
metresHello, just installed Disco Dingo and tryng to run docker... I started a docker using "docker run ..." and I am unable to stop it with ctrl+c or with docker stop with the container id... any clue..?01:52
metres( I install the docker.io package by the way )01:52
OerHeksmetres, a short quick start https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-docker-on-ubuntu-18-04#step-6-%E2%80%94-managing-docker-containers02:03
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metresOerHeks: My issue was not with docker, it was apparmor that prevent killing containers...02:36
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BluesKajHowdy folks11:47
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pragomerhi I am new to kubuntu (and happy with plasma) coming from xubuntu. I got this issue: I have a synology nas with 3 shares that are mounted via cifs in fstab. When I shut the nas down without unmounting the 3 drives, dolphin hangs always, is ultra slow, etc.. as it would try to connect to the nonexistent drives..16:34
pragomerdid not have this with xfce16:34
pragomerany idea if and how kubuntu perhaps does not get that the nas is shut down and permanently searching for it?16:38
BluesKajpragomer, dunno much about nas, perhaps ask in #kde chat, altho unmounting should work unless it unmounts for your LAN as well16:41
pragomertrying to unmount it via sudo umount /media/mynasshare tells me that it would be in use. but this isnt the case.16:42
pragomertheres is no process in htop that refers to it16:42
pragomerwhen trying to unmount via dolphin it tells me "no device found"16:43
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