[00:20] hi i am getting this: ERROR juju.worker.provisioner cannot start instance for machine "0/lxd/3": unable to setup network: host machine "0" has no available device in space(s) "int-api" [00:22] whenever i try to deploy to a defined space. if i set it to a bad spaces name, the deploy command fails before submitting the task, so i know the sapce is defined. but somehow in the juju magic behind the scenes its not liking something. [00:27] i turned on juju debug-log (debug level) and watched it, no other errors pop up.. any ideas which logs to dig into? the space is a subnet x.x.112.0/22 network, and the the machine has an x.x.113.0/22 (yes mass auto-picked 113.0 as the IP) from a subnet perspective its valid... but wondering if that could be the issue? [00:28] the machine has a int-bn that has eth1 and eth2, and a bridge on top of the bond int-br, and then a vlan interface int-br.112 [00:30] juju version: 2.6.5-bionic-amd64 and maas: 2.4.2 [02:20] hello everyone, do anyone know why when juju deploys kubernetes, it resolves the dns to public ip address? [02:21] is there anyway that I can ssh into coredns/ [02:25] everytime I try to ssh into coredns, it tells me that the pod is not found, but it's there [14:13] Hi === d4rks1d3 changed the topic of #juju to: https://jujucharms.com, general chat on === d4rks1d3 changed the topic of #juju to: https://jujucharms.com, general chat on https://discourse.jujucharms.com [15:27] Someone around to help me with a keyston charm? [15:27] I am facing an error in the deployment time [15:27] that is not able to connect [15:31] https://pastebin.com/4caq4Kiz [15:32] here is the log [15:32] Thanks