
Harishello all05:47
HarisI'm getting error msg on moving a directory. mv this /to/path is giving me ----> mv: inter-device move failed: ‘141552’ to ‘/nfs-share/app/assets/attachment/1573414’; unable to remove target: Is a directory05:48
emOneis ubuntu 18.04 set up for ssh log in20:54
tomreynemOne: only if you installed openssh server21:02
tomreynboth the live-server installer and and alternative server installer (also mini.iso, i think) offer this option during the installation.21:03
emOneE: Unable to locate package openssh21:03
emOnethanks tomreyn21:04
tomreyn(maybe the (default) live-server installer did not offer installing openssh-server in version 18.04.2 and earlier, though)21:04
emOnetomreyn: I am running ubuntu 18.04 through a proxmox VM image21:04
tomreynyou're welcome, emOne. now install your ssh authentication (public) keys and disable password based authentication.21:05
tomreynand move ssh to a different port number than 22.21:05
emOnegoing to run a quick update and upgrade first before installing openssh21:05
emOnetomreyn: what is a good port?21:05
emOneor does one not speak about that in a public IRC forum?21:06
tds22 ;)21:06
emOnelol hello tds21:07
emOnetds: how do you know I am here!21:07
emOne /nick emTwo21:08
tdsI just happened to be here anyway :)21:08
* emOne is emTwo now. I don't know who this em0ne is that you are talking about21:08
tomreynemOne: any other non standard port i'd say.21:10
tomreyn222 2222 22222 or be more creative21:10
emOneI guess that is a good enough method to keep automated scans from discovering me21:11
tomreynthe idea there is just to not have those keep your ports busy21:12
tomreynerr openssh-server21:12
tomreynit's not really a security measure21:12
emOneahh ok21:13
emOnenssh-server is already the newest version (1:7.6p1-4ubuntu0.3)21:13
emOneI am going to ask tds over at proxmox21:16
emOnethe openssh server must be running21:17
emOneit is asking for my pass afterall21:17
emOnetomreyn: thanks for all the help!21:17
tomreynyou're welcome21:18
tomreynemOne: password based root login is not a good idea.21:35
emOneI am going to change it to public / private key in a minute21:36
emOneI am happy I got ubuntu booting through proxmox in the first place21:36
emOnetomreyn: btw is it just me or is the debian SSH console prettier?21:37
emOneI get colours when I boot into debian21:37
emOneno colors in ubuntu ssh21:37
tomreynemOne: those can be enabled.21:39
Greyztarhello,a question,my raid controller refuse to show me serial of disk so i cant identify disk when they go bad,i ended up pulling each hard drive and then mark the missing disk with corresponding mountpoint so when a mountpoint fails i sort of know which disk it is that way also i made a id file for mount point in each hard drive root folder so i can properly remount same hard drives to same mount points as some of my program depends on it,my21:53
Greyztarthis be done any other way?21:53
Greyztarim using my raid controller in jbod mode21:54
tomreynGreyztar: depends on the raid controller. most either allow querying / configuration from the running ubuntu system using vendor specific software and / or provide such information from an OOB / remote management system21:56
Greyztartomreyn: my controller is an ancient lsi controller im using tw-cli to manage it but seems very limited,it shows me model name but no serial,its no good as ive got many disk of same size so cant differentiate if im using my other sata controller i can use smartctl which properly shows the serial so can id the disk that way21:58
Greyztarsame size and make that is21:59
tomreynGreyztar: if the controller / management software doesn't disclose it then you're out of luck, unless it's maybe presented in the bios.22:05
tomreynlike in an option rom22:05
tomreynoh smartctl does show it? ok. then hdparm -I should, too22:06
Greyztartomreyn: thanks for input ill try hdparm aswell =)22:10
tdsGreyztar: how were you attempting to get smart data out from the controller?22:31
tdsyou may need to poke smartctl with some 3ware-specific arguments iirc22:31
Greyztartds: dang it i didnt think of that! Of course that might work cheers!22:32
tdsGreyztar: take a look at the -d TYPE... section of the smartctl man page :)22:33
Greyztartds: ill try it tomorrow though im soon signing off thanks for the heads up i used it to pull smart info already but in an automated way to email me and such just didnt think i could just do it manually also on terminal of course22:33
TJ-usually the serial number is used by udev to create a /dev/disk/by-id/ symlink22:34
Greyztarohh wait no that was maybe something else hmm ill look into it tomorrow non the less22:34
GreyztarTJ-: thanks for that input aswell ill note it all and go at it tomorrow seems weird that the raid controller didnt show it in own software though22:36
TJ-Greyztar: so tw-cli /cX show didn't list the serials?22:38
GreyztarTJ-: im afraid no just model number :/22:38
TJ-Greyztar: was there a "serial" in the header row though?22:39
GreyztarTJ-: so frustrating as all searches on internet shows serial in tw-cli interface then again im running ancient hardware maybe i should invest in newer controller,hmm im not sure what mean by header row though theres a model number and some other number after but i couldnt correlate it to the serial number on the disk tohugh22:40
GreyztarTJ-: im fairly certain its nothing to do with serial number as its same number on many disk of same size and make22:42
TJ-Greyztar: "/cX show" or "/cX show drivestatus" outputs a table with a header-row, e.g. "Port   Status           Unit   Size        Blocks        Serial"22:42
TJ-Greyztar: I'm wondering if the tooling you have is an older version that doesn't report Serial, or if you get that but only see the drive model listed there22:42
GreyztarTJ-: yeah i think that might be it also,theres no serial head row only model i can see22:44
TJ-Greyztar: there are some interesting observations in this https://serverfault.com/questions/683464/get-disk-serial-number-by-smartctl-under-raid0-of-lsi22:48
TJ-Greyztar: is this a SAS controller? If so, sas2ircu should work22:50
GreyztarTJ-: interesting that article indeed,i think its a sas controller yes im a little tired so ill have to end here ,ill report back tomorrow if i got it working again thanks for helping22:53
tdsif you're using tw_cli, I think you'll end up wanting -d 3ware,x rather than -d sat+megaraid,x, but give it a poke and find out :)22:58
malina after months and months of a passthrough win kvm/qemu, an update? (didn't reboot for a week), now stops gpu(nv) to bepicked up by vfio, unlike before. I added softdep nv/nouv* to ...-load.d/vfio.conf or ratrrher in modprobe.d , and it is agaain caught. However, now when I start the vm, which 'starts' the screen is blank and possibly the passed through controller with trhe hids (kb/m), doesn't seem necessarily to switch over (not sure due to23:50
malina scree nbeing all blank). recent qemu updates? apparmour? libvirt? something something? where could I find maintainers of these packages?23:51
malina[01:34:27] <malina> has passthrough issues soared slightly in past week or so when I didn't reeboot.. or maybe fortnight? :)23:51
malinawondering if people using server for kvm/qemu  machines with windows might have noticed issues with the vfio after an update of say libvirtd/qemu/apparmour/kernel/initrd or similar in past fortnight or so.23:53
compdocwindows is hosting?23:55
malinano , of course not23:55
malinawindows is a guest machine to do sketchup, archicad , things like this23:56
malinaany any other programs in need for gpu, the odd game, and any old fashioned progs etc :)23:56
malinaI had for many months, in modprobe.d : blacklist nouveau and similar23:56
compdocoh, youre using passthru23:56
malinaand now I noticed yesterday, that when the card wasn't grabbed it was loaded with nouveau, etc.. so I don't think they23:57
compdocI have windows server and win10 running, but use all virtual devices23:57
malinafor a short year o r whatever, and some updates (I htink once before) made some changes so I had to fix, but didn't take too long, but right now, I get aagain an issue and notice withoout any change in configurations, that during boot it would ignore the blacklist and still bind to nouveau.. making me feel4 it was almost like a compiled kernel module.23:58
compdocand no virtio23:58
malinayou mean you pass the devices trhough or?23:58
malinaI use a  mix of passthrough and virtio for devices23:58
malinathe windows runs on a nvme23:58
malinaas windows is such a horrible OS for anything computational, I give it as fast stuff as it can have just to make sure it can do simple things.23:59

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