[00:00] sarnold: _Sym_ it's done from ./Kbuild [00:02] <_Sym_> I can't see to figure out what changed to cause this [00:02] sarnold: _Sym_ it's probably failing on 'clean' due to not having run mrproper or prepare, may also be due to doing an out-of-tree build [00:02] _Sym_: are you missing ./Kbuild's "no-clean-files := $(bounds-file) $(offsets-file) $(timeconst-file)" [00:03] <_Sym_> TJ, yes [00:03] _Sym_: I'd suspect your git repo isn't virgin, or you're using some non-standard build tooling [00:03] <_Sym_> oh wait, no [00:03] <_Sym_> sorry [00:03] <_Sym_> its there [00:04] <_Sym_> this happens on a clean repo with no changes [00:04] <_Sym_> I have a legacy kernel project that I know has not changed and its also happening on that one too [00:05] _Sym_: then you've got some implicit/explicit make over-rides going on somewhere [00:06] (fun fact, downloading this .zip was the thing that filled /home :) go figure.) [00:07] <_Sym_> TJ, This is happening on my 4.19.63 kernel for my laptop and also my 3.10.108 kernel for my android device [00:08] <_Sym_> I have not changed anything in the kernel [00:08] <_Sym_> in either kernel [00:08] _Sym_: my best guess is you've got a 'no-clean-files' assignment as "-" [00:08] <_Sym_> it must be some update from the last day or so [00:09] <_Sym_> TJ, its also happens with "make mrproper" command [00:09] <_Sym_> but just "make" does not produce the error [00:10] _Sym_: create a new user account, use it to make, see if it still happens. That'll tell you if it is a per-user or system-wide issue [00:15] <_Sym_> TJ, I figured it out.. :-) it was because of a kernel submodule [00:15] <_Sym_> thanks for helping me [00:16] <_Sym_> thank you too, sarnold [00:19] _Sym_: woo :) [00:19] Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew who to make a shortcut for terminal. I've seen other people do it where they right-click terminal and a bunch of boxes pop up where they can click on a shortcut [00:19] google isn't helping very much [00:20] Kevin199, where do you want this shortcut to show up? [00:20] I want a desktop shortcut for irssi(for example) [00:21] Kevin199, are you using gnome? [00:21] Yes [00:21] Kevin199, ok, I dont use gnome, but, have you tried dragging the exectable to the deskto? Not sure that works with gnome [00:22] I'll try [00:22] Kevin199, or right click desktop, crate shortcut, type in gnome-terminal [00:23] What are you using instead of Gnome, I can switch real quick [00:23] Kevin199, I use Mate [00:23] coz_, let me install that real quick brb [00:24] the shortcut you create on mate may not work the same way on gnome. [00:25] I didn't realize Ubuntu Mate was its own Distro [00:27] Kevin199, I believe you can install mate-desktop then log into that, however, I generally don't suggest that. I prefer a cleaner system, if you can define it that way [00:29] coz_, I'm looking into it right now. I think i might stick to Gnome tho [00:30] my laptop is only 4GB of ram and apparently Ubtunu Mate runs a minimum of 1GB of ram [00:33] if I have automount working for my usb sticks.. and i pull one out (does it dismount automagically as well??) and put in a new one.. will they all use the same /dev/ "name" [00:34] like usb stick 1 gets identified as sdb, and sdb1 gets mounted into /media/movies.. if I pull the usb stick, it should umount /media/movies.. and if I plug in usb stick 2.. will it be a the new sdb, or will it take sdc? [00:35] I can make em all mount correctly I think using fstab.. but it'd be easier if I could use /dev/sdb1 vs. device ID and a bunch of lines [00:35] scythefwd2: you should not PULL it out without unmounting/ejecting it first via software [00:35] If you can suggest a way to do that via a kodi interface using a joystick.. I'll be very glad to hear it [00:35] scythefwd2: removable media devices are handled by udisks, and it mounts them under /media/$USER/ with either the file-system label or the UUID [00:36] well thats not gonna work.. [00:36] scythefwd2: that's something to ask the Kodi project about but if you do pull the device expect file-system damage [00:37] scythefwd2: it sounds like something else might be responsible if they're being mounted directly under /media/ [00:37] they're read only as it is.. so I'm not particularly worried about that (nor the data on them.. they'll be copies of movies) [00:37] they're not, atm.. I was thinking I could make that happen though.. I'll gladly accept I'm wrong though [00:37] scythefwd2: despite read-only the Fs metadata is updated [00:38] but I need them to all mount to same dir for my idea to work.. I'll see if there is a way to do it having it check /media/$user/ as a parent and scan sub dirs [00:41] scythefwd2: possibly you can add a service unit that creates/removes a symlink when udisks mounts a device [00:42] possible.. that shouldnt enough extra load to it to be problematic [00:42] scythefwd2: you might be able to use the udisks HintName and/or the udev UDISKS_NAME [00:43] Yeah, you just went right past my head there lol [00:43] I'm new, very new to linux [00:43] scythefwd2: or you could just ensure all your USB devices have the same file-system label [00:43] that should be easy enough [00:43] heh, I like that one :) [00:44] wonder if its possible to alias a button press to a umount command (remember.. only a game pad hooked up here) [00:45] scythefwd2: I don't use kodi so no idea but the principle sounds good [00:45] I'm kinda hoping it lets be do it at the os level lol. kodi is more of a wm [00:46] reboot ... [00:46] but I'm running on a pi zero.. so gotta keep it TRIM [00:47] scythefwd2: maybe this will get you started: https://kodi.wiki/view/Built-in_scripting [00:47] scythefwd2: section 4 shows a gamepad example [00:47] thanks.. I was planning on bugging them next lol.. figured these questions were more os level [00:48] scythefwd2: from there I find RunScript(script[,args]*) on https://kodi.wiki/view/List_of_built-in_functions [00:49] scythefwd2: and further down that page is "System.Exec(exec)" [00:49] thanks.. looks like I get a bit of digging in there still todo before I start building [00:50] I came in here half expecting .. yeah, it doesnt work like that, and what you want to do isnt possible [00:50] so this was a much better result [00:50] thanks [01:24] hello guys, I have created a VM using ubuntu 18.04 server [01:25] I set up my proxies and all, but when i do sudo apt-get update, I am getting "temporary failure resolving " [01:25] stewie925: DNS issue [01:25] oh [01:26] qq, TJ, when i was in the ubuntu 18.04 installation process, there was a part where it gave an option to install OpenSSHServer (which I did click), but there is also a DNS Server option, should I have clicked it? [01:27] stewie925: no, 'server' means it answer requests. The issue you've there is the local resolver client cannot find the proxy name when it queries your network's DNS server (which is usually given out by DHCP) [01:29] hi where is my custom binds located. i mean if i run bind '"k":"apa"' [01:29] where do linux ssave that custom bind [01:30] kemisten: what tool did you use? [01:31] sarnold, "bind '"key":"string"' [01:31] sarnold, bind '"key":"string"' is the cxommand [01:33] long working windows kvm/qemu guest suddenly won't work as it used to. any ubuntu devs which know the qemu thing well which are helping here I could IM? [01:33] with more technical details and so on. [01:34] kemisten: I can't find a bind executable in ubuntu; what package provides it? [01:35] sarnold, just type bind '"k":"test"' [01:35] it will work [01:35] sounds like an option of a specific program [01:35] tested my self [01:36] kemisten: what does "cat /etc/issue" report? [01:36] kemisten: AHHHH! :D [01:36] kemisten: moment [01:36] testill -9 lolz [01:37] ok so no official help with upgrades of qemu/libvirt packages or sudden borks of people's libvirt machiens. yikes.. back to the old fashioned 9 hrs of dismantlig ubutnu automagic [01:38] kemisten: thanks for persevering :D it never crossed my mind that this would be a shell builtin. sorry. [01:38] Ubuntu 19.04 \n \l [01:38] kemisten: so you're on about the BASH "bind" built-in ? [01:38] kemisten: so -- if you just this, all on its own, it's not going to be saved anywhere; it's only going to affect the process that you ran it in, and it's not going to be saved automatically [01:39] ive not installed anyuy package for running bind kommaNDF IT CAMES WITH DEBIAN,RASPBIAN AND UBUNTU IT SEEMS [01:40] kemisten: see "man bash" and the " Readline Initialization" section, they are read from the readline config file ~/.inputrc [01:54] Hello, just installed Disco Dingo and tryng to run docker... I install the docker.io package, started a docker using "docker run ..." and I am unable to stop it with ctrl+c or with docker stop with the container id... any clue..? [01:54] ^\ may do it [01:54] if not, ps auxw to find the pid, kill -9 [01:56] I was just googling regarding the "temporary failure resolving " issue - it pointed me to updating /etc/resolv.conf , but for 18.04 it always revert to original after I reboot [01:57] thanks sarnold it worked, but it's kind of heavy... [01:58] stewie925: that is bad advice, don't mess with /etc/resolv.conf, fix the underlying issue which is the name not being found [01:58] metres: yeah, there *really* should be a better way to kill things. I'm not sure where to suggest to find out though.. it might be worth a bug report if you can't find something [01:59] TJ-: thank you , let me find that [02:01] stewie925: try "systemd-resolve " see what it reports, and if it fails, check the log file for clues with "journalctl -n 25 -u systemd-resolved" === [b0b] is now known as b0b [02:13] TJ-: thanks again - just got back, checking right noe [02:14] *now [02:14] the "system-resolve " seems to be lagging [02:14] oops systems-resolve i mean [02:15] systemd-resolve (typo) [02:15] just failed now with "query timed out " - checking the log [02:16] stewie925: check the NSSwitch config "grep 'hosts:' /etc/nsswitch.conf" [02:17] hosts: files dns [02:18] is what I see in the nsswitch.conf file [02:19] stewie925: so it first looks in /etc/hosts then it uses the local dns resolver stub, which will be systemd-resolved which is referenced in /etc/resolv.conf (which is a symbolic-link) and should contain "nameserver" [02:21] stewie925: if the PC is getting its IP address via DHCP then the nameserver provided by DHCP will be given to systemd-resolved to use, you can check what the upstream DNS server addresses are with "systemd-resolve --status" [02:28] so i did a sudo apt install libopencv3.2-java and now i don't have a .so file in lib [02:28] what did this actually do? [02:28] dpkg -L libopencv3.2-java showed a bunch of jar fles ut no .so file [02:31] iirc A libopencv_javaXXX.so will be in /usr/lib/jni, to where you have to symbolical link libopencv_java.so. [02:32] sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jni/libopencv_java320.so /usr/lib/libopencv_java.so as example from https://sikulix-2014.readthedocs.io/en/latest/newslinux.html [02:35] hrm. i wonder why it doesn't just put it in /usr/lib/ [02:41] maybe it just gives back control === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [03:19] hi. im curious if 'ufw allow ssh' enables firewall only port 22 tcp or any another port we replaced for 22 too? [03:50] QR: how do you mean "any other port we replaced for 22"? [03:55] tomreyn: i changed ssh port from 22 to another number. [03:57] 'ufw allow ssh' will cover new ssh port number? or its designed for default port 22 only ? [04:00] QR: UFW has a concept of something like service / application descriptions / profiles (i forgot the proper name it uses). one of those is for the ssh service, defining that it listens on 22/TCP. you should be able to find those in /etc/ufw, i think [04:00] (and be able to edit them as needed) [04:01] that's all from memory, haven't used ufw in a while [04:02] question: Does anyone know if a recient change/update is now making a Grub popup menu prior to Ubuntu booting? ... I'm having trouble with a computer running Ubuntu ver 16.04 booting anymore :\ [04:04] I'll check back for any replys ... thanks. [04:06] tomreyn: yes but this command covers for default 22 port only? otherwise i'll specify the port without type ssh [04:09] yeah, /etc/ufw/applications.d/openssh-server [04:10] QR: yes, 22 by default. and deltab just pointed you to the file which defines it. [04:22] deltab: ok then 'ufw allow ssh' command only covers port 22/tcp. i thought it should cover other port after i changed 22 to something else too. [04:22] I'd expect so too [04:23] I don't know much about ufw [04:23] tomreyn: i tested now but firewall didn't stop me [04:23] i didn't add new port for lfw as rule after changed ssh port. and i could login without problem [04:25] QR: do you mean s/lfw/ufw/? [04:26] ufw yes. sorry :) [04:26] QR: /etc/ufw/applications.d/openssh-server won't magically change after you make openssh-server listen on a different (or additional) port. personally i'd not edit /etc/ufw/applications.d/* and just put the specific port that's being used in the ufw rules. [04:27] did you use ufw app update ? [04:27] you may also need to systemctl reload ufw if it's implemented as a systemd unit [04:28] first time using ufw and Ubuntu. trying to secure system. 2018 lts has systemctl ? [04:29] deltab: didn't do it [04:29] ubuntu 18.04 uses systemd and thus systemctl, yes. [04:30] i didn't edit /etc/ufw/applications.d/openssh-server file. it shows ssh 22/tcp still. but i use another ssh port to login and ufw didn't stop me. [04:32] deltab: 'ufw app update' command returned as invalid syntax. [04:33] it needs a name (or 'all') and is used when you've edited the file [04:34] sorry I misunderstood what you meant about changing 22 to something else [04:35] changed ssh port 22 to something else at /etc/ssh/sshd_config [04:37] i'm curious if 'ufw allow ssh' command will cover new port too? or only old port as ssh has predefined 22 port in ufw config. [04:48] "Users can specify rules using either a simple syntax or a full syntax. The simple syntax only specifies the port and optionally the protocol" [04:48] I think it looks up ssh in /etc/services [04:50] oh, there is also ufw allow to use an app [04:50] but I think the app's name is openssh-server, not ssh [04:57] Hi - It looks like by changing something in my main.cf file for postfix it won't start - not sure how to debug the issue - any suggestions - sorry for a basic question [05:00] deltab: in web i read it as ssh. not openssh-server [05:01] try ufw app info ssh [05:14] deltab: couldn't find profile ssh [05:14] sudo ufw allow ssh (Checks the /etc/services file on your system for the port that SSH requires and allows it. Many common services are listed in this file.) [05:15] i checked services file says 22. so i deleted ssh rule for ufw and added port manually [05:16] i see that predefined rules static and not changing when i changed defaults. so its better to specify everything by self instead of typing service names to be sure. [05:39] i reinstalled ubuntu-desktop, because upgrading 18.04 to 19.04 broke my startx (didnt get a display, no error in Xorg.log either) [05:39] now my desktop looks blerg!? https://pasteboard.co/IqW61b3.png what happened? [05:43] that looks like vanilla gnome3, gnome session, logout, click your username, and change to ubuntu [05:55] hello guys , i am trying to run VNC server on my desktop, but when i follow this "https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-ubuntu-18-04" the VNC Server works fine but when i loggin it does not show the User's main desktop [05:56] instead it loads a default gnome desktop session and all the icons i added to desktop is missing [05:56] do you know how is it possible to load the User's main desktop when vnc connected ? instead of empty desktop [05:58] i have a folder that i use for a cifs mount /mnt/steam and it's showing up size 0 on ls -al. it's not mounted, i can't rm -rf it, is there a better way to nuke the folder/directory? [05:58] "cannot remove 'steam' : Device or resource busy" [05:59] OerHeks dankjewel!!!! [06:15] oh when i upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04 cifs-utils got deleted/purged somehow, but the fstab entry still automounted it [06:15] somehow? that's a bug, right? [06:15] so the directory was just "resource busy" [07:56] Is there anyone experiencing problem with right click context menu in 18.04? [07:57] Across many software, when I right click to open a context menu, it sometimes auto-click the menu item. This was really frustrating. [07:58] I often ended up opening a new window or open inspector when right-clicking under firefox. [07:58] I also experience this when using other apps. [08:10] I suppose this is due to wrong positioning of the context menu. [09:00] hi there! i am wondering if there is a option for cifs that allows ... "reconnect". for example: i mount smb-shares on my laptop when i am on wifi with vpn. when i come back to my office, i plug in a wire and would like to continue using the share, but via wire. [09:01] i just tried, it doesn`t work at the moment [09:01] plugged in the cable, made sure i received a dhcp-lease, then disconnected vpn and wifi. [09:02] when i now try to ls the mounted share... the console hangs [09:02] my current options are: noauto,users,nobrl,soft,vers=2.1 [09:04] is this just known broken? [09:41] If it doesn't respond to a signal like HUP, you'd need to either have your network manager, ifup script, or similar fire a mount -o remount (WITH password in a file somewhere safe and accessible, if required!) or unmount and remount the share, or use an automounter daemon [09:43] darkmeson: i just tried a mount -o remount ... that also hangs itself up [09:44] you'll probably have to umount -l ; mount then [09:45] and if that doesn't work, there's also fusesmb. FUSE-based filesystems tend to lose a decent bit of performance, but it doesn't matter nearly as much for slow network filesystems [09:45] yeah, the umount also hangs [09:45] what a pain [09:45] and, of course, you always have veto power since you can always kick the daemon out from under the mount with kill -9 and THEN unmount [09:49] what i dont understand: under windows the same procedure is working absolutely transparent out of the box. i doesnt even take a second. i plug in a network cable and it automatically switches to the wired network, even open files dont cause an issue. what kind of snake oil is that? [09:49] personally, I only use sshfs anymore. Windows has mingw/cygwin+openssh, and Android has the same stacks as GNU/Linux without too much more effort (than stock GNU/Linux) [09:49] sshfs is to slow for me [09:50] davfs2 then. windows has native support for that, and apache, nginx, etc, have native builds for Windows and about everything else [09:50] (can you saturate a gig with sshfs?) [09:51] lately, yes. they fixed that several years ago [09:51] not even thinking about 10g :) [09:52] your question is a bit loaded whether you realized it or not though (heavily hardware/configuration-dependent) [09:52] i didnt :) [09:53] i like smb, especially modern versions of it. smb multichannel, smb direct stuff like that [09:54] I think it actually has support for the 'fsc' mount option these days ("FSCache"), so than and cachefilesd might help if there's enough local storage for the hot data and the workload is mostly read-dominated [09:54] s/so than/so that/ [09:55] It always amuses me how people get sucked in by marketing terms like that [09:56] well, its really nice in real world to [09:57] they wade just far enough into the shallow end of psychology to get people believing their too smart by half solutions are easier and more straightforward, when the reality is anything but [09:57] i do have infiniband connections, i do have multiple 10g links to my servers [09:58] infiniband is nice, but that just moves the bottleneck to the slow disks unless they're in a dangerously large array with inadequate redundancy [09:58] ... or one uses nvme ;) [09:59] always loved the rdma mechanisms too, but that's just a multisystem exploit waiting to happen. Especially in this day and age [09:59] yup [09:59] hi buntus [10:00] if there was budget to go IB (even if only 10g) AND solid state, then why are you cheaping out on the fs? :P [10:01] ib is actually 40g, but the access layer is 10g ethernet [10:01] anyway, keep fusesmb in mind just in case ;) [10:01] ill try for sure [10:03] * darkmeson got dual port DDR pulls cheap enough years ago, but ~$35 per 3-6ft, inflexible cable was total bullshit [10:03] funny, got the same stuff laying around [10:03] then there's also the fact that the PCIE bus overhead effectively capped the theoretical max at about 16G [10:04] those were my first tests with ib [10:04] huh? i never noticed that, did you get the cards with x4/x8? [10:05] hey guys, whenever i turn on my computer and log in, i always get this error: https://imgur.com/YKIHwJ5 [10:05] the mellanox ones or? [10:05] how can i fix it? [10:05] like I said, it's PCIE bus overhead, so no getting around it no matter what [10:06] and yes, they're mellanox. who else? :) [10:06] rudeguy: can't load that (easily) atm. grub boot prompt, or? [10:06] well, if pcie bandwidth + overhead > nic speed: there you go. doesn`t matter [10:07] In practice, other components like slow SBs are going to matter more anyway [10:07] darkmeson: no, it's ubuntu's usual crash window. it says dbus-daemon crashed [10:10] what exactly is dbus, anyway? [10:10] Interesting. I'd been having issues like that too, but I figured it was some of the other unusual things I was doing [10:11] dbus is roughly the GNU/Linux equivalent of Android's intent system, only more horribly insecure and broken [10:11] most distros still run it as the user 'messagebus", which is a bit more telling [10:12] (because it started life as a generic message bus for generalized IPC, kind of) [10:14] technically, you can do without it IF you avoid the major DEs like Gnome/KDE, but systemctl will throw tantrums and some parts of systemd won't work [10:16] (all the useless parts that have nothing to do with init responsibilities and contribute nothing anyway) [10:16] anyway, head over to freedesktop.org if you want actual specs and so forth [10:19] as far as dbus crashing, the only thing I can suggest there is to 'cat /var/lib/dbus/machine-id' and make sure it exists and has a string in it [10:20] i see... [10:21] it does have a string in it [10:21] no, I guess I can also suggest "ps aux |grep dbus-daemon" to get the exact dbus command invocation and running it manually if/when it fails and doesn't come back. understanding what you'll be seeing is a bit more involved there, though [10:25] rudeguy: you can see your systems' past reports by running: x-www-browser https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/$(sudo cat /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id) === jstein_ is now known as jstein === im0nde_ is now known as im0nde [11:28] anyone facing LAN connectivity issue with 19.04 [11:28] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1135412/updated-to-19-04-and-no-ethernet-now [11:38] hello [11:47] Howdy folks [11:53] weird. why does it keep rejoining channels? heh [12:32] Hello, I am having a weird issue... I have two screen, a VGA and a DVI. when both are connected on boot, only the DVI get a display after choosing the grub entry but if I only connect the VGA I can plug the DVI one once I am log in and everything works fine...Anyone got an idea? [12:34] metres, are you using gdm3 as display manager ? [12:36] ioria: sddm [12:36] Hello, I was wondering if anyone here knows how to make a Keyboard shortcut to open Terminal in Ubuntu Gnome [12:36] metres, no idea then [12:37] I go to Device, then Keyboad, then scroll down and clicked the + button. But I don't know what to put as a command [12:39] https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/keyboard-shortcuts-set.html.en [12:41] Kevin199, you know that it's already set with ctrl+alt+t ? [12:41] Kevin199: gnome-terminal ? [12:42] I'm very new to Linux [12:42] I don't 100% understand [12:42] ioria, ty [12:42] Kevin199, ok [12:48] metres, are you using proprietary video drivers ? i mean, do you have an nvidia card ? [12:50] I got it to work, ty for the link [12:54] ioria: no dedictated graphic cards, I got a amd APU [12:56] I wonder if I change the cable on one screen from vga to hdmi and then both screen will receive digital signal... [12:59] On another hand, apparmor seems to do not work well with docker... I can run container but it prevent me to stop them, [13:01] Hi! Could somebody please help me with fsck? I found a corrupt file on ext4 partition. The partition is mountable, still I want to repair it. The command fsck -p shows "inode has corrupt extent header". Is the next best step to "Clear inode" with answering yes? Thank you in advance for any hint! [13:32] hi I'm on ubuntu server and installed the ubuntu desktop minimal (since my friend wants a DE) and when I boot I get to the display manager. How can I switch to the terminal? ctrl alt f1 doesnt do anything [13:34] kek_: the GUI is on tty1, use tty2 through tty6 with Ctrl+Alt+F2 through F6 [13:37] TJ-, ah it worked when I switched my keyboard ty [13:53] Hi, is there a command to reboot in a specific grub entry (and to list them all?). I only have bluetooth keyboard so I can't select an instance at boot [14:14] Hi! I have two issues 1) gurb wont install into a hard disk that has been RECYCLED from a buffalo terastation (I think this is a sector size issue (low level format) ) cant find any utility that takes care of this (not even sure if its still possible on 1TB disks its toshiba disks (4) of them 2) want to install grub from the installer live cd in the terminal to see what errors it generates...complains about a /cow when I issue [14:14] -install /dev/sdb , I don't think I have to jump over the moon to do this but pretty close!!! Anyone know how to solve either errors? [14:19] transhumanist: you need to mount the choort at /target correctly to do grub-install correctly from within the chroot [14:21] transhumanist: " for n in proc sys dev etc/resolv.conf; do sudo mount --rbind /$n /target/$n; done" then "sudo chroot /target grub-install -v /dev/sdb |& tee /tmp/grub-install.log" then "pastebinit /tmp/grub-install.log" [14:28] thanks TJ will do that and come back [14:41] Hi [14:43] I want to add a shortcut to my blender install in the launch bar. [14:44] I cannot drag and drop and there is no option on the right click menu related to shortcuts [14:46] test [14:46] d3vnu11: test elsewhere [14:47] :( [14:59] Am looking for a method to permanently bind caps lock to home without remapping the whole damn keyboard [15:18] parak0vsky, switch 66 to 110 : http://xahlee.info/linux/linux_capslock_do_home_key.html [15:28] I hate when this happens... everything was working fine... then I start my PC the other day and everything is messed up. My monitors are not being recognized property, I don't have full resolution... wtf? [15:28] I don't even know where to start [15:29] wondows: ubuntu version? kernel version? [15:40] lotuspsychje 18.04 [15:40] wondows: make sure you do the apport-collect while running the kernel version causing the problem, not the 4.18 version which worked well [15:41] tomreyn I don't know what that is [15:41] hi lotuspsychje [15:41] ducasse, hi [15:41] omg.. cant believe I'll have to spend hours trying to fix this...my day is ruined [15:41] wondows: start your system in recoverymode [15:42] wondows: and share your dmesg in a pastebin please [15:42] wondows: ok, i assumed you had filed a bug since one which sounds similar was filed around the same time you discussed your experiences here. [15:45] dmesg shows me plenty of these messages https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZCWHxHVZFS/ [15:45] not in recovery mode btw [15:51] wondows: whats your nvidia chipset please [15:52] wondows: read the ATTENTION paragraph at https://usn.ubuntu.com/4069-2/ [15:54] so what? [15:54] it's a RTX 2080ti [15:54] wondows: i'm guessing that you run 18.04 with HWE and got the 5.x HWE kernel [15:55] guess it updated itself [15:55] what can I do? [15:55] update to 19? [15:55] wondows: try the latest nvidia driver from the ubuntu graphics ppa, from !nomodeset [15:56] !nvidia | wondows [15:56] wondows: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [15:56] wondows: before you last rebooted, was this the problematic boot? [15:57] it just happened [15:58] wondows: actually you probably just need to upgrade nvidia drivers, yes. if you don't mind, post journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999 [16:00] hmm no this message suggests user space has nvidia driver version 430.26 but kernel has 418.56. so the nvidia driver was updated, but the kernel module needs to be upgraded, yet [16:01] which probably means you need to sudo update-initramfs -c -k 5.0.0-23-generic [16:01] uname -r prints 5.0.0-23-generic [16:02] so i guessed that version right [16:02] what does that do? [16:02] "update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.0.0-23-generic" [16:03] regenerate the initial ramdisk. i'm not certain that's where the updated nvidia kernel module needs to be, but can't think of anything else right now. [16:04] so should I reboot? [16:04] yes, shouldnt get worse [16:07] tomreyn: the ATTENTION about 3rd party is for the DKMS (re)build of the module I'd expect [16:07] TJ-: but are nvidia modules rebuilt via dkms? despite lack of source? [16:07] have no idea how you guys figure this out [16:08] that worked [16:08] I'll never understand this [16:08] tomreyn: the shim is I think [16:08] thanks [16:09] tomreyn: not used nvidia drivers in a long time though so it may have changed [16:09] TJ-: apprently it still helped, so my suspicion is the module was already there but dkms occurred after update-initram (due to kernel image update) [16:09] !info nvidia-dkms-415 [16:09] ...when updates were installed [16:09] Package nvidia-dkms-415 does not exist in bionic [16:09] wondows: i was really guessing, [16:10] !info nvidia-dkms-430 [16:10] Package nvidia-dkms-430 does not exist in bionic [16:11] what's up with ubottu? that does exist! 430.26-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 -> 500 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-proposed/multiverse amd64 Packages [16:11] there's only nvidia-dkms-390 [16:11] ...in bionic [16:12] oh in -proposed [16:13] https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=nvidia-dkms-430 [16:13] tomreyn: I'd guess that DKMS did (re)build but the new module wasn't added to the initiamramfs [16:14] grrr, typos galore today [16:14] Hello everyone, I am currently having issues with my Dell XPS and Dell D6000 dock. It was working for weeks until last night when it suddenly stopped. If I have it plugged in when booting I get dropped to the maintanance shell, but after pressing ctrl+d it boots fine. [16:15] TJ-: yes, that's what i meant by: "my suspicion is the module was already there but dkms occurred after update-initram (due to kernel image update) ...when updates were installed" [16:15] tomreyn: aha :) [16:15] you expressed it better :) [16:15] my eyes are suffering much blurring today I think I'm missing a lot! [16:17] get well soon. [16:17] I should menton that I was running 18;04 now upgraded to 19.04 but the issue still exists [16:21] rj1705: can you reboot twice, once while connected to the dock, once while not? and when you enter the maintenance shell, type echo $REASON and note down any output (if any), and then continue to boot? === jstein_ is now known as jstein [16:22] tomreyn sure, I'll go do that now [16:22] rj1705: and when you're done with those two boots, post journalctl -b -1 | nc termbin.com 9999; journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999 [16:23] ok :) [16:23] tomreyn do that once I get back into my system? [16:23] after those two boots, yes [16:24] i can remind you about those commands when you'll be back [16:31] if I echo $REASON nothing comes back [16:32] @tomreyn could you send me those commands again when you have a chance :) [16:33] rj170: journalctl -b -1 | nc termbin.com 9999; journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999 [16:33] so the difference is just "-1" [16:33] hey, I think ubuntu's virtualbox package broke with a kernel update recently. In the end it complained about number of arguments when compiling something related to dkms. [16:33] when I added oracle's repo and installed virtualbox 6, everything worked. [16:34] i wiped out and reinstalled my LAMP stack on my ubuntu server via tasksel, but now i can't ssh into the server anymore, keeps saying connection refused. Idk what I did [16:34] rj170: this posts your full kernel log from last but one (-b -1) and the latest / current (-b) boot to termbin.com, a !pastebin like site. [16:34] didnt think LAMP and ssh had anything to do with each other [16:35] abdulhakeem: theyy don't, ssh also works in the dark. [16:36] @tomreyn https://termbin.com/jfid [16:36] hnn [16:36] hmm** [16:36] abdulhakeem: is openssh-server installed then? [16:36] no matter what i do i always get this message with respin: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/3dczBY4tqd/ [16:37] i would think so because it was working before [16:38] rj170: so https://termbin.com/jfid is the output of "journalctl -b -1 | nc termbin.com 9999", your last but one boot, with the docking station connected, where you were dropped to the maintenance shell and continued? [16:39] abdulhakeem: does dpkg -l openssh-server say 'ii' in the beginning? [16:42] @tomreyn Yup docking station connected drop to the maintenance shell, ran echo $REASON but nothing came back, then hit ctrl+d and the machine booted fine but monitors not working from the dock [16:43] rj170: okay, and the other log? [16:47] I think i ran into a bug, tried this: sudo apt install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu . And got https://termbin.com/yovx [16:49] Fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS [16:49] @tomreyn sorry I think I mistook your instructions, I ran both those commands as one with a ; between [16:50] rj170: okay, how often did you boot since? [16:50] I havent Lucky I have two laptops that I can use ha [16:50] rj170: "ha"? [16:51] oh that's an expression of relief, i assume. [16:51] @tomreyn sorry yes it is :) [16:51] Means I can stay on IRC on one whilst trying to fix the other [16:52] When I try running journalctl -b -1 I get 'Specifying boot ID or boot offset has no effect, no peersistent jounal was found' [16:52] rj170, have you tried to boot an older kernel ? 4.15 or 418 if you still have it ofc [16:52] rj170: so i don't knwo which of those boots is uggested you'd do the log you posted is of . but we can just sort this out later. as a reminder, here's what i had suggested you'd do: rj1705: can you reboot twice, once while connected to the dock, once while not? and when you enter the maintenance shell, type echo $REASON and note down any output (if any), and then continue to boot? [16:53] rj170: oh oyu have no persistent journal, then this wont work [16:54] rj170: that's strange since it should be default on 19.04 [16:55] I should also point out I have recently moved my root partition to LVM [16:55] One second just booting again [16:56] rj170: so my understanding is that what you posted at https://termbin.com/jfid must is the log from the current boot, which you did with the docking station connected. [16:56] No thats with it disconnected [16:56] this line from the log supports this: systemd-udevd[383]: Spawned process '/opt/displaylink/udev.sh /dev usb-004-003-DisplayLink_Dell_Universal_Dock_D6000_1711034143 /dev/bus/usb/004/003' [445] is taking longer than 59s to complete [16:56] I'm just booting back up with it connected [16:57] that's weird, since you said Yup docking station connected drop to the maintenance shell, ran echo $REASON but nothing came back, then hit ctrl+d and the machine booted fine but monitors not working from the dock [16:57] this suggests you must have booted with the docking station connected since we first talked. [17:00] rj170: i suspect you 'just' need to update your displaylink driver https://www.displaylink.com/downloads/ubuntu [17:00] use the one directly from dell instead if there is one [17:02] @tomreyn https://termbin.com/cs3s this is the output of journalctl -b from the maintanance shell. I ran journalctl -b > filename.txt in the shell, booted then nc'd the file contents [17:03] rj170: thanks [17:07] Dependency failed for File System Check on /dev/mapper ... sounds not good [17:08] If the easiest thing is going to be reinstalling it im not that bothered. Most of my stuff is in git anyway [17:10] rj170: do you know how the drivers you have in /opt were installed intially? [17:11] Yeah they were from displaylink.com's website. I installed them myself by downloading the zip and running the .run file [17:12] ChiLLabiS: what is the 'bug' you ran into, prompting you to (re)install xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu? what does lsb_release -ds report is the exact ubuntu version you're running, and which packages does apt list xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-hwe-18.04 report is [installed]? [17:12] rj170: then follow their documentation to install an update [17:23] bit of an update... [17:24] I uninstalled the displaylink drivers and now I can boot with the dock attached [17:25] rj170: and it no longer drops you to the early shell, i assume? [17:26] Nope, loads up no problem [17:26] I've just tried to reinstall the driver and rbeoot but looks like the issue is back again [17:26] So by my logic there is something up with the drivers [17:27] which driver were you uring there? [17:27] *using [17:27] did you read this? rj170: i suspect you 'just' need to update your displaylink driver https://www.displaylink.com/downloads/ubuntu [17:28] Yup, I am using the latest version https://www.displaylink.com/downloads/file?id=1369 [17:29] so ,yes, contact displaylink support, i guess. [17:30] Ok will do :) glad that we managed to get it narrowed down :) [17:38] Anyone know how to remove the "So and so had joined" and "so and so had quit" on irsi [17:40] i too would like to know this [17:41] ioria: it didn't save state after sleep or reboot [17:43] Kevin199, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/hide_join_part_messages [17:45] OerHeks, ty [17:45] OerHeks:you are a god. thank you [17:46] have fun! [17:49] what exactly are these "snap" things? source code or ? [17:49] !snaps | johnjay [17:49] johnjay: Snaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io [17:52] johnjay: often users can install software with later versions, or software that the apt repos dont have [17:52] hrm. so it's your app + a list of dependencies... but linux distros have different names for deps [17:52] admittedly i don't know much about how regular linux works eithers [17:53] but i assume the app has the shared library names compiled into the binary [17:53] and then the OS looks for those shared libs in the $LD_PATH or something [17:53] no, it is all in the container [17:54] it is like PPA's, one needs to trust the maintainer [17:54] deb are properly compiled packages for your distro (ubuntu in this case, but can also be debian). Snaps/FlatPacks are pre-compiled binary stuck in a container and not optimized for your distro [17:54] but they can run pretty much everywhere [17:57] all the deps are included with the snap? [17:57] o_o [17:57] it's pretty bloated imo, but yeah you should find a bunch of ".so" libraries stuffed in there [17:57] wouldn't that lead to every app having its own libc, its own libxyz, etc? [17:57] correct [17:58] johnjay: join #ubuntu-discuss if you wanna talk more about it [17:58] Hi guys, is there any way whatsoever to get trackpads to behave like Macbook trackpads? I.e with great thumb/palm rejection? [18:01] Hey, I just built a new system with the Ryzen 3700x and RX 5700, the Ubuntu 19.04 installer gets stuck at the 5 dot loading screen. any fix? [18:06] alentoghostflame: we received another bug tonight similar, can you see if its related to yours? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1838851 [18:06] Launchpad bug 1838851 in linux (Ubuntu) "Display problems after updating to kernel 5.0.0-23" [Undecided,Confirmed] [18:07] alentoghostflame: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1835809 is for ryzen 3 [18:07] Launchpad bug 1835809 in systemd (Ubuntu Eoan) "AMD Ryzen 3000 series fails to boot" [High,In progress] [18:07] Doesn't seem related. I'm running 18.04 (and messaging you via chrome) on said system, and my system seems to use that kernel version? [18:07] meant for lotus, ill check the others out [18:08] tomereyn: It says its released for disco, but the installer still failed for me [18:08] alentoghostflame: 'released for disco' does not mean the installer isos were rebuilt [18:09] ah, that would explain things a bit [18:09] alentoghostflame: i.e. they were not. so your options are to install using a non graphical 19.04 installer or to upgrade from an earlier release, until amd provides a fix. [18:09] see comment 16 [18:10] nice find tomreyn [18:10] just wondering, are there drivers for the RX 5700 on 19.04? [18:11] lotuspsychje: thanks, it's on the ~ubuntu-discuss list [18:11] tomreyn: ah tnx [18:11] alentoghostflame: if there's a driver, then it's "amdgpu", the open source driver by amd [18:11] alright [18:12] they are usually quick to support, but you might need to get a firmware update (the driver will say so while loading if so) [18:13] Another question, since I have the proprietary AMDGPU PRO drivers installed on 18.04, can I upgrade my kernel to at least 5.2 (for Valve Index support) safely, or will that break the drivers? [18:13] alentoghostflame: amdgpu is part of the kernel, so you don't need to install extra drivers [18:13] alentoghostflame: if you want amdgpu pro you'll need to read up on what amd supports [18:13] Ubuntu wouldn't let me do 1080p until I installed the AMD drivers from their site [18:13] And i already have amdgpu pro installed [18:14] well, installed it, then everything switched to the proper resolution [18:14] alentoghostflame: like tomreyn says, amdpgu from stock ubuntu should do its work normally, if not one can consider file a !bug [18:15] alentoghostflame: alternate you can try this method: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-latest-amd-radeon-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux [18:15] the latest drivers from the website installed just fine, I was just wondering if I could upgrade my kernel without breaking it [18:16] a general hint: when using proprietary drivers: (1) make sure you actually need them and compare features to potential open source alternatives, (2) do not just upgrade ubuntu when offered, first make sure those drivers will be supported on the upgraded version (you will often have to hold back on release upgrading and !HWE kernels may not be supported at all or only later) [18:16] alentoghostflame: just keep in mind we warn users about using external ppa's as its a risk in some cases [18:16] I'll uninstall the proprietary drivers, and see if amdgpu can do 1080p [18:20] Can confirm, video looks horrible without drivers downloaded from the website [18:21] I seem to be locked with 1 monitor at 1024x768 [18:21] alentoghostflame: are you sure amdgpu is loaded on boot? [18:21] How would I check? [18:22] alentoghostflame: did you reboot after drivers switch? should show in your dmesg [18:22] you may need a newer kernel actually, since this card is so new. [18:22] !mainline [18:22] The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds [18:24] maybe newer mesa, too. [18:24] so padoka or oibaf ppa [18:24] so, grab latest kernel, use oibaf or padoka? [18:24] yes, latest mainline build [18:24] Grabbing the latest kernel would fix my issues with the Valve Index, so that's nice. I will do that quick [18:25] i'm reading https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=rx-5700-july https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=radeon-5700-linuxgl [18:26] tomreyn: so install the latest in 5.3-rc2? [18:26] i guess so, yes [18:27] if you wanted the amdgpu pro route (personally i would not, don't require the added features) this introduced support for 5700: https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-amdgpu-unified-navi-linux [18:28] but this only works with ubuntu 18.04.2 === [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius [18:39] parak0vsky, odd; that setting is persistent 'cause written in a file (:Xmodmap) [18:41] alentoghostflame: oibaf's mesa is newer than padokas currently, in case it matters (it could). [18:41] that's https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers?field.series_filter=disco vs https://launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/ubuntu/mesa?field.series_filter=disco [18:44] Has anyone here experiment with Arch? [18:45] I'm starting to think it's a bit of a meme, but I kinda wanna try it but Ubuntu seems good for right now [18:45] Kevin199: you are in #ubuntu support channel, we reccomend ubuntu [18:45] Well yeh, but I mean in comparison to Arch is there anything Arch has that Ubuntu doesn't [18:46] !discuss [18:46] Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [18:46] okay ty === macroprep__ is now known as macroprep [18:56] Installed the 5.3 kernel and am using Oibaf's ppa. I am no longer locked to 1024x768 or whatever, and am now at 1080p. However, I my 2nd monitor doesn't show up [18:59] hm so a lot of people are having the same problem I had this morning? [19:00] what problem? [19:00] alentoghostflame your problem :P [19:00] RX 5700? [19:00] nvidia [19:01] oh, hmm [19:01] actually my kernel is 5.0.0-23-generice [19:01] sounds like a no? [19:01] -e [19:03] only one of my monitors was working and I was locked into 1024x768 as well [19:04] different issue [19:05] alentoghostflame: nothing on your logs on the 2nd monitor? [19:05] no edid readings? [19:06] idk, I'm not very great at the technical side of Ubuntu [19:08] alentoghostflame: post journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999 and i'll have a look [19:08] https://termbin.com/z31c neat little trick [19:09] also, my display flickers off and on every now and then? doesn't seem cable related [19:12] you should upgrade your bios https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/X570-AORUS-ULTRA-rev-10/support#support-dl-bios [19:13] you'Re on F3 [19:13] mmm, probably a good idea [19:14] what, just drop a zip file on to a USB drive, then have the BIOS read that? [19:14] *drop the zip file [19:14] "Improve Destiny 2 gaming compatibility" may also mean you could boot the 19.04 installer out of the box. [19:15] fat32 formatted, first partition, and there's a size limit if forgot, too. [19:15] hopefully the size limit isn't less than 16 gb [19:16] i think it was much higher [19:16] I should probably make a 19.04 stick as well [19:16] and keep it, yes [19:19] alentoghostflame: your kernel log says you need newer gfx firmware, it's missing navi10_gpu_info.bin [19:20] that's a start, i'll go find that [19:20] this goes into /lib/firmware/amdgpu [19:21] why would I be missing that? [19:23] alentoghostflame: because your linux-firmware package is on the state it is on, which is most likely older than when this firmware was released by amd, and imported to the git repository at https://people.freedesktop.org/~agd5f/radeon_ucode/navi10/ [19:24] ah, thank you [19:24] from which it is then later imported into the kernel.org maintained linux-firmware git, from where those package are later built for ubuntu [19:25] or if you were asking why the driver looks for this firmware: while some (many by now) graphics drivers are open source, most still depend on proprietary firmware. [19:27] so they can hide their too-advanced-for-the-competitors-to-be-allowed-to-look-at ways of doing graphics. [19:30] alentoghostflame: so download all the files at https://people.freedesktop.org/~agd5f/radeon_ucode/navi10/ and place them in /lib/firmware/amdgpu/ (requires sudo to write to) [19:31] overwrite existing files, if any (probably not) [19:31] got it [19:31] I didnt realize i needed all of them and only grabbed the info one, good thing startup disk creator takes so long [19:31] :) [19:32] alright, should I restart, or is there something else I should do to reload the video drivers? [19:33] please the navi* files in the firmware directory, then do the mainboard firmware upgrade, then come back and get us another kernel log [19:33] k [19:34] Is there anyone here that has experience or an example of creating a new, or overriding an existing, Ctrl or Alt shortcut by using just xkb? (setxkbmap, or xkbcomp) I would like to remap "Ctrl + Home" to "Ctrl + Up" [19:35] does ubuntu support running an Infowars server? [19:35] I'd also like to remap "Alt + Left" to "Ctrl + Left" [19:36] I have an ubuntu machine that i use as a media server at home. I wanna stream movies from there and I know I could use Plex but I wanted to know if there is a more educational way (in the sense that I could learn something new about Linux on the way)) [19:36] Using 3rd party tools, like autokey, is not workable, I would like to set whether it overrides both the left and right modifiers and autokey has no option like that. (and frankly autokey sometimes lags) [19:38] every time my ubuntu starts up i get some system error popup [19:40] humanBird: do you have a scr3eenshot? [19:40] next time it happens [19:40] it also asks me if i want to send a report. i dont see an option to see what actually went wrong [19:40] humanBird: see what's in /var/carsh [19:40] i mean /var/crash [19:41] you can see your systems' past reports by running: x-www-browser https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/$(sudo cat /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id) [19:48] hrm. the .crash file looks like gibberish [19:48] and requires me to sudo to see it [19:49] Hi fellas. Problem: Very so often, my PC crashes to the point where I have to hard-reset it, and I am quite sure the fault of it its Chrome, and one of its tab abusing memory. Is there any way I could prevent this from happening? [19:53] I have an ubuntu machine that i use as a media server at home. I wanna stream movies from there and I know I could use Plex but is there a more educational way, in the sense that I could learn something new about Linux on the way? [19:55] dbugger, Chrome hogs Ram. Try firefox [19:57] james_brown: depends what you mean by 'stream movies' [19:58] Ben64 I didnt know there were different meanings means [19:59] humanBird: i was just wondering about the file name [19:59] Ben64 I just wanna be able to watch movies that are stored on my server from my pc [19:59] humanBird: ...which should hint on the process which failed [20:00] james_brown: mount the drive, then open the file in your favorite video player [20:01] !sysrq | dbugger: use this to prevent the need to hard reset (prevents data loss) [20:01] dbugger: use this to prevent the need to hard reset (prevents data loss): In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key [20:03] Ben64 Like sharing the server's drive? [20:03] _usr_bin_gnome-shell.123.crash [20:04] On my phone now. Installing the navi10 files has caused my PC to briefly produce a purple screen, then just stay stuck at black [20:06] hi [20:07] Hello [20:07] Are we allowed to send imgur links? I need help with something and idk how to explain it [20:07] does ubuntu install python packages to /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages only or are there other places? [20:07] Kevin199, yes [20:08] how can I remove all pip installed packages without installing python packages installed by apt? [20:09] Ben64 Like sharing the server's drive? [20:09] how can i prevent my kernel from claiming Sierra Wireless EM7455 USB 3.0 LTE device as MBIM ? I want to debug some things in vbox, but i can't select the device ... [20:10] maybe I simply uninstall all python packages and then run `dpkg -l|xargs apt install`? [20:10] https://imgur.com/lrSxqTi so it might be difficult to see with the resolution. But this dude made it so he could right-click his desktop and create shortcut links. Does anyone know any tutorials on how to do that to get me started [20:11] ehm I mean `dpkg -l|grep "python3-" |xarg apt install --reinstall` [20:11] I want to create a shortcut for irc [20:12] Kevin199, what DE are you using? [20:13] I'm not sure what DE means [20:13] Kevin199, https://www.ghacks.net/2010/11/29/add-a-quick-access-shortcuts-to-the-gnome-right-click-menu/ [20:13] Kevin199, desktop environment [20:13] Gnome [20:13] see the link [20:14] Ah ty ty === ilbelkyr_ is now known as ilbelkyr [20:28] Hy guys, I should uninstall debian from UEFI dual boot with windows 10 to install a fresh distribution of Ubuntu [20:28] I would like unistall debian from the live cd of Ubuntu [20:28] and would like to know if this step are correctly: [20:30] 1) cd /boot/efi/EFI/ && sudo rm -rf debian 2) Remove Linux partitions 3) sudo apt-get install efibootmgr && sudo modprobe efivars && sudo efibootmgr --bootnum 0002 --delete-bootnum (0002 is debian) [20:35] gst568923: Just install Ubuntu on the partition where Debian is now [20:37] Yes, but before install ubuntu, first I would like remove debian partition and grub [20:43] gst568923: ubuntu grub will replace Debians [20:43] jeremy31 yes yes, ok, but I want to follow the steps manually [20:44] gst568923: you may have to mount the EFI partition manually and then remove the debian entry [20:45] when I have installed debian, in the EFI folder there is the follow file /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi that have same MD5 checksum of /boot/efi/EFI/debian/grubx64.efi should I remove also /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi? [20:48] is it actually /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/BOOTX64.efi? [20:51] jeremy31 bootx64.efi is the specular copy of grubx64.efi because have same MD5 [20:53] jeremy31 I seem to have read that the /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/ path refers to removable devices, but I didn't understand what it actually means [20:54] gst568923: it means the uefi uses that path on removable devices to boot the efi file if found [20:55] jeremy31 give me an example [20:55] I have a stupid question. Do Files on Linux, when transferred to a Windows system, somehow consume less disk space? [20:55] gst568923: if you have a usb you plug in and choose to boot it when the pc starts, it will load the file in that path [20:55] ops EriC^^ [20:56] gst568923: EriC^^ likely knows this better [20:56] JFox762: yeah that's possible [20:56] I just transferred 1.2GB of photos to Windows, via Sneakernet, and noticed that the files take less space on Windows... 1.16gb to be exact [20:57] JFox762: yeah that can happen, even on the same filesystem it can happen depending on what it's actually measuring [20:57] Ohh ok [20:57] I was just concnered that some files didn't make the transfer :) [20:58] EriC^^ but sorry if I use an Ubuntu live on USB the grub that loads is not the one inside the files contained in the USB stick? [20:58] thanks! [20:58] JFox762: no problem :) [20:59] gst568923: yes it is, and the files on that disk are on \efi\boot\bootx64.efi in theory [20:59] gst568923: the thing is, the uefi doesnt know what to load, so that's the default path it uses for removable media [21:00] gst568923: they should be in a small fat32 partition if you want to see them for yourself [21:01] not to be confused with the other partition that has all the good stuff and is larger in size [21:01] EriC^^ but then if I want to completely remove debian and the grub, can I also remove the /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi file? [21:01] gst568923: yeah, sure [21:02] i'd remove the nvram entry first, just in case you have difficulty booting into uefi mode on the live usb, so nothing breaks on you [21:02] EriC^^ and when i start ubuntu from live USB (to do an installation from scratch) in that path what will be there? [21:02] i mean the efibootmgr entry (you have to be booted in uefi mode to do that, modprobe efivars rarely works) [21:03] gst568923: well it depends on the installer, some will copy ubuntu's efi file there just cause some uefi implementations are picky [21:05] EriC^^ so you're telling me I'll have the file renamed bootx64.efi (referring to the ubuntu grub) [21:05] gst568923: precisely [21:07] EriC^^ but when I delete the bootx64.efi file (even before installing ubuntu) does this deletion cause me problems starting windows 10? Or concern only linux [21:08] gst568923: it shouldn't, if you delete the linux entries, it should default to /efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi and loads windows, but then again nothing in these uefi implementations is certain, each manufct has made his own set of ambiguous rules [21:09] gst568923: if you want to be 100% sure you could copy /efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi over to /efi/boot/bootx64.efi [21:10] EriC^^ ie in the path /boot/efi/EFI/Boo/ do I have to go and copy the file /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi and rename it bootx64.efi? [21:11] /boot/efi/EFI/Boot [21:11] yeah [21:12] gst568923: some EUFI/BIOS settings should let you pick an EFI boot file, you should be able to pick the Microsoft file if needed [21:12] EriC^^ but this procedure because some implementations of UEFI do not recognize the / boot / efi / EFI / Microsoft path and do they only recognize / boot / efi / EFI / Boot? [21:15] gst568923: yeah it might just look for that [21:15] ms by default also copies efi/boot/bootx64.efi there, fwiw [21:18] EriC^^ after deleting bootx64.efi, if it does not find the windows 10 bootloader, I select it directly from the BIOS settings [21:18] gst568923: that'll work [21:19] EriC^^ when I run efibootmgr command from the Ubuntu 19.04 live usb, is necessary run also sudo modprobe efivars or this module is loaded automatically [21:20] gst568923: if you type 'ls /sys/firmware/efi' and you get a bunch of files then you're good [21:22] EriC^^ ok, and than If I should remove the debian entry (debian entry 0002 is in the first order) should start sudo efibootmgr --bootorder 0003,0002,0001,0000 to change order to change order and than sudo efibootmgr --bootnum 0002 –delete-bootnum or only second comman? [21:22] command? [21:23] Hello! Yesterday I ran the suggested update on my Kubuntu install. Seems the kernel is updated to Kernel: 5.0.0-23-generic x86_64 - It will not boot anymore (just a black screen and hang) and I have to choose the Kernel: 5.0.0-21-generic x86_64 version to boot. Is this a known issue and will be fixed - or what? [21:23] Thr0r: there is the ATTENTION paragraph at https://usn.ubuntu.com/4069-2/ [21:25] this probably means you would need to have any DKMS build modules rebuilt, and your initramfs updated. [21:25] gst568923: the delete command should be enough, assuming 0003 entry is the windows one [21:29] EriC^^ yes 003 is windows my current order is 0002,0003,0001,0000 ; sudo efibootmgr --bootnum 0002 –delete-bootnum should be enough [21:29] yeah [21:29] tomreyn: Ok - I will read and try to understand that - Thanks. But will this be fixed permanently at some time? [21:29] if I run `apt remove gnome-*` why does it want to remove `ubunut-software` package too? [21:31] I'm new so take this with a grain of salt, but I'm fairly sure Gnome is Ubuntu's default DE [21:32] So if you remove gnome then you're removing ubuntu's software package that's used to install Gnome [21:32] Correct me if I'm wrong(started a day ago) [21:32] Anyone here have any experience with clamav or the unofficial sigs package [21:33] unofficial sigs package? [21:33] likely not supported here [21:33] clamav-unofficial-sigs [21:34] oh, it *is* official [21:34] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clamav-unofficial-sigs [21:34] seven-eleven: likely ubuntu-software depends on gnome-* so once you remove that it might want to remove ubuntu-software [21:35] EriC^^, gotcha, so kde doesn't require it so it's removed [21:37] and what would be the benefit of installing the clamav-daemon? does it still use the same database as clamscan? I know clamav-daemon allows you to use multiple threads which is great [21:40] seven-eleven: yeah it looks like the only packages that depend on ubuntu-software are ubuntu-desktop and ubuntukylin [21:40] ("apt-cache rdepends ubuntu-software" showed me that) [21:43] how can i safely trigger that gnome expose function? mouse in upper left corner shows fancy bubble effect but no window expose, superkey also does not work... when vbox window is open [21:43] Hey, im using Ubuntu 18.04 and installed the latest mainline 5.3-rc2 Linux Kernel. While one of my monitors is 1920x1080p as it should be (was 1024x768 or so before), my other connected monitor doesn't light up at all. How would I fix that? [21:43] Forgot a major detail: Using a Ryzen 3700x, with a RX 5700 [21:45] EriC^^ I send you a DM === |WaV| is now known as WaV [21:51] de-facto: does pressing the right ctrl button before trying help at all? [21:52] EriC^^ the commands sudo apt-get install efibootmgr && sudo modprobe efivars not make sense because are present yet in the live of ubuntu? [21:53] EriC^^, interessting, i will try next time i have it running, right now i had to close it because i need to do some work... [21:53] whats the reasoning behind right control button? just curious... [21:54] de-facto: i have no idea tbh, it's just sometimes i try to get a certain function and it won't work before pressing right ctrl, it was just a long shot guess, thought i'd throw it in there in case it actually helps :) [21:55] de-facto: ah now i remember like if i want to switch to tty1 or get grub i have to press right ctrl first [21:55] EriC^^, thanks a lot i will report next time i can afford to run vbox, my system is busy right now :) [21:56] no problem, good luck :) [21:57] where to download libusb-dev manually for trusty 64bit [21:58] ResistancE: assuming you know the risks of using an end of life release, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com [22:00] EriC^^, its very weird, sometimes the vbox window just blocks everything in gnome, it wont let itself move, it blocks expose etc, other times it behaves properly. i just ran openwrt inside it, so no fancy gfx drivers etc [22:00] i guess it has something to do with the mouse/keyboard caputuring or such [22:00] aha [22:01] but i can move the mouse and use the keyboard outside of vbox, its just that it is able to block gnome/window manager somehow [22:02] de-facto: that's odd, i'm slightly more convinced right ctrl might help now according to google "You activate the VM by clicking inside it. To return ownership of keyboard and mouse to your host OS, Oracle VM VirtualBox reserves a special key on your keyboard: the Host key. By default, this is the right Ctrl key on your keyboard" [22:03] maybe it's some bug though, who knows [22:03] sounds promising, i will have to try that one, but gnome definitely should not behave like that either [22:04] not letting windows being moved and showing the water animation but not firing the expose etc [22:07] sounds like it's not registering the clicks inside it but for some reason still acknowledges the position? [22:08] nick MrGizmo757 [22:09] Crap!!. Freenode is being a turd today. [22:09] tomreyn: I did what you asked me to do (download all the navi10 files and put them in that specific place), and it caused my PC to do a purple screen for a fraction of a second when loading up, then immediately to a black screen without a blinking cursor === Matthew_Moore is now known as MrGizmo757 [22:10] alentoghostflame: hmm, can you show the log? [22:11] alentoghostflame: journalctl --list-boots to determine the (negative) boot ID, then, e.g. for the last but one boot: journalctl -b -1 | nc termbin.com [22:11] alentoghostflame: journalctl --list-boots to determine the (negative) boot ID, then, e.g. for the last but one boot: journalctl -b -1 | nc termbin.com 9999 [22:11] ^ missed the port [22:11] can't, I reinstalled Ubuntu 18.04 from scratch [22:12] also, It wouldn't go anywhere where i could issue those commands [22:12] oh :-/ [22:12] switching tty's wouldnt work [22:12] *didn't work [22:12] you could boot to recovery [22:12] !recovery [22:12] If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode [22:12] also for some reason GRUB wasn't showing up... [22:13] hit escape repeatedly to bring it up on uefi boot [22:13] oh yeah, I did follow those instructions, and either I was too slow or it didn't work [22:13] oh, hmm [22:13] I guess I didn't spam escape [22:14] well, reinstalling the 5.3-rc2 Linux Kernel got me back to 1080p, but still locked on one monitor [22:23] Does anyone know how to run Youtube in Terminal? [22:25] Kevin199, You can use youtube-dl to download video from url, you can try links/lynx to display the website in text mode and that's about it. [22:26] Kevin199: youtube-viewer [22:26] hi [22:26] I'ma try youtube-dl [22:27] Cool, didn't know this one Gaming4JC. [22:27] Youtube viewer wasn't properly working for me [22:27] But I'd give it a try [22:28] there's also invido.us but it's not terminal per-se. Would render better in elinks than native YT tho [22:28] What is the very best tutorial online explaining the best pratices on setting up a secure Apache + PHP + MySQL installation on a new Ubuntu server? [22:29] I made some notes, that I should configure an UFW firewall to only accept few ports [22:29] and I need "mysql_secure_installation" [22:30] and "debian-sys-maint" so that MySQL can be accessed without a root pwd [22:30] but I need a guide telling me every step... is there any really good tutorial out there? [22:31] you don't need a guide telling you every step [22:31] personally I'd just use DigitalOcean guides and then lookup hardening elsewhere [22:32] it's not that complicated, install apache, mysql, php, don't expose mysql to the internet, use a minimally privileged user to access mysql from php, make backups regularly [22:33] Ben64, there is much more than can be done... [22:33] for example: https://tecadmin.net/security-tips-for-lamp-stack-on-linux/ [22:34] eh [22:39] thanks so far, I will come back later! [22:54] Hello, I need help with my Ubuntu Desktop installation on a mini PC i found online. [22:55] I ran the install from a usb stick, and when I try to boot it drops me into a EFI Shell or something. I found some suggestions online and nothing worked. Including the startup repair thing. I have a paste bin. [23:03] is anyone even here? [23:04] sticki, yes, many people are here, but not all of them are awake; not all of those are at their screens; not all of those know anything about EFI, etc. [23:04] sticki, best to stick around a bit [23:04] alright thanks Habbie [23:05] sticki, also, it might help if you show what you're seeing [23:05] I'm sorry I don't mean to come across rude [23:05] no worries [23:05] I'm just super fruustrated [23:05] you're stuck and frustrated and just want some help [23:05] yes :) [23:05] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TZ4dkStFKn/ [23:05] this was the link it gave me when i tried the boot repair utility thing [23:06] plus the only efi i'm familiar with is elec fuel injection. i have no idea what an efi shell even is [23:06] 'extensible firmware interface' [23:08] ok looks like it replaces the bios ..? so maybe i just did the install wrong. i'll try reinstalling. [23:10] re [23:11] I can not change the hosting provider for a reason, so I am sticking to what I have. [23:11] I can choose between a vserver with: [23:11] *) Ubuntu 16.04 [23:11] *) Debian 8.7 [23:11] Both is not very up to date - what should I pick? [23:11] Rojola: please stick to ubuntu support questions here [23:11] Rojola: perhaps #ubuntu-server or #ubuntu-discuss ? [23:12] lotuspsychje, for real now? [23:12] pick whatever's latest, build up a minimal ramdisk then pivot into it, and reinstall your preferred release how you'd like it from there [23:12] :) [23:12] 16.04 is stable and supported, just not the latest features [23:12] OerHeks, 16.04 will only be supported until 2020, right? [23:13] 18.04 would give 5 + 5 years [23:13] !eol | Rojola [23:13] Rojola: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [23:15] 1 year and 9 months [23:15] Rojola: 16.04 supported until April 2021 [23:15] yes - that's 1 year and 9 months [23:16] 1 year and 8 months [23:16] good [23:16] Rojola: I don't keep precise track of EOL [23:18] I'll go with Ubuntu then [23:18] thank you!! [23:18] see you soon! [23:19] sticki: it would help, if you give volunteers more !details of your system, ubuntu version, logs, kernel version etc maybe we can brainstorm whats going on [23:20] ah thanks lotus [23:20] i downloaded this: [23:20] ubuntu-18.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso [23:20] put it on a usb stick, installed it on my ACEPC mini pc [23:21] restarted and it puts me in a EFI Shell [23:21] sticki: did you install in uefi mode or legacy? [23:21] i booted back to the usb stick, followed directions to do the boot fix utility thing [23:21] it gtave me this:http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TZ4dkStFKn/ [23:21] lotus i'm not sure [23:21] i started reinstalling to see if there was a thing for that [23:22] sticki: the exact model of your mini pc please? [23:24] sticki: maybe useful: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2389599 [23:31] sticki: and another story you could compare: https://amindlost.wordpress.com/2017/10/18/acepc-ak1/ [23:33] after months and months of a passthrough win kvm/qemu, an update? (didn't reboot for a week), now stops gpu(nv) to bepicked up by vfio, unlike before. I added softdep nv/nouv* to ...-load.d/vfio.conf or ratrrher in modprobe.d , and it is agaain caught. However, now when I start the vm, which 'starts' the screen is blank and possibly the passed through controller with trhe hids (kb/m), doesn't seem necessarily to switch over (not sure due to [23:34] scree nbeing all blank). recent qemu updates? apparmour? libvirt? something something? where could I find maintainers of these packages? [23:34] has passthrough issues soared slightly in past week or so when I didn't reeboot.. or maybe fortnight? :) [23:45] uubnt is dead? no tech support? [23:45] !patience | malina [23:45] malina: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [23:45] hey lotuspsychje sorry i disappeared there i had to run a surprise errand. [23:46] ye, that's good. cheers. [23:46] ACEPC AK2 J3455 [23:48] sticki: that's your social security number? [23:48] lol [23:48] lotuspsychje - i'm looking through the articles you listed, thank you [23:48] i'm sure they were probably pretty easy to find if you know what you're looking for, i've been feeling pretty lost with this. [23:48] so i appreciate :) [23:49] tomreyn - yes plez don't share it though super secret [23:49] ;) [23:49] haha! i finally got all my shit together into a ubuntu vm. now i can run a thing in the background and do real work meanwhile [23:50] malina: you may find more qemu users in #ubuntu-server than here. [23:50] than you tomreyn [23:50] that's what I was looking for.. cheers. [23:51] might help, might not, it's less busy ther eon the weekends. [23:51] ya, but at least it's closer. as I don't really think generic help is going ot help with this no. [23:51] :) [23:51] I know how to troubleshoot and have fixed earlier foobars during some update but this one is being stubborn, so I think some intrinsic change happened in some package and with all the automagic it can be hard to nail down. [23:52] I will try there.. thanks. [23:52] you're welcome. [23:52] sticki: so this https://www.iacepc.com/acepc-ak2-mini-pc/ [23:54] yep that's the one [23:55] this system seems to only have eMMC storage. and ubuntu was apprently installed on /dev/mmcblk1p1 [23:57] thats the first partition on the eMMC storage /dev/mmcblk1 which has a DOS (non GPT, non UEFI-bootable) partition table.