[02:53] amurray: you will need to manually connect to gnome-3-32-1804 as the auto connection request hasn't been completed yet [02:53] snap connect drawing:gnome-3-32-1804 gnome-3-32-1804 [02:53] kenvandine: one more for you https://www.reddit.com/r/gnome/comments/cl2qcd/simple_news_feed_reader_for_gnome_called_feeds/ ;) [02:53] :) [02:53] i knew that one was coming :) [02:54] amurray: my connection is delayed... maybe i have time now :) [02:55] kenvandine: so is mine - but I'll leave it to the expert 😁 [02:57] kenvandine: it wasn't the interface connection that failed - it was snapd complaining it couldn't install it as a prerequisite since it didn't know the syntax.. do I need snapd from edge? [02:57] no... [02:57] i fixed that [02:57] i thought i could use that syntax for the default provider [02:57] i was wrong :) [02:57] you need gnome-3-32-1804 from edge [02:58] we should be able to publish that to stable in the next couple of weeks [02:59] amurray: brand new and shiney stuff needed here :) [03:00] kenvandine: hmm I installed gnome-3-32-1804 and then drawing installed :) but seems the connection for it doesn't work right: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Y8JWc5NKjf/ [03:01] kenvandine: back in a minute [03:01] amurray: actually i'm going to wait on gnome-feeds. it needs the Gir for libhandy [03:01] which i'm going to add to the platform next week [03:01] amurray: oh... snapd bug :) [03:01] i think [03:01] once you try to run it without the content interface connected [03:01] connecting it doesn't seem to work [03:01] zyga: ^^ [03:02] I noticed that tonight as well [03:02] i think snap-discard-ns will fix it [03:02] or... remove drawing, install drawing, connect the interface, then run it again [03:03] amurray: /usr/lib/snapd/snap-discard-ns drawing [03:04] corner case, as usually snapd will automatically install the content snap and connect it for you. But since the auto connection request is still pending, it doesn't [03:26] kenvandine: huh weird (I had to reboot and it was magically fixed after that)