia app for the time being.15:15
ubptgbot<Portu51> Ok thank's15:16
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> You're welcome.15:17
ubptgbot<samzn> Linugs boots on 2520 now :))16:42
ubptgbotarthurtan650 was added by: arthurtan65017:25
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> With plenty of confirmations, I'm sending the current devel image to RC late this week.18:23
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> Yay OTA1018:24
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/iT0bqe8v.webp18:28
ubptgbot<Danfro> @UniversalSuperBox [With plenty of confirmations, I'm sending the current devel image to RC late thi …], 👍 🍾18:43
drFaustrollhi... i have installed ubports on an meizu mx4... all good and working... till i have managed to forget my pin19:32
drFaustrollnow the issue is I do not manage to boot in any form of recovery and do a factory reset19:33
drFaustrolldo I miss anything?19:33
ubptgbot<naszsrem> Yeah!19:35
ubptgbotEike_der_Auferstandene was added by: Eike_der_Auferstandene20:18
ubptgbot<iamjackscompletelackofsurprise> @UniversalSuperBox [With plenty of confirmations, I'm sending the current devel image to RC late thi …], Goodd work.20:33
ubptgbot<iamjackscompletelackofsurprise> @UniversalSuperBox [With plenty of confirmations, I'm sending the current devel image to RC late thi …], [Edit] Good work.20:34
drFaustrollok seems to be something fishy.. installed it on n5 without issues on mx4 simply does not want20:34
ubptgbot<dohbee> mx4 has a notoriously finicky USB port/controller20:35
ubptgbot<dohbee> i'm not sure what all is doable in recovery, though20:36
drFaustrollubptgbot:  indeed20:37
drFaustrollubptgbot: but is still funny20:37
drFaustrollalso instructions in ubports installer state power plus volume down20:38
drFaustrollzero effect20:38
ubptgbot<dohbee> you have to hold them until recovery comes up. though i don't recall off hand if it's correct combination for mx420:40
ubptgbot<dohbee> might be volup instead (some devices vary, iirc)20:40
drFaustrollubptgbot: i think is not20:40
drFaustrollubptgbot: yap volup but i end up in ubuntu logo20:40
ubptgbot<dohbee> you can adb i guess from there, and flash the device again though no? (not sure if you care about your data or not)20:41
ubptgbot<dohbee> but if it was flashed with ubports installer before i think it should have the adb-enabled recovery20:42
drFaustrollubptgbot: I do not care about the data... i try to flash it again20:45
drFaustrollubptgbot: adb devices shows nothign which worries me20:46
drFaustrolllsusb lists nothing related to meizu20:46
drFaustrollonly when i boot shows something20:46
drFaustrollubptgbot: crazy... got it in the end in the right spot20:56
drFaustrollubptgbot: thanks for help is power with down20:56
ubptgbotSteephen was added by: Steephen20:58
ubptgbot<Eike_der_Auferstandene> Moin, … I'm new on this topic. Does Telegram work fine under UT?20:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes, you can use web telegram, or teleports app21:03
ubptgbot<Eike_der_Auferstandene> Not the Linux client?21:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> you can use an armhf built deb version under libertine if you want i guess; but it's not really optimized for touch devices, and doesn't integrate with push notifications and such21:05
ubptgbot<dikelito> Does the ubports support push notifications?21:06
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes21:06
ubptgbot<dikelito> [Edit] Does the ubports (teleports*) support push notifications?21:06
ubptgbot<dikelito> how? … I should make it run in background?21:06
ubptgbot<dohbee> the webapp does not though21:06
ubptgbot<Eike_der_Auferstandene> @dohbee [you can use an armhf built deb version under libertine if you want i guess; but …], Thanks21:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> no, you need to log into an Ubuntu One account in system-settings, and then enable notifications in teleports21:07
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @dohbee, I don't suppose you could point me to how the "app delegate stuck to your finger when you swipe from the right" works?21:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> for the app grid?21:09
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Well, in edge the animation is completely broken21:09
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> It's like we're trying to play three things at once, and even then in the wrong order21:09
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> So what's supposed to happen is the old app fades out while the new app slides in. That's the ideal new case.21:10
ubptgbot<dohbee> hmm21:10
ubptgbot<dohbee> right, for the short swipe case21:10
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Instead the old app fades out (to opacity 0), then snaps back to opacity 1 because the animation ended, then the new app slides in21:10
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> However21:10
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> It's also possible, by sliding out slightly further and slower, to get the old behavior of "App stuck to your finger"21:11
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> The start of the Spread animation21:11
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> If you release then, the app flips in like the old model21:11
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Then the other two animations play after the flip is finished21:11
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/AgunOmgo.mp421:12
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Er, wrong one21:12
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/yE40YdD1.mp421:12
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> This is a slightly better idea of what's happening21:12
ubptgbot<dohbee> hmm21:12
ubptgbot<dohbee> not sure :-/21:12
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I can see how the current wrong one happens. It plays the fade animation then plays the slie21:13
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> [Edit] I can see how the current wrong one happens. It plays the fade animation then plays the slide21:13
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> They block for whatever reason21:13
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> But I don't see why I can get all three21:13
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I'd rather just have the old behavior21:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> not really sure, and unfortunately don't have time right now to go digging in the code.21:14
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Yeah, I've been digging. Was both for rubber ducking and wondering if it was on the tip of your tongue21:14
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @UniversalSuperBox [<reply to media>], curious: what app are you running here?21:14
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> `make tryShell` inside a Unity8 build tree21:14
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> It's part of the self-test system21:15
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> nice21:15
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Oh, I found it21:21
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> There's a transition and a pair of ParallelAnimations21:21
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I think both run21:21
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> If the animation doesn't play, apps can't switch.21:26
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> That's fun21:26
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> does anyone else with a Meizu Pro 5 sometimes get a double boot?  Sometimes I get the splash screen, then the Ubuntu Touch pinkish startup screen, then it goes dark, and the it does it all over again before booting.  On RC channel21:27
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Sounds like unity8 crashing and taking the session with it. Would love to see `.cache/upstart/unity8.log` after that happens.21:27
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Hey I fixed it21:28
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @UniversalSuperBox [Sounds like unity8 crashing and taking the session with it. Would love to see .c …], Do I need to install anything in order to generate that log file?21:28
ubptgbot<dohbee> no21:28
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @dohbee [no], ok - will see if I can get it to repeat the issue and then will post log21:29
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Graham Clark [Thank you for that. Given only three buttons, you would have thought i would hav …], you can also swipe the volume rocker if you have one volume rocker instead of two volume buttons :321:40
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @samzn [Linugs boots on 2520 now :))], 2520?21:40
ubptgbot<samzn> Lumia 252021:41
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @samzn [Lumia 2520], are you booting up a desktop distro on it or Ubuntu Touch?21:41
ubptgbot<samzn> Just Linux21:41
ubptgbot<samzn> [Edit] Just the Linux kernel for now21:42
ubptgbot<samzn> I don't have interest of getting ubports to it but I know people here who would like to follow up21:42
ubptgbot<samzn> [Edit] I don't have interest of getting ubports to it anymore but I know people here who would like to follow up21:42
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> glad to hear the kernel boots, now for the hard part; device drivers21:47
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> (Photo, 312x154) https://irc.ubports.com/055Jz5fZ.png There are easter eggs in the test suite21:53
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> lol21:54
ubptgbot<samzn> @Fuseteam [glad to hear the kernel boots, now for the hard part; device drivers], DT generated by ACPI exposes almost everything, I was surprised a lot just worked and initialized properly before the first kernel panic21:55
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> interesting might be worth to try the pinephone rootfs to see what works and what doesn't21:58
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> what did you have to do to get the kernel to boot?21:59
ubptgbot<samzn> Chainloading Tianocore, fixing some things specific to MSM8974, emmc driver, etc, getting the memory map correct and then boom22:01
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> .........i...i see22:02
ubptgbot<samzn> I think it should be possible to have a generalized kernel source for MSM897422:03
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> i assume msm8974 is specific for lumia 2520 right?22:04
ubptgbotAlessandro Felici was added by: Alessandro Felici22:04
ubptgbot<samzn> @Fuseteam [i assume msm8974 is specific for lumia 2520 right?], msm8974 is snapdragon 80022:04
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> ah interesting, well if it can use the devices full hardware with a reference rootfs i don't see why not22:07
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> did you know that few of the 'over 100 devices that boot pmos' includes some lumia devices?22:08
ubptgbot<jja2000> @Fuseteam [did you know that few of the 'over 100 devices that boot pmos' includes some lum …], Yes but those are still based on the limited Android ports for the *20 series22:09
ubptgbot<samzn> @Fuseteam [did you know that few of the 'over 100 devices that boot pmos' includes some lum …], uses another kind of bootloader22:10
ubptgbot<samzn> it's more android focuses22:10
ubptgbot<samzn> [Edit] it's more android focused22:10
ubptgbot<samzn> Uses an old CAF-based kernel I believe22:11
ubptgbot<Tygerpro> @TotalSonic [does anyone else with a Meizu Pro 5 sometimes get a double boot?  Sometimes I ge …], My N5 does that once in awhile, its usually if I tell it to restart, my galaxy note 4 port did it like every other boot22:11
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @jja2000 [Yes but those are still based on the limited Android ports for the *20 series], ah i see22:15
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @samzn [Uses an old CAF-based kernel I believe], interesting22:15
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/QV20i0uF.txt22:26
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @UniversalSuperBox [Sounds like unity8 crashing and taking the session with it. Would love to see .c …], see above22:27
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @TotalSonic [see above], There are only two lines here22:43
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I don't understand how unity8 is so smooth on the fairphone 2 but falls down on the oneplus one22:45
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @UniversalSuperBox [I don't understand how unity8 is so smooth on the fairphone 2 but falls down on …], this was on Meizu Pro 5 after a restart and a double boot22:46
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Seems rather small — maybe serendipity hit and the log was rotated22:47
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Try `unity8.log.gz`22:47
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> or `.1.gz`22:47
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> The Fairphone 2 and Oneplus One have the same GPU for pete's sake22:47
ubptgbot<Marcoapc> Will the upstart on Ubuntu Touch be updated and have innovations?22:54
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Nah, we'll switch to systemd eventually22:54
ubptgbot<Marcoapc> @UniversalSuperBox [Nah, we'll switch to systemd eventually], 😅22:57
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> With the mountain we need to maintain, a deprecated init system is just dumb22:57
ubptgbot<Marcoapc> @UniversalSuperBox [With the mountain we need to maintain, a deprecated init system is just dumb], So the upstart is temporary, will it stay until mountain is over?23:00
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Well the mountain will never be over23:00
ubptgbot<fredldotme> it'll probably stay until we can safely put the current set of supported devices to rest23:00
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> It's another thing on the pile. We'll be forced to switch with a distribution upgrade, so it'll probably be at that time23:01

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