
didrocksgood morning05:38
dufluMorning didrocks05:38
didrockshey duflu :)05:51
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:04
oSoMoNand happy Friday06:04
dufluHi oSoMoN06:06
oSoMoNhi duflu06:06
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
marcustomlinsonmorning didrocks duflu oSoMoN07:24
dufluMorning marcustomlinson07:24
oSoMoNmorning marcustomlinson07:34
didrocksoupsss didn't see your pings, hey marcustomlinson & Laney :)08:14
marcustomlinson:) hey Laney08:15
Laneyhey didrocks marcustomlinson (oSoMoN duflu)08:24
Laneyhmm, after my desktop incident yesterday, the juju stuff is all broken08:26
Laneylooks like it came up with different IPs and juju knows about the old ones08:26
Laneyi.e. juju + DHCP are not friends08:26
LaneyI guess Openstack / LXD arrange for the same instance / container to get the same IP for their lifetime, but my router doesn't do such a thing08:28
dufluMorning Laney08:31
oSoMoNhey Laney08:34
Laneywhat up Wimpress09:13
WimpressLeaving for hols this afternoon, so getting ready to exit stage left.09:14
Laneyme too :>09:16
Laneygoing somewhere nice?09:16
WimpressLaney: To the Yorkshire Dales for a week and then all the way down to Devon for week.09:29
LaneyWimpress: luverly09:31
WimpressWhere are you headed?09:33
WimpressWonderful. Love it there :-)09:34
oSoMoNholidays, that sounds nice09:42
oSoMoNWimpress, does https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/75579 look familiar? i.e. has this been reported for other snaps or in other contexts?09:42
WimpressoSoMoN: Huh. Interesting. I use Code all day everyday. I've never experienced that.09:44
WimpressFirefox is my default browser too.09:44
Laneyclobrano: well done on the membership!09:50
clobranohey Laney, thank you :)09:53
oSoMoNWimpress, are you on bionic09:56
WimpressNo, 19.0410:16
oSoMoNWimpress, are you using the firefox snap though? only the deb is affected10:42
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didrocksLaney: Just before your holidays: can you tell me where you uploaded mutter (see the trello card)? I looked in eoan, ubuntu-desktop ppa, debian experimental, but no luck16:24
Laneydidrocks: silo, linked from a comment on the same card I think16:24
didrocksah, to the silo you linked in a previouc comment on the card, got it, thanks!16:25
didrocksI should get around that on Monday16:25
Laneythat's like the staging area for all this shit16:25
Laneycool, nice one16:25
Laneydidn't want to upload to the release and then go away for a week :>16:25
* didrocks got advanced more than I thought :p16:25
didrocksyeah, I think Trevinho's will still end the transition, but at least, I can prepare the patch16:26
didrocksLaney: before you go (and I go): enjoy your holidays :)16:26
didrockssee you in… 3 weeks :)16:26
Laneythanks 🍸16:26
didrocks(well, almost 4, as you will be at GUADEC once I'm back)16:26
Laneyyou have a great one too16:26
didrocksthanks ;)16:26
Laneysend pix16:27
didrockswill do! do the same ;)16:27
didrockson that note, time for week-end!16:27
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
LaneyI'm out, see you in a week!18:00
=== Laney is now known as awayney

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