=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [03:00] Popp was added by: Popp [05:35] I have a problem installing lubuntu. In the partition stage it only says EFI and then [05:35] manual partition [05:35] But I want to erase the previous OS (Windows - brand new laptop) [05:35] @nic83 Does it have emmc or something unmount all previous partitions [05:35] And anyways I don't know how to manually partition [05:36] MMC [05:37] you will need to unmount all partitions unfortanetly installer automounts them [05:37] How can I unmount them [05:37] open pcmanfm-qt and click on the arrows on the sidebar [05:39] now what [05:42] then restart the installer [08:37] ∆ was added by: ∆ [10:21] hello [10:37] Markox89 was added by: Markox89 [10:40] Hi! I just updated from Bionic to Eoan, something went really wrong XD i had to manually reinstall terminal, no navigation bars at all...am I missing some new package? [10:43] Markox89: hi, how did you update, and is lubuntu-desktop installed? [10:44] you're aware that eoan is unreleased, right? [11:00] @tomreyn [ Markox89: hi, how did you update, and is lubuntu-desktop installed?], Changed repos in sources. I know it's still under development but I saw feature freeze is near 😋 … Reinstalling lubuntu desktop right now, thank you I'll come back soon. [11:04] Markox89: changing apt sources to upgrade isn't really the right way to upgrade (maybe lubuntu has different policies on thais, but i assume not), and probably why it failed. [11:05] upgrading to 19.04 via do-release-upgrade beforehand or installing eoan fresh in a VM for testing would have been a safer approach. [11:39] Thank you! I solved my problem :) [20:03] hi [21:55] Dean Nielsen was added by: Dean Nielsen